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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

Page 87

by K E Osborn

  She nods. “Totally, she’s my role model.”

  I can see that. “That’s really cool, although we’ll kind of be on opposing sides of careers,” I joke and she smiles.

  “True, I’ll be working for the police, and you’ll be running from them.”

  I laugh as Blake places our beers in front of us. She picks hers up and take a long swig from the stein. I watch as her neck moves with the gulps, and I really wish my lips were pressing against her tender pale skin. My cock twitches in my jeans, and I shake my head breaking free from my thoughts.

  “You seem very smart, I like that about you,” I tell her with honesty.

  She smiles and tilts her head. “I am very smart, Techie, I could give you a run for your money,” she counters. I go to answer, but Gadget steps in line and scowls at us both.

  “Shay, Mum needs you for something,” he demands, and she raises her eyebrow and purses her lips.

  “What for?”

  “I don’t fucking know. Just go. Now. She needs you,” he demands.

  She huffs bringing the stein to her lips and skulls the rest of her beer. Gadget groans and shakes his head.

  “Shay, be a lady!”

  “The minute you start being a man, Stephie,” she teases. “See ya round, Techie.” She hops up then walks off winking at me as she passes.

  “I hope so,” I call out as my chest tightens and warmth invades my inside.

  I feel good.

  I’m on a high, and I haven’t felt this way in a long time. It’s Shay that’s bringing this out in me, I’m sure of it.

  Gadget examines me and frowns forcing his hands to his hips. I try to hide my smile.

  “Stephie?” I ask, and he flares his nostrils and grunts.

  “Don’t you ever repeat that. It’s her stupid fucking nickname for me, has been since we were kids.”

  Nodding, I pull my lips in tight trying not to laugh.

  He sits down in Shay’s seat and folds his arms across his chest. “No!” he simply says.

  “No… matter what people tell you, words and ideas change the world?” I reply.

  He frowns. “No… Techie!” he grunts.

  “‘No Surrender’ by Bruce Springsteen? Good song, I agree.”

  Gadget leans in grabbing my shirt suddenly and sternly glares at me. “You make one move on my sister, and I’ll make sure you never walk again. I might be the gadget guy, but I still know how to break legs.”

  I let out a small laugh. “Yeah, I’d like to see you try, tough guy.” Standing up, I push him off me. Gadget grunts rushing back toward me, I pull my fingers into fists ready to have at it with Gadget as he lunges at me, but Mooch steps up pulling Gadget away.

  Damn, I was hoping to knock him the fuck out.

  “Settle boys, there’s too many people here for us to start throwing punches at each other,” Mooch tells us and I chuckle. Gadget glares at me—he’s so highly strung.

  “It’s okay, Gadget’s just having an abnormal blood-filled dilation of an artery from his diseased vessel walls.” Mooch looks at me in confusion as Gadget shakes his head and mockingly laughs.

  “Yeah, yeah, very funny, arsehole!” Gadget chides.

  “What did that mean?” Mooch asks.

  “It means I’m having an aneurysm. He’s being a dick,” Gadget informs.

  Mooch tries to hold back his laugh but fails, which results in Gadget huffing dramatically and storming off.

  “You two are so fucking weird,” Mooch quips, and I shrug.

  “I was talking perfect English, I don’t understand why no one fucking listens to me. It was obvious what I was saying!” I tell him then storm off myself. Gadget has put me in a bad mood, and I was feeling so good before he came over and ruined it all.

  I notice Steel talking to Amelia and Flame, so I walk over to them taking a deep breath to try and rid myself of the Gadget bad vibes. I look down at Flame and notice she isn’t wearing the ring. So he obviously hasn’t asked her yet.

  I wonder when he will have the guts to propose?

  There’s a slight pause in their conversation, so I figure now I can enter. “Amelia, how are you doing?” I ask. She still seems sad, she hasn’t been the same since Mad Dog died. I guess losing the one you love changes something in you.

  “I’m good Techie sweetheart, how are you?” she asks politely.

  “Not too bad, just plodding along as they say.”

