Left For Wild: A Stranded in the Wilderness Romance

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Left For Wild: A Stranded in the Wilderness Romance Page 29

by Harloe Rae

  “You look hungry enough to eat an entire steak.”

  I shake off the desire clogging my brain and pin a glare at my younger sister. “Very funny. Where did you swoop in from all of a sudden?”

  Reagan swats at the pleasant air, blindly gesturing to her left. “I’ve been circling. Figure this was an excellent opportunity to appreciate the scenery with you. Talk about lady porn.”

  I almost startle at the drop to her already husky tone. With a quick glance, I expect to follow her gaze to Halder holding our baby. It’s not as if I can blame her ogling. That’s where my eyes rarely stray from. But when I track her sight, she’s gawking at Beckett. I furrow my brows, only to raise them in the next instant. “Oh.”

  “Who’s that hunk of man-meat? I’d like several servings, please and thank you.” She licks her red-stained lips, a predator on the prowl.

  I scoff at her choice of language. “You’re such a hussy.”

  Reagan plasters a palm to her chest, fluttering long lashes at me. “Innocent me? Hardly. Just because you already snagged a Prince Charming doesn’t mean I’m off the market.”

  “You don’t have to make a move on my fiancé’s brother.”

  “Ah, the plot is getting steamy. I thought there was a resemblance.”

  “Uh-huh. Beckett is my age, I think.”

  “Gah, I knew his name would be fuck-hot. That’s one to scream while rattling a headboard.”

  I don’t bother concealing a gag. “Gross.”

  “Oh, quit acting like a prude. Your man is fine and all, but him?” She wags her brows at Beckett. “He’s downright rip my clothes off sexy. That family has attractive genes.”

  “Halder’s butt does fill out denim very well.” I sigh while treating myself to another gander.

  “You’re so funny, Blake.” She lightly bats at my arm in that distracted way girls do when they’re focusing elsewhere. “But let’s focus on what’s important. Do you think Beckett is single?”

  Recalling every detail of his background isn’t difficult since I haven’t heard that much has changed attitude wise from what Halder revealed last fall. “Uh, probably?”

  “Halder’s brother or not, would it be weird if I flirt with him? It’s not like I’m related to him. I promise to be nice. You wouldn’t care if we date, right?”

  “No?” I manage to drag that single word out for several seconds. The repercussions of this ending poorly settle on my shoulders with a plop. Fingers crossed that Beckett isn’t a wimp when it comes to feisty brunettes.

  “Super!” She claps while hopping in place. “You’re the best. Do you think he appreciates a woman going after who she wants?”

  “Uh, who doesn’t?”

  Reagan quirks a brow at me. “Plenty of guys. You haven’t been out of the game that long.”

  I rub at the ache suddenly stabbing into my temple. “Why don’t you go ask him? I’m sure he’ll be happy to answer.”

  “Kay!” She flounces off with her high-ponytail swaying.

  That man better have a solid defense at his disposal. My sister isn’t shy or afraid in the slightest. Heaven forbid he chooses to keep her guessing. She’s worse than a cat cornering a mouse. Maybe I should’ve steered her away. Would my opinion really make a difference? I’m still replaying our conversation when Halder resumes his post by my side.

  “So,” he bends into me. “We meet again.”

  What I’m hoping resembles a lioness purr tickles my throat. “Indeed. And you’re alone.”

  His chuckle is bubbling with mirth. “Your mother couldn’t take Zailey from me fast enough.”

  “Pretty sure she’s been ready to be a grandmother since Reagan flew the coup.”

  “It sure was kind of us to fill that gap then.”

  I scratch at the stubble coating his jaw. “And not just for my mom. Your parents seem very eager to meet Zailey. They offered to babysit so we could have a date night.”

  His grunt is full of suspicion. “From Trixton Falls? That’ll work well.”

  “I’m hoping this is the push they need to come see us. They won’t want to skip out on all the early months.”

  He tilts my chin up with the knuckle of his thumb. “Your optimism will be the downfall to their stubborn values.”

