Left For Wild: A Stranded in the Wilderness Romance

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Left For Wild: A Stranded in the Wilderness Romance Page 28

by Harloe Rae

  He nips at my upturned jaw. “It can be very satisfying.”

  “Another valuable lesson?”

  “I’ll teach you later.”

  “Looking forward to it.” With a tug, I reveal the wrapped bouquet he’s been concealing. “What’s this?”

  Halder passes the mystery blooms to me. “I come bearing gifts. Not sure about your favorite flowers. Here’s hoping you like the ones I chose.”

  I shower him with several kisses and cooing sounds. “This is already the best date ever.”

  “How low are your expectations?”

  I trace a circle around my heart. “About this high.”

  “That’s definitely for my benefit.”

  “Nothing you do is half-assed,” I call over my shoulder while walking into the kitchen.

  His steps follow close behind. “That’s a valid point. Especially where you’re involved.”

  “I do love your ambition.” I’m reaching for a vase above the sink and he swoops in to grab a larger mason jar. “And your vertical advantages.”

  Halder tugs at the hem of my sweater dress. “My short fiancée needs a stool. Maybe I’ll make that next.”

  “More presents? I’m getting spoiled.” I unwrap the flowers, gasping at the vivid explosion of color. An assortment of poppies, dahlias, peonies, daisies, and lavender greet me. “These are beautiful.”

  “Just like you,” he murmurs into the dip at my neck.

  I sag against him. “Gah, the swoon is legit.”

  His lips dust a path up my throat. “I’ve never cared much for romance until you.”

  “You better be careful, or we’ll be late for lunch.” It takes great effort to straighten out of his hold. I get the stems dunked in water, arranging the petals for maximum exposure. “Where are we going?”

  “I found a place within walking distance since Mother Nature is cooperating.”

  “Is it Endless Pastabilities?” I hold up a set of crossed fingers.

  He presses a hand to the base of my spine, guiding me back to the entryway. “That’s the one. The name alone was intriguing.”

  I shrug on my coat while searching for a pair of tall boots. “Very punny, right? Their food is also delicious. I love their pesto cavatappi dish.”

  “Another good guess. I’m off to a winning start.”

  “You’ve been ahead fresh from the gate.” I lock the deadbolt once we’ve stepped into the hall.

  “Mostly because you gave me a lead.”

  I extend an arm in front of me. “Following you offers a spectacular view. Not gonna deny it, boss.”

  “Are you objectifying me?”

  “Are you offended?”

  “Not in the slightest, but walking beside me has perks.” He leads me outside by our linked fingers.

  “Very true. You offer a broad shield from the rain and wind.” A blast of sunshine immediately warms my face. I tilt my face skyward for a heavier dose of vitamin D. “The temperature has been very pleasant. It’s another glorious day.”

  “Maybe we can go to the off-leash park. There’s no snow yet. We can stop for hot chocolate along the way. Extra whipped cream.”

  “You remembered,” I murmur. The hitch in my breath couples with a balm of heat washing through me. This burst of comfort has nothing to do with the mild temperature we’re swaddled in.

  He lifts our joined hands to drop a gentle kiss on my wrist. “Of course, sweetheart.”

  “Would it be weird if we show up without a dog?”

  “It’s not an exclusive space. We can consider it a research opportunity for future reference.”

  I glance up at him with a growing smile. “Are you interested in getting a pooch?”

  “If you are. I’ve always been an animal lover. We always had plenty of pets growing up.” He goes quiet for a moment. “That reminds me, I called my parents and told them about you. Our baby, too.”

  I hear my mouth snick open with a pop. “Really? I just talked to my mom about us like an hour ago.”

  “Great minds.” He taps his temple.

  “So, were they happy?”

  A grin twitches the corners of his mouth. “Actually, yeah. My mom started babbling about knitting and finding soft yarn. It was the first time in years that my dad sounded something other than frustrated with me.”

  I swing our connected arms, a blip of giddy lightness lifting me up. “Look at you, already making progress.”

  Halder shrugs. “Guess so. Maybe I’ll ask about the holidays next. How was the chat with your mother?”