  Flame swoops in and drags her off mumbling about showing her Petunia’s new outfits. I hadn’t even noticed that Steel had gone too, so I’m suddenly left alone again. I huff and look around the full clubroom and spot Shay, who’s talking to her mother. I’m not sure what the feeling is that’s creeping over me, but I know it could be something new and I like it. A hand on my lower back startles me, and I turn to see Irina as her slender hand slides around my waist. I smile as she cuddles into my side.

  “Lockdown is always crazy, ya? We haven’t had one for as long as I can remember. I just hope that pig stay away from me.”

  Laughing, I lean in and kiss her temple. “Petunia is okay, once you get to know her.”

  “Ha, she’d be better on a bagel with some egg.”

  I try to hide my smile. “Don’t let Flame hear you say that.”

  She jolts her head back and scoffs. “Oh, I would never. I respect her too much. The VP’s Old Lady, she be one tough motherfucker.”

  “Yeah, she never used to be. You should’ve seen her over a year ago, a totally different woman.”

  She looks up at me and raises an eyebrow. “Oh, ya? I guess the club hardens you.”

  I half laugh. “It sure does.”

  She cuddles back into me. “So you want to leave this party?”

  I glance down at her perky tits hanging out of her top and sigh as I look over back to Shay. “No thanks, think I’ll hang for a bit.”

  She frowns, not fighting me, and shrugs walking off to the bar sitting down next to Crash and Behemoth.

  Alone again.

  Even though there’s people everywhere.


  I just want to find time to get Shay alone. I’m intrigued by her and need to know more. Standing by the stairs, I watch her and wait for my move. She’s talking to everyone and she seems happy. She fits in here. She’s grown up in this life, so she isn’t scared or worried about being around bikers, and that makes her even more attractive.

  She stands up and sashays past everyone heading down the hall. My heart races into gear, and I figure this might be my opportunity to talk to her some more. Moving as fast as I can through the swarm of biker families toward the hall, but when I get there she isn’t anywhere to be seen. I figure she might have gone to the bathroom, so I wait by the door and take a few calming breaths.

  Hi Shay, me again. Just wanted to catch up and… no that’s stupid. Hey Shay, wanna go play video games? Oh my God Techie, you’re such a loser! Hey Shay, your eyes are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, can you make sure you look at me while you’re sucking my cock?

  “Techie?” her voice startles me from my running thoughts as I look at her and gasp.

  “Shit! Shay. Hi.” I smile, and she frowns which, in turn, makes me frown. “What’s wrong?”

  She furrows her brows tilting her body to one side and huffs. “Do you have stalker like tendencies?”

  I can’t help the laugh that echoes through my chest as I shake my head. “No, that would be Steel. I don’t usually chase after women. I don’t need to—”

  “Wow! Arrogant much—”

  “No. Shit! I didn’t mean it like that. What I meant was, I don’t usually care about women—”

  “Is that supposed to sound better?” she raises her eyebrow not looking impressed—at all.

  I exhale. “Yes?”

  “So you don’t care about women, and that’s supposed to impress me? For a genius, you’re actually really stupid.”

  I jolt back in confusion. “What? Why?”

scoffs. “Seriously? You said you don’t care about women?”

  I furrow my brows in confusion, then it suddenly dawns on me. “Oh, shit, no. I care about women, I really like women. What I mean is I never love them, I don’t fall in love… but I like them. I like them a hell of a lot.”

  “Still not making this better, and I’m not getting your point?”

  I huff. “I’m just saying that you’re different—”

  “You’ve known me for five minutes… and I’m different?”

  “You’re not like the women I know.”

  “Again you’ve known me for five minutes, so how could you know that?”

  “I can tell. From what you’ve told me, and what I’ve seen, I can tell you’re different. I want to get to know you. I’ve never had that feeling before.”

  She opens her eyes wide. “And you say you’re not a stalker?”

  I laugh. “Not a stalker, just a man interested in a girl.”

  “What if said girl wasn’t interested in said boy?”

  I furrow my brows and slump my body. “Really?”

