Left For Wild: A Stranded in the Wilderness Romance

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Left For Wild: A Stranded in the Wilderness Romance Page 20

by Harloe Rae

  “Are you acting tough for my benefit?”

  I study the genuine concern painted across her delicate features. Being honest might bode well for me. If Blakely realizes how much pain I’m in, there’s a solid chance another pampering session is in my very near future. That might be in our best interest, considering today’s efforts will most likely lead toward a dead end. The weight of disappointment will soon follow. But allowing doubt to rule my decisions is a sure way to keep us stranded until spring.

  I scrub over my mouth to mask the grimace spreading there. “I’m okay, Lee. We’ve been slow moving since Tuesday. Losing more time is something we can’t afford. I’m fully capable of pushing myself for the greater good.”

  “Or resting?” The suggestion is clear in her voice. “What if another crazed animal has plans to hunt us down?”

  A smirk twitches one corner of my mouth. Yeah, it hasn’t been completely smooth sailing. We’ve been sidetracked from our regular schedule by a handful of unrelated incidents. The most catastrophic, according to Blakely, is when I twisted my ankle running from the stampeding hooves of a moose. In my humble opinion, that scuffle was more frightening due to her close proximity to the snorting beast. I scooped her up and ran like the devil himself was chasing us. In many ways, that thunderous animal could be considered a spawn of Satan.

  I lift my chin to the calm surface of the lake beside us. “No moose going for a swim.”

  “The pounding across the ground when he stormed after us still haunts me.” Her wince stabs me in the temple.

  That raging bull wasn’t pleased that we interrupted his family’s bathing session in the frigid waters. The cow and calf made the male’s territorial instincts turn into a total rage. By some miracle, the two most fatal dangers we’ve faced haven’t been able to scale trees. Our narrow escape wouldn’t be successful without that major boost for our benefit. The churning acid in my gut won’t let me consider the consequences of crossing paths with a cougar or lynx.

  With a gentle tug, I have her wrapped in my arms. “You’re safe, sweetheart. I’ll always protect you.”

  She nuzzles into my chest. “Thank you. Being a damsel isn’t usually my thing, but I’d be lost without you.”

  “You’ll never have to worry about that. We’re in this together.”

  “And afterward?”

  I notch a finger under her chin, lifting until our mouths brush together. “I’ll be here until you push me away.”

  Blakely scoffs, fluttering her lashes at me. “That’s never going to happen. No one gets me like you do.”

  “It’s my twisted belief that you’ve never played doctor for anyone else.”

  “Because I haven’t. That’s special, just for you.” She fists my jacket and tugs me down for another kiss.

  A blistering wash of heat floods my system. Having Blakely smother me with extra attention made the altercation seem like a necessary evil I’d gladly go through again to get spoiled. What can I say? I’m a starving man, and she’s my only sustenance. I won’t complain about her fussing over me, even if my man-card is in jeopardy. The brownie points she doles out for being a good patient are more precious than gold. She’s fine-tuning her skills in the art of administering a sponge bath. The arctic wilderness version provides more challenges, which she took in stride for the most part.

  Blakely flipped my skeptical glare into a slack state of relaxation. That was after we remembered to heat the water, of course. Trial by error and all that. Shrinkage doesn’t bode well for retaining a level of upstanding arousal to compete with her ceaseless appetite. I didn’t recommend a repeat until she convinced me by using parts of her body that beat the chill. There’s no denying that I’m a weak man when it comes to her.

  “I’ll have to find more creative ways to repay you,” I growl against her lips.

  She shivers in my hold. “I’m not sure that’s necessary. You’ve already done plenty.”

  “Just the beginning, Lee.” There’s no truer statement.

  What we have is developing into something truly special. Not that I would be a decent judge on the matter. Never being part of a loving couple, I have very little to go off. The way she’s staring at me now, and the resulting pounding in my chest, is all I need to know.

  Blakely’s smile could break apart a hurricane. “That’s really good. I’ve grown very fond of having you around.”

  I trace the shell of her ear with my nose. “My attachment to you is probably bordering on obsession. Does that freak you out?”

