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Daylight, a Timeless Series Novel

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by Lisa L Wiedmeier


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or used factiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, my not be reproduced in any form without permission from the author. The scanning uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the author is illegal and punishable by law.

  Copyright © 2013 by Lisa L. Wiedmeier

  Editor: Sam Dogra

  Copy Editor: Jodi Tahsler

  Front cover art by: Phatpuppy Art

  Cover design by: Timeless Productions

  For more information on the Timeless Series visit: / /


  ISBN: 978-0-9839052-5-7

  For Andre.

  Fat tans better.


  Special thanks to Glenn, Coley & Cody, who without their patience and support, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

  For Laura and Jessie, you bring me laughter.

  For my Mom and Dad, thanks for believing in me.

  To Sam, who as always, is my life editor.

  Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love heals a memory no one can steal.

  ~From a headstone in Ireland

  Chapter 1

  Memories linger, misty like the shadows, tingling the senses. Ever close, yet far away. Craving to come near, only to brush past for a fleeting moment, before they disappear into the deep recesses once again.

  “Is this seat taken?” an unfamiliar voice asked.

  I jumped, knocking the pencil off my desk. I hadn’t heard anyone approach.

  “No,” I replied as I looked up. A tall blond boy I’d never seen before was hovering over me. His smile reached all the way to his icy blue eyes.

  I glanced around the classroom. Was he talking to me?

  “I’m Colt O’Shea, and you are?” He stuck his hand out, and I hesitated.

  I wasn’t keen on making friends, not when I moved so much. Besides, I’d done a good job avoiding other students in the past and for the first three weeks of this school year. I planned on keeping it that way.

  “I won’t bite.” He winked.

  Knowing I wouldn’t get rid of him so easily, I extended my hand and watched it get swallowed up in his.

  “I’m Cheyenne, Cheyenne Wilson.”

  He pulled up a chair beside me. He ran his fingers through his hair, taking a sudden interest in the textbook on my desk. “Whatcha reading?”

  “Calculus.” Why was he being so persistent? My body language and short answers should make it obvious I didn’t want to carry on a conversation. I really wasn’t in the mood, and it wasn’t like we’d be living here much longer. Making friends made the loneliness harder when we left.

  “Sounds like fun.”

  I raised a brow. “Should be, since we’re in Calculus.”

  “Oh.” Colt chuckled and began arranging his books. “I thought this was my English Literature class. Um…” He looked up sheepishly. “Do you mind sharing? It seems I’ve gotten my schedule mixed up.” He flashed another brilliant smile. “I’d run back to my locker, but I don’t want to get a tardy my first day in a new school.”

  “Sure.” I slid the book closer. As much as I didn’t want to talk to him, I definitely knew what it was like to get lost in a new place. “You know, you should probably have someone help you…”

  “You offering?” His eyes brightened.

  “Uh…” Great, I had to open my mouth. I was inviting him in even though I didn’t want to.

  “Don’t tell me you’re as disorganized as I am.”

  I rolled my eyes and held out my hand. “Let’s take a look at your schedule.”

  He pulled it from his pack and handed it over. I scanned it and quickly realized it was oddly familiar. “Hey, you have the same schedule as me.”

  His smile grew.

  “Wow, what are the chances? Guess you’re stuck with me, huh?”

  I sucked in a deep breath, and my eyes shot open. I couldn’t decide which was worse: the pain of the memory, or the fact that it was already fading.

  “It’s okay, Cheyenne,” Callon said as he stroked my arm. “It’s just a bit of turbulence.”

  My head was resting on his shoulder, and I quickly remembered we were on a plane. I turned away, staring at the seat in front of me. I didn’t need to see the sorrow in his hazel eyes. I wanted sleep to claim me again and bring my sunshine to me, my Colt. My few happy moments…my reason for living.