  She laughs and smiles. “Is that so hard to believe?”

  Tilting my head, I look at her and smile knowing I have her summed up. “Okay, well how ‘bout this. By the way you keep glancing at me up and down. The way your breathing hitches when you see me. Your rapid heart rate… I can tell by the vein pulsing in your neck. The way your cheeks turn pink when I talk. The way you held my hand, and the magnetism I felt when we touched. The drop in your tone when you speak to me. The way you face me completely, and the way you clench your thighs together when I talk to you… are all signs that you’re attracted to me.”

  She leers at me and swallows hard her cheeks turning another slight shade of pink. “Do you fact check every situation?”

  “Not intentionally, it just kinda happens.” I shrug.

  She leans in closer to me, so close I can smell the mixture of the beer and her fruity perfume. The combination is a major turn on. “Well… it’s hot.”

  She winks at me leaning back, and I realise I’m holding my breath.

  I let a big burst of air out and take a sudden breath in to balance myself out. “Really?” I ask.

  She smiles. “Yes, really. I like sharp men.”

  “Well, Peach, my IQ is 147,” I say proudly.

  She smiles and nods. “Just one point shy of getting into Mensa,” she reminds me. I huff and nod swallowing hard, that’s something that’s bugged me for years. “Peach?” she asks breaking me from my self-pity party.

  “Princess Peach, she was always my favourite from gaming when I was a kid.”

  “I always liked Yoshi myself.”

  I nod. “Yes, that little green dinosaur was fun, too.”

  “We should play sometime.”

  “Yeah, I’d love to play with you,” I say and then realise how that sounded.

  She giggles and shakes her head. “You’re weird, Yoshi.”

  “You’re gorgeous, Peach.”

  She swallows hard and looks down at her feet, and for the first time I see a slight insecurity in her. It makes me wonder if she doesn’t know how beautiful she is.

  “Techie, Prez is calling church,” Switch yells out down the hall. I huff as I nod to him, and he wanders off.

  “Duty calls,” she murmurs, and I lean in moving a tendril of hair behind her ear just so I can touch her. She smiles up at me. I so badly want to lean in and kiss her, but she’s right, I’ve known her five minutes and I don’t want to scare her away.

  “Until next time.”



  “Make sure we see each other again before lockdown is over okay?” she asks, and I smile wide and nod.

  “You got it, Peach.” Winking at her, I reluctantly move away even though everything in me wants to stay and just be with her. She watches me walk off, and I wish like fuck Gator had better timed this church.

  All I can think about is Shay and her gorgeous lips. I’m totally mesmerised by her, as I keep bumping into people while I make my way to the assembly room.

  “Fuck, watch it!”

  I shake my head waking from my trance and nod. “Sorry.” I snap out of it and traipse into the assembly room closing the door behind me. It took me so long fumbling through the crowd everyone must have gotten here before me. I take up my seat at the end of the table, and Gator leans back in his chair.

  “Okay, so we need to discuss the situation with the Jones’s. I want everyone on guard and to take this threat very seriously until Steel, and I can talk to them. Lookout, do you have the history I asked for?”

  He nods pulling out a manila folder and opens it up onto the table. “The motherfuckers are secured to the Cypress Syndicate, the street gang that’s tied to all the high rollers. They have motherfucken money up to their eyeballs and coming out their arses. These guys are in with lawyers, judges, the heat, all the wrong people to mess with.”

  “The last thing we need is a war. I’ve had enough of that at this club. But I know what Nikita and Jackson mean to everyone, so they have sanctuary here.”

  “Thanks, Prez,” Steel and Lookout say in unison.

  I look at Gator and tilt my head. “I can do some digging on the Syndicate—”

  “My encryption programs are better and far more up to date. Plus, I’m the guru of this chapter, so I should do it,” Gadget interrupts me and I huff and puff out my chest in annoyance.

  “Why don’t you boys just fucking get along?” Gator asks.

  “This is our club. Techie came here as an outsider. This is my job. It’s what I’m here for,” Gadget defends.

