The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 91

by K E Osborn

  I have to touch her, she’s so inviting that everything in me is screaming to feel her. So my hand comes up and caresses her cheek. She leans her face into my hand and she fits perfectly into my palm. My chest is heaving at the energy surrounding us, and I look into her eyes and tell her exactly what I am feeling. “You’re beautiful,” I admit.

  She smiles and leans closer to me, so I reciprocate leaning my body toward hers. We’re inches apart. The warmth of her fast breath on my face is inviting as I lick my lips preparing to taste her. This is what I’ve been dreaming about. Kissing Shay. I pull her to me and just as our lips are about to touch, the door swings open making us pull apart. Both of us are panting heavily as we turn toward the open door to see Gadget walk in flaring his nostrils, his face bright red, and his arms crossed over his chest in an angry defiance.

  I drop my hand from Shay instantly and pull back, as she sinks into herself at being caught almost kissing me. Gadget storms in and over to us, his footsteps so heavy it’s like a heard of elephants have raided the games room.

  “Shay… Mum and Dad are leaving lockdown, and you should go with them,” Gadget instructs, and I furrow my brows at him ordering her around.

  She exhales, turns and starts to pack up the drawings. “You don’t have to go, Shay,” I murmur.

  She looks at me and smiles. “I came here with Mum and Dad. I don’t have a ride home, so I should go with them.”

  “I can take you home—”

  “You’re needed here, Techie. Do you not understand what the club just went through, we need all the brothers here, not gallivanting around. Shay, pack up your stuff.”

  She exhales and smiles reassuringly at me. I just hope this isn’t the last time I’ll ever see her. A sudden panic washes through me, and I furrow my brows as she packs up her stuff and stands sliding out from the seat.

  “Stephie, you’re too highly strung. You’re going to have an aneurysm, so calm the fuck down. Don’t worry, I’m going. But, ah… I’ll see you round, Yoshi, yeah?” she asks looking back at me, and my chest fills with hope that it means she wants to see me again.

  Nodding, I stand up and smile. “I hope so, Peach.”

  She quickly leans in and presses her lips to my cheek, and a shock wave tingles all the way down to my cock. Taking a deep breath, I want to reach out and touch her, but I don’t. Not with Gadget in the room. She smiles at me and turns walking out of the room with her drawings. I can’t help but look at her arse a little as she struts out.

  Gadget huffs and closes the door behind her crossing his arms over his chest. I exhale and tilt my head to the side waiting to hear whatever bullshit he has to say.

  “Shay is Peach?” he asks, and I nod. He huffs flaring his nostrils and grunts. “And just what do you think you’re doing?”

  Shrugging, I turn to pack up the art supplies. “Helping her design a tattoo.”

  “She’s my sister, Techie. She is a no-go zone for you. Off limits completely. You got me?”

  I turn to face him feeling deflated and nod. “I got you.”

  He exhales and grits his teeth. “You better. She’s a good girl, she doesn’t need to be corrupted by you!”

  I can’t help but laugh. “She’s a smart girl, I don’t think anyone could corrupt her Stephie—”

  “Don’t call me that!”

  I walk toward him. He stiffens his posture as if I’m going to fight him, but I chuckle and step past him grabbing the door knob. “She’s capable of looking after herself, Gadget. She’s twenty-two, let her make her own decisions.”

  “Right, and that decision is supposed to be you?”

  I shrug. “No, but don’t shelter her. Let her live or you’ll push her away. You’re a smart guy, Gadget, so use your brain.” I open the door and walk out.

  “Are you playing me? Are you trying to be nice and actually being a bastard? Techie... Techie?” he calls out, but I ignore him and keep walking. I can’t be bothered arguing with him right now, I want to see Shay leave if she hasn’t already. Making my way to the clubroom, I see her walking with her parents and saying goodbye to Meli and Irina. I stand back and watch, we said our goodbye, so I let her say farewell to everyone else. I just hope I get to see her again. Her black and purple hair is down and flowing in waves along her back, and I desperately want to run my fingers through it. Everything about her makes me want to touch every inch of her. I’ve never had a woman affect me the way she has in such a short amount of time. She’s an enigma. And I sure do love puzzles.

