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The Omega Team_Lethally Yours

Page 6

by Denise A. Agnew

  She drew in a deep breath as one tear and then another came. She slipped her hand from his and wiped the tears away.

  “It’s everything. It’s you getting shot, Dicky shot, and then being in this hospital. When I saw you laying in that parking lot with blood all over you…I…” She almost choked on that last syllable.

  “Hey, it’s all right.”

  She cleared her throat. “No it’s not. If that bullet hadn’t just grazed you…” This time she reached for his hand, and he held it gently. “I didn’t realize that being in a place like this again after all this time would make me feel this awful. It’s so weird.”

  “Nah, it’s not weird. Maybe being here just tells you that hospitals aren’t your thing anymore. And you already knew that. A confirmation.”

  Before they could say another word, the nurse came in and said they were moving Nathan to his room. Fortunately for him there was a private room on another floor. Everything else was full. Katie wanted to make sure Nathan was settled in and so she followed as they rolled Nathan into the elevator and up to the room. Part of her wanted to be by his side every step of the way through this health crisis, even though he seemed in excellent hands and his condition didn’t seem serious. Maybe every nursing instinct hadn’t left her. Not long after they’d settled Nathan into his room and everyone else had left, Detective Busby showed up.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” he said. “The doc said it’s okay if I question you. Both of you.”

  She wanted to brain the detective with something, but she also understood the importance of the investigation and obtaining details and answers early. The man took note of her hand linked with Nathan’s, but she ignored it and held on to Nathan. The comfort his touch gave her negated anything the detective might think.

  “This won’t take long. I understand you already gave a statement to the police, Miss Slane while you were still at the pub?” the detective asked.


  The man proved true to his word. Most of his questions were quick and mundane until the end.

  “Can you think of any reason at all why these Irish guys would have such a hard on to kill you Mr. McKay? Was it just because you threw them out the other night? Or maybe they were aiming for Dicky?”

  Katie saw a flicker of apprehension pass through Nathan’s dark eyes. He didn’t hide it.

  “I might know a reason, and I’m not convinced it has anything to do with how they were treated the other night at our bar.”

  Her eyes narrowed. A suspicion niggled in the back of her brain.

  “Interesting. What is it?” the detective asked.

  “It’s complicated.” Nathan’s gaze darted to her, and alarm bells went off inside her.

  “Nathan?” she asked. “Tell us.”

  Nathan didn’t look too pleased, but he told them. He laid out every detail of his conversation with Gray about Richard “Dicky” Henderson and his father Cormack O’Toole pulling him into the Irish Mafia. Nathan explained how Dicky told his mother Chandra that Malcolm knew about it all and was deep into the Irish Mafia himself.

  Katie listened to this, stunned down to the core. Several emotions hit her at once. Disbelief that Dicky would accuse Malcolm of something like that, and that Dicky would participate in criminal activity himself. Hot on the heels of disbelief came anger that Nathan hadn’t already told her and Malcolm about the accusations.

  Nathan took in her expression and said, “Last but not least, Dicky also accused Katie of being in on this.”

  His words hit like a gut punch, and her growing feelings for Nathan took a nosedive.

  “What?” she asked.

  Nathan nodded, but then he turned to the detective and said, “And I think it’s all bullshit. I think Dicky is in some sort of trouble, but I believe everything he told his mother about Malcolm and Katie is false. I’ve known Malcolm and Katie for a long time. They wouldn’t have anything to do with the Irish Mafia.”

  When Katie heard this, part of her anger subsided. At least he didn’t believe the crazy lies. Still…that it had taken this situation for him to tell anyone?

  The detective took notes. “You didn’t suspect that the men who came into the pub and tried to run you over had anything to do with the Irish Mafia?”

  “No. I was worried about Malcolm and Katie. But I wanted to observe and see what Dicky was doing. I knew that he was the focus of this. If the Irish Mafia is after me, Katie, or Malcolm it’s because of those two assholes that came in.”

