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Left For Wild: A Stranded in the Wilderness Romance

Page 30

by Harloe Rae

  “Won’t change my mind.”

  I glance away to hide my wobbling lip and wet lashes. “Will you at least hold me for a bit? Like you used to during storms?”


  “Please, Grady. I never ask for anything from you.” I scoot forward until my legs bump the mattress.

  With a resigned sigh, he opens his arms. “All right, fine. Five minutes, then you’re going home. C’mere.”

  I nod and quickly cuddle into his side. He smells of a hardworking man, that familiar mix of motor oil and fresh hay. I snuggle deeper while inhaling the scent of my dreams. “Remember the first happy something I gave you?”

  Grady nods, his chin ghosting across my forehead. He doesn’t protest while I tug us along some pleasant highlights. I fill the chilly silence with sunny chatter. Grady doesn’t add to the conversation, keeping it one-sided. It’s probably for the best. Nothing he shares lately is good.

  My five minutes loop several times before I run out of steam. We’re stuck at a fork in the road. Sad as it might be, I find myself turning in the direction that leads away from him. “I’ll miss you, Gray.”

  A rumble rises off his chest. “Yeah? Try forgetting me while you’re at it. You’ll be better off.”

  I don’t bother responding. With that final blow, a gate slams shut between us. The clang ripples through me, solidifying what I’ve been trying to deny. This is the end of us. But this has always been the story of a girl desperately in love with a boy. Irrevocably and unrequited.

  I’m ready to leave these well-worn pages behind.

  Want to read more? One-click Breaker on Amazon here!

  And here is an excerpt from another favorite, Gent. Enjoy this taste of Trey!

  “Did you hear what I said?”

  At her question, my gaze shifts to connect with the woman’s stare. She’s an unfamiliar face, probably lured into town by the specialty shops off Main Street. Sitting closer than socially acceptable, she’s almost stuck on me. The bar is crowded tonight, though. I let the proximity slide, but her attempt at conversation is pushing it too far.

  I came to Dagos for a few beers after work, not to engage in chit-chat. Usually I won’t hesitate sampling fresh meat, gladly gobble up what’s being offered, but not today. Try as she might, this chick is striking out with me. I have zero intentions of giving her the quick fuck she’s been practically begging for since sitting down.

  I clear my throat. “Ma’am, I’m not interested.”

  “Excuse me?” she says as her eyes widen. “Ma’am? That’s what you call a grandmother. Do I look old to you?”

  The dial on her annoying meter cranks up a few notches. I’m not stupid enough to fall into her trap, but still bite my tongue to keep the insults from barreling out.

  I quickly scan her pinched face, covered with powdery shit likely meant to hide her age. I was trying to be polite by using a respectful term, but she’s clearly not the type. I rub my forehead while blowing out a breath, frustration already building like a storm cloud.

  “I mean no offense,” I grind out between clenched teeth, “but I’m spending the evening solo. Cheers.” I raise my bottle in a lame-ass salute.

  The yappy broad huffs and rolls her eyes. It seems she might spit more crap my way, but then her attention darts to a man across the room. She eagerly slips off the stool, nearly spilling her drink with the jerky movements. She glances back at me, shooting daggers from her eyes.

  “Asshole,” she shoots over her shoulder before sauntering off.

  Good fucking riddance.

  I lift the nearly empty beer to my lips, but a burst of laughter interrupts me.

  “Wow. You sure know how to pick ‘em. How are you still single with suave moves like that?”

  “Not you too,” I mutter without turning around, recognizing the raspy voice immediately. “Was the entire female race set on driving me fucking crazy?” My chin tilts skyward as I silently ask for patience… or a fucking break. Neither will come for me.

  “Would it kill you to be nice?” Addison rests her arms against the bar next to me.

  I puff air through my clenched teeth. “Most likely. And I was nice. I called her ma’am.”

  “You know girls hate that,” she shoots back. “It’s a dig more than anything and makes us feel old. Might as well call her a raging bitch or wrinkled hag.”

  “Those names seem more appropriate. Thanks,” I chuckle but there’s no humor behind it.

  “Don’t start, Trey. You know I’m right.”

