The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 26

by K E Osborn

  She smiles and leans in kissing my lips softly. “Okay, thank you handsome.”

  Pulling her along with me to sit down on my lap, she takes her position on my lap quickly and I run my fingers through her silky red hair. “Did you have a good lunch?”

  She exhales forcing the air through her puffed out cheeks. This can’t be good. “It was okay, I guess. My parents were judgemental when I told them about you.”

  I tense up and my jaw clenches. I wasn’t sure she was going to mention me at all. And I wonder just how much she did actually tell them.

  “They want me to stop seeing you.”

  My entire body goes rigid and my heart begins to race so fast I feel like I might be hyperventilating. My grip on her legs start to tighten and her hand comes up to my face as I stare at her and she caresses my cheek tenderly. “No, no, Steel, it’s okay. Relax. I’m not going to. They’re just so prim and proper. I’m sick of living that type of life. Tired of being the good girl. I like living dangerously. I like the edge and the bad boy. I wanna live. I want you.”

  My muscles relax and I slump in the chair slightly as her body snuggles into mine. Holding onto her tightly, I kiss her head trying to settle my erratically beating heart. I didn’t realise how much the thought of losing her scares me. It doesn’t just scare me, it would kill me. I can’t lose her. She’s just too perfect for me.

  I decide now would be the right time to give her my gift. So I take my hand from her leg and lean under the chair to pull out the elegant gift box. She looks at me furrowing her eyebrows with a smirk like she thinks I might be going slightly fucking stark raving mad. Bringing the box up, I smile wide and hand it to her. I didn’t have time to wrap it, so it’s just the box from the jeweller. Her eyes light up and she bites her bottom lip.

  “Merry Christmas, babe.”

  “You got me a present?”

  I nod and she giggles and stares at the box. “But I didn’t get you anything. I didn’t know we were doing presents. I feel bad.”

  I shake my head and place the rectangular box in her hand. “I don’t need a present, you bein’ here is gift enough. Now open it.”

  She smiles wide and pulls open the blue ribbon, then opens the lid. She gasps as she pulls it back to see the necklace I had hand made for her.

  “Oh, Steel!” she whispers, as her finger traces the outline of the heart with a dagger through the centre. It’s just the right amount of bad boy biker and good girl feminine. The right side of the heart is encrusted with red sparkling stones.

  She takes the necklace from the box and hands it to me. I smile as she continues to look at it. “It’s so beautiful, Steel. I’m in awe of it.”

  My knobbly fingers fiddle with the tiny clasp and eventually figure it out attaching it around her slender neck. “It’s not much. I wanted to get you somethin’ that reminded you of me when we’re not together. You now own the Heart of Steel.”

  She turns looking at me shaking her head with tears in her eyes. I hope they’re happy tears. “I love it so much, Steel. It’s the most thoughtful gift anyone’s ever given me. It’s so beautiful, too. It’s perfect, you’re perfect!” She wraps her arms around my neck and suddenly her lips are against mine and her tongue is forcing its way into my mouth. I chuckle as I kiss her back. She kisses me with an intensity I haven’t seen for a while.

  The guys all around us cheer and laugh as I get caught in the moment. Kissing her back like there’s an impending apocalypse and these are our last moments on earth together. She means so much to me in this short amount of time, but right now I know I mean as much to her, too.

  Eventually, we come up for air and spend time cuddled on the chair with her in my lap just casually chatting with my brothers. But Willow’s attention has been taken by something.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  She glances from me over to Danger with Lunar on his lap. “That guy over there, who is he?”

  I smirk. “He’s a rock star. We’re tryin’ to help them make a name for themselves here in Aus.”

  She looks back at me and opens her eyes wide and smiles. “That’s sweet… he seems really into Lunar.”

  I furrow my brows wondering where this is heading. “Yeah?”

  She smirks and cuddles into me further.

  I exhale and run my fingers through her hair. “What’s goin’ on in that head of yours?”

