Left For Wild: A Stranded in the Wilderness Romance

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Left For Wild: A Stranded in the Wilderness Romance Page 19

by Harloe Rae

  A gentle tap to my bare butt is a fresh reminder of our current position. The palm on my ass almost spans across both cheeks. Halder gives one side a squeeze, gaining a purr from me. He chuckles and repeats the gestures. “Morning, Lee.”

  “A good one at that.” I walk my fingers up his chest. “Not a bad way to wake up, huh?”

  The rumble beneath my ear is pure contentment. “Not gonna lie. I’m feeling like a king.”

  I smile against his warm skin. “Yet I’m the one upon a throne.”

  His hand drifts up my back. “Exactly where you belong. That was one helluva way to end a dry spell.”

  “I hope it lived up to expectations.” The pressure of being his first after so long nearly choked me yesterday. It only took seconds for those doubts to disappear as he worshiped every inch of me.

  Halder pampers my bum with another widespread caress. “Fuck, Lee. Last night was better than fantasy.”

  He’d been missing out on so much. I was all too happy to oblige him with this mutually beneficial activity. That generous dose of endorphins is potent. My body is thoroughly sated and lulled into a comatose state. I absently wonder if walking will be a chore. A scoff chases that notion away easily enough.

  “I think you would’ve been happy with just about anything after five years.”

  His grunt is a sharp jab of disapproval. “Not true, Blakely. There’s basic sex that gets the job done and then there’s what we share. No comparison.”

  A gooey sound climbs up my throat. “How romantic.”

  He wags his brows. “Based on our chemistry so far, I bet today will be even hotter.”

  I peel myself off the broad expanse of his upper body. “Whoa, buddy. Don’t get started on the sweet nothings. You’re well aware that I can’t resist that charm. I’ll be done for if that dirty mouth of yours continues.”

  “What if I was referring to the temperature?”

  I glance outside to the snowy landscape. Seems highly suspicious. “Were you?”

  His chuckle is downright filthy. “Obviously not. But I wasn’t trying to instigate another round before breakfast.”

  “No?” I fold myself into the comfort of his nook when he beckons me with a lopsided smirk. Those dimples will always bring an end to my resistance.

  “Food first. I’m not a savage.”

  “Could’ve fooled me.” I place a soft kiss on his bearded jaw. “Your facial hair is sexy.”

  He scratches at the thick scruff. “I’ve never let it grow beyond a few days.”

  “It’s a great look for you, especially when there aren’t other women around to notice.” I can guarantee he’d attract all the hussies. There’s no shame admitting I’d be first in line.

  Halder tries to comb his fingers through a snarl in my hair. Getting a brush through these knots will be a fun challenge. “You have nothing to worry about.”

  “Because we’re surrounded by nothing but trees and mountains?”

  “Are you digging for reassurance?”


  “Lee, look at me.” He grips my chin between his thumb and pointer finger, tilting until I’m raised to the desired angle. Our lips meet for a brief kiss that’s more tease than anything else. My lashes dust against his when he pulls away to stare at me. “You’re the only one I see, Blakely. It’s been that way since the first time I laid eyes on you.”

  There’s a solid chance my brain short-circuits. All I can do is blink at him and mutter unintelligible gibberish. “Uh, um…ah.”

  “Too much?” Blatant insecurity bleeds from his words.

  I could love this man. The smack of internal honesty stings my cheek. The reflexive flinch is more for the churning in my gut than the bite of proverbial pain. I already do, or at the very least am well submerged in the stages of falling. With a quick shake of my head, I offer him a wobbling grin. “No, it’s perfect.”

  “Seems to be a theme for this cove.”

  Gah, the swoon. Maybe offering a tender session of love making should be up for grabs. “All we need are some candles and rose petals.”

  “How about a bonfire and wood chips?”

  “Even better.” I nip at his chin, merging us away from potential land mines of heart and flowers.

  His fingers bite into the curve at my hip. “Someone’s back to being her feisty self this morning.”

