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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

Page 3

by K E Osborn

  Why Wesley? Because I had a thing for Blade the movie with Wesley Snipes. The blades in that film had me loving knives and swords, so I figured I’d call my first and favourite knife after the great Wesley Snipes.

  Cassius is curled up at my feet as a belch rumbles up my chest and out my mouth while listening to the sounds of ‘Blue Monday’ by Orgy reverb through the sound system. Taking a deep breath, I look over to the door as it opens and the club girls walk in. Smiling widely, I see Skye strut her stuff, her platinum blonde hair cascading down over her shoulders. Wearing a tight and tiny white shirt that stops just under her tits showing off her stomach, and a pair of denim short shorts, her tattoos are on display perfectly. Her thighs covered in bright ink. Her left arm in a full black and grey sleeve and her face plastered with makeup. For someone who looks so slutty, she really is a nice chick. And a master at sucking cock.

  Behind her walks Jess, the tough bitch and leader of the club girls. If you want someone to fight you on everything you say, Jess is your girl. But she knows the club rules and follows them just enough, pushing the boundaries every chance she can. Her obviously dyed mahogany hair is long, coming down past her tits as she wears even less than Skye in basically a bra and shorts. Her tattoos are all black and grey, and only on her left side going from the tips of her fingers all the way down to the tips of her toes. She’s the epitome of a bad girl and my bad boy brothers love her. She does things with ping pong balls you couldn’t even imagine!

  Then my smile widens as in walks my Lunar. I say my Lunar, but she belongs to the club, not me. She’s my favourite, and the only club girl I go to these days. I know she still services the other guys, she has to, it’s the rules, but everyone knows she’s basically my girl. But she’s not just some arse for me, she’s also a friend. I respect her, she’s not like the other club girls. Yes, she might look like one with her long hair dyed pink at the top fading to yellow at the bottom. Her skinny, yet curvy figure sports her tattoos of coloured stars running up her left side. Annalise is her real name, but I gave her the nickname Lunar because of her tattoos—lots of stars. Star as a name seemed tacky, so I went with something solarish—Lunar. But she’s different. She’s not here just for the money and notoriety the club can offer you. Lunar loves the club. She wants to be an Old Lady one day. She lives for the club and it would take a lot to make her leave.

  Spotting me she looks down at the blood on my white shirt and cut. Her brow furrows before she races over to me.

  “Steel, what the fucking fuck?” she asks pushing the small table aside and sitting down on my lap running her hands through my hair and looking at the small Band-Aid on my face.

  My hand runs up her thigh that’s only covered by tiny tight shorts and I move it up right between her legs. “I’m fine darlin’, just a scratch.”

  “What the hell happened? Why are you covered in blood? Are you hurt under there?” she asks lifting up my shirt.

  Chuckling I shake my head as she pulls it back down seeing there’s nothing but ink and sweat underneath the shirt. “Deal went bad. We lost Ghost and the prospects.”

  She looks at me and her bottom lip trembles. “What?”

  I smooth the hair back from her face, moving my hand to the back of her hair pulling her head to mine, kissing her to help ease her pain. Everyone loved Ghost. Even Alex and Jake, they were good kids. She slowly pulls back and I lick my lips tasting the alcohol she’s consumed tonight.

  “Right! Whose fucking arse do I need to kick? Better yet, I’m going to find a red hot poker and singe their ball hair off and then make them eat it… then burn their nuts with a curling iron.”

  I smirk at the serious look on her face. Her eyebrows are scrunched in tight and her lips pursed together firmly. She totally means business.

  “Hey darlin’ I don’t want to get in the way of any ball burnin’, but maybe you should leave the torturin’ to Chops, hey? Wouldn’t want to mess up your pretty hair now would we?” She glares at me while pulling on the back of my hair. I smirk as she shakes her head.

  “Fuck, you’re a prick sometimes, you know that?”

  I open my eyes wide and scoff. “I said you were pretty, how did I fuck that up?”