  “Fine, you do it. Gives me more time to talk to Peach,” I spit out.

  “Who the fuck is Peach?” Gadget asks in an annoyed tone.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Okay, enough! Gadget you dig for dirt on the Syndicate and the Jones’s, and we’ll meet again tomorrow when we know more. Church is adjourned.” He bangs his gavel on the hard wood, the sound echoing throughout the large room.

  I stand up and storm toward the door. Gadget’s really getting on my nerves. Footsteps behind me alert me that someone’s following, but I don’t stop to see who.

  “Techie,” Steel’s voice soothes me slightly as his hand comes up and slaps my shoulder. “Don’t let Gadget get to you.”

  I continue to walk with him by my side out into the packed clubroom. “He just makes everything so bloody difficult.”

  “I know, brother, but if you let him get under your skin that’s exactly what he wants. You can’t let him win.”

  Nodding, he slaps my shoulder again and walks off toward Rev. I huff and look over to see Shay sitting with Flame. I like how they look together. Shay would fit in here, she has just the right amount of quirk. I’d love to go and talk to her some more, but I’ve annoyed her enough today, and it’s getting on a bit, so I figure I’m going to head to my room for some peace. I’d just like to be alone so I can think about a gothic geek who just might be the most unattainable woman in this place. The sister of a fellow biker—the daughter of an original.

  Shay is pretty much off limits.

  I have to stop wanting her.


  It’s been a crazy long and hectic day, what with Uni at the start then being called into lockdown in the afternoon. We haven’t had to come in for lockdown for as long as I can remember. Actually, the last time was when I was fifteen, I think, so that’s heading back seven years. We thought we might have to when the club was shot down a while back by the Riot Brothers, but they were just after the club, not the families.

  Everyone here seems great, and I can’t seem to stop my mind from wandering back to a certain tech geek that seems to have disappeared for the night. Techie’s all kinds of amazing. He’s not your typical biker. Sure, he has the build with his muscles on muscles and the small amount of scruff on his face, but the black rimmed glasses and the genius mind behind them
makes him an unusual candidate for a club. But then again Aldinga has two geniuses and one of them is my brother. Although Stephan is nowhere near as fit or athletic as Techie, not even close.

  I’ve been spending the night getting to know the head Old Lady, Flame. Her real name is Willow, but everyone calls her Flame. I’m assuming it’s because of her amazing red hair. Women would pay hundreds to get it that colour, and yet here she is au naturel. And then there’s Nikita and her son Jackson. They are a couple of special people. Nikita is possibly the most relaxed mother in history and lets Jackson get away with everything. But she’s really nice and I think she’s had a tough life. I think Jackson has too, and so she overcompensates for the bad by letting him do whatever he wants. The kid is adorable, but the stuff he says would shock some sailors.

  It’s getting late, and everyone’s heading to their quarters. Willow and Nikita are walking with me down the hall to my room, where I’ll be spending who knows how long. Hopefully, this lockdown doesn’t go for too long because I can’t miss too much Uni. Who knows what would happen to my grades if I don’t turn up. Brandon is so unpredictable.

  Willow opens the door to my room and it’s beautiful. I swear it’s almost like a bloody hotel in here. The room is large and has a big queen sized bed with a huge window that overlooks the compound downstairs. We walk in and over to my bed. My luggage is already in here. I know one of the prospects would have brought it up. They’re good lads. I know I’ll be treated well while I’m here. The perks of being a legacy.

  Willow and Nikita sit down on the bed next to me and giggle at Jackson as he rolls around on the plush rug on the floor. I chuckle and shake my head while bringing my feet up crossing my legs under one another.

  “This club is so cool… plus, there’s some hot guys here,” I admit and Willow chuckles.

  “There sure are some hotties. Anyone, in particular, take your fancy?” she asks.

  “Techie, he’s so hot… strange, but hot,” I admit.

  Willow and Niki laugh as Jackson continues to roll around on the floor doing God knows what.

  “Techie is amazing. One of the sharpest people I know. He’s so kind too, once you break through that tough exterior.” Willow smiles.


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