The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set Page 92

by K E Osborn


  She turns to see me and I stop running as the sight of her stunned face makes my knees go weak. She shakes her head looking around slightly then starts to walk toward me. My legs don’t fail me now as I race to meet her.

  “Techie? What are you doing here?”

  I’m slightly out of breath but not from rushing to get to her, from the anxiety of watching her with that guy. “Was that your boyfriend?” I ask, hoping like hell it wasn’t and everything we shared wasn’t a lie.

  She huffs out a laugh, shaking her head. “No, that’s my lecturer’s aid, Brandon.”

  The ache in my chest starts to subside and my breathing slows a little as she assesses me. “Did he hurt you?”

  She winces shaking her head. “No, it was nothing—”

  “It didn’t look like nothing—”

  “Can we drop it?”

  Huffing, I reach out for her backpack grabbing it from her, and she smiles letting me take it. “Come for a ride? If you’re finished for the day, that is?”

  “Yeah, I’d love that.” She puts out her hand, and I interlock my fingers with hers as I swing her backpack over my other shoulder and walk with her toward the car park.

  “Are you sure you’re okay? I can beat him up,” I tease. Well, kind of tease, I would actually beat him up if she wanted me to.

  She leans into my side and smiles. “I’m fine, I promise. Just want to go for a ride with a hot biker.”

  Chuckling, I smile. “That I can help with.”

  We reach my ride and I hand her, her backpack. She flicks it over her arms onto her back.

  “Right you get the lid, young lady. Safety first,” I say grabbing the helmet and placing it on her head.

  “And let me guess there’s only one lid for this Hog, right?” I snicker. “Why Techie, you daredevil you.”

  Laughing, I do up the strap and turn mounting my ride. I tilt my head gesturing for her to jump on behind me. She flexes up on her toes in what I’m guessing is excitement as she giggles and then jumps on behind me. She wraps her arms tightly around my waist, and I smile brightly adjusting my prescription sunglasses. “Hold on tight, Peach.”

  “Oh, I plan on it, Yoshi,” she replies.

  I straighten the bike up, kick the stand back and start the engine. It roars to life, and the vibration of the engine rumbles up through my legs. Having Shay holding onto me is a new experience. I don’t often have people on the back of my bike, especially women, so having her holding me as tight as she is, feeling her breath on my neck and her warmth encasing me, it’s a euphoria I could quickly get used to.

  With her laughing in my ear, I take off. The sound sends a shiver down my spine, and I lean into her slightly as she cuddles into me. I love this feeling, being one with my Hog and connected to Shay. There’s nothing like it in the world. Not even getting into Mensa could be this exciting.

  I figure since her Uni is near Brighton Beach, I’ll take her there. I’m not sure if this classifies as a date, but I want this to be something nice, so what’s nicer than the beach near sunset, right?

  Parking quickly in a miraculously timed car park on the esplanade, I let Shay hop off then I follow, throwing my leg over and standing up. She grabs the straps, undoing them and hands it to me flicking her black and purple hair from side to side like something from fucking Baywatch. My cock twitches in my jeans and I try to stifle a moan. She smiles as I place my lid on the handlebars and reach out grabbing her hand.

  “Wanna go watch the sun go down?”

  “Why Techie, be careful… anyone would think you’re a closet romantic.”

  I wince. “Shit, wouldn’t want that. Wanna go sit on the beach and throw shells at little kids?”

  She laughs and nods. “Better.”

  Smiling, I lead her down the path, my boots sinking into the white sand. It’s an unusually warmish day, but the nights are usually colder now seeing as it’s July and the middle of winter. I figure if she gets cold down on the beach we might have to cuddle. What a shame. I grin to myself and my plan, as we make it down to the sand dunes and walk along to find a spot to sit down.

  “Here looks nice, we can see the jetty and the sun perfectly,” she announces. I nod and sit down on the sand. It’s going to suck having sand in places that shouldn’t be allowed, but it’s worth it to spend time with Shay. She sits down next to me, our bodies are touching as we both look out to the crystal blue ocean, the waves crashing slowly against the shore. She shivers slightly, and I smile deciding I’m not going to bother holding back. I want to touch her, I’m a man not a pussy, so I move my arm and wrap it around her shoulder pulling her to me.

  She looks up. “Why, that’s awfully forward of you, Sir.”

  “Is it? I thought I was being a gentleman and keeping you warm from the winter chill. I can always leave you to freeze like a White Walker if you want to.”

  She laughs and nuzzles into me further. “No thanks, even though ‘Winter is coming’ and ‘You know nothing Jon Snow, but you’re mine. Mine, as I’m yours. And if we die, we die. All men must die,’ or something like that," she murmurs, and I chuckle.

  “Wow, diehard fan right there. Even managing to get the best couple tied in together,” I say.

  “You knew they were quotes from Jon and Ygritte?”

  I cuddle into her further. “I was rooting for them, but this is the Game of Thrones we’re talking about,” I say, and she giggles.

  “True. Hardly anything works out the way you want it to in that series, does it?”

  Shaking my head, I then lean it against hers and look out to the ocean, the soft back and forth of the waves calming the storm inside or the torrential downpour of emotions I’m feeling. I want to lay Shay back and devour her, I want to kiss every inch of her body and feel her skin against mine. Fucking hell! I’d serenade her with poems if I thought it meant I could be with her.

  “It’s so peaceful here,” she whispers breaking me from my thoughts.

  “Mmm,” I murmur back. Her fruity perfume is driving me crazy, and every atom in me is screaming for me to kiss her.

