The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 25

by K E Osborn


  Willow opens her front door with a smile as Petunia runs around my feet greeting me with her usual squeal.

  “Hey,” I say as I dodge the tea-cup pig and stroll into her home right up to her kissing her deeply. I need a taste to settle the nerves still in me from the fight and chase.

  She pulls back shutting the door and grins. “Well, hey yourself. Now show me this scratch.”

  I raise my eyebrows—straight to the point. Exhaling, I roll up my sleeve and show her the gash on my arm held together with the butterfly stitches. She gasps and runs her finger along the edge of the wound. She looks at me with her eyes drawn together and slaps me hard on the chest. I flinch pulling her to me and lean in kissing her to distract her from the telling off I know she wants to give me. My lips press hard to hers. She fights me for a moment, but I force my tongue into her mouth and she relaxes slightly. Running her hands up into my hair holding me to her, I kiss her letting out all of my pent up frustrations. Backing her up against the lounge she falls back into it. I fall with her. Sliding my body on top of hers softly, so I don’t hurt her, she wraps her legs around my waist and I grind my already throbbing and hard cock into her pussy. She moans and I know even though she’s angry with me for getting into a fight, she’s happier I’m here with her now, grinding into her and making out on her lounge. And this is where I intend to stay, only naked and seated deep inside of her, all night long.


  So today is Christmas and I’m spending lunch with my parents and then going to the clubhouse for dinner with Steel. I haven’t seen my parents for a little while, pretty much since I left Trent. They thought he was the perfect man for me, well groomed, well educated, politely spoken… boring as bat shit! They had a hard time dealing with the fact that I left him, and every time I saw them after the breakup it was always, ‘Why did you leave him?’ and ‘When are you going to fix this mess?’ They didn’t care that I don’t want him in my life, that we weren’t well-suited, and that I needed more than a goody-two-shoes who did everything right every step of the way. I need excitement, I need something more. I have that with Steel, I just hope that when I tell my parents about him that they’re happy for me.

  Walking up to their luxurious two story home, I press the doorbell once and the happy ringtone chirps loudly through the halls. The red and gold Christmas wreath on the door glistens in the summer sun shining my reflection back at me from each of the pristine glass balls. Smiling, I shake my head at the thought of how much it must have cost, and how many hours Carmella—their housekeeper—spends shining each and every ball. The door opens and Mum stands there with her red hair littered with flecks of grey sitting in a messy top bun as she looks at me, her eyes shining brightly.

  “Willow, my darling. It’s so good to have you home.”

  “Thanks, Mum. Merry Christmas!”

  “You too, darling. I wonder what Trent is doing today? We should have invited him over for a catch-up.”

  Groaning as my body slumps. She couldn’t even let me step through the front door before she starts with the Trent this and the Trent bloody that. “Geez Mum, can you give it a rest. Trent and I are done. Plus, I have news. I’m seeing someone and he’s great. Much more suited to me.”

  She raises her eyebrow and stands aside to let me enter. I shuffle past her and into the giant lounge room that honestly looks like the North Pole threw up everywhere—not once but about forty times.

  “Oh really, so where is he then?” Her tone is mocking like she doesn’t believe Steel even exists.

  “He’s with his brothers today and I’m going to his house tonight to celebrate with him. We’re having a big feast.”

  She purses her lips and crosses her arms over her chest. “And so why haven’t we heard about him before now?”

  Rolling my eyes, I continue to walk through the lounge into the kitchen to see Dad sitting at the dining table which is decked out in opulent Christmas attire.

  “Because it’s brand new Mum and this is the first chance I’ve had to see you to talk about it.”

  Dad looks up and smiles. “What’s brand new? Hi, pumpkin.”

  Groaning, I roll my eyes again. “Dad stop calling me pumpkin. How many times do I have to tell you? I’m not five anymore!”

  “You’ll always be five in my eyes, pumpkin.”


  “Willow, get back to the matter at hand. What’s his name?” Mum asks and Dad looks back up and stiffens his body.

  “You got a new man, pumpkin?”