  “Very positive. She didn’t seem nervous for a change. The baby news made her squeal. Literally. I had to pull the phone away from my ear.” I giggle at the reminder.

  “That’s a good reaction.” He bobs his head. “It’ll give her a reason to leave the house and visit you.”

  “Maybe this will be the solution to unite us all in peaceful harmony.”

  He grunts. “That’s some fluffy fantasy shit.”

  I poke him in the side. “Indulge my nonsense. It’s what you love about me.”

  “One of the many things.” His tone drops to a suggestive level. And just like that, we’re no longer discussing our parents. The smooth segue shoots off a round of sparklers under my skin.

  “You were very productive this morning.” I wag my brows, recalling his creative wake-up call.

  “I’ve never been much of a slacker. Why would I be, when there’s such tantalizing fare to devour.”

  A splash of heat singes my cheeks. “Breakfast in bed was an excellent choice.”

  “And our next meal is upon us.”

  Endless Pastabilities waits for us on the corner. The customary smell of baking bread and zesty spices signals our arrival as we walk into the inviting entrance. A toasty atmosphere of low lighting and dark wood accents further welcomes us as the hostess shows us to a booth along the wall of windows.

  “I’d suggest sitting on the same side, but this is only our first date.” Halder slides onto the bench across from me with a smirk.

  “Yeah, we should probably take this slow.” I bite my bottom lip to trap a laugh.

  He passes me a menu before opening his own. “Looks like they have more than pasta.”

  “Uh-huh. It’s a wide variety.” A thought occurs to me, and I allow my smile to break free. “I love you. I’ve agreed to marry you. I’m carrying your baby. But I have no idea what you like to eat.”

  “I enjoy a thick sandwich with a lot of meat.”

  “A real handful?”

  “You can’t go wrong with that. He snorts and rolls his eyes. “But I prefer what’s on your daily specials.”

  “Oh, that’s a good one.”

  “I guess you’re rubbing off on me again.”

  A server stops by to drop off cups of water. She takes our order before disappearing into the fray. I circle a finger around the rim of my glass. “So, there’s still plenty for us to catch up on.”

  “Not sure about that. We’ve covered a lot of bases.” His gaze slides to my engagement ring before lowering to my stomach.

  I quirk a brow. “Very funny. We’re not rushing things, right?”

  “Do you feel like we are?”

  “No.” There’s a solid amount of conviction in my voice.

  “Neither do I. Who else gets to be a judge on our relationship?”

  “Not another soul.” I almost have the urge to slap my palm on the table.

  “Exactly, sweetheart. We’ve been upside and inside out from day one. Why stop now?”

  “You’re right. As always.”

  “You’ll get used to it eventually.” He winks at me.

  I love that his confidence is already flowing more freely. With that, I raise my glass for a toast. “It seems everything is getting resolved the way it’s meant to.”

  Halder clinks his water against mine. “Karma is still watching out for us.”

  “I prefer her being a friend, rather than foe.”

definitely drink to that.”

  “Never did I ever imagine being abducted and dropped in the center of nowhere would lead to a happily ever after.”

  “Yet here we are. Crazy officially works for us.”

  “I’ve never been more thankful to get left in the wild, boss.”

  “Me either, sweetheart.”

  I get lost in the emerald swirls of his eyes for a moment. An easy sigh escapes me. “Where’s our next stop?”

  “Well,” he says, pulling two tickets from his jacket. “How about a hockey game?”

  “Are you gonna buy me a huge foam finger?”

  “Is that even a question?”

  I clutch a hand to my chest. “All of my cliché dreams are coming true.”

  “And if we find a decent sightseeing spot, the Northern Lights are supposed to be visible tonight. If the weather holds out, we won’t have to worry about freezing our asses off.”

  “This is turning out to be quite the adventure.”

  “You did say we have a lot of catching up to do. I’m just trying to fill in some gaps.”

  The smile splitting my face can be described as nothing short of dopey. This man slays me. “So long as you’re by my side, the journey is a guaranteed success.”

  “See? You do like being next to me.”

  Well, of course. Just don’t withhold a few views from the backside.”