  I’d never imagined our meeting that day would lead to all this. At first it had hurt, knowing he’d been sent to watch over me, to protect me. A friendship built on lies. I’d been angry, devastated by his betrayal, until I slowly realized how much he meant to me. What he’d done and the circumstances around us couldn’t change; they could only be accepted. But even after our shared words of forgiveness and love, fate—the same fate that brought us together—ripped him from my arms. Forever.

  How was I supposed to go on without him? He’d been my rock when my adoptive parents were murdered. He’d been the strong shoulder to cry upon when the world crashed down around me. I’d fought to push both him and Callon away after I learned of the betrothals, but Colt was relentless. He’d promised never to give up on me.

  When my transformation into a Timeless began, almost killing me, he’d never left my side. When my first powers surfaced, he believed in me. When I ran away, he followed, and yet he had eventually understood my feelings and given me space. When I was stolen away by Marcus, Colt came for me. He defied Callon’s orders…he’d said we’d always be together…

  Until Marcus killed him.

  Marcus…the name burned in my mind. The man who murdered my birth parents, my adoptive parents, and now Colt. The man whose sole purpose in life was revenge for all the wrongs against him. He wanted not only to rule over all the Timeless, but the world as well. He was tired of hiding from humans. The only thing he needed was my power; then he’d be unstoppable in his conquest.

  Colt and the others had come to my rescue, almost getting me clear of Marcus’s army, but then Marcus struck. Making the biggest mistake of his life. That day, as Colt fell before my eyes, I’d nearly killed everything in the valley. I could think of nothing else but to destroy Marcus, not caring for anyone else’s life. Until Callon had crawled to me and begged me to stop. He had stopped me from becoming as cruel and twisted as the man who murdered my love.

  I tilted my head slightly so I could stare at Maes. His head hung low, his black hair drifting over his rugged features, his eyes closed. Maes, a Tresez, a shape shifter cursed to serve Marcus, was now bound to me. He had sworn to protect me, because I was the only one who could break his curse; a curse my grandfather had put upon them for serving the Sarac. A curse I knew nothing about, let alone how to break it.

  Maes had been difficult from the start. Rude, sarcastic, mean…and yet somehow he’d changed. He wasn’t the same man anymore. He’d help free me from Marcus, even though he knew it could cost him his life. But was it because he wanted freedom from his curse, or was his loyalty genuine?

  Daniel leaned forward, and our gaze met. He looked awful, with bags under his eyes and his hair sticking up in every direction. He’d lost his brother, and was fearful he’d lose me as well. Even seeing his heart breaking, I wasn’t sure I could hold on. Life held nothing for me anymore. I had no reason to stay. A dark vortex swirled around me, drown
ing me in a bottomless pit of shadows. I was inches from the edge, an edge I didn’t know if I could return from. It would trap me in its suffocating grip, and snuff out the last light within me.

  A shiver raked me. I just wanted the pain to stop.

  Callon adjusted the blanket, pulling it over my shoulders, and I closed my eyes once more. My heart begged for my sunshine, to push the darkness away. Restlessly I waited for the small spark that wouldn’t come.

  Callon stilled, and I looked up, studying his slumbering features. He was my future now. I’d been promised to him from the start, even before I’d ever known I was a Timeless, as I was the last surviving heir of the Kvech clan. He seemed peaceful as he slept, but I knew deep down he was suffering as much as I was. He’d lost his brother, his best friend…his heart was crushed as well.

  He seemed to hover over me protectively, even in his sleep. His gaunt expression, his unshaven whiskers. We were all barely surviving Colt’s death. We were all holding on by a thread. And mine was fraying…

  Maes elbow nudged my leg. He was sitting beside me, and watching me. He had seen me stir. His lips parted as if he wanted to speak, but he said nothing. What could he say? What could I say? My last stinging words were to Callon, telling him he’d gotten what he’d wished for. That with Colt gone, I was all his, as he’d wanted from the start. It had been too many days since I’d said it. And I could never take it back.

