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Prologue to Murder

Page 2

by Lauren Elliott

  “But he didn’t do a very good job of training this replacement, did he?” Addie shook her head and pushed the paper away. “Didn’t he make it clear to this new person that libel is an offense? I’m certain the long-standing goodwill portrayed by the previous columnist is not being adhered to now.”

  Marc rubbed his neck. “Look, it’s a gossip column, it was referred to as a rumor, and you weren’t actually accused of anything, so the standard rules and laws don’t apply here. There is no actual legal violation.”

  “Just a moral one that implies I had something to do with her disappearance.” Addie fumed, tapping her fingers on the counter.

  “She’s right, Marc.” Serena scowled. “This does cross the line. We need to find out who this Miss Newsy is and stop her before she does any more damage.”

  “Okay, okay, against my better judgment, I’ll stop in and see Max now and try and get a retraction printed, but don’t count on it, as it wasn’t front-page news and is just gossip, and there’s no law against that.”

  “Yes.” Serena cleared her throat. “Or Martha and her posse would be in prison for life by now.”

  Addie nodded.

  “Don’t worry, Addie.” He stood and placed his cap on his head, adjusting it so the chestnut-brown waves falling across his forehead were securely tucked under the brim. “We won’t let this go any further than it has, and I’ll try to find out what’s behind it.”

  “Just remind Max that even implying that I had something to do with June Winslow’s disappearance, without a shred of evidence, isn’t a bit of harmless town gossip and isn’t exactly in keeping with the long history of his newspaper.” Her jaw tightened.

  “That’s right,” Serena shouted as Marc disappeared out the door. “Besides,” she said, pursing her mouth and looking at Addie, “it was a relative of yours who printed the first edition of that newspaper, and Max better remember that before he goes messing with your family’s good name.”

  Addie jumped at a sharp thwack against the window. She spun around and darted toward it, peering out in time to see an older model green and white pickup speed off down the road. She looked at the two splatter marks on the glass and groaned at the sight of the thick, oozing drizzle running down the pane.

  Serena stared at the innards of raw eggs running down the glass. “I’ll get the window cleaner and a mop.”

  Chapter Two

  Addie went through the motions of the day. She smiled and nodded at her customers, but it wasn’t heartfelt. What she really wanted to do was shut the doors, sit down, and cry. So much for believing that her name was cleared. Today, it was as if she were reliving her first days in Greyborne Harbor, when only nosy gawkers popped in in order to see the newcomer and heiress to the Greyborne family fortune. She assumed they came in now just to get a closer look at the woman reported as being the person behind June’s disappearance.

  With the last snooping browser leaving, she closed up shop, walked out the front door into the crisp, spring evening air, and sucked in a deep, cleansing breath. She clasped her jacket tight around her neck, fending off an icy Atlantic Ocean windblast, and strode next door to SerenaTEA.

  The lights were out and the door was latched. Addie’s heart sank. It had been a long day, and dinner with Serena would have eased her troubled spirit. “Oh well, guess you’re on your own tonight, girl,” she mumbled and turned back toward Main Street, her thoughts now focused on treating herself to a wonderful Italian meal at Mario’s Ristorante.

  She passed by the window, noting it wasn’t too busy, which was a relief, as she hadn’t made a reservation, but stopped short when she eyed Serena seated at a window table, her freckled face lit up with laughter. Her head bobbed up and down as she hung on every word her blond table companion spoke.

  Stealth-like, Addie skirted past the window and turned to see who Serena was engaged in such an enthralling conversation with. It was no one she recognized, but the woman was really quite stunning in a Hollywood-type way, with her hair cascading in a waterfall of golden waves. Addie crept backward, her eyes fixed on the mysterious woman, and then a familiar chestnut-brown head appeared at the table, leaned toward the blond woman, and gave her a fleeting kiss on the cheek.


  Addie gasped when the blond-haired woman threw her arms around his neck and pulled him close for a kiss, a passionate kiss . . . on the lips. A tight fist clenched around Addie’s heart as she remembered the last kiss she and Marc had shared, just days before. The memory sent her stumbling backward, bumping directly into the door and accidentally thrusting it open.