  She leers at me. “It’s the way you said it, arsehole. Now stop being a dickwaffle. Let’s get you back to your room and get you cleaned up, hey?”

  I nod and smirk waggling my eyebrows up and down as I grab her legs and split them making her straddle me. She squeals and wraps her arms tighter around my neck as I grab her arse cheeks and stand up holding onto her. She giggles and wraps her legs around me. I look down to Cassius, who stood up at the same time I did and smile at him.

  “Stay boy.” He whimpers but sits down. I look at Lunar, grip onto her arse tighter and start racing with her through the room down the hall to my bedroom. My brothers cheer and laugh as the pounding of my feet hit the hard concrete. The echo of her laughter bouncing off the hallway walls reverbs through me and makes me feel so much lighter. I get to my door and push her up against it. My cock is already growing hard against her sweet pussy. Leaning against her solidly, I press my lips to hers, her mouth opens and my tongue collides with hers. We kiss roughly, as I grind myself into her letting her know what’s going to be coming when we make it through the door. She moves her hand down and twists the handle, the door bursts open swinging back and hitting the wall.

  Strutting inside I close the door with my foot, the wood groans at it slams against the frame. My mouth’s still locked on hers as I edge us toward the bathroom. My cock is straining inside my jeans so much so I feel like it might burst if I don’t let it out soon. I maneuver into the small bathroom and move over to the basin resting Lunar’s arse down on it. Her hands move quickly from around my neck down to my shoulders, they slide in under my cut and she shifts it off my shoulders. It cascades to the floor, all the while our tongues are still going hammer and tongs with each other.

  Grinding my hips into her pussy, I groan as it reverbs up through my chest. She moves her hands down to my belt buckle and makes quick work undoing it just like she’s done so many times before. She’s a pro. I move my hands down to the hem of my shirt and lift the blood stained mess up over my head and throw it on the floor, and move back in grabbing her tiny pink top lifting it up over her head. Her pert tits spring free bouncing slightly and my cock twitches watching as her natural mounds fall against her ribcage. I groan and move in pulling her nipple into my mouth and tugging on it harshly with my teeth. She moans and runs her hand through my hair, grabbing and pulling on it hard. She knows I like it rough.

  Her free hand works on my zipper and she pulls it down, then tugs on my jeans letting them fall down to my ankles. Finally, my cock is free. It springs up and I groan from the relief of it being freed from its restraints. She brings her hands up and pushes back on my shoulders. Grinning widely, I take a step back and step out of my jeans and boots as she slides off the basin and pulls down her shorts leaving her totally naked.

  She looks up at me and smirks and I know exactly what she’s going to do. Leaning my back against the glass paneling of the shower, I spread my legs as she kneels down on the tiled floor and brings her head in line with my cock.

  “Just don’t pull out and sprog in my eye again. Okay, tough man?” she says and I chuckle as she wraps her hand around the base of my cock. It twitches in rapture at her touch and she moves in licking her lips. Seeing her bright pink hair at the base of my crotch always relaxes me.

  She moves in licking the tip of my cock and it sends a shiver down my spine as her hand tugs on the base. Resting my head back on the glass, I close my eyes and enjoy her touch. Her tongue flicks over my head and swirls in a delicious pattern. My balls are tightening already and I know this won’t take me long. Her hand strokes my length as her lips encase my tip and she shields her teeth taking me fully into her mouth. I exhale as her warmth encases me, her free hand comes up and massages my tight balls and I swallow hard trying my hardest to hold it
together for a while longer.

  She starts to bob up and down on my cock. I move my hand into her hair and fist it moving her head at just the right pace. She’s used to that, she knows how I work. She takes her hand from my cock, grabs my hips and I smile while looking down at her. She looks up at me through her lashes and seeing her mouth surrounding my cock is the finest sight I’ve seen all day.