  Yet I hadn’t spoken completely out of grief and anger. Callon had known the truth, but refused to reveal it to me until it was too late. His refusal to give me information had triggered everything that had led to Colt’s death. Running from the Trackers, meeting Maes, escaping from my guardians, and finally getting captured by Marcus. If he’d told me the whole story when I’d asked, I wouldn’t have acted so rashly.

  But then again, he knew me too well. He knew I was stubborn, that I wouldn’t have listened. I’d still have tried to take on destiny by myself, fighting for a way for Colt and me to be together…

  The cabin’s light dimmed, and I looked away from Maes’s gaze. I was waiting, waiting for the darkness to overtake my soul and finish me off, but that would be too easy. This was going to be long, slow and painful. Why should destiny be kind to me? She’d ripped everything else away. She had no reason to be merciful.

  The seat in front of me moved, and I exhaled. Why couldn’t I sleep? Being Timeless, I didn’t require much, but after the hard traveling and draining journey, I needed rest.

  After what seemed like years, a voice broke through the cabin, announcing our arrival to Ireland. The lights flickered on, and Callon touched my shoulder. I lay still, content to stay put, but Callon pulled me up so my seat could be “returned to its upright position.” I sighed.

  He drew his arm around me. His mouth pressed near my ear.

  “It’s going to be okay, Cheyenne.” A gentle kiss followed. “Another day and we’ll be home at the estate. You’ll have time to rest and heal.”

  I stared at my hands, folding them in my lap. It was never going to be okay. Colt had been taken away, and nothing else mattered. Rest would never find me; my heart would never feel the light again. Besides, what good was a home when not all the family members could be there? It would always have a missing piece…

  The plane began to descend, and I felt the vibrations through the floor. The captain announced that the local time was eleven thirty at night. My jaw tightened. More blackness to feed my distressed heart. Why couldn’t there have been sunlight? Where was the source of strength I needed?

  The landing was smooth, and soon we disembarked. I followed behind Callon as he led us through the terminal, his fingers intertwined with mine. If he hadn’t been pulling me along, I would have remained on the plane. I was only vaguely aware of Daniel and Maes beside us, dragging our bags. I kept my head down, watching the ground. Only part of me registered what was happening as I was escorted to a taxi. Callon moved in beside me and I stared at the picture of the driver hanging on the back of his seat.

  Colt should have been here with us. It had been the plan all along, at least initially, before Callon had decided to banish Colt. Why had everyone been so against us? What was wrong with wanting to be with the one you loved?

  “Cheyenne,” Callon said. “Come on, we’re here.”

  I hadn’t even noticed the time pass. He tugged on my arm and helped me out of the cab. I looked up to see a hotel. I shivered as a chilly breeze brushed over us. It was as cold and lifeless as I was inside.

  It wasn’t long before we were in our room. We were on the fifth floor; the only reason I knew was the annoying chime of the elevator. We stopped just inside and I kept my gaze averted, studying the drab carpeting beneath my feet. Footsteps echoed in different directions as I stood, waiting.

  “Cheyenne.” Callon was waiting near a doorway. “Come on, you need to rest.”

  His tone left no room to argue. I lowered my head once again and walked towards him. He grasped my arm and pulled me towards the bathroom. He closed the door behind me, and I slumped against it. I didn’t want to be here, didn’t want to do anything. I couldn’t.

  My gaze fell to the sink top, where a nightie lay folded. Tears welled in my eyes, and I choked back a sob. It had been a gift from Colt. I turned away and quickly turned on the shower, desperate to wash away the gloom inside.

  When I came out again, only a dim light in the corner of the bedroom was on. Callon sat waiting on the bed, his shoulders sagging, no longer strong and confident. He pulled down the covers for me, and I crawled in.

  “Sleep, Cheyenne.” A tender kiss touched my head.