  “Ah, Signorina Greyborne, how fantastico to see you again,” cried Mario, rushing to grab hold of her as she teetered, arms pinwheeling into the foyer as she headed directly toward the floor fountain basin.

  “Hi, Mario.” She gazed up into his dark eyes, noting his flawless olive complexion, Romanesque nose, and sharp cheekbones. She flushed, steadied herself, and straightened her shoulders. “Table for one, but not by the window, please.”

  “Most certainly; anywhere you like.” He nodded, his lips twitching a slight smile, and led her to a table close to the entrance.

  The main room of the restaurant used short room dividers topped with potted plants to establish smaller dining areas and create a sense of intimacy. The table Mario indicated as hers was separated from the front desk by a divider crowned with lush, leafy plants. “Is this acceptable?”

  She eyed the height of the divider shielding her from the main entrance and looked down at the chair. She then took a seat, making certain she could also see past the planters defining her six-table dining area and still watch Marc’s table without being obvious. “Yes, this will do just fine, thank you.” She smiled at him and took the menu he held out for her. “I’ll just need a minute.”

  “Veal Parmesan is the special tonight. If you’re not pleased, no charge, but I guarantee you will love it. Magnifico.” He brought his fingers to his lips and blew a kiss.

  She laughed and closed her menu. “That sounds perfect. And a glass of white wine, thank you.”

  He clicked his heels and turned toward the kitchen.

  Addie settled back in her chair as a server filled her water goblet. “Thank you.” She smiled at the server and took a sip as she eyed her target. The blonde wrapped her arms around Marc’s shoulder and drew him toward her, gazing into his eyes. Her finger stroked the outline of his jaw. Addie choked and sputtered a mouthful of water down her chin. She grabbed the napkin, wiped her face, and blotted at the water stains on her dark pink tunic blouse and gray boyfriend jacket collar.

  She shifted in her seat for a better look. Marc’s cheeks were clearly flushed. He answered his phone, flung his napkin on the table, and stood up. He nodded at Serena, glanced at the woman, made a helpless gesture, and marched toward the front entrance. A grim look spread across his face. Addie slunk down in her chair, but his eyes were set straight ahead as he bolted out the door behind her. Addie sat back, gnawing on her lip. She swerved in her seat to try to see past a pale blue blur that obstructed her view of the two women still at the table and looked up into a familiar beaming face.

  “Oh, Catherine, hello. How are you this evening?”

  “Better than you, by the look of things.” Catherine Lewis’ gaze rested on Addie’s soaking wet blouse. “Are you all right, dear?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” She looked back at Catherine and smiled at the woman who had played such an important part in her father’s life when Addie was a baby and toddler. Catherine had been friends with Addie’s great-aunt, whose estate Addie had inherited when she passed away. “Forgive me. I’ve just had a stressful day, and I’m tired.”

  Catherine took a seat and pushed stray strands of her dark shoulder-length hair from her taut face. “Yes, I well imagine, after that bombshell in the newspaper this morning. I meant to stop by today and talk to you about it, but . . .” She shrugged. “I got busy, and the time just flew by, so I’m pleased to run into you.”<
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  The server placed a glass of wine on the table in front of Addie. She nodded at her, replaced her water goblet with the wineglass, and took a large gulp.

  Catherine watched her. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes, yes, I’m fine,” she said, taking another mouthful and setting her glass down, smiling. “So are you dining alone this evening?”

  “No, I’m here with friends.” Catherine motioned with her head back over her shoulder.

  She scanned the room behind Catherine and saw five smiling faces looking at her. She waved, and they all waved back. “I gather that group of women is them?”

  Catherine turned around and chuckled. “Yes, that’s the girls, and you can see that they’re all pleased as punch to see you out and about.”

  “I don’t recognize any of them. Should I know them?” Addie took a crispy roll from the basket, broke it in half, and offered a piece to Catherine.