  I press my lips against his for a brief kiss. “You make that sound like a bad thing.”

  “Quite the opposite, Lee. You’re only capable of impacting for the good.”

  “Your faith in me is so sexy,” I murmur.

  “I’m more than willing to kneel at your altar. Just say when.” Halder lets a snarl-groan combo loose, gaining the attention of three people striding to their car. I toss them a wave while my randy fiancé sobers his expression.

  “Maybe later, boss. We still have a lot of company.”

  “Quite a shame.” He goes quiet for a moment. “Since you mentioned her earlier, what’s going on over there?”

  I follow his path of interest to our siblings who are engaging in a seemingly captivating discussion. Their bodies are stooping inward, as if they can’t get close enough without being overly obvious. Real shocking. From this angle, whatever they’re talking about appears to be of an intimate nature. “Um, my sister thinks your brother is hot.”

  Halder chokes on his next inhale. “Ah, shit. He asked me about her earlier.”

  “Really?” I tip my face toward his.

  “Yep. This should be interesting.”

  I squint as the love birds find a patch of shadowed lawn to perch on. “If nothing else, we can take the credit for matchmaking.”

  “That can be our next volunteer gig.” He presses a kiss to my temple. “Maybe Reagan will get Beckett on the straight and narrow.”

  A laugh spurts out of me. “Or the down and dirty.”

  His shoulders shake with amusement. “That works, too.”

  “They’ll keep each other occupied for the afternoon, at least.”

  “My brother has the reputation to be somewhat of a Casanova with the ladies. He hasn’t found the one meant to last, though. Your sister might be getting more than she bargained for.”

  “Swap that to exactly what she’s hoping will happen.”

  “Even better. She won’t have a reason to seek you out again. I’m due for some quality Lee time of my own.”

  I cup his cheek, still layered with a short length of scruff. “Feeling neglected?”

  He nuzzles into my touch. “Just a bit. I’m ready for another vacation.”

  I’ll be the first to agree with him. Our babymoon took us to the tropical beaches of Hawaii. Turns out Halder has an old buddy living down there. That was already months ago. “Where to?”

  Halder bites his bottom lip, pinning me with those bottomless green pools. “Would you call me crazy if I suggested the northern Canadian wilderness?”

  A thrill zings through my veins. “That depends on which part. There’s a lot of uncharted territory up there.”

  “I have my sights set on a certain alcove just off the river and near the mountains. We could wait until summer, for the sake of variety.”

  The noise I release is evidence of my one-hundred percent agreement. “Not sure anything has sounded better.”

  He returns the sound with one of his own. “It’s settled then. Are you ready to be a missus?”

  “More than you could probably guess.”

  “I highly doubt that, sweetheart.”

  “You’ll just have to wait and see how slow these thirty days drag by.” Something similar popped out of my mouth not long ago as we awaited another date to arrive. I go to rest a palm on my stomach and catch empty air. The second attempt is more successful, but the mostly flat landing space doesn’t hold the same appeal.

  Halder notices, of course. “Do you miss being pregnant?”

  “Eh, maybe? There are some habits that are harder to break. The kicks were so fun to feel. It’s nice to be regaining control of my body again.”

  “I grew very fond of certain hormo
nes. And your extra curves. All the midnight cravings were definitely in my favor.” The slight growl in his tone makes me giggle.

  It’s no secret that I was a major nympho while pregnant. Or maybe I always am. It’s hard to say considering Halder knocked me up almost instantly. But that seems irrelevant since my fiancé is hot. I’ll always want to jump his bones. He makes me horny with a single flick of his pinky.

  I slant our mouths together for a sizzling peck that’s over far too soon. “Maybe we can reenact our favorite moments.”

  He nips at my jaw. “Should we sneak off to our supply closet?”

  “You mean the tool shed?”

  “Does it matter?” Halder bumps his hips into mine. “I’ll show you how my drill fits into your hole.”

  “Oh, boss. I’m well aware.” That doesn’t stop me from rubbing against him in further encouragement.