  She glances up at me through her lashes and bites her bottom lip. “Well, Captain Oblivious, Lunar was in love with you and it looks like she’s moving on… it’s a good thing.”

  I huff and frown shaking my head. “Flame, no. She wasn’t in love with me. She was in love with the idea of me.”

  She scoffs shaking her head. “Whatever Mister Delusional. She wanted you. I could see that, why can’t you?”

  Rolling my eyes, I run my fingers up her arm. “Please stop worryin’! There’s no competition here, other than the one that’s playin’ in your head.”

  I run my finger along her temple and she nods and smiles at me. “Okay. Just so we’re clear though, if there were a competition between me and Lunar, I’d win hands down.”

  “Every fuckin’ time babe. Now please let it go.” To prove to her I’m only in this relationship with her, and not in a three-way with Lunar too, I lean in and kiss Willow with everything I have. She quickly runs her hand through my hair and kisses me back.

  “Let the feast begin!” Dad calls out forcing me to break my kiss with Willow.

  I pull back from her and smile caressing her face and she smiles back. “We good?”

  “We’re good.” She stands up from my lap and we walk over to the buffet, we’re having a full carvery dinner and I can’t wait to make a pig of myself.

  We line up, and Willow looks ahead and tenses her entire body. I grab her shoulders and turn her to look at me, her face has turned pale white.

  “Babe, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  She swallows hard and takes a breath. “I can’t eat that,” she says and I furrow my brows looking at the table seeing all the roasts and vegetables, and wonder what she’s talking about.

  “What? Why?”

  She turns and points to the spit roast that’s still turning on the rotisserie. I let out a small laugh when I see the whole roasted pig, head, legs and all spinning around. “But babe, I’ve seen you eat pork. You eat bacon?”

  She turns looking away from the turning pig. “Yeah, but that’s bacon. You don’t know that’s a pig. This… I can see that it’s come from an actual pig.”

  I chuckle and raise my eyebrows. “Oh shit, Petunia?”

  She nods and I chuckle pulling her with me away from the spit roast and to the other end of the buffet, to the roast lamb and turkey. “There, is this better?”

  She nods. “Thank you, I couldn’t have done it even if I tried. Could you have eaten a Rottweiler?”

  I laugh and shake my head at her. Fuck she’s funny. “No, definitely not. It’s okay, Flame. I get it. Turkey and lamb will be just fine for tonight.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” I grab us both a plate and we start piling up our dinner to celebrate Christmas by being gluttons.

  And then at the end of the night, I fully intend to finish celebrating buried in lust.

  Merry Christmas to me!


  It’s New Year’s Eve and Willow is off work as the centre is closed down for the Christmas period and we’ve been spending all our time together since Christmas day. I’ve been mainly at her place, with her and Petunia, and we’ve become quite the little threesome. Willow and I are becoming inseparable and my feelings for her are growing exponentially.

  I like her.

  I really fucking like her.

  Probably too fucking much.

  But she’s so cute and sweet—even though she still says penis instead of cock—I feel like I could be falling for her.

  But tonight is New Years and I feel I’ve been neglecting my broth
ers, so I’m spending tonight at the clubhouse bringing in the New Year. Willow has agreed to come to the club later and celebrate here with me, even though she knows it will be a party and things might get a little crazy. I’ve warned her about all the sexual stuff that might be happening throughout the clubhouse, so hopefully the guys aren’t in too fine-a-form tonight to scare her away.

  “So, Flame will be coming tonight then?” Techie asks as he pulls up a stool next to me at the bar.

  I nod. “Yep, she’s coming to celebrate with me.”

  He tilts his head and frowns. “I’m a fan of hers and all, but do you think she’ll be able to tolerate all the… um… stuff that’ll go on here tonight?” A sinking feeling swallows my chest as I start to wonder if maybe I should have just celebrated at Willow’s house instead.

  “Big Daddy is here motherfuckers, did you miss me?” Lookout calls out walking in with Niki next to him as she giggles and shakes her head.