  “Yes, I do. His name is Steel—”

  “Steel? What on earth kind of name is Steel? What does he do for a job?”

  Pausing my mouth drops open because I don’t really know how to reply. My mouth continues to open and close a few more times as gasps of air flow out while Mum and Dad both scrutinize me with their piercing eyes.

  “Well?” Mum demands.

  “He does things with motorbikes. I’m not sure exactly.”

  “Oh, great, a ruffian. Good censorship skills there Willow.”

  I walk over to the table and sit down next to Dad. “Whatever! You don’t even know him. Why wouldn’t you give him a chance before you judge him?”

  Mum huffs and shakes her head. “Because you’re meant to be with Trent, darling. He’s well adjusted, he’s calm and neutral. He’s a good Christian boy and he’s respectful.”

  “Mum, he’s annoying and boring. He won’t even hold my hand in Church because God wouldn’t like any kind of fornication in his house.”

  Dad chuckles as Mum glares at him. I’m glad Dad can see the funny side of this.

  “Sweetheart, sure Trent might have some funny ways about him, but he is right for you. You need a good boy.”

  “What I need Mum is something exciting. My life has been all about going to church, do your chores, behave yourself, use your manners, don’t do this, don’t do that. You’ve restricted me all my life. Hell, I couldn’t even go to my own school formal because you said they played the devil’s music, Mum. Can’t you see how constrictive that is on a young girl?”

  She tilts her stature to the side and places her hand on her hip. “Willow, you are a good girl. You were raised right. I will not see you riding off into the night with some biker wannabe who’s only going to steal your virtue. You’re too good for that.”

  I scoff and fold my arms over my chest. “Steal my virtue? You think I’m a virgin? Mum, you think Trent is so good? He’s the one who stole my virtue, not some bad boy biker, who isn’t a wannabe by the way. Steel is actually a real biker. He’s the Vice President of an actual club, and he makes me feel more alive in the little time I’ve known him than in the twenty-three years I’ve lived, guided by you and your devout ways. You want me to be someone I’m not, Mum. You sheltered me and boxed me in. Well, this little bird is ready to fly. Thanks for inviting me over, but I think I need to leave.”

  Mum stands there with her mouth agape as Dad brings his hand out and grabs my arm stopping me from standing up.

  “Willow, it’s Christmas. Don’t leave like this.”

  I feel sorry for Dad, he’s always been more accepting and less judgmental than Mum, but I don’t want to be here if all she’s going to do is talk about Trent and how much I’m stuffing everything up.

  “Willow, please stay. I’m sorry. I know you feel like I smother you, I’m just trying to be the best mother I can. I only want what’s best for you, darling.”

  Sighing, I sit back down and nod. “Fine, but no more talk of Trent. That ship has sailed and is never coming back to dock, okay? I’m with Steel now and that’s not going to change either.”

  “Hmmm, we’ll see about that.”

  “Helen!” Dad berates and I glare at her as she wanders over to the oven where the smell of turkey roasting invades my senses. How did I not notice that delicious aroma before?

  “Willow, you know I love you. You’re my only child and I want what’s best for y
ou. But dating a biker? That’s a bad judgement call even for you.”

  “Dad c’mon, I thought you were on my side?”

  He tilts his head and sighs. “I’m always on your side sweetheart. I just want you to think long and hard about what you’re doing. About where your life leads with this Steel character. Most women who deal with bikers end up as whores, or even worse… dead. I don’t want that for you, my darling. Please reconsider this relationship and get out before it’s too late.”

  I slump back into my chair and let out a long breath. I knew coming here was a bad idea. But Dad’s words ring true. Being in a relationship with Steel puts me at risk and in danger, and I have no idea what’s in store for me if I stick around.


  Today is December 25th, Christmas Day. Willow is spending lunch with her parents while I’m having the day with my brothers, well the ones that are here. Some are off-site spending time with their old ladies and families, but some of them are here and the club girls are putting on a feast for our dinner. Willow is coming over later and spending the night here at the club with me. I have a surprise gift for her that I had made especially for her at a local jeweller. I’m giving it to her tonight.