  She walks out of the red door and I feel heavy. Like my whole body is sinking through the concrete. It’s like a weight is weighing me down—not knowing if I’ll ever see her again is a burden I don’t want to carry. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. As the red door closes behind her, I take a deep breath and turn heading up the stairs to my room. I need to think about what I’m doing with my life. How can one woman change the way I think in just a few short days, and how can the way I see my life looking in the future suddenly seem so different by just meeting one person.

  My head is foggy, I need to sleep.


  After spending most of the day moping around in my room, it’s time for the bonfire to celebrate Behemoth’s life with the club. Losing him today was not something any of us expected. He’s been a brother for as long as I can remember, and I know to Lookout he was like family. So losing him and Niki today is not good for him. So we’re all here for Lookout tonight. Stevie came and checked out Lookout’s thigh. She said it was a through and through on the side of his leg and fixed his wound, gave him the appropriate antibiotics and some crutches to walk on. It’s a superficial wound she said and shouldn’t take overly long to heal.

  I’m walking alongside Steel, who’s extra quiet tonight. He’s carrying the burden he shouldn’t. He feels like the Syndicate were here for Niki because of him, and if they weren’t here Behemoth wouldn’t have died. I keep telling him that it isn’t his fault, he can’t keep taking on all this blame for shit that’s out of his control. Blake doesn’t blame him for his injury. Lookout certainly doesn’t blame him. I don’t, Gator doesn’t. The only one blaming him is him.

  He slumps his body as we reach the auto shop, the bonfire is burning brightly in front of the roller doors. At Virginia, we had this ceremony at the burning tree, but here it’s in front of the auto shop. Everyone is here as we approach, and I slap Steel’s shoulder for comfort. He nods then heads off to his place beside Gator. I stand next to Lookout and Jigsaw wrapping my arms around their shoulders.

  “Hey Lookout, how you doing?” I ask.

  He doesn’t reply, just merely sniffs and keeps looking down at the ground. I look at Jigsaw, and he shakes his head also saying nothing. I squeeze them both and take a deep breath as I look up toward Gator, who’s talking to Steel, probably giving him the same pep talk I gave him. But he won’t listen. He is the world’s worst self-doubter. Stupid dick. Gator shakes his head and huffs as Steel turns to face us, their conversation obviously over.

  “Blake, step up prospect,” Gator calls out.

  Blake looks around furrowing his brows and hobbles into the middle of the circle holding the wound where the bullet nicked his side.

  “Blake, you stood proudly today. You were by our sides when shit went down, you’ve been a valued member of this club since you arrived. Hard working, loyal and brave. It’s usually a year before we allow a patch to be earned, but you showed courage today, you took a bullet for your brothers. I, therefore, patch you in as a brother. No longer Blake, you are branded Trigger Puller, Trigger for short. The meaning ‘A soldier, who is regularly involved in actual combat.’ We thought this would be fitting for you seeing as you were wounded in the line of duty as a brother, but also it pays homage to your time in the Army.”

  Blake smiles wide and nods seemingly pleased with his name.

  “A Savage to the end, Trigger.” Gator picks up an Aldinga patch and name badge handing it to him. He smiles taking
it and then shakes Gator’s hand as we all cheer for him. Gator tilts his head for Trigger to fall back into line. He nods and stumbles back into place next to Lookout.

  “Brothers… it’s time to remember,” Gator announces. The mood shifts instantly from celebratory to somber. We all wrap our arms around each other forming a tight circle around the bonfire.

  “We come together to mourn the loss of Behemoth. Though he patched in here from a neighbouring chapter, he fitted in effortlessly and stood side by side here with valor, honour, and devotion. He was one of the kindest, gentlest souls in this club. He was here for everyone. Made time for everyone, and was decent to a fault. He did not die in vain, and he will never be forgotten.”

  Gator picks up Behemoth’s cut, and a small sob falls from Lookout’s mouth. I grip onto him harder as he goes limp against me.

  “Behemoth. You are a Savage to the end. Ride with the wind, brother.” He throws his cut into the flames, and a puff of grey smoke engulfs the cut as the orange and yellow flames flicker and dance around the black leather.