  Catherine shook her head and placed her hands flat on the table, her petite shoulders stiff as she leaned toward Addie. “We have a favor to ask of you,” she whispered.

  “Me? What could I possibly do for you? Or”—she leaned toward Catherine and whispered—“is there someone you want me to make disappear?” She sat back and took another gulp of wine. “After all, you read the newspaper.” She motioned to the server for a refill of her now-empty wineglass.

  “Phfft, that bit of silliness.” Catherine waved her hand. “That’s what I wanted to tell you earlier today. It doesn’t mean a thing. It’s just some old busybody trying to stir things up. None of us believes it. Why would you let it worry you?”

  Addie searched the faces of the diners close by. They quickly averted their eyes when she looked at them. “Gee, Catherine, I don’t know, but maybe because some people do believe it.” She took her refilled glass from the server and downed a gulp.

  Catherine shook her head. “I get the feeling there’s more going on here than some gossip columnist rant in the paper. What is it, my dear?” She reached for Addie’s hand. “You can tell me.”

  Addie shifted in her seat and glanced toward Serena’s table. Both women were staring out the window, then stood quickly, gathered their coats and handbags, and hurried toward the door. Addie ducked and hoped the plants would protect her from detection, but the women were heavily immersed in conversation and didn’t hesitate as they passed her table. She frowned and looked back at the window.

  “What is it?” Catherine glanced over her shoulder.

  “Umm . . . nothing . . . I think. I don’t know. I just thought I saw something.”

  “Well, I should get back to my book club, but I just have to ask you . . .”

  “Okay.” Addie reached for her wineglass, stopped, and picked up her water goblet instead. “What’s on your mind?”

  Catherine took a deep breath. “Will you please do us the honor of chairing our book club?”

  “Your book club? Chair it?”

  Catherine nodded.

  “Does a book club need a chair? I always thought they were just groups of people who read the same book, then get together to discuss it?”

  “True, for the most part, but, well, except for this month and the Founder’s Day weekend approaching, our preference, when left to us on our own, is sizzling romance novels.” She giggled. She reached her hand out to Addie and clasped her fingers. “We really need a leader who can steer a group of lonely women into exploring a wider scope of novels. We hoped that with your background at the Boston library and all, well . . . you could guide us toward more varied reading than”—her voice dropped—“very, very steamy romance novels.” Her face flushed, and she looked away.

  “Catherine,” Addie giggled, “I never thought you of all people would have—”

  “Shush!” Catherine placed her red-tipped nails over her lips, arched a sly brow, and grinned.

  “Sizzling romance novels you say, well then. I’d be happy to chair your book club,” Addie said, her eyes holding a glint of impishness. “It sounds like a group I’d enjoy spending time with.”

  “Good.” Catherine squeezed her hand. “Well, I’ve kept you from your dinner long enough. I’ll drop by your shop tomorrow and give you the details.”

  Addie nodded, but a strobe of blue and red flashing lights streaking past the window caught her eye. Catherine turned around, her gaze following Addie’s.

  “What on earth?” Catherine rose to her feet as the other diners in the restaurant moved toward the window to catch a glimpse of what was happening outside.

  “I have to go.” Addie grabbed her jacket and purse, threw a fifty-dollar bill on the table, and headed out into the chilly night air.

  Chapter Three

  A frigid blast of evening wind slapped Addie’s face. She clutched her jacket tighter, put her head down, and marched across the street toward the scene of the red and blue flashing lights in the park behind the library. She scanned the forming crowd as she approached the yellow police tape and recognized many fellow merchants from shops along Main Street. She stood up on tiptoes, trying to catch sight of Marc. He was around the back side of the police barricade. She skirted around the taped-off area and hurried toward him, then stopped short. He was talking to Serena and the blond woman.

  Serena spotted her. “Addie,” she squealed, darting toward her. “Can you believe this?”

  “Umm, I’m not really sure what’s going on. I just saw all the police lights and came over.”

  “You haven’t heard?”


  “It’s June Winslow. They found her body in the utility shed.”

  “No.” Her throat went dry. “I hadn’t heard.”