  The clubhouse is littered with Christmas decorations. Lunar and the girls went a little mad this year. She seems to be in high spirits and is really making an effort with everything. She’s changing, she hasn’t been hanging around me as much. I miss her friendship, but I’m glad she isn’t making advances on me as much anymore. She seems preoccupied. Maybe with someone else? I’m sitting on the bean bag sofa as she places some more presents under the tree by the pool table. Her arse is practically hanging out of her tiny shorts, and typically normally the sight would make my cock twitch. But not now. Now my thoughts are all about Willow. I smile that she has such a hold on me.

  I like it.

  I like her.

  A lot!

  She means so much to me in this short amount of time. It’s appealing that a woman can mean something more to me than just a sexual object. Willow is more than that, so much more. It’s deeper. It’s hard to explain because I haven’t felt whatever the fuck this is before. All I know is, I never want to lose it, or her.

  Lunar turns her head to see me blankly staring at her. “See something you like cockface?” she calls out waggling her arse around causing me to chuckle.

  “Nope, nothin’ at all,” I reply and she stands up and scoffs.

  “Liar.” She throws a Christmas decoration at me and it misses and bounces on the ground with a tinkle in front of my feet.

  Chuckling, I shake my head as she walks over and picks up the red bauble and then plonks down into the bean bag sofa next to me. It shifts up with her movement.

  “So Steel, what did you get me for Christmas?” she asks and I half laugh and shake my head.

  “Same thing I got you last year.”

  She laughs and throws her head back. “An aching back and a UTI?”

  I grin. “Hey, told you I needed a shower and that I’d been wrestling in the mud pit, but you were all like, ‘Oh Steel, I’m so hot for you. Fuck me now and fuck me hard’,” I say putting on a girlie voice mocking her.

  She slaps my chest and rolls her eyes. “I don’t sound like that twatwaffle.”

  “You kinda sound like that.”

  “Fuck off, bitch,” she goads and nudges my shoulder. “I miss this,” she admits and then rests her head on my shoulder.

  My smile falls and I nod. “Yeah, I miss your friendship too. But just ‘cause I have a girl doesn’t mean we can’t still be friends, Lunar. You’re the one stoppin’ that.”

  She exhales and nods. “I know, I’m over it now, though.”

  I smirk and look down at her and notice even though her head is on my shoulder, her hand isn’t on my knee like it normally would be.

  Maybe she is over it?

  “You are?” I ask wanting to make sure.

  “Yeah, I’ve been talking to Danger from Recoil when he’s been playing at the club. His bandmates seem really cool, and they’re coming tonight to the feast. I invited them, I hope you don’t mind?” She looks up at me chewing on her bottom lip. She knows we don’t usually allow outsiders, but I’m their way in and I want to make her happy and Danger seems cool.

  “No, that’s fine, they’re all welcome. I’d like to see Danger again, and see how things are travellin’ now his band is in Australia.”

  She smiles and wraps her arm around my shoulders. “Thanks, Steel, you’re the best. I’ll go tell him now that they can come.” She leans in kissing my cheek, and then jumps up and runs off down toward her room. I smile knowing that maybe Danger can make her happy. Hoping he can, I want happiness for her and I know for certain that I cannot give that to her.


  Gatekeeper sends a message through to Techie saying there’s a van full of musicians at the gate. I chuckle and tell Techie it’s Recoil and he smiles. He seems pleased they’re coming tonight as he’s had a lot of fun with them since I introduced them, and I know he’s working on getting them heard in the Australian music industry. Techie sends a message back to authorise them in, and we walk outside to greet the van driving through the gate. It pulls up and Lunar runs out from the clubhouse behind me and up to the van. Glancing at Techie, I smirk as she moves around to the driver’s door and waits for Danger. The door creaks as it opens and he hops down, Lunar wastes no time and jumps straight into his arms. Raising my eyebrows, I smirk as they kiss passionately. Techie nudges my arm and I chuckle as the other members of Recoil slide out of the van. They’re all tall. Two look like brothers. The other looks a little older and not as fit as the others. He seems like the oddball of the group.