  Glancing over at Techie, he shrugs. I haven’t seen Niki since she last showed up here at the club. I smile at her as they step up to us and she returns the smile.

  “Hey, Niki.”

  “Hey, Steel. Hope you don’t mind me coming by. I just wanted to call in and wish you a Happy New Year.”

  I smile and nod. “Happy New Year to you too, Niki. You’re lookin’ much better than when I saw you last. Um… where’s Jackson?”

  “He’s with my mother.” I nod and smile as she shakes her head and chuckles. “Honestly, he doesn’t stop talking about you, Steel.”

  A giant smile crosses my face, I’m actually a little chuffed. “Well, I gotta admit I love that little guy.”

  “I’m sure I’d love him too. I love cute little boys,” Lookout says with a bright smile.

  I chuckle at how ridiculous Lookout sounds as Niki raises her eyebrow.

  “Shit! Fuck! That’s not what I meant. I didn’t mean it like that.”

  Niki chuckles and takes his hand seeming to calm him. He exhales running his fingers over his head and pulls her with him away toward a table to take a seat.

  It’s near dinner time and it seems Willow is running late. She should have been here by now. Glancing around the room, the music fills the air and the pungent smell of cigar smoke and beer fills my senses. My heart is beating at a faster rate and my palms are sweating. I keep checking the clock for the time, I’m obviously anxious that she isn’t here yet.

  I step outside of the clubhouse into the cool refreshing night time air. Thinking of Willow has my stomach in knots, and waiting for her is making me feel so fucking needy. I can’t help it. I just want her here already. The scent of freshly cut lawn hits me and it calms me slightly. Then the groan and screech of the gate alerts me to a presence in the compound. Rushing over to the entrance, I see the yellow Yaris pulling in next to the line of Hogs. My stomach twists in on itself undoing the knot and replacing it with fucking butterflies.

  What the actual fuck?

  I’m turning into a fucking pussy!

  But I don’t care, Willow is worth it.

  She gets out of the car and I rush over and pull her to me kissing her hard. Pushing her into the door, the slamming of it makes her jump in my arms as it crashes shut behind her. She giggles against my lips as I take what’s mine and kiss her like there’s no tomorrow. Her hands run up into my hair and her tongue collides with mine feverishly, as I grind my body against hers. Gatekeeper calls out cheering and whistling as I chuckle against her lips bringing the fever down a notch. Pulling back and looking at her placing my forehead against hers, I gaze deep into her sapphire blue eyes.

  “Why are you so excited to see me?” she whispers.

  “I missed you.”

  She smiles and licks her lips. “I was only away from you for a few hours, biker boy. Anyone would think you had a crush on me.”

  I chuckle and lean in kissing her softly then pulling back. “Oh, I’m crushin’ on you, Miss Willow. I’m crushin’ on you big time. So much so I’m turnin’ into a girl.”

  She laughs and slaps my chest. I chuckle taking her hand as she looks at the black 4WD next to her car like she recognises it. Taking her in my arms, I pull her away and we walk toward the clubhouse with Cassius circling our legs.

  “Hey boy, you’re much nicer to me now than when we first met. I think I actually like you now,” Willow says petting his head. He nuzzles into her leg and I shake my head and continue to walk through the door with my woman and my dog by my side.

  We meander through the short hall and into the clubroom where the party is starting to get into full swing.

  “Turn that motherfucker up!” Crash calls out making me laugh as Willow opens her eyes in shock.

  “Do you mean Wolfmother?” Knucklehead calls back.

  “Wolfmother! Motherfucker! What the fuck ever! This fucking song rocks. Turn it the fuck up!” Crash calls out and I chuckle wondering if that’s a record for the most amount of fucks used in one sentence as ‘Joker and The Thief’ blares super loud throughout the clubhouse.

  Techie advances and smiles widely as he stops right in front of us grinning like he’s just been doing something very fucking—as Willow would say—naughty.

  “Hi, you look stunning as usual, Miss MC1R gene.” He takes her hand and kisses the back of it and smiles dashingly at her.