  “Well, I’m sure Marc will tell you all about it later.” She flipped around and, as she pointed to where he’d been standing, struck the blond woman in the face. “Oops, sorry, an accident.”

  The woman tossed her long golden locks back and laughed. “Don’t worry about it, Serena. My fault for not announcing my arrival to this cozy little gathering. And who is this?” Her narrowed gaze scanned Addie from head down to her black Italian leather booties. “Aren’t you the woman I saw watching us from the street earlier?”

  Heat crept up Addie’s collar to her now-burning cheeks as she stared at the willowy woman beside her. Addie judged her height to be somewhere between her five nine and Marc’s six three as the blonde peered down her all-too-perfect nose at her.

  Serena looked at Addie questioningly.

  “I . . . I . . .” Addie choked. “I was just trying to decide if I wanted Italian food or not.”

  “I see.” The blonde’s collagen-plumped, ruby lips twisted into a half smile. She turned to Serena. “Well, are you going to introduce us? After all, she did spend most of the evening watching our table.” She fleetingly glanced at Addie over her shoulder and flashed a bright white toothy grin that didn’t quite reach her cold eyes. “Of course,” she said, looking back at Serena, “that was after she decided on Italian and made such a grand entrance into the restaurant.” She turned to Addie. “I’m so glad Mario caught you before you landed in the fountain.”

  Serena’s eyes widened as she looked back and forth between the woman’s smug expression and Addie’s paling face.

  The lanky woman offered her limp hand toward Addie. “Since our little Serena appears to be at a loss for words, I’m Lacey.” Addie shook her outstretched, cold, flaccid fingers. “An old friend of Serena and, of course”—she leaned closer to Addie and whispered in a breathy voice—“Marc.”

  The hairs on the back of Addie’s neck prickled. She dropped Lacey’s hand. “I’m Addie Greyborne. Pleased to meet you.” Her eyes held fast on Lacey’s ice-blue gaze.

  Serena coughed. “I don’t know about you two, but I’m freezing. Why don’t we all go grab a cup of coffee?” She beamed, glancing from Addie to Lacey.

  “Excellent idea, Serena.” Addie smiled at Lacey, or at least, she hoped it was a smile, and not a grimace. “It’ll give us all a better c
hance to get acquainted.”

  Lacey straightened her shoulders and looked at Serena. “Yes, an excellent idea. I’d love to get to know more about the infamous Addison Greyborne.” Her tone of voice sent tiny shivers up Addie’s spine. Lacey blew Marc a kiss and turned back to Addie, her smile so saccharine-sweet that Addie tongued her teeth to check for instant cavities. “Well, where should we go?”

  “It’s Serena’s idea. Let her decide.”

  “I know, why don’t we head down to the coffee shop in the harbor—”

  “No,” snapped Lacey. “I’d like to stay close to the action and see what unfolds here. You understand, don’t you? Old habits die hard and all.”

  Addie blinked. “Old habits?”

  “Yes, you know, Marc and I, well, we were . . .” Lacey licked her red lips and feigned a smile.

  “Okay . . . well, let’s go to my shop. The tea is on the house, and it’s warm.” Serena took Addie’s arm in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  “Wait.” Marc’s voice rang out from behind them. Addie spun around as he trotted toward the small group. “Wait, please,” he called breathlessly.

  “I’ll wait as long as you want,” cooed Lacey, arching toward him, her eyelashes fluttering. Marc stared at her, his jaw clenched. He glanced at Addie, and a fleeting look of apology crossed his face. Addie could feel the knives of Lacey’s glare in her back.

  Marc pulled a twenty-dollar bill out of his wallet and locked eyes with Serena. “It looks like I’m going to be here awhile. Do you think you could run to the coffee shop and pick up”—he glanced over his shoulder, his lips twitching as he counted—“umm, about seven cups and grab some cream and sugar—”

  “Chief,” hollered one of the officers from an area behind the library, “I got something here you should see.”

  Marc waved back at him. “Okay, I gotta go.” He shoved the money into Serena’s hand.


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