  The door only made the slightest creak as he closed it, but it was as if my heart understood. It was the final closure for it as well. I was alone now; completely and utterly alone. I had no living relatives, no best friend, and no sunshine.

  I curled my legs into my chest and held tight, waiting for sleep to come.

  “Cheyenne,” Colt’s whispery voice called out. “Why’d you have to run away? Why’d you have to leave me?”

  “Colt!” I cried. “I’m here! I’m here!”


  “No!” My body shook, as the memory of that day flashed before me. Marcus’s face was twisted with malice as he raised his hands towards Colt.

  “No!” I bellowed. “No, Marcus, no!”

  The blinding light blazed around me, and I was thrown to the ground. The air grew frigid as I looked up to see Colt’s lifeless body. Cold, hardened rage took over, and a surge of energy burst through my veins. The darkness I’d been fighting to contain was rising, consuming everything. My anguish, sorrow, pain and anger were expanding, mixing together and feeding me with power.

  “Why’d you leave me?” Colt whispered. “Why’d you leave me…”

  My hate-filled eyes met Marcus. I didn’t see a man; only a demon. One who’d stolen everything from me. I raised my hands, ready to reduce him to dust, when Marcus spoke:

  “This is all your doing, Cheyenne. This is all because of your selfish actions. You killed Colt!”

  I stopped breathing, tremors taking over my body. I’d brought this upon myself. I’d bottled up all my doom and despair, and now it was unleashed, a wild beast that couldn’t be tamed.

  My vision blurred with tears, and I began sobbing uncontrollably. My light, my sunshine, was gone, and it was my fault! I could never bring Colt back. I could never bring my parents or adoptive parents back. They’d all died because of me!

  “Take me!” I screamed, wishing for the darkness to run through me. I wanted it to suffocate me, drown me, numb the agonizing misery.

  Just make it all go away…

  “Cheyenne!” Callon’s voice broke through my nightmare, and strong arms pinned me to the bed.

  The shadows in my mind were stronger, and I pushed him away.

  “Cheyenne!” Callon bellowed. “Wake up!”

  Let it take me. Let it take me and let this miserable life be done with. Leave me be, and
let the blackness take my pain away forever.

  “Cheyenne!” Daniel screeched. “We’re here! We’re right here! Come back!”

  A stinging sensation radiated against my cheek, but it only lasted for a moment.

  “Do it again!” Maes screamed.

  My head rolled to the side, but my eyes fluttered open. Firm hands suddenly grasped my face and forced it upright. I blinked. Callon was straddling me, while Maes and Daniel hovered at my bedside. They were staring, horrified.

  “Breathe, Cheyenne, breathe,” Maes said. My mouth opened, and I gasped as air filled my lungs. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. Why hadn’t they let me go?

  “Where are you?” Callon whispered as he stroked my cheek, still hot from where he’d slapped me. “Come back. I need you.”

  I pulled away from his grasp and rolled to my side. He moved to sit beside me, cradling my head in his arms.

  “It was just a dream, sweetheart,” he spoke quietly. “It was nothing more than a dream.”

  I knew it was more than just a dream. It was my wish to get away. I was withdrawing, seeking refuge from this horrible reality I’d created.

  My breathing slowed and my racing heart calmed, but nothing could remove the ache in my chest. Not Callon, not Daniel, not Maes. Colt was the only one who could save me, and he was gone.

  “I need you to get dressed,” Callon said quietly. “We’re going to be leaving soon.”

  I pushed him away and rolled out of bed. Once in the bathroom, I leaned on the closed door, staring at the mirror. An unrecognizable woman stared back, and my hand flew to my mouth. The others didn’t need my explanation to work out what was going on; the answer was clear for all to see.

  My blue eyes had faded to a drab gray. My once bright blond hair was dull and lifeless. There was no color in my cheeks, only a sickly pallor. A cloak of something dark and wild lurked just under the surface, draining me from the inside. It was a violent storm cloud waiting to erupt.


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