  Her cheeks turn a bright shade of pink and she looks down at her hand in his. “You smooth talker you. Why don’t you have an old lady? With the way you talk to women, I’m not sure why you haven’t been snapped up already.”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “I’m not ready for that life yet. Plus, I have Jodi, Jess, Sky and Amie to keep my company when I need it.”

  Willow screws up her face and Techie laughs. “You’re cute when you’re disgusted.”

  Shaking my head, I grab her hand and walk her over to the lounge area.


  We take a seat and I’m still reeling from Techie telling me he gets it on with so many different women. But I guess that’s how they roll in places like this. I don’t even want to think about what Steel was like before I came along. Taking a seat on the plush green lounge suite, the cushions swallow me gently as they surround me in their comfort.

  Steel wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me to him kissing my head as I notice Lookout walking past with Nikita, Jackson’s mother. My body tenses and I furrow my brows wondering why the hell she would even be here.

  “Nikita?” I call out, standing up abruptly gaining her attention over the deafening music.

  Steel is suddenly by my side grabbing my hand. Nikita turns to see me and she hesitates for a moment causing me to be even more curious as to why she’s here. She walks over and gives me a smile.

  “Hi, Willow, nice to see you.”

  “What are you doing here?” I ask point blank. I have no idea why she’d be here, none at all. She’s only met Steel once that I know of, and that moment was intense.

  Everyone around me seems to be swallowing hard and rubbing their necks or looking from Steel to Nikita all making it look very suss. I do not like this one bit. Nikita looks to Steel, who looks to Lookout, and no one is saying anything over the deathly silence and terrible music.

  “Well?” I ask as my heart starts to race thinking there’s way more to this than even I can think of. Looking at Nikita, she’s biting her bottom lip, then it suddenly clicks.

  Her husband has gone.

  Or has he?

  Maybe he hasn’t actually left at all?

  “Nikita, where’s your husband?”

  Steel looks up at me, his eyes opening wide as Nikita frowns and shifts her weight from foot to foot uncomfortably.

  “He abandoned me and left town once the information about his underhand dealings came out. He was so embarrassed about his indiscretions he just skipped out, leaving everything to Jackson and me.”

  I purse my lips crossing my arms over my chest. “And so why the hell are you here? You met Steel once. Why ar
e you here at his clubrooms?”

  Everyone stiffens and my heart plummets as it's just the verification I need. She doesn’t answer and instead looks to Steel for his reaction.

  He doesn’t react at all.

  “Oh my God! You guys took care of him didn’t you?” I yell as my anger becomes too much to contain.

  Steel just looks at me deadpan as everyone stares in our direction. Nikita looks down to the floor as Steel grabs my elbow and pulls me to him. I try to tear myself from his grip, but he’s too strong.

  “Let go of me!”

  “Flame, no. Come with me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” I say through gritted teeth, outraged that he could have done something so low.

  “Willow, I’m not askin’.” He tightens his grip on my arm and starts pulling me away from everyone.

  “Stop! You’re hurting me. Are you going to kill me too, now that I know?” I ask actually a little afraid of where he’s dragging me as my heart races frantically.

  He stops and turns facing me, his nostrils flaring and his face turning white. He swallows hard as everyone watches us standoff.

  “No, I’d never hurt you. I just want to talk to you without an audience. Now please come to my room with me so I can tell you what happened.”

  I tremble on the spot not knowing what to do, but my flight instinct is being outweighed by my instinct to know what happened. I turn and start stepping toward his room. The dull thud of his footsteps behind me, are drowned out by the chit chat starting to filter through the room again as I stomp down the hall. Arriving at his door, I open it and walk through stopping in the middle of his room. Turning back, I huff folding my arms over my chest as he closes the door and runs his hand through his hair.

  “Did you kill him?” I ask point blank.

  I need to know, is Steel a murderer?

  He exhales and turns away threading his fingers together at the back of his head. “Fuck, Willow.”

  My stomach twists on itself and I feel like I actually want to vomit.


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