  A flip leaps in my belly as we enter safe territory again. I want to believe the flustered idiocies are behind me, especially where Halder is concerned. That awkward skin is shed and replaced with vivacious luminosity. Fantasies aren’t just for the guys. I flip my tangled waves as this bold identity takes a stand. “It’s all your fault. You’ve created a ravenous spitfire.”

  “It’s probably all of this fresh air. The elevation is probably making you dizzy.”

  I shift against him, nudging the unavoidable pole standing erect and needy. “Seems I’m not the only one feeling the effects. Is that a hint? I gotta admit, you’re not being subtle. There’s no missing that sizable clue.”

  His groan is almost painful. “Oh, now you’re ready to go again?”

  I widen my eyes at his seemingly surprised question. “Not sure my lady bits can handle another go-round until later. You kept me up too late.”

  Halder sputters. “Me?”

  “Okay, fine. I’ll take the blame.” And rightfully so. It’s his fault for opening the floodgates, though. This inner fiend has been fed and she won’t stay satisfied for long.

  He gives my ass a swat. “Let’s get dressed before our urges take control.”

  I roll off him with a sigh. “Such hardship.”

  “You’ll thank me once we find the trout.”

  My stomach releases a loud grumble. I slap a hand over the noisy complaint. “I’m a tad ahead of schedule in that regard.”

  “I don’t mind advance compliments to the chef.” He reaches for his discarded briefs and conceals that mouthwatering shaft with the tight cotton. Such a pity to hide the steely rod from view. I find myself already looking forward to being intimately acquainted with him.

  With an accentuated swing for visual impact, I sashay to the spread piles of clothes by the pit. My layers are extra crisp and crinkly from the unexpected wash cycle. Every thread and scrap are warm thanks to the low-burning flames. I trap a moan while slipping the toasty shirt over my bare skin. That soft sensation wrapped in smoky comfort almost makes up for leaving our snuggle den.

  Halder is suited up and ready for our hike before I’m even lacing my boots. That speed of his can be quite impressive. I imagine his stomach is leading the urgency. We haven’t enjoyed a decent meal since arriving at this site. Not that opportunity was on our side with all the accompanying madness. We didn’t wander far from our little notch in this cliff. Halder was too worried about me recuperating. He distracted me with sex, protein bars, and endless amounts of cuddling when I suggested trekking farther to find a fishing spot. Who am I to resist such pleasures of luxury? I lost track of the orgasms he granted, but the state of my body is enough to track the score. He’s totally winning. This is a game I’ll gladly forfeit in my favor.

  “All set?” Halder tucks the hatchet into his belt loop. His silhouette is outlined in the mouth of our hollow. Sunlight filters in, giving him an ethereal vibe.

  “Yeah, I was just admiring the view.” I step toward him with an outstretched hand.

  He laces our gloved fingers together and leads me outside. His earlier joke about the temperature being hotter turns out to be accurate. The lack of breeze, blended with a cloudless sky, makes for a pleasant morning. Without the bitter chill snapping at my cheeks, I’m able to appreciate our journey as if we’re on a lazy stroll.

  We follow the shoreline from a safe distance, with Halder as a barrier between the water and me. My floundering incident is still recent enough to raise his hackles. Once again, I find a giddy zing zipping under my skin at him taking extra precautions—not that the aftermath of me getting drenched was so horr
ible. I could do without the frigid depths, though.

  The jabbering flow howls over rustling branches and scrambling critters. Since we’re on the proper side of the river, I can focus on more than the reckless stream. There are more patches of grass and dirt visible, compared to snow and ice. That sight gives me hope for this frosty version of the fall season to last a little longer. At the very least, maybe the climate will be more mild in this section of the wilderness.

  Halder steers me around a collection of boulders. The path we’re on is rocky, but not unmanageable. “Do you prefer the open range or dense forest?”

  I glance at the spacious scenery enveloping us. “The woods are pretty, but we don’t have real mountains in Minnesota. It’s an incredible sight in real life. Those white caps are so far away, but I find them breathtaking. Plus, the rolling valleys with sparse trees is a nice compromise to the steep peaks.”