  Leaning in she keeps going, her silky smooth texture slides all the way along as my cock slides down to the back of her throat. Moaning, my cock twitches in her mouth, but she’s good girl and is used to the way I fuck. Slowly she pulls back and I keep our eye contact. She moves back in deep throating me again. The texture and tightness engulfing my cock makes my balls stiffen as a tingle shoots right up my spine. My breathing begins to rush and I get pins and needles in my legs. She pulls back and then moves in deep throating me again. I can’t take it anymore as I groan, my cock goes rigid and starts to throb, my balls pull up and squeeze out everything they have as I feel the pull. I throw my head back while Lunar pulls back and begins to bob up and down fast, pulling my climax from me quickly. I groan as my hot cum squirts ferociously into the back of her throat, and I grip onto her hair tightly, thrusting into her mouth drawing out the last of my orgasm.

  Panting, I open my eyes looking down at Lunar as she withdraws me from her mouth and smiles wiping her lips as she swallows.

  “Mmm, tangy. You been eating pineapple again?” she asks making me chuckle.

  “Shut up and get in the shower,” I demand and she jumps up off her knees with a giggle. I slap her arse as I turn around and follow her into the shower alcove. Turning on the water, I adjust it to the right setting until the temperature is perfect. “Now, spread your legs and let me fuck you like the club whore you are.”

  She slaps my chest and shakes her head with a slight smile. “Fuck you.”

  “Exactly,” I say grabbing her arse and lifting her up, pushing her against the shower wall and thrusting my cock deep inside her silky wet pussy.


  After spending an hour lost inside of Lunar, we figured we’d better come up for some air, plus Lunar had to go to work. So I decided I’d take her in to work for the night to really relax me. Nothing like watching a bunch of naked chicks dancing on poles to ease your nerves. Also, drinking in a booth with some of my brothers sounded like a good idea to me.

  So now, I’m in a booth at Strapless, the local strip club with Jigsaw, Crash, Lookout, Behemoth, and Techie drinking and watching Lunar dancing up a storm on stage. It doesn’t get any better than this. I look over to the bar to see Vinnie, he’s the owner of Strapless and a Virginia Original First 7. Unfortunately, he’s had a stroke, so he can’t ride anymore. He bought the strip club when he had to step down from his duties, and he lets our club girls work here. He was wrecked when I told him about Ghost, being such old friends and a fellow original. So he’s suffering today just like we are.

  We don’t wear our cuts in here. Vinnie doesn’t like it, says it’s bad for business and we respect that, so we’re all here tonight cutless. Taking a long sip on my stein of beer, I notice two guys sitting down in the booth next to me. I didn’t even see them walk in, which is odd for me. I’m normally attuned to my surroundings. They’re both quite stocky and short, maybe not quite six foot and they’re looking around like they own the joint.

  News flash dicks, this is our place!

  These dicks who are now staring up at Lunar look suss, and if they start shit there will be hell to pay!

  Lookout is telling some sort of story and the other guys are laughing loudly, but I’m not paying too much attention while I’m watching these two to my right. I don’t need any more crap today. The guys laugh loudly again, and the two dicks look directly at us. I know we’re being loud, but their inspection of us is unsettling. My gaze sets hard and firm right on the stocky one. His dark eyes meet mine and we standoff.

  “What?” I grunt out.

  The guy smirks like he knows his leering is getting to me. He tilts his head up to Lunar, who swings around the pole effortlessly. “This bird belong to you, and your biker wannabes?”

  My laugh echoes over the lousy music, he really has me entertained. I shake my head and look back at my brothers, who luckily for him, haven’t heard this conversation.

  “You know, if my biker mates heard you speakin’ about them and our property like that they’d pull out their pieces and blow your skull off… Luckily we’ve done that enough today already, so I’m not in the mood to kill you for some error in judgement.”

  Both of the men’s eyes open wide as I pull up my shirt to show them, Wesley. Then their eyes follow down to where I lift up my leg and peel back my jeans to show my piece tucked into my boot. My heart gallops in a good way as I grin at the utter fear being displayed in their eyes. I love that I can cause that.

  I’m Dylan fucking McNamara.

  Steel to my brothers.

  I was born tough, I was raised tough, and I’ll die fucking tough.

  You don’t wanna fuck with me, little boys.