  “Are you sure about that? It’s been a while since you agreed to getting lucky in a crowded space.”

  “I’d hardly refer to our house as having sex in public.”

  “We could drive to the shelter or grab a drink at Muddy Sheep. I can pullover on the way for a little appetizer,” he suggests in a low whisper.

  I cringe and flex my thighs at the reminder of trying to maneuver in such a cramped area. “Pass on that. The bar bathroom was more sexy in my fantasies. And I think we’ve rolled the dice too many times with the hidden nooks and crannies at Second Chance.”

  Halder wags his brows. “There’s always plenty to explore in the back thirty. You can whip out my pole and use the beam to guide us on the four-wheeler.”

  “The innuendos are endless with you today,” I laugh into the crook of his neck.

  “Don’t pretend your bolt doesn’t love my screw.”

  “It’s been eight weeks, stud. I can hardly remember.”

  “And whose fault is that? We only had to wait six.” The pout in his voice has my smile spreading.

  I pat his muscular chest while sticking out my bottom lip. “Tell that to your daughter and her keen sense of ruining a moment.”

  “Lucky for us, your mom is taking Zailey for the night.”

  My knees almost buckle at the idea. I love my daughter something fierce, but an evening alone with Halder is worth more than our weight in gold. “Don’t tease me, boss.”

  “Never dream of it, Lee.”

  I snort at that. “Uh-huh, I’ve heard that before.”

  “This is different. I wouldn’t joke about having hours to reacquaint myself with every inch of you.”

  My eyes almost cross from the clear intention growling in his tone. I glance around, finding everyone occupied, including our fussy infant with a serious knack for cock-blocking. “Um, okay. I’m in full support of all that starting right now. When can we kick all these people out?”

  “Who said they have to leave? I wasn’t messing around about sneaking off earlier.”

  “Oh, I love where this is going. I’m even more in love with the man suggesting it.” I sneak my hand under the hem on his shirt, walking a few fingers up the cut ridges of rippling abs.

  Halder shivers with a moan. “Love you, sweetheart. So damn much.”

  “Are you gonna show me?”

  “Fuck yes. We moved out to the semi-boonies for privacy. Might as well enjoy it. Let’s christen a new spot.”

  Sparks flicker to flames in the depths of my core. “I get so hot when you tell me sweet nothings. Let’s do more of that where no one can see us.”

  He gives my ass a smack, gesturing toward the woods bordering our property line. “After you, boss.”

  I hope you enjoyed Halder, Blakely, and Left For Wild! Do you want a little more? How about a short story for Beckett and Reagan? Well, click HERE for a free read to continue loving on these characters!

  Are you looking for more broody, swoony heroes from me? Well, I have plenty to offer!

  Enjoy this excerpt from my best-selling standalone, Breaker.

  “I want you to take my virginity.”

  Grady is silent for a few beats. I peel my lids open, watching the stacks of muscle in his shoulders flex with harsh breaths. The knot in my chest pulls tighter. My offering dangles in the few feet separating us. He just needs to reach out and grab me. But his lips pull into a sneer.

  “Are you fucking joking?”

  I cringe at his foul language. Grady’s tongue has always been sharp. Even more so lately, especially with me. “No,” I whisper. “I’m very serious.”

  “Go home, Sutt. We’re not discussing this.”


  A tic of strain pops in his jaw. “Because I say so.”

  “Doesn’t it matter what I want?”

  “Has it ever?”

  The answer is no. A loud, resounding boom meant to deter. But I don’t hear it. I’ve been waiting all of my teenage years for this moment. I’m not letting it slip away.

  “Just once. No one has to know.”

  His eyes flash with a streak of lightning. “How fucking nice. I can be your shameful secret. No fucking thanks. Find someone else to slum it with.”

  I almost smack my forehead. How could I be so dense? “That’s not what I meant, Gray.” This is not going according to plan. I lick my lips and search for a different route. “I want you, and always have. I’ve saved myself for you. My first time is meant to be with you.”

