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Left For Wild: A Stranded in the Wilderness Romance

Page 18

by Harloe Rae

  “You first.” I mumble the lame attempt at deflection through gritting teeth.

  She cups me through the thin material. “I want to touch you.”

  A blast of molten fire strikes me when she adds a gentle squeeze. “That’s not a good idea,” I wheeze.

  “I disagree,” Blakely purrs and gives my girth an upward stroke.

  With white streaks zipping across my sight, I snag her wrist to stop another tantalizing descent. Denying her is an option I will always choose to avoid. This is my one exception. “I won’t last, Lee.”

  “That’s okay. We have all afternoon.” She nips at the scruff on my jaw. “And night.”

  I shiver at the wave of scorching heat suffocating me. Being on the receiving end of foreplay is out of the question. If she touches me bare, I’ll go off faster than a busted hydrant. That doesn’t mean she can’t be treated to several climaxes before I creep toward the line. Pleasuring her will stall the humiliation I’m guaranteed to suffer for a little longer.

  After transferring her seductive palm to my chest, I draw a line down the center of her naked torso. Blakely’s temporary pout morphs into a tiny circle as she drags in a stuttering breath. A path of raised bumps follow in my tracks. I’d bet all the money in the bank that her shiver has nothing to do with the temperature.

  The white lace spanning along her lower belly is enticing as fuck. It’s almost a shame to remove the delicate garment from her supple curves. I dip a finger underneath the stretchy material, giving an experimental tug. Blakely quirks a brow and offers a shimmy for encouragement. I accept the invitation with roaring fervor, yanking at the satin scrap until she’s exposed to me. A tremor attacks me as I trace the seam of her folds. My exploration stills at the amount of wetness already gathering there.

  Blakely moans and nudges my hand with a buck of her hips. “I’m ready.”

  “Not quite.” I continue my venture until landing on the nub that has a twitch tightening her muscles.

  “Ohhh,” she whines.

  A lazy smirk curves one corner of my mouth. “Yeah, sweetheart. Like that?”

  Her head bobs to a chaotic rhythm, catching me in the temple. “Uh-huh.”

  I increase my pace with rapid strokes across her clit. Blakely strains against me and claws at my back. That sting has me tripling my efforts. I alternate between flicks and spirals, notching her excitement higher. A tangy scent fills my nostrils, and I take a greedy inhale. That heavenly aroma awakens a long-dormant starvation. The pressure in my dick throbs while the rest of me grumbles for more. She begins babbling incoherent nonsense when I press a finger into her empty core.

  A vision of her writhing underneath me as we sprawl over a king-size mattress invades my thoughts. Glittering baby blues peek up at me from under heavy-lidded lashes. Ruby painted nails score a pattern of passion into my flesh. Endless brunette waves flow across a pile of pillows. Those lush lips whisper her darkest yearnings, feeding fantasies I never dare to voice. We’ll crash together in a loop of endless rapture until our bodies collapse in perpetual ecstasy.

  That reel of trickery skips to our less than favorable conditions in this shadowed alcove. Blakely rocks against me, seeking the release dangling within her grasp. I tap her clit while adding a second finger into her clenching warmth. The dirt floor is a shitty excuse for a bed, but we’re discovering new heights of joined pleasure all the same. One day soon, I’ll have her spread on the most luxurious throne.

  This attempt at curbing my appetite is officially failing. The view of Blakely succumbing to ultimate bliss makes me feel like we’re in the damn Sahara during a climate crisis. Sweat dots at my hairline, prickling with the sticky heat collecting in my gut. I’m teetering further over to the edge than when her hand was squeezing my cock. With another swipe of my thumb and twist of my wrist, she squeals with labored exhales. She bows her spine at a sharp bend while becoming a quivering puddle in my arms. Her limbs lock up, held captive under this spell while she tumbles and soars and mewls a slew of mismatching syllables. She clamps her knees shut, effectively trapping my hand in a vice. Watching her at the peak of climax makes a sea of drool bubble behind my stiff lips. I shift against the cold ground as the need for relief blisters across my skin.

  Blakely sags against me with a whoosh. “Wow. I really needed that.”