  “Shit! You’re actual bikers?” The other guy asks and the foot-in-mouth guy goes pale white.

  I smirk and nod at these two imbeciles.

  “Well shit dude, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean anything by it. I’ve just had a fucked day. Too much tequila and I ran my mouth. Sorry.”

  The desperation in his eyes is making me queasy. Rubbing my hands over my face, I shake my head standing up and walking over to them. They both flinch and cower back into their booth. The thought of them being scared of me pumps me full of adrenalin. But I’m not in the mood to kill them. I just wanna fuck with them a little.

  “Don’t suck up. Be a man! Buy me some tequila and we’ll call it even.” I plonk my aching body down next to him and wrap my arm along the back of the booth behind him. He looks at me cautiously like he thinks I’m about to snap his neck, so I smile and he nods while his mate calls over the waitress.

  “So buddy, talk to uncle Steel. Why’s your day so fucked up, huh? Need me to kill someone?” I joke but he swallows down hard and his eyes expand in shock. “Oh c’mon, I’m jokin’… kinda.”

  He fake laughs as the waitress pours us three shots of tequila. “So…” I pause looking at him, waiting for him to tell me his name.


  “Right! So Adam, tell me about who fucked you over?” I ask wanting to hear about someone else’s fucked up day for a change.

  “You really wanna talk to me? I mean after I spoke to you like that?”

  I chuckle and nod. “Adam… mate… I’m all for second chances. But if you don’t start talkin’ soon, I’m goin’ to punch you.”

  He nods. Even though he must be in his early thirties, it’s fucking awesome to know I can scare the shit out of him.

  “I lost my job today. Went home, told the wife. She wasn’t happy. Said she’s filing for divorce and taking the kids. She kicked me the fuck out, and I have absolutely nowhere to go.” He frowns picking up his shot glass, downs it then slumps into the booth and exhales rubbing his hands across his face.

  “Well, shit dude! That sucks.” I know it wasn’t the most encouraging thing to say, but I don’t know how else to respond.

  “Tell me about it. Couldn’t even afford to go out drinking. My brother here was nice enough to pay for tonight but after this… I have no idea what I’m going to do.”

  I lean back in the booth and ponder this for a moment. The guy has nothing. No job, no family to go home to. He’s a perfect candidate. I need to check him out a bit more.

  “What’s your background?”

  He looks at me and furrows his brows. “My background?”

  I nod. “Yeah! You know, your history? Your past? What have you done with your life?”

  He exhales and leans forward resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. “It’s not pleasant. I’ve been to jail… twice. My brother, too.”

  I look to his brother bes
ide him and he nods.

  This is getting better by the minute!

  “What for?” I ask.

  “Drug deal gone wrong.”

  My ears prick up. Alex and Jake the two prospects we lost in the deal tonight were our mules—maybe these two are the new prospects we need to fill their place?

  “What’s your name?” I ask directed to his brother.


  “Adam and Doug. Do you guys know how to ride motorbikes?”

  “We sure do. Came here on our Harleys,” Adam replies and a thrill of excitement flows through me. Sometimes it can take months to find prospect replacements. How the hell did I manage to find two newbies in the space of a couple of hours and it’s not even my job—it’s Lookout’s. He’s going to flip when he finds out I’ve beaten him to it.

  “You guys got tatts?”

  Adam scoffs and laughs shaking his head. “No fucking way man. Tattoos are for maniacs and psychos.”

  I raise my eyebrow and smirk as Doug clears his throat and bumps into him obviously knowing bikers have tattoos. I pull my shirt back to show him the ink on my shoulder and across the top of my chest. My shirt is long-sleeved, so he can’t see my coloured tattoo which goes all the way down my arm.

  Adam looks up at the ceiling and scoffs at himself. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. I’m sorry man.”

  I chuckle, shake my head then slap his back. “Don’t worry, I can be a maniac and a psycho at times. But you, I think I have a name for you.”

  He looks at me and raises both eyebrows questionably with a slight smile. “Oh, yeah?”


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