  “I’m not saying shit. Just thinking I might use those instead.”

  “You’re impossible.”

  “That’s the point.”

  “What-ev-er,” Addison singsongs while glancing around. “Where’s Jack?”

  “Still at the shop.”

  “Burning the midnight oil?”

  “In more ways than one. Had a rough day.”

  She tilts her head and gives me a once-over. “You too?”

  “Don’t I always?”

  “Meh, I suppose. You’re always a grump so it’s tough to tell the difference.”

  “And here I thought we were exchanging pleasantries.”

  “You and pleasant will never go together.” Addison hitches a thumb over her shoulder. “Running off that lovely lady is a prime example.”

  I grunt and shake my head. “She deserved it for being so desperate.”

  She snorts and elbows me. “Why are you such a dick? All that handsome is going to such shameful waste. You need to find someone to treat right.”

  Peering at Addison, all toned limbs and tan skin, I consider a quick fuck after all. I grip the cool bottle, picturing her soft flesh giving in to me.

  “Why haven’t we ever—”

  “No way. I know that look,” she says. “I see you give women those bedroom eyes every Friday night only to watch them turn cold the following morning. I haven’t fallen for them yet and I don’t plan to start.”

  Just like that, our breezy banter slams to a halt. Tension strains my shoulders after being cut off. Again. What is it with chicks bulldozing me tonight?

  Having Addison call me out does nothing to help my mood, but it’s no surprise she sees straight through me. Although I’ve known her since kindergarten, it still pisses me off. Moments like this make living in a small-town suffocating. There’s nothing and no one new around here. I know useless shit about everyone from Garden Grove, whether I want to or not.

  I roll my neck and restore my typical look of indifference. “I never get any complaints. Your loss, Addy.”

  Addison shakes her head. “So fucking cocky. I ain’t giving you any ass, but how ‘bout another?” She asks and gestures to my beer.

  I grumble, “That’d be great,” without looking back at her.

  Addison just stands there so I give in and glance over. Her arms are crossed as she raises a slim brow my way, seemingly waiting for…

  “Please,” I grit. The irritation from earlier whooshes in my ears and I’m ready to get gone.

  Right after this drink.

  She snickers and says, “That’s better. We’ll make a gentleman of you soon.”

  “Don’t hold your breath, ma’am.”

  Addison gasps and flames rise in her hazel eyes.

  Before she digs into me, I add, “Chill out. I’m just fucking with you. But seriously, get back to work. I’m thirsty.”

  “You really are an asshole,” she says while patting my cheek with more force than necessary. I’m sure she’d love to slap the shit out of me but won’t risk getting in trouble for it. She shakes her head and turns away, strutting off to serve other waiting customers.

  My eyes lock on her swaying hips, losing myself in the rhythm of her movement for a moment. No harm in looking, right?

  Sweet-smelling perfume wafts in as the abandoned stool next to me shifts slightly.

  “Is this seat taken?”

  The notes are soft but rise above the booming noise in the space.
The feminine lilt of her voice snakes around before I feel a twisting in my gut. I quickly shove that fluffy shit away. My jaw ticks while I ignore her heavenly scent closing in around me.

  “Don’t even bother,” I growl loud enough for her to hear.

  “Excuse me?”

  Disbelief colors her voice and I can’t help swiveling toward her.

  Holy shit.

  Bottomless blue eyes greet me, sparkling with fierce emotion. The glittering sapphires are hypnotizing, the type of pull any man would fall victim to.

  Except me.

  One-click now!

  After I finish writing a novel, there’s always this bubble of excitement. It makes me very happy that there are readers out there enjoying my books. Left For Wild is #11. I’m still pinching myself each day that this is even possible. My journey as an author has been incredible and I have you all to thank for that. I’m so grateful that you chose my words to enjoy on this day. Hopefully you can feel the gratitude through the pages. Thank you for picking my romance out of the lineup!

  There are so many people I need to specifically thank. To start, my husband deserves all of the hugs and kisses for his endless patience. I’m not sure how I got so lucky in life, but he’s the other half of my soul. None of this would be possible without him. Also, a huge thanks to my son for bringing so much joy into my life. And soon we will have another little munchkin running around. Yay!