  A chuckle eases a pound of tension off my chest. “I’m very happy to oblige. Would you like another?”

  “That’s very tempting.” She sucks on her bottom lip, laughing when I wag my brows in a very suggestive manner. “But it’s your turn.”

  “Are you sure about that?” I skim my fingers along her inner thigh.

  She squirms, parting her legs to grant me full access again. “I want you inside of me.”

  Who am I to argue with the inevitable? Other than the obvious outcome that I’m going to embarrass myself. My stamina in this department is nonexistent. I drop a kiss to her woozy smile. “Fuck, sweetheart. Those words from your mouth are my undoing.”

  Blakely grinds herself against me. “Prove it.”

  I wrench my briefs down with a hurried shove, moving like they’re on fire. That metaphor will likely fit more than one scenario in the coming minutes. My erection bobs and slaps against the lowest ridge of my abdomen. Her slender fingers cinch around me with a steel grip, lacking any amount of shyness or hesitation.

  “Someone’s excited,” she murmurs against my cheek.

  I hammer into her fist so she’s jacking me with even strokes. “I’m glad you’re impressed with speed when it comes to sex, because this is gonna be a lightning round.”

  “And what you’re capable of with this bad boy.” Blakely giggles and gives my length another sturdy tug.

  Too many years of stifled demands are compelling me to drive forward with a single thrust, burying myself inside of her until we’re one. My instincts force reason to pierce through the fog. Blakely is precious. That solitary fact is what I want to convey above all. Going slow and being tender is in my favor as well. If we ease into this, I have a chance to last longer than two pumps. That’s the only logical option, unless I want to turn this into a comedic performance.

  “I’ll be gentle,” I vow.

  “Not on my account,” she retorts.

  “You don’t get to be the boss in this. Not the first time, at least.” I rasp the command against her neck, getting harder when she trembles at my tease of a kiss.

  Her fingers scratch along my scalp, yanking at the roots. “It turns me on when you take charge.”

  I let another animalistic growl loose. “That also bodes well for me. I’m gonna enjoy learning every pleasure of your body.”

  “Show me how. Take me, Halder,” she wheezes.

  I’m about to do just that when a thought slams into the fog of lust. Far later than it should’ve considering the consequences and commitment at stake. “Is this safe?”

  “What do you mean?” A furrow cuts through the center of Blakely’s brows.

  I drag a hand through my hair, jerking at the shaggy strands. “They didn’t pad my pockets with condoms. We don’t have any protection.”

  Her eyes sparkle with understanding. “Ah, right. No problem in that department. I’ve been on birth control since freshman year of college. My mom insisted.”

  “So, we’re good?”

  She leans in and nibbles along my bottom lip. “Golden.”

  “Thank fuck for that.”

  I hitch her thigh over my hip, creating a gap wide enough for me. A rumble rips up my throat as I notch myself against her. It’s an unnecessary testament to our chemistry that we fit without any additional maneuvering. That confirmation is gratifying all the same. A swath of warmth seeps into the crevices daring to separate us and envelops me with a clinging embrace. Blakely cradles me with a firm squeeze, adding a roll to her pelvis for added friction. Delaying further will only solidify the point that I’m about to blow this.

  With a slight tilt, I position myself at her entranc
e. Scorching velvet caresses my tip as I sink inside. Her slick core welcomes me with a fluttering hug. The fit is so damn snug that it takes several shallow attempts until she’s stretching for me. I push in with a grunt, bottoming out at the hilt. Blakley’s fluttering clutches are resistant to release me. I’m pulling out seconds later, only to glide forward again on a smooth rotation. This instant represents the beginning of us. We’re diving into this hypnotic unknown without caution. Zaps of energy snap in the clash between our joining flesh. She’s panting in my ear, those puffs of air spurring me harder.

  “Feels really good,” she purrs.

  I nibble along the expanse of her jawbone. “Clenching me so tight, Lee.”

  “Don’t wanna let you go,” she returns.

  “Not gonna leave.”

  Blakely wraps her arms around my neck. “Yeah, babe. I got you roped in.”