  Lookout’s soft sobs are all that can be heard other than the crackling of the bonfire.

  “Satan’s Savages, fear none, ride hard.” The club motto sounds throughout the compound as my brothers’ chant in memorial for Behemoth.

  We stand for a minute’s silence as is customary when a brother dies. Lookout’s cries become louder, and my heart is cracking for him. His connection with Behemoth was strong, like Steel’s and mine and I try to think of what it would be like if this was Steel that I was saying goodbye to now and how mortified I’d be. My chest aches at the thought, and I hold onto Lookout a little tighter for the support he obviously needs right now. My eyes start to sting slightly, and I shake my head as I take a deep breath. I hate this shit. Losing a brother is always difficult. Sometimes this life is hard work, but this brotherhood, this family, I wouldn’t leave it for anything.

  “Let’s celebrate his life,” Gator announces the end of the minute silence, and we all take a deep breath that the ceremony is now over and we can relax and try to remember Behemoth.

  I turn to Lookout, and he looks terrible. “Want me to walk you inside?”

  He shakes his head and frowns. “I think I’ll just sit out here for a bit.”

  What the hell, he didn’t swear or say anything abnormal. I nod and help him walk to a seat by the bonfire. I’m not sure if I should stay with him or leave him too it. Jigsaw comes across as well.

  “Time alone, is best spent with friends?” Jigsaw suggests more like a question, and I look to Lookout as he shakes his head.

  “I just want to be alone, sorry motherfuckers,” he murmurs. I glance at Jigsaw, and he shrugs and I squeeze Lookout’s shoulder and nod.

  “I have my phone with me if you need me, brother.” I turn and walk back toward the clubroom.

  As I walk in, I see Steel sitting on his own, probably wallowing. I figure I’ll go and try to make him feel better. On my way, Irina steps in front of me.

  I huff and fake a smile at her. “Hey.”

  “Hey, Techno.”


  She laughs and nods. “I know, I just like to annoy you, then rub you better, ya?”

  I scratch my chin and shake my head. Normally I’d play her game, but considering everything that’s happened today, and that the only woman I want to be talking to right now is Shay, I’m just not in the mood for her games.

  “Irina, can we not play games tonight, I’ve had a rough day.”

  She runs her hand down my chest. “No games then, just straight to the point. You, me? A dildo and some handcuffs?”

  I swallow hard picturing Shay handcuffed to my bed. My cock starts to harden, and I tilt my head cracking my neck. “Ahh… um… not tonight, Irina.”

  “Oh, but your cock tells me you want to.” She runs her hand down my chest and grabs my cock.

  I flinch back and push her away. “Nope. Just no. Sorry. I’m just not … just no, Irina. I want someone else.”

  She scoffs. “Oh, mu'dak,” she says something in Russian and storms off.

  Opening my eyes as I puff a burst of air out of my mouth, I run my hand through my hair and shake my head. Turning, I continue my quest to cheer up Steel.

  “So, patching in Blakey boy, whose idea was that?”

  Steel smiles. “Gator’s actually. I agreed takin’ a bullet was a good enough reason to earn a patch,” Steel says lackluster, and I huff punching his arm. “Ouch fuckface, what was that for?”

  “Because you’re being a pissy bitch.”

  He pouts and furrows his brows. “Am not.”

  I scoff and slump my body. “I know I’ve said this, but this isn’t your fault.”

  “And no matter how many times you say that, I’m not going to believe—”

  “Why do you always have to be like this, Gator? I don’t understand you at all!” Meli comes storming out of the assembly room with her top half undone like she was in the throes of passion and then somehow it stopped.

  Gator storms out after her pulling her by her arm making her face him, and everyone stops to watch them. “Meli… stop!”

  “No, you stop. Either you want me or you don’t, it’s simple, Gator. Make a choice!” She glares at him, and I chew on the side of my cheek knowing that this has been coming for some time.

  He stares into her eyes, and I see him soften like maybe he’s finally going to give into her. Her eyes are flooded with tears and her chest is heaving from the panic.

  I hate that this is playing out for all of us to see.