  “Not at all. I’m thrilled to be the object of your fascination.” Her expression sobers, a fog stealing the light from me. “Do you think we should move to a different spot after this?”

  “Maybe?” I exhale a plume of steam. “I’ve been avoiding my negative nature, but this site isn’t doing us any favors. Other than the fish supply and excellent sightseeing, of course.”

  She nudges me. “And our love-nest.”

  A growl fit for a lion rumbles in my chest. “There’s no forgetting that.”

  “Will we find another cavern?”

  I blindly gesture at the mountains cocooning us. “Without a doubt.”

  “Okay, we should go elsewhere then.”

  “You’re the boss, Lee.”

  “That’s not what you moaned last night,” she reminds with a nip at my bottom lip.

  Rocking into her is a reflex I’ve quit bothering to rein in. The semi I’m sporting gives her a growing hint at what she’s doing to me. “Unless you want to end up over my shoulder with a backward view of this field, I’d watch what comes out of that sinful mouth next.”

  Blakely walks her fingers down my torso. “Promises, promises.”

  I snag her wrist, halting the teasing descend. “Let’s get this done so we can leave.”

  “Let’s not be too hasty. There’s always a chance, right?”

  A slow nod with a weak smirk is all the response she gets from me. Faith is a fickle bitch. That’s why I’d given up my sense of justice, along with any semblance of trust in things going my way. Until Blakely slid in beside me. She makes it impossible not to believe that better days are just beyond the horizon. But even that isn’t enough out here.

  My restored sense of hope has been waning further with each passing hour we remain suspended in wait. I’m not the only one feeling the burden of being held captive. Shadows never fail to steal the sparkle in Blakely’s baby blues when we abandon our efforts as evening falls. Another shot missing the target.

  Her thick sigh of defeat hooks into me, dragging my spirits lower. I want to be found—there’s no question about my motivations. But more than that, I want Blakely to get her life back. She has so much waiting on her. The clients she helps on a daily basis are probably losing their minds. Those vital services are missing a key component. They can thank Stefano for her extended absence.

  I push some stray hair off her forehead. The future unravels in my mind like a midnight vision most would cower in the shadows from. Blakely’s outlook is far from grim. What’s waiting for me at home? My parole officer, with a hefty punishment for skipping town. Whether by choice or the satisfaction of a rogue ex-con being caught, he’ll be ready to have me return into the fold. I’m sure the authorities will join in, waiting with a stack of violations that require endless amounts of community service. Or jail time. I shudder at that daunting possibility. That’s a decrepit bridge I’ll need to be dragged across if things come to that.

  All I have is the sickly putrid stench of revenge to reclaim. Getting my innocence granted by any means necessary will once again be the fuel that drives me. Clearing my name, and criminal record, will be gratifying. That relief will pale in comparison to being welcomed home by loved ones. There’s no one to miss me, other than those after my neck. All I need is standing in front of me, giving my existence more meaning than ever. Not that I would ever sabotage our chance of rescue for selfish gain.

  I shake off the murky darkness always ready to swallow
me. “Okay, I’ll be positive. Today could be the one that changes everything.”

  “That’s the spirit.” Blakely pinches my sides.

  “At least we have plenty of wood cut.” I stride to the stacks of branches already split and prepared for sacrifice.

  She follows my trail. “Planning ahead so we could sleep in was an excellent idea.”

  “Which was all yours,” I remind her with a chuckle.

  “I’m willing to share credit.”

  “All right, I’ll accept that was a joint effort. The way you woke me up is the true winner, though.”

  Blakely smacks her lips. A phantom suction cinches around my dick at the reminder. I get fully erect in less than a second. Her gaze cuts a hot path to the hidden bulge in my pants. “Figured it was long overdue. You’re always so generous with the hard stuff.”

  I wink at her. “That’s what she said.”

  “Hey! That’s my joke.”

  “Even I know that honor belongs to Michael Scott.”

  “Well, well, well, how the turntables.” At my blank look she adds, “Not familiar with that one?” Then she swats my ass with a giggle.