  Grady flops onto his bed with a groan. “People accuse me of doing a lot of bad shit, but I’ve never been a thief. I’m not stealing your fucking cherry, Sutton.”

  I’m shaking my head before he’s done talking. Heat crawls up my chest and neck, but I’m already buried too far. “But I want to do this with you. It has to be you.”

  He scrubs a palm over his face. “Don’t do this desperate act. Give yourself to a man who’s deserving.”

  “I’m looking at him.” This wall between us needs to crumble. I step out of my soggy flip-flops and instantly feel more at home. If I reach forward, my hand will skim his blankets. It’s been years since I’ve felt the comfort—albeit platonic—of his arms. I curl my toes into the carpet at being this close again.

  Grady glares at the ceiling. “Seriously. I shouldn’t have to repeat myself, but I will. Go home, Sutt.”

  “Please, Gray.” The two words trickle off my trembling lips.

  His scoff echoes around the dark room. “Begging is far beneath you, Sutt. Keep that silver spoon in your mouth.”

  That has me clacking my teeth together. “Don’t be an asshole.”

  “Then don’t force my hand. Go back to your side of the fence. You don’t belong in these bunks.”

  Something dark flips inside of me. “This is my property. I have every right to be here.”

  He grunts into a clenched fist. “Don’t need another reminder of who reigns.”

  The strength that brought me here is beginning to crack under his pressure. But a lingering spark ignites when I catch him staring at me. Grady rarely looks my way for longer than a casual glance. But the privacy of his bedroom is proving to make a difference. He doesn’t conceal the way his eyes skitter across my exposed skin. There’s unmasked hunger waiting for me there. That gives me a much-needed confidence boost.

  It’s not an accident that I’m wearing a daringly low-cut shirt. The hem of my skirt is a few inches too short. Am I acting desperate like he claims? No doubt. Do I care about being the one pursuing this? Not in the slightest. Am I worried about being rejected? More than I care to admit. But that fear doesn’t hinder me.

  “Did you know that I’m leaving tomorrow?” I catch a brief glimmer of shock register across Grady’s features. A twitch snags his eyebrow. His throat bobs with a heavy swallow. He rolls his gaze off mine, avoiding the truth. If I hadn’t been standing so close, watching his every move, the reaction would be missed.

  “And your point?” It appears he’s choosing to address the wall.

  “I’ll be gone. We won’t see each other anymore.” I hold my breath while waiting
for more honesty to show.

  Grady’s lips tighten. “So, you came for a farewell fuck?”

  I wrinkle my nose. “Must you be so crass?”

  “Don’t act like this is a new development.” His tone is flat and stiff.

  I rub my temples. I’m beginning to see the massive error in my ways. But my heart is stubborn. “I always wanted things to be different between us.”

  “Sorry to disappoint.” His tone reveals he’s anything but.

  I’m already waist-deep. Why not wade a bit further? “It’s not too late, Gray. I’m here now. This is what I’ve been waiting for.”

  “Wait longer. You’re still a fucking kid, Sutt.”

  “I’m eighteen. Only two years younger than you.”

  He waves off my words. “Age is just a number. You’re sheltered as fuck. Get out and experience the world before shackling yourself to the gutter. Get outta here before Jace finds you missing.”

  Rather than retreat, I erase the remaining distance to his bed. “I don’t care about my brother.”

  Grady’s snort resembles a bull. “I sure as shit do.”

  Of course he does. They might as well be related by blood, not just sentiment. Defeat appears in two large boulders weighing my shoulders down. He won’t budge, no matter how hard I push. A seed of nostalgia plants itself in my mind. I find myself changing tactics as a last-ditch effort. “Tell me a happy something, Gray.”

  His chuckle is empty. “Nah, we’re too old for that shit. But nice try. Don’t have any spare joy to share.”

  I blink at the unshed tears slowly building momentum. I want to scream at him. Demand that he forgets the pain and anger for one second to see what’s standing right in front of him. But I force the fire down. “Want me to tell you one?”


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