  “Make a choice, Gator,” Meli demands through gritted teeth. Gator runs his hand through his hair huffing and wincing like he’s not sure what to do. The wrinkles on his forehead are standing out predominately.

  “Meli, it’s not that easy—”

  “Fine, then I’ll make it for you,” she says pulling her arm from his grip, turning and storming off.

  The room is dead silent. His chest heaves as she walks away from him.

  “Meli!” he calls out, but she doesn’t stop. “Melodi,” he calls out louder, but she doesn’t reply and storms outside. I can’t help but notice Crash follows her out.

  The room is dead quiet except for the music playing over the speakers which is ironically ‘I Miss You’ by Blink 182.

  “There’s nothing to see here. Stop being nosey fuckers,” Gator yells at everyone.

  I raise my eyebrows at his frustration as he looks down to Steel and me and huffs, shaking his head as his body slumps.

  Steel pats the bench seat beside him and Gator nods and slides in.

  “Shit,” he murmurs, and Steel slaps his shoulder and signals to Paulie, our prospect, to bring Gator a beer.

  “That went well,” Steel teases and Gator glares at him. Steel puts his hands up in surrender.

  “Don’t be a dick. I’m a big enough one for the both of us,” Gator says resting his head on his forearm on the table in front of us.

  I huff and shake my head. “Women,” I murmur, and he looks back up at me and exhales.

  “You’re wise to never get involved with them. They’re a fucking head fuck, Techie!”

  Laughing, I shake my head. “Prez, you and Meli are the most complicated couple I know—”

  “We’re not a couple—”

  “See, complicated!”

  He huffs. “Yeah, tell me about it. The woman drives me crazy, like bat shit crazy!”

  I shrug. “Then make her leave?”

  He shakes his head. “The problem is, I fucking love the crazy. I’m a glutton for punishment.”

  “Then why don’t you make her your Old Lady?” Steel asks.

  Gator exhales and shakes his head. “It’s too complicated, and I need a drink. Paulie is taking too damn long,” he states standing up and storming over to the bar. The crowd parts as he walks like a scene from a biker movie. It’s funny to watch. It’s almost like the anger is emanating from him in heat waves. It’s funny seeing a wom
an getting under a man’s skin, and for the first time in my life I think I know what that feels like because I can’t stop thinking about Shay.


  It’s close to five o’clock, and I honestly cannot stop thinking about Shay. It’s been over twenty-four hours since I saw her last, and I feel like I’m having withdrawals. I’ve never felt like this before. The urge to see her is driving me mental as I sit in the clubrooms doing absolutely nothing. So I do what any sane man would do—turn into a stalker. Walking out the clubroom to my bike, I figure I’ll go to her Uni and find her. I have no idea where to look, so I guess I’ll just wander the halls till I see her.

  A sense of excitement and adrenaline courses through my veins. I’m elated at the thought of seeing my Peach again, and I just hope I’m not overstepping the mark right now. But there’s only one way to find out. Throwing my leg over my ride and adjusting my lid, I kick back the stand and start up the engine. My baby roars to life purring like the giant kitten she is, and I smile at the vibration between my legs. It’s always a kind of euphoria riding my bike, mix that with the thought of seeing Shay and I’m on cloud fucking nine.

  Pulling out of the compound, I hammer down and make my way as quickly as possible to her Uni. I don’t want to miss her. The whole way I can’t help but think about her supple red lips and how they must taste. I really can’t wait to see how they feel pressed against mine.

  Driving into a parking space, I see students walking around like it’s time to go home. I hope like fuck I haven’t missed her already and that she’s still here somewhere.

  I stride toward the building. There’s a few people around, and I see a particular couple standing by the entry way, and I recognise Shay instantly. She’s with some guy and her body language is off. She’s slumping and shying away from him. It gets my back up immediately, and I race forward a little quicker to get to her. He reaches out grabbing her arm forcefully and my heart explodes as a rage so hot ignites inside of me. I burst into a run and race over to them, but I’m still so far away as he lets her go and starts walking off. She turns in the opposite direction and begins to walk away. She doesn’t know I’m running to her, so I call out her name to gain her attention.


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