  The detective nodded but didn’t agree or disagree.

  Katie remembered when she’d walked in on Dicky having the conversation and how he’d acted. She told them about it. The detective hammered her with more questions, these related to Malcolm, what she knew about his business dealings, had she ever seen his books for the business, if she did his accounting. If she’d ever seen the Irishmen that they’d kicked out of the pub and that had apparently tried to harm them. Katie answered with the truth, of course.

  “I’ve seen my uncle’s books, but my accounting skills aren’t up to par,” she said. “He pays an accountant. And no, I never saw those jackasses in our pub before that night.”

  The detective grunted as he continued to take quick notes. After the grilling was over, the detective promised he’d be back with them tomorrow. He left, and the silence between Katie and Nathan widened as she stared him down.

  “Katie, I’m sorry,” Nathan said.

  She shook her head and tried to hold back angry tears this time. “If you trusted Malcolm and I so much, you should’ve told us right away.”

  He nodded. “You’re right. But I never believed that you and Malcolm were doing anything criminal.”

  She wanted to believe him, but old tapes and old betrayals played inside her.

  “I need to think about everything that’s happened. I’m going home and checking on Malcolm.”

  She started to turn away.

  “Katie, wait. We need to let Dicky’s mother know he’s in the hospital. Call Gray and he’ll help you.”

  She turned back. “You’re right. I’m so angry with Dicky, I forgot.”

  “Can you do me another favor, even if you hate my guts right now?”

  Hate him? She didn’t hate him, but she was miffed. “Okay.”

  “Can you wait until I can call a friend and see if he can watch your six while I’m in here?”

  That took her off guard. “Well, I don’t…”

  “Please? If I can’t protect you myself, I want someone I trust to look after you. It’s Henry Finn. He was Army Special Forces, and I know he’d take care of you.”

  The whole idea of any man taking care of her, let alone a man she didn’t know, made her feel weird. She wasn’t used to the concept. She saw the sincerity and worry in Nathan’s eyes, and knew that even if she said no he’d figure out a way for Finn to show up at her doorstep.

  She sighed. “Okay.”

  “He’ll just follow you and make sure you get home safe, all right?”

  She shook her head and smiled a little and said again, “Okay.”

  She helped Nathan dig his cell phone out of his jeans which were in a bag on a chair, and he called Finn. Finn promised to be there immediately.

  As they waited for Finn to show up, she pondered the camaraderie he enjoyed with Finn.

  “How did you meet Finn?” she asked.

  “That’s a long story. We knew each other when we were both stationed at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. He’s a good man. We got out of the military at about the same time.”

  When he didn’t elaborate, she said, “I have a feeling there’s more to that story.”

  He threw her a mischievous look. “There is. I’ll tell you about it some time.”

  Curious, she almost probed him for more. “Uh-huh.”

  He looked a little tired all of a sudden and slid down in the bed. His head touched the pillows.

  She went to him and stood right by the bed. He wasn’t on a monitor for
his heart or anything, so she instinctively reached for his wrist. “Are you feeling all right?”

  “I’m good. Just settling in for the night since I’m not going to escape.”

  She paid attention to his pulse, which seemed perfectly normal. She reached over and tilted his chin her direction. “Look at me.”

  He did as told and threw her a smile. “Please tell me you’re going to kiss me.”

  Heat filled her face at his husky tone. She made a scoffing noise. “No. I’m looking in your eyes. Your pupils look good.”

  He trapped her hand in his again. “I’m okay. Really. But thank you for caring.”

  She eased her hand out of his. Her flesh already tingled when he touched her, and the way he teased her continued her embarrassment. Yes, she was wired to care for people, but then so was he.

  “Please be careful when you get back to the pub, okay? Text me when you get there. I want to know you’re safe.”

  “I thought Finn was watching my back.”

  “He is. I don’t care. I’d love a text.”