  “Hey guys, I’m Steel. Welcome to my clubhouse,” I say putting out my hand to the older one and shaking. When I said older, I don’t mean in his fifties, I mean maybe in his late twenties early thirties. Not early twenties like the other band members.

  “Hey, I’m Ryan. This is Matt and his brother Nate, and of course, you know Danger. Sorry, he’s preoccupied right now.”

  We all look over to see Lunar still locking lips with Danger. I smirk and nod, slapping Ryan’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, she’s like that with everyone.”

  Techie laughs, and Lunar brings her hand up and flips me the bird. I chuckle as she finally brings her lips from Danger’s and he smirks at her then looks over at me.

  “Sorry, hey man. How you doing?” Danger asks.

  “Good… good. How’s the gigs goin’?” I ask and he smiles.

  “Not as good as a packed out stadium. But hey, if we have to start from scratch again and work our way up, we will.”

  “Yeah, well, if we didn’t have to take so much time off we might’ve been able to stay on top—”

  “Nate, shut it!” Matt says. I glance at Techie sensing a little bit of hostility is rife within the band.

  “Let’s go out the back and sit down and have some bevvies before dinner, hey?” I ask and Danger nods as Lunar links her arm with his, and we start to ramble off around the side of the compound down the back to the burning tree to sit by the unlit bonfire and drink until my girl gets here.

  We all take up our positions and Techie starts talking to Danger about some record labels and shit as I tune out while Lunar hangs off Danger. I smirk as she used to be like that with me.

  “Thanks for letting us join you guys today, Steel.” A voice echoes from behind me out of nowhere and I lurch forward as my heart bursts out of my chest in shock.

  “What the fuck? Jesus man, you scared the shit out of me!” I turn looking to see FIM and Doug standing behind me. They pull up a seat as FIM chuckles slightly and I shake my head.

  “Sorry for scaring you again. But seriously, thanks for letting us be a part of this,” FIM tells me.

  I slap his shoulder and nod. “I’m glad I found you at Strapless. You guys seem to be fittin’ in really well. Did you get to see your kids today, FIM?”

>   He frowns and shakes his head looking down to the ground. “The wife won’t let me—”

  “Ex-wife brother,” Doug says.

  FIM huffs and shakes his head. “Yeah, I suppose… ex-wife won’t let me see them. Says they’re better off without a deadbeat dad like me.”

  Wincing I shake my head. “Shit dude. I’m sorry.” Leaning over the Esky, I pull out a Coopers and hand it to him. “Just have a good night. There’s plenty of food and beer. Plenty of arse too. So bury yourself in gluttony and lust. That should cheer you up!”

  FIM smiles and raises his beer in a cheers motion, and I nod as we both take a sip of our brew. I feel shit for FIM. Having to leave your family behind because the mother of your children doesn’t like you would be hard. Obviously, I don’t know his backstory, but one day I’d like to sit and have a heart-to-heart with FIM. I think we could be good mates. I see a friendship there already and I’d like to let it develop further.

  I notice Techie walking toward me and he grabs my attention, then pulls someone out from behind him. I smile wide when I realise it’s Willow, and she’s smiling brightly wearing a beautiful red dress and those fucking hot as fuck red heels that I love from our first date.

  Standing up abruptly, so fast the seat almost topples over, I greet her as she smiles wide. I grab her as soon as I can and pull her to me. I don’t even thank Techie for bringing her to me, she just looks so fucking amazing I have to kiss her right now. So I do. Crashing my lips to hers, she giggles against my mouth as I pull her body flush against mine. Kissing her is the best feeling in the world, well second best, my cock sliding in and out of her is without a doubt the single most perfect feeling in the world.

  She slowly pulls back once the cheering around us becomes too much for her. She laughs as she draws back looking around at my brothers as her face flushes a bright shade of pink. You’d think she’d be used to them cheering when we kiss by now.

  “You look fuckin’ stunnin’ Flame.” She smiles and winces like she doesn’t believe me. “Don’t do that, don’t doubt how truly fuckin’ beautiful you are.”


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