  I’m incredible grateful to my family for always providing pillars of support. I dedicated LFW to my mother because she’s been there from the start to give me a push of inspiration. It’s not easy to raise a family on your own and she did so with grace. So much love to you, Mama!

  A huge round of applause to Jacquelyn and Renee for keeping my pregnant brain on task. For the most part, at least. These two are vital in so many ways. I’ll never be able to send enough gratitude their way. Thank you for always being there for a ridiculous GIF or to share encouraging words. Love you!

  There aren’t enough words for me to give in order to properly thank Talia. She’s been by my side since the beginning and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Whenever I send a crazy list of ideas, she manages to whip up magic with ease. You’re amazing and I’m in awe!

  I’m not sure if LFW would have been finished on time if it wasn’t for K.k. Her daily spankings (virtual, of course) kept me going when all I wanted to do was nap. Her friendship is priceless and I’m eternally grateful she chose me as her beech. Nachos and sand between our toes coming soon. I can’t wait for all the sexy glances!

  A massive round of extra tight squeezes to Kate (LK) for always being there. She loves hugs so much. I’m very thankful she tolerates me. You’ve probably seen her epic graphics floating around on my page, and many others. She’s the best for countless reasons and I’ll never be able to say thanks enough. Love you!

  Heather, my wifey, changed the game after we shared champagne in Boston last year. I’ll never be the same ever again, for all the best reasons. She’s my beech forever and a day. I’ll always be here to pour a little cranberry into your bubbly. Kisses to you!

  Leigh, Ava, Parker, Annie, Nicole, Tia, Suzie, Michelle, Lauren, Ace, Giana, Willow, and many more—these ladies offer support and kindness without fail. My days would be a lot dimmer if they didn’t grant me their brightness. It’s because of them that I feel encouraged and motivated and boosted to do a better job each day. Thank you, thank you!

  An extra loud shoutout to my Hotties and Review Crew. These are MY PEOPLE! I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for them. The endless love and support I get from our group is irreplaceable. I’m so thankful to each one of you for taking this journey with me. I appreciate you more than words can describe. Keep loving my books, okay? Promise?! A special thanks to Jackie, Keri, Katherine, Julie, Demi, Cindy, Kari, Christina, TJ, Sarah, Shauna, Melissa, and so many more!

  Candi and Candi Kane PR are the best in the publicist business. This team of professionals works tirelessly to provide the greatest possible services for their authors. I’m lucky to be one of them! Candi, you’re such an incredible lady boss and I love you. Thank you so very much for all you do!

  Thank you to all the ladies of Give Me Books. I’ve been working with you guys for over three years and you always provide amazing release services. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  Book Cover Kingdom gets another shoutout for the FANTASTIC Left For Wild cover. As always, your mad skills never cease to leave me breathless.

  Thanks to Rafa G Catala, the very talented photographer who shot the perfect image of Hugo for this book. The image helped inspire the man Halder is.

  A huge thank you to Kiezha with Librum Artis Editorial Services for editing Left For Wild. Her knowledge and talent help make these pages sparkle!

  Stacey from Champagne Book Design once again created the most stunning interior for my book baby. I cannot recommend her formatting services enough!

  I can’t end without sending out another massive round of thanks to all the readers, reviewers, bloggers, bookstagrammers, and book lovers out there. You’re the foundation behind this industry and none of us would be here without you! Thank you so very much for loving romance and this amazing community.

  One last thing? If you enjoyed Left For Wild and want to do me a huge favor, please consider leaving a review. It really helps others find my books. Thank you for reading!

  Harloe Rae is a USA Today & Amazon Top 10 best-selling author. Her passion for writing and reading has taken on a whole new meaning. Each day is an unforgettable adventure.

  She’s a Minnesota gal with a serious addiction to romance. There’s nothing quite like an epic happily ever after. When she’s not buried in the writing cave, Harloe can be found hanging with her hubby and son. If the weather permits, she loves being lakeside or out in the country with her horses.

  Harloe is the author of the Reclusive series, Watch Me Follow, the #BitterSweetHeat series, Ask Me Why, the Silo Springs series, and Left For Wild. These titles are available on Amazon.

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