  She wouldn’t make him worry, even if she still wanted to brain him with his hospital pillow. “I will.”

  Not too much longer after that, Henry Finn walked into the room. Everything about him screamed competence, and he had that undeniable military bearing. He was almost as tall as Nathan, and with that same incredible build that said he took excellent care of his body. His dark hair was pulled back in a short queue, and he had a somewhat scruffy beard and mustache. Nathan introduced them, and as she left with Finn as an escort, she had to admit she liked the ex-special forces guy. Katie noted his warmth and sincerity mixed into a seriousness that said if anyone tried to mess with her, they’d instantly regret it. She was completely amazed that this man would jump through hoops for Nathan, but on the other hand, she wasn’t. Their greeting was warm—Finn seemed genuinely concerned about Nathan’s welfare. When she left the hospital with Finn in tow, she marveled at a friendship that tight and suddenly longed for more relationships like that in her own life.

  If nothing else, maybe this experience would help her make some important decisions in her life.


  Finn followed Katie home in his SUV, and whether she wanted to admit it or not, she appreciated having him watch her back.

  Katie’s mind went into chaos mode on the way home. So many questions ran through her thoughts. Nathan hadn’t betrayed her or Malcolm really, and she could see that he’d regretted not mentioning Dicky’s situation to them right away. While that eased her mind a little, other thoughts derailed it. Anger boiled at Dicky’s father for getting his hooks into Dicky, and at Dicky for spreading lies and putting them all in danger. When she arrived at the pub, the cops had already gone. Finn got out of his vehicle and escorted her to the front door. Malcolm saw her coming and opened the front door for them. When he saw Finn, he frowned.

  She hurried to introduce them, and when he heard the explanation, he drew them inside and promptly shook Finn’s hand.

  “Pleased to meet you, sir,” Finn said.

  Malcolm clapped one hand on Finn’s shoulder. “Any friend of Nathan’s is a friend of mine. And thank you for looking out for my niece.”

  “With pleasure, sir. I told Nathan I’d go over the pub and make sure everything looks secure.”

  Malcolm beamed. “Thank you. That would be great.”

  “What do you do exactly?” she asked Finn out of curiosity.

  “I run a personal security company. Finn Security. We work with high profile clients around Tampa and some government officials. I tried to get Nathan to sign on with my company when he left the SEALS.”

  “Everyone seems to want him,” she said, thinking about The Omega Team.

  And oh…there’s me, too. I want him.

  Finn smiled, and his dark eyes sparkled. “I haven’t given up yet. I still think he’d be a great addition to our company. He seems to like the quiet life, though.”

  The thought of losing Nathan to another job where he wouldn’t be near her…well, that caused a sting. She shrugged it off and cleared her throat.

  “Thanks so much, Finn. I’m sorry you got roped into this favor,” she said.

  “I wasn’t roped in. Nathan and I are like brothers. He’s done a lot of things for me, too. Not only that, he saved my life once.”

  She knew there had to be a big story in there, but she also knew now wasn’t the time to explore it.

  “Finn, I need to talk to my uncle in private for a moment,” she said.

  “Of course. I’m going to check the other areas. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  After Finn left, Malcolm took her hands and squeezed them. “I’m so sorry, sweetie. I can’t believe this is happening. It’s crazy! The police just left. Are you okay? How’s Nathan?”

  Her uncle’s rapid fire questions made her stomach tumble with nerves. She felt wrung out and used up.

  “I’m fine. Nathan’s got a minor concussion and they’re keeping him for observation. Dicky was in surgery. They wouldn’t tell me anything else about Dicky. We need to contact his mother Chandra.”

  Malcolm’s eyebrows went up. “He’s got family? He said he didn’t.”

  She made a scoffing noise. “Well, he’s been lying to us.” She put one hand to her forehead in exasperation. “So has Nathan…by omission.”

  Malcolm’s mouth fell open. “What?”