  Before I can retaliate, Blakely begins scooping chunks of bark into her arms. I mirror her actions in the next beat. Finding a supply of dry brush is more tedious than splitting logs. It takes us the better part of an hour to gather enough for the smoke to rise high above the trees and mountains. The shallow pit we created waits for a fresh serving to begin the chore of alerting anyone passing over these parts. Once the flames begin to billow, we resume collecting anything likely to build a bigger signal. Blakely has become quite the scavenger. She never complains about the amount of manual labor we’ve been putting in on the daily.

  When we’ve compiled three large heaps, I grab one of our bowls that’s brimming with water. I drain the contents in two gulps. After scrubbing over my mouth, I pass the other dish to Blakely. She sips as if the urgency of thirst isn’t clawing at her throat. This woman has gained a higher tolerance than me in an impressive fashion. Maybe that’s due to the alleged strengths we started with, but I’m in awe all the same.

  Sweat itches on my forehead, and I wipe it away with a grunt. Once the moisture dries, I’ll have a crusty layer seared into my skin. If only the lake wouldn’t freeze my balls off if I jumped in for a dip. Getting slippery and wet would be a damn blessing with the woman across from me. Blakely’s face has a rosy flush that hauls me in faster than a siren call. I press my lips to her clammy cheek, smiling into our warm exchange when she leans toward me.

  “And now we wait.”

  I bury my face against the hollow between her shoulder and neck. “Are you tired of that yet?”

  Her shrug bumps my chin. “It’s not so bad since we’re together. What else are we gonna do?”

  “You’re so patient,” I whisper across the pebbling skin of her throat.

  She stretches to give me better access. “I’ve heard it’s one of the most important virtues.”

  “I’ll reward you for showing restraint later.” I’ve learned distraction doesn’t have to be a hindrance, especially between us. That might be a pivotal factor in keeping our sanity from flipping to the dark side.

  “And we’ll get to see the Northern Lights,” she murmurs.

  That discovery was highly satisfying, especially Blakely’s reaction to the twinkling constellations. Out here, there’s no pollution or smog or treetops to hinder the view. It’s almost scary how clear the sky is at night. The simple treasures we’ve uncovered cannot be measured. “I’ll never complain about you bundled in my arms under a blanket of bright stars.”

  “It does help to ward off the chill.”

  “Conserving body heat with you is by far my favorite part of this trip.” Falling hopelessly for the girl of my dreams pairs well with that statement, but I’m still uncertain if she’s ready to hear it. Or if I’m man enough to admit I want her to choose me when this is all over.

  Blakely props a fist on her hip, showing off some of the sass I’ve grown so fond of. “I’d certainly hope so. We’re sharing enough to get a furnace going.”

  I lick along my bottom lip, drawing the flesh between my teeth. All of our earlier shenanigans are getting to me on a fuck-hot level. I’m more than ready to blow this joint. “Maybe we should call it an early one today.”

  “You wanna go back already?”

  “Don’t you?” Maybe I shouldn’t assume.

  Her hips sway as she steps closer to me. “Always.”

  Before we can begin preparing for our retreat, a noise that doesn’t belong to the wilderness keeps our boots rooted in the dirt. The whipping of air being beaten at a rapid pace cracks through the silence. The sound is unmistakable, a revolving track we’ve been begging to hear in our rescue playlist. I whip my gaze skyward and find the source. A helicopter hovers near enough that the sleek shape stands out against the light blue background. The aircraft sticks out as something that doesn’t belong in a place otherwise so natural and serene. Yellow and red paint gleam against the sun. Those bright colors wink at us from an aerial seat far beyond reach.

  I immediately find myself wondering about the pilot. With a hand against my brow, I glare at the outline of our potential saviors. What do they see from that vantage point? Can we trust them? Are their intentions honorable? Were they sent to hurt us? Are they kind and forgiving?

  A startled yelp drags my attention from above. Moisture gleams in Blakely’s baby blues. “Are they here to save us?”

  I swipe at the tear racing down her cheek. My gut in a tangle of knots as our fate hangs in the balance. “I’m hoping we’re about to find out.”