  And she does. Her grip on my shoulders is punishing, as if I need a warning to heed. I use my knuckles to tilt her chin higher, caressing the delicate skin that new angle exposes. Together we consummate this propelling need to conquer. Frantic need is pumping my hips faster, grinding us together until Blakey’s nails bite into my neck. Retaliation thrashes through me with a raspy hiss. I tweak her nipple through the nearly invisible material of her bra. She juts her chest into me and moans for more. Her breasts are more than a handful and barely contained by the thin cotton. My fingers itch to rip the fabric away, but there will be plenty of chances for that after this.

  Soon we’re captive to the motions and allowing instinct to reign supreme over all else. I’m kneading the globes of her ass, using my grip until she’s plastered against me. Our bodies are molding into one under the influence of this relentless ecstasy. The addictive drug might as well be pumped directly into our arteries, compelling this obsessive desire. Where I end connects with her beginning. Inhibitions have no place between us. We obliterate boundaries as the passion burns fiery in our veins. The slapping of skin is a lewd drum echoing off our stone enclosure. That salacious track plays on repeat while we delve into these bewitching waters. There’s a decent chance I won’t resurface after drowning in her nirvana. It’s a damn guarantee I’ll never be the same man again.

  I’ve always been drawn to Blakely. My instant connection to her has never ceased to amaze me. Mere flashes of her managed to keep my humanity intact when the darkness lured me at every turn. Now the pull is being cranked to maximum potency as her baby blues devour me. Nothing has ever felt more essential than finally answering this call. Her palms drift over me, that soft touch contrasting with the strangulation she’s using on my dick. That intense shock of pleasure is a punch to the gut. I’m a slave to the carnal buzz, already gasping for more.

  A jolt of inky fissures crack the flawless fantasy, spreading poison into my daze. Am I too far gone for this girl? Will that answer solve my dilemma? She holds an unrelenting grip on my heart that’s impossible to break. I’m already too invested. Then Blakely rescues me from the murky shadows of my doubt.

  “You’re everything I’ve wanted, Halder. Don’t stop, please.”

  “I’ll never get enough of you,” I murmur into the dip of her throat.

  She strokes her hands over the bumps of my ribcage. “It’s too much. I need…oh, oh.”

  “I got you, sweetheart. Let go.” Lust curls off me in waves stronger than river rapids. I find another gear and plunge further than before.

  “There! Yes, yes. More, please.”

  Blakely whimpers a string of pleas and tosses her head back. The sight of her lost in the throes of release is captivating. I wouldn’t be able to rip my gaze away even if a bear lumbered into our shallow dwelling. But the hunger roars above all else. I slam into her with abandon and she returns my force with a breathy gasp. We’re insatiable as the final spike comes into view. Reaching that crest spreads a numb balm over my disjointed motions. She hiccups a breath when I tangle my fingers in the snarls of her hair.

  I’m frenzied, hounding a high previously believed to be a myth. “Need to come, Lee.”

  “Uh-huh. Oh my, yes to that.” She’s nodding too quickly for any sense to be gained. Her bleary gaze ensnares me until she sputters a muffled scream.

  The dull points of her teeth latch onto my pec. I’m so fucking hard that my balls ache. The pressure builds until release is a necessity. If I hold off a moment longer, my cock will never forgive me. She’s coaxing the most intense shock of pleasure from my body. I almost vibrate from the voltage surging through my veins. Her inner walls spasm, fluttering around me until I surrender to the pull. The strain in her limbs goes slack as she finds her relief. I follow behind with a final punctuating thrust. A bellow announces my launch into the heady abyss of undulating ecstasy.

  A shot of lava coats my inside as I allow the climax to rule over me. The taut pressure eases from my flexing muscles while I skid to a stop. With the last ounce of my energy, I haul her on top of me. Blakely gives a weak protest, but straddles her legs over mine. We’re subdued, at least until the aftershocks fade. I slump against our makeshift bed, air sawing in and out of my lungs at an unsteady rate.

  “Holy shit,” she pants.

  I smirk at her dirty mouth. Blakely doesn’t curse often. “Must’ve been good, huh?”

  “You blew my mind, Halder.”

  “That’s one hell of a compliment.”