  She gave him the lowdown on what she’d discovered while the detective had questioned them at the hospital. She also told him about the strange conversation she’d heard Dicky having in the kitchen on the cell phone.

  “I don’t know what it was about, but it sounded suspicious to me,” she said.

  Her uncle frowned and paced the floor. “That little shit. Who knows what he’s gotten us involved in? I blame myself for this.”


  “I’m a good judge of character. I should’ve been able to see what was happening.”

  “How could you have known?”

  He sighed and sank into a chair at one of the tables. He ran a hand over his face and looked completely deflated.

  “This is a mess.” He looked up at her in sudden urgency. “Wait. You didn’t think I’m involved with the mafia, do you?”

  “No, no. But it sounds like Dicky involved us indirectly. How could he do that? You offered him a job when he was down and out. Why would he implicate us in something like this?”

  Malcolm’s expression went from dumbfounded to angry. “He’s obviously not as nice a kid, as honest a kid, as I thought he was.”

  “True. Then there’s Nathan. He didn’t tell us what Gray from The Omega Team said.”

  Her uncle sighed. “There’s that. But I don’t blame Nathan. He was checking out the lay of the land and things caught up with him before he could take action. You’ve always leaned toward…” He faded off, doubt in his eyes.


  “You’ve always held people to a very high standard. After Tate cheated on you.”

  She wished he hadn’t brought that up. “So you think that Nathan lying by omission is excused because I have high standards?”

  “No. I think you beat yourself up for making mistakes and you beat everyone else up for it, too. I’m suggesting you give both Nathan and yourself a little slack. You’re doing the best you can. Learning as you go along.” He smiled. “Ask yourself if you think Nathan’s a good guy. Ask yourself if his mistake is worth throwing away everything else you know about him.”

  That hit her hard. “I don’t know. I know I’m not perfect but…”

  “Just think about it. Go upstairs and get some sleep.”

  “First I need to call Gray and tell him about Nathan and get information to Dicky’s mother.”

  “Right. I’d better call your parents.”

  She winced. “That will only worry them.”

  “Now who wants to keep things from people?”

  She put her hands up. “You’re right, y
ou’re right. Okay, call them.”

  After she went upstairs, she quickly put a call into Gray. He answered on the third ring. When she told him what had happened, his concern for everyone showed.

  “Thank you for calling and letting us know,” he said. “I’ll get in touch with Chandra right away. She’ll probably want to fly out to see her son as soon as possible.”


  A very slight pause and Gray said, “Dicky’s a chronic liar. Has been all his life according to his mother. He proved it again by lying to his mother about you and Malcolm. There’s a good chance Dicky said he’d help his father or join up with his father and when Dicky changed his mind, his father ordered some henchmen to take out his own son.”

  Nervousness made her stomach roil. “Oh, my God. I hadn’t really thought of it like that. Are you sure? I mean, couldn’t the henchmen have just taken this into their own hands?”

  “Anything’s possible. Maybe the slight from you and Nathan was enough to set them off. Hard to know with people like this. Now you know what you’re up against. I’m going to call Nathan as soon as possible and set up a real protection detail for you and Malcolm.”

  She closed her eyes. “Oh, that’s not…I mean, my uncle and I can’t afford a security guard. We already have a great security system on the building.”

  “There’s no cost to another team member if they need help and protection. Nathan is down and out right now, and if he asks for help we’ll send another Omega Team member in.”

  “Thank you. That’s incredibly generous. He already called his friend Henry Finn.”

  “Henry Finn from Finn Security?”

  “That’s the one.”

  “I don’t know him personally, but his company has a top notch reputation. They’re in several states and have quite a few people working for them. Now before we hang up, I have some questions for you.”

  She tensed a little. “About?”

  “Did Nathan tell you what was going on right away? I mean about the suspicions against you and your uncle.”

  “No. Unfortunately.”

  “I thought so.”

  “Does that change your opinion of him?” she asked.


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