  He rubs over his chin, following my line of sight. “Ah, solid argument.”

  “What’s your choice?”

  “I’ll take the range as well. Least restrictive of the two.”

  His answer comes as no surprise. I’m well aware that inmates of Streebston are only allotted an hour or two in the concrete yard each afternoon. Those confining limits would drive anyone to wish for miles of land to roam. I press against the churning in my belly at the thought of being penned in. Imagining his time behind bars coats the sunshine with shadows. That’s over and done with. I cough to cover the growing tightness in my throat. “It would be fun to visit the mountains on different terms.”

  Halder keeps his gaze locked on the peaks in the distance. “Have you ever been to the Rockies?”

  “Kinda? My sister used to live in Colorado, just outside of Denver. Such a beautiful place. They were more of a backdrop while we traveled around the city. We never got close enough for me to really appreciate them.” I sniff while flickers of those moments crop up. Thinking of Adalene releases the suppression of my void regarding home. A sting lashes my chest, and I nearly gasp. It freaking sucks not knowing when I’ll be back.

  He’s quiet for a moment. Perhaps my bout of gloom is spreading over to him. “Where is she now?”

  I kick at some pebbles along the trail. “Just south of the Twin Cities. My younger sister lives in the northern suburbs. We’re all conveniently located to each other, which is nice. My mother would prefer having us under one roof, or in a compound.”

  His chuckle eases the knots multiplying in my shoulders. “Three girls? Damn. That sounds like trouble. I bet your mom was busy chasing off all the boys in town.”

  “Something like that,” I mutter. More like she didn’t let them cross our property line without threatening to call the cops. But that’s not a memory worth dredging up.

  Halder disagrees. He quirks a brow and studies the tension that’s undoubtedly wafting off my features. “I recognize that look. I guess you have some less than pleasant family stories to share once we’re out of this mess.”

  I recall his promise to me, forcing a smile through the strain. “We’ll regale one another with sordid stories of the past. Digging up all of those juicy details will require several mugs of hot chocolate.”

  “With whipped cream?” The green in his eyes gleams under the bright sky.

  A scoff tickles off my curling lips. “Is that even a question?”

  “It’s not for everyone.”

  I swat at the air with another huff. “They’re either lactose intolerant, on a diet, or don’t understand the simple joys in life. Any of those options are highly unfortunate.”

  “Agreed. I’ll make sure we have extra to go around.”

  I bump my hip into his. “You’re good stuff, Halder. I really like being with you.”

  He loops an arm around my waist, hauling me into his side. “That’s great to hear because you’re stuck with me.”

  We’ve been traveling far enough for the sun to be glaring behind us with mid-morning rays. The rippling ruckus of flooding water has ceased and a glance to my right shows why. Once again, a calm has fallen over the river. A sigh relaxes my posture at the gentle splash of glittering scales breaking across the surface. That’s an excellent sound and the rumble echoing off my ribcage agrees.

  Halder releases me from his hold and begins striding to a nearby tree. “I’ll get a spear and catch our breakfast.”

  “I’ll try to be patient while drooling and collecting twigs.” Another element snags my attention. The stream curves around a sharp bend and disappears from view. Curiosity stabs at me, but my stomach demands to be fed. “What do you think waits for us that way?”

  “Want to find out?”

  I tilt my head, weighing the priorities. “Food first, right?”

  He nods. “I’d rather we feed our bodies before wandering into potential danger. We might need our strength to fight off whatever threats linger in these parts.”

  “You’re so smart.” I stoop down to pick up a few sticks.

  “We’ve both learned from previous mistakes by now.”

  “Our survival book is going to be a huge best seller.”

  “So long as it has a happy ending,” he muses.

  I lift a brow. “As if there’s another choice.”

  He grips a thick branch and raises the hatchet. “Glad we’re on the same page.”