  “Only if you give me full frontal in return.”

  I choke on my sip of water. “And here I thought you were more of an ass man.”

  His eyes droop to half-lidded. “I’ll take it all when it comes to you. That’s a promise.”

  Before I can offer another saucy retort, our food gets delivered with a flurry of movement. The steaming bowl of pasta in front of me immediately snags my full concentration. That is until I peek over at Halder’s plate. “Are you going to eat that pickle?”

  He chuckles. “Yeah, Lee. That’s the best part. I save them for last.”

  I wrinkle my nose. “Ugh, I was hoping you hated them.”

  “You want my pickle?”

  “I do. Really bad.” My mouth is practically salivating for it.

  He holds the spear up. “We can split it.”

  “Damn, I love you.”

  Halder’s lips stretch into a blinding grin. “Because I’ll share my pickle?”

  “Among other valuable qualities.”

  “Like my baby-making abilities?”

  I laugh at the adorable grin he shoots my way. “And the list only continues to grow.”

  “Adding experiences with you will undoubtedly be my highest honor, along with the life we’re building.” He thumbs the ring of vines on my finger.

  I track his subtle motions with a wobbly smile. “The future is very bright.”

  “Not even two months ago, we were strangers thrown into an impossible situation. Look at us now.”

  Leaning forward, I align our palms into a seamless connection. “We’re everything.”

  Survival tip #33: The adventure should be worth any number of bumps along the way.

  I shield my eyes from the midday sun. Even the massive sunglasses covering half of my face aren’t enough to protect from the late summer rays. Not that I’m complaining about a last burst of heat before autumn makes an appearance. September in Minnesota is the absolute best, and not just because of the mighty fine weather. My favoritism has everything to do with the fact that this is my birthday month. Call me biased and I’ll admit to the claim without batting an eyelash.

  Dragging out the festivities for at least a week is a tradition I’ve kept going since my youth. But why sell ourselves short? This past year has taught me to treat each day as if it’s a celebration. I’m lucky to have found a man who indulges my ridiculous habits. Along with his charming ability to compliment my quirks, he feels very strongly about ensuring that no task is left undone. That’s precisely why we’re hosting a pet adoption event for our local shelter.

  As if on cue, a pair of fellow volunteers pass by. They toss me matching grins while surveying the scene unfolding around us. I return their smiles, adding a wave to the mix. Our wayward moment to engage in a silent exchange is interrupted by a bout of rowdy yapping.

  Three dogs are dashing across our yard, chasing each other in an intense game of tag. There is a herd of cats prancing about on the back porch. It’s all screened in, which makes it a perfect play place without risk of escape. A variety of cages are neatly arranged on top of any available surface, showcasing colorful birds or other small animals. Random squawks tell me that the parrots are reveling in all of this extra attention. And of course, there are groups of people milling about in all directions. The sense of community is fierce if this gathering is anything to go by. A similar version has been going since this morning.

  I’m pulled away from the bustling activity in front of me by a slight flutter in the breeze. Allowing the bout of peace and serenity to envelop me isn’t a chore. A couple of sparrows dart low over my head on their way to the shed. That wayward flight pattern always reminds me of a zipping arrow heading straight for a bullseye. I suppose that’s accurate considering their intended destination. Nothing is more valuable than the eggs that surely await their return. The nest they recently completed will be peeping with hatchlings soon enough. If I try hard enough, I can imagine those adorable chirpings already. Their melodic tune will offer a boost on the most draining of mornings. That’s another perk I’m finding about our slice of country paradise. The wildlife doesn’t quite compare to northern Canada, but that’s probably for the best.

  Earlier this year, Halder and I settled on a house to call home in the outskirts of an adorable city. Sayley has all the quaint and enchanting qualities of a small town without being too cliquey. Not that we spend much time along the main drag to stay updated on the latest drama. He wanted privacy without being too isolated. I’ve always wished for a sprawling patch of land of my own. Our place offers a little piece of every aspect we had searched for. There’s no boom of traffic or stretching skyscrapers to be heard or seen. The dirt road and neighboring residences are almost out of sight from my spot near the garage. Acres of green grass and towering oaks compliment the white fencing and extravagant gardens. The faint aroma of freshly cut hay carries on a gust of wind. A meaningful philosophy to remember is finding beauty in the simple treasures Mother Nature serves on a leafy platter. I’d say we’re well on our way to discovering it, in my humble opinion.