  They land several hundred feet from where we’re standing. A metallic clank ricochets across the clearing when the legs touch down. The ground vibrates with their intrusion, but the drumming noise is ready to split my eardrums. I’m sure Blakely and I look ready to bolt from the splintering pain. The blades blur in a wide circle, whipping the tips of any trees close enough to bow. A shrill whistle and spitting thrums slap across the quiet clearing. Hydraulic sputters follow close behind as the engine turns off.

  Two people walk toward us. The guy dwarfs the woman striding by his side. They’re wearing matching flannel, fur hats, and if I didn’t know better, I’d assume they’re posing for the cover of an expedition magazine. They appear polished in an artificial way.

  Blakely and I watch them approach in silence. Her chest is rising and falling with labored breaths. With a blind hook, I reach for her hand and thread our fingers together. Feeling our connection thrumming in my veins is key if I plan to maintain any semblance of wits.

  I’m trying to force my expression to remain neutral. The last thing I need is for our visitors to tuck tail upon first glance. Wouldn’t that be fucking rich? But the possibility of my face being plastered across every news station is highly likely. Bile churns in my stomach at the consequences awaiting me, regardless of how false those alleged accusations are.

  “Are you two trying to catch attention or just being reckless?” His speech is heavily accented. French, maybe?

  I try to shake off the fear strangling my throat. Blakely is stunned speechless beside me. She just stares at the couple through wide eyes, probably seeing straight through them. I’m sure my features reflect the same level of shock.

  “You don’t have to be afraid. We got a report of fires spotted in this area. A cargo flight regularly passes near this part of the country and tracked the disturbance. We’re expedition guides for the riskiest daredevils wishing to travel this far north. These sections are uncharted, though. Did you two get lost?” Her voice has the same thick cling of melody mixed with a smooth jumble. Stilted English or not, their presence is turning out to be a welcome arrival.

  Blakely and I exchange a glance. “Something like that,” I mutter.

  The man bobs his head in a knowing fashion. “Ah, sure. We’ve seen it before. No problem. My name is Eddie, and this is Wippa.”

  She waves at us. “I bet you want to get out of here right away then, eh? Is there somewhere we can take you?”

  The options pierce through my mind, rioting with bleak outcomes. No matter what, I’ll be taken away from the woman beside me. Even if it’s only a temporary separation, that loss stabs deep into my chest. I hiss at the ache already spreading. Blakely’s grip on my hand intensifies.

  “Are you okay?” Her gaze is still watery when she peers up at me.

  I force a grin for her sake. “Yeah, this is good. Obviously.” After a quick glance at the new arrivals, I find the path of least destruction. “How about a hospital?”

  Blakely nods and whispers a quiet approval. “That’s probably best.”

  Eddie claps his palms together with a shot of extra pep. “Splendid. We’ll head out when you’re ready. I’ll send word that we’re coming. What are your names?”

  I’m the one to handle introductions. “Halder Rane and Blakely Cross.”

  “Ah, they’ve been searching for you.”

  “Shit,” I spew out with a grimace. When I dredge up the courage to look at Wippa, shock rattles through me to find her gaze on Blakely.

  The woman barely spares me a glance before continuing. “Your family has been on the news quite a bit. Often enough for us to hear about you through the grapevine.”

  Blakely is busy gnawing on her bottom lip. “I’m sure my mom is a mess.”

  “You’ll see her soon,” I bend to whisper.

  “Let’s go, eh?” Eddie hitches a thumb toward the copter.

  I glance behind us, taking in the lake and mountains. Our cove and the forest wait just beyond a bend out of sight. This is the place we were left for dead, yet a pang knocks into my ribs. The memories play through my mind on fast-forward. For some reason, it’s strange to leave.

  Blakely follows my gaze with a sigh. “It’s weird, right?”

  I find myself nodding. “This wasn’t our choice, but we turned it into one helluva journey.”

  “No regrets,” she adds.

  “Not a single one.”

  I usher her to the door Wippa has propped open for us. With a slight boost, Blakely clambers into the small space, and I’m hot on her heels. We get ourselves strapped in and ready for departure. Eddie passes us a set of headphones while flipping a bunch of switches. Wippa sends him several gestures ending with a thumbs-up. Soon after, the helicopter begins rumbling with vibrations. I place a palm on Blakely’s thigh and she scoots into my side.


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