  In true Halder fashion, he has four trout skewed over a small fire within ten minutes. The scent of smoking meat has my mouth watering as I stare longingly at the hacked filets. Our bowls are still packed away in the alcove, so we take turns eating directly off the spear. I giggle when he chomps off a huge chunk and nearly hits himself in the nose. He swipes some dribbles off my chin. If this isn’t true romance, I don’t know what is.

  Every morsel is devoured between us, our mutual groans accenting the meal. I pat my belly with a wide grin. “Delicious. Thank you.”

  His gaze is fiery hot on my mouth. “It’s always a pleasure to cook for you.”

  I cluck my tongue. “You’re a winner, babe. I’ll be keeping you.”

  “Thank fuck, because I have no plans of ever letting you go.” He presses his lips to mine, sharing a heated kiss that tastes of our fresh catch and smoldering passion. I shiver against him, and he molds a palm flat to my back. With our bellies full, other demands are rising to the forefront. A new dilemma presents itself as I cling to him with pleasure bussing in my veins.

  “Should we keep going or backtrack for a nooner?” My whisper sets off a plume of steam across his stubbled cheek.

  Halder glances upward for a beat. “That’s a decision I can’t make.”

  I internally scold the siren calling out from the most private parts of me. She wields the power to choose, but I refuse to hand over the reins and lose my mind to lust. “Let’s see what’s up ahead.”

  “You’re the boss, Lee.” He tugs me into him with a broad smile. For a man not getting laid in the immediate future, he sure looks happy. I return his joy with a grin of my own as he guides me along the uneven path.

  The anticipation doesn’t leave us hanging for long. Once we meet the rounding corner of the river, our venture takes on a whole new scene. The stream widens and flows into a pool of sparkling water. I allow my jaw to go slack from the unexpected turn this direction brings. The large body of water isn’t our only surprise. Nestled alongside the lake, and very much within reach, an elevated section of flat land awaits. That’s where our feet automatically stumble toward. We climb the slight incline to find what appears to be a sprawling prairie of sorts. The grassy area is wide enough to lose track on all sides.

  I can’t stop a pitchy squeak from escaping. “Wow. Like whoa for real.”

  Halder bobs his head along with my breathy exhale. “Yeah, this is incredible.”

  “There’s no other obstacles around. This is the type of space we need to set off smoke signals, right?”

  “Probably the best we’ll get.”

  I glance up and around, finding nothing to hide the clea
r blue stretching above. “So, what now?”

  “Grab anything that will burn. Then we sit and wait.”

  Survival tip #24: Fresh pine and spruce are good for more than a pleasing aroma.

  Our plan is nothing if not consistent. Days blend into a week of a somewhat monotonous routine. Reliable habits are easy enough to form with limited options at our disposal—not that our time is boring. One way or another, our endurance is being tested. There have been several trials that I would prefer to forget, but the woman on my left will argue otherwise. These are the instances that will bond us forever, after all. I can’t debate on a topic that sways greatly in my favor.

  We crest the hilltop much the same as yesterday and the six before that. Lunch sits heavy in our stomachs, ready to fuel us for the labor ahead. The midday hour greets us with the glaring sun. Another cloudless afternoon grants us excellent visibility. Our tracks are worn into the dirt and snow, marking our failed attempts at alerting anyone within range. It’s impossible to determine if another location will be more successful. We stayed in this area for the sake of convenience, and our consuming need for one another. But getting stuck in these ruts isn’t getting us anywhere. Harsh elements aren’t going to wait for us to wise up.

  The weather will turn colder, to the point where being outside for any amount of time will be a brutal torture. That’s a guarantee we need to prepare for. It’s only by sheer luck that the temperature is still hovering above freezing. Once winter arrives and the climate turns for the worst, we’re going to be dealing with another predator entirely.

  I wince when my foot slips and tender ligaments stretch too far on a rock. A scowl gets aimed at the offending weakness. It comes as no shock that Blakely and her watchful gaze notice.

  She pauses her climb and turns to me. “How’s your leg?”

  “Fine.” The minor injury would usually take me out of commission for an evening at the most. Her insistence had me laid up for much longer. The warmth spreading through my limbs intensifies when she leans into me.


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