  The days we spent in the wild might’ve influenced our decision as well. The fact we chose to settle in an area far from any large metropolis pleases my mother to no end, of course. Halder jokes about buying property in a rural area. His parents are almost ready to laugh with him. To be fair, Sayley has a much larger population compared to Trixton Falls. It doesn’t take us thirty minutes to hit the nearest shop or gas station either. Not that there’s anything wrong with being further separated from society. When we visited Halder’s folks, I found their place to be a nice escape from reality. I just couldn’t picture myself being quite that remote on a permanent basis. We’ve all come to a mutual understanding on the subject, thankfully. The next step is getting them to drive our way for a trip. Baby steps and such.

  Speaking of adorable little bundles of joy, Halder is striding toward me with our infant cradled against his chest. Zailey appears to be snoozing away, more than happy to be snuggling with her daddy. The smirk he wears has both dimples popping out to say hello. A tendril of heat curls in my lower belly from that look alone. I swipe a finger under my bottom lip to be sure no dribbles of drool are visible. It’s been too freaking long since I’ve been able to release this building pressure aiming directly at him. A girl is bound to break eventually.

  “Great turnout, Lee.” That gravel timbre almost makes me purr.

  After sucking in a gulp of heated air, I chase the pesky trembles of lust away. I paste on a wide smile while bending to nuzzle our baby snuggled in the crook of Halder’s arm. “It’s
going so well. Renee told me all of the pups have been adopted. Most of the kitties, too.”

  “Nicely done, sweetheart. There are a lot of happy families expanding their love because of your efforts.” He holds up his free hand and I offer a high-five.

  “Ours. This is your hard work paying off, too.” This event was a bit of an undertaking with a fussy newborn, but the lack of sleep is paying off with each animal finding a new home.

  “Always giving me too much credit,” he murmurs.

  “Only because you deserve it,” I retort. “I’ll shower you with appreciation until the tub overflows.”

  His emerald gaze twinkles under the sunlight. “So long as you’re in there with me.”

  “As if there’s any other place I’d be.”

  My goal of proving his priceless qualities is still in full swing. Halder is more responsive in regards to his worth as of late. The hero worship I caught in the wilderness has only grown. There’s little doubt in my mind that we can accomplish anything.

  In another month, this man will become my husband. Our wedding can’t arrive fast enough. We plan to exchange vows on the anniversary of that first afternoon we woke up in the woods. That date has held a bittersweet tang and we want to remove any trace of negativity. Abducted or not, we were brought together. That’s what we’re celebrating. Forever.

  “Where’s my granddaughter?”

  We look in the direction of my mother’s voice, finding her twirling in a circle. Her gaze lands on us with a pout. She holds up grabby-hands toward Zailey.

  “Well,” Halder chuckles. “I guess someone needs a baby cuddle.”

  I hum while drifting a hand over our daughter’s head. “We can’t blame her. Our little peanut is the cutest ever.”

  “We produce good stock.” He winks at me.

  I bump my hip into his. “Yes, we certainly do. I can’t wait to begin practicing for another one. You know, since we can always improve on our skills.”

  “Hold that thought, sweetheart. I’ll make this exchange quick.”

  I slide my palm into the back pocket of his jeans, giving him a squeeze. “Please do.”

  Halder hustles off without a backwards glance. I bite my bottom while watching him strut off. The swagger is legit with that one. I allow my thoughts to drift while watching my fiancé approach his mother-in-law. Those two might’ve gotten off to a rocky start, but they’ve managed to form a genuine bond over the past several months. Halder has been vital in getting my mom to see that there’s nothing to fear beyond the walls of her home. He can attest to the horrors that take place while sealed inside a secure vault better than anyone. I haven’t seen her smile this much since the faded memories of when my father was still around. That might have something to do with the snoozing pink package she’s giddy to receive.


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