  She pats my damp chest. “You deserve it, big guy. Having the optimal equipment is worthless without the knowledge on how to use it. That tool of yours is in very capable hands.”

  I toy with a few strands of her damp hair. “Perhaps it’s all thanks to finding a compatible partner. This is a sport for doubles, right?”

  “That has a very sexy ring to it,” she mumbles into my skin.

  “Playing solo isn’t nearly as much fun.”

  Blakely giggles. “It most certainly isn’t.”

  “I’ll never settle for less than you, Lee. If you’ll have me.” I press my mouth to the crown of her head.

  A yawn squeaks past her succulent lips. “Give me ten minutes. I might need to rest after all. You took a lot out of me.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I can honestly say I’ve never been better.”

  “For real?” I don’t believe that, even with her sprawling across me like a limp noodle.

  She snorts. “Heck, yes. I wouldn’t waste extra breath right now to stroke your ego unless it was a top priority.”

  I trace a finger down the notches of her spine. A burst of pride takes a wrecking ball to the stack of evil fighting against me. “Well, I appreciate the added effort.”

  “Nice moves, by the way. I’ve never been a multiple-orgasm type of girl.”

  “Hmm, good to know.” I pinch her ass, adding a gentle caress to ease to sting. “I think we’ll agree that you’re one now.”

  “No complaints from me, boss.” Her eyelids grow heavier, matching the exhaustion weighing down my limbs. That first round was far from a marathon, but I’m fucking spent.

  As I let my eyelids drift shut, the voice of reason drones over the white noise. We might be stuck in the Canadian wilderness against our will. That’s beyond our control and not a concern at this moment. All that matters is our paths aiming exactly where we’re meant to lead.

  Survival tip #23: Positivity will grant more than a good mood.

  A streak of light stabs into the rainbow kaleidoscope of my dream. I mutter a grumbled rebuttal against the harsh rays of reality trying to seep in. Fringes of my imagination try to grasp what remains of the figment. Bursts of motion tick on repeat behind my sealed lids. It comes as no surprise that each vibrant snippet features Halder.

  Mere moments pass, leaving those wisps to float away with another reflective shimmer from the horizon. High above the mouth of our newfound dwelling, a bright day is preparing to begin. I crack an eye open, squinting against the harsh glare. The break of dawn greets me with excessive sunshine. A swaddle of warmth swoops in to soothe any grumb
les about the premature alarm clock. What I wouldn’t give for a snooze button right about now.

  I fully rouse from my decadent slumber with an exaggerated pout. The carefree aura fades with a whooshing lift of the gauzy veil holding me hostage. My muscles are loose and fluid. Hot damn, I haven’t been this relaxed for ages. Halder has some killer moves that calmed my system with swift efficiency. These lasting effects are better than the narcotics I was prescribed after surgery. I find myself suspended in this loopy haze, courtesy of the man softly snoring beneath me.

  My makeshift pillow rises and falls at a gentle rhythm. The solid slab of muscle makes an excellent cushion. Not a single kink twinges in my neck when I rotate to the side. A deep inhale grants me a toe-curling whiff of musk, smoke, and pine. The scent is enough to heat my core to dangerous levels, considering I’m sprawling naked across a very hard temptation. A twinge between my legs reminds me of the recent overuse. Setting myself up for another round will not go over well with the nether region, at least for an hour or two.

  I try shifting to the left, but Halder’s grip around my waist tightens with clear intention. I’m not going anywhere without his permission. That’s probably for the best, considering my recent plunge into polar depths that had nothing to do with raising money for charity. A grin curls on my lips as I snuggle into the nest of his cozy embrace. I could get used to this undoubtedly possessive treatment. Does that make me an advocate for his overly protective attitude? Perhaps. That behavior has come in handy during several occasions. Along with that thought comes the craziest realization. My lack of concern in general should be jolting me upright to survey the destruction of my sanity.

  But I remain still without a single twitch.

  The truth of the matter is I don’t mind being stranded with Halder. More than that, I can see us spending weeks traipsing across the lands in search of rescue while wearing matching smiles. Good grief, I’m a mess of emotions. A near-death experience followed by the best sex known to womankind will do that to a girl.


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