  My heart is racing and my palms are sweaty. I don’t get nervous around women, ever. I know what I’m doing with them, but I want to impress Shay. I don’t want to just use and abuse her and throw her to the side like the club girls. She means something to me, even in the short time I’ve known her she’s made way more of an impact on me than any other woman in my life.

  “Techie?” She looks up at me and her ice blue eyes sparkle like fucking diamonds as her beautiful face stares right at me.

  My heart pounds in my chest and I swallow hard. “Yeah?”

  She smiles. “Do I make you nervous?”

  A nervous telling laugh echoes from my chest, and I clear my throat. “Nervous. Umm… maybe.”

  She leans in a little closer, my breathing becomes faster as she looks right into my soul. “What are you thinking about right now?”

  My mouth opens before I have time to think and I start to babble, “Leaning to the right, I mean scientist believe that it stems from babies being in the womb, we naturally tilt our heads to the right.” She smiles and chews on her bottom lip assessing me. “So I was thinking I should remember to tilt my head to the right and not go left, because then there could be that awkward moment when our heads collide, and then followed by the awkward laugh which spoils the moment completely and I want it to be right, you know?” I blurt out and then realise what I’ve just been talking about.

  She smiles, and her eyes glisten as she leans in closer causing me to swallow hard.

  I’m not sure what to do so I keep talking. “So as well as using your neck muscles to tilt your head to the right, you also use one hundred and forty-six muscles to coordinate, including thirty-four facial muscles and one hundred and twelve postural muscles in the act itself. It’s quite a good workout regime if done properly.”

  She smiles wide as she inches so close, my breathing hitches as the mint in her brea
th wafts across my senses. "Techie.” Her voice is calm and angelic with no trace of nervousness at all.

  “Mmm,” I murmur as she chews on her bottom lip.

  “Tilt your head to the right,” she instructs.

  I furrow my brows in confusion, but before I have time to register what she’s talking about, she leans forward and presses her silky lips to mine. My eyes open wide as a bolt of something, electricity? I don’t know what, but something shoots straight through me, making my entire body shake like my bones are tectonic plates, and right now my body is undergoing a seven point eight on the Richter scale. My hand automatically sweeps up into her hair and holds her face to mine as I open my mouth to gain access to her tongue. Her tongue sweeps along mine, and it feels like the earth is shifting orbit, heading out of the Milky Way and straight for Andromeda, bending time and space to get there. It’s like everything is shifting, moving the course of my path and forcing me in a different direction. I know this is just a kiss, but my life has never been about women, about making a go with one woman and having just her in my life. But Shay, she’s my Aphrodite, and I would do anything to keep her in my life right now.

  The kiss deepens and I move closer to her. She moans softly into my mouth in appreciation, which makes my cock instantly hard as her hand comes up and caresses the side of my face tenderly. This is by far the best kiss I’ve ever had, not just because she’s an amazing kisser, but because she has made me feel something. I have emotion while kissing, and now, I get it. I understand what all the fuss is about.

  I lean into Shay further and we kiss passionately, getting lost in each other. She tastes sweet, ironically like a peach and I could taste her sweetness forever.

  “Get a room,” someone calls walking past us making Shay break away from me and start to giggle.

  I mourn the loss of contact as I take in a deep breath, and just look at her pink cheeks against her pale face and admire her beauty. She looks back at me and smiles.

  “So, with all that talk of kissing, I thought just shut up and kiss me already. You took too long, so I took the lead. Hope you don’t mind.”

  Smiling as I push some hair behind her ear, and she nuzzles into my open palm. “I didn’t mind one little bit. In fact, if all it takes is for me to babble for a while to get you to kiss me, I think I’ll start talking again.”

  She leans in pressing her lips to me quickly. My cock twitches but as quickly as she kissed me she pulls away. I pout, and she smiles licking her lips.

  “You’re a great kisser, but we’re gonna miss the sunset,” she says turning her head slightly in my palm toward the sun setting over the ocean.

  “Okay, let’s watch the sun set, Peach. Interesting fact by the way, did you know you taste like peaches?”

  She laughs and slaps my chest. “I do not.”

  Nodding, I run my finger over her bottom lip. “You do.”

  She pulls my legs down shifting her body up slightly. I furrow my brows as she shifts around me, and then she moves in between my legs with her back to my front. Wrapping my arms around her waist as she rests her head back on my shoulder staring out at the sunset, I lean in kissing just behind her ear. This feels right, she’s in my arms, and I’m wrapped around her. Nothing could be more perfect than this.



  “Can we get some dinner after this?”

  “You asking me on a date?”

  She turns her head to face me and I look down at her. “I think this is already classed as a date, Yoshi. Let’s just keep it going, yeah?”

  Nodding, I lean down and press my lips to hers briefly as that spark filters through me again. “I want to keep this going for as long as possible,” I admit, and she nods in agreement then turns back to face the pinks and yellows of the almost completely setting sun. She shivers slightly in my arms, so I hold her even tighter and rub slowly up and down her beautiful arms. The seagulls bark at a couple eating fish and chips, and I smile thinking how I could do this every day if Shay wanted to.

  The sun fully sets leaving a slight purple haze over the Brighton shoreline and Shay exhales loudly. I turn my head to look at her and furrow my brows. “You okay?”

  She glances at me. “I’m perfect, this is great. You’re so amazing, and I love the beach, but I am a little cold and the sun is gone now. So can we head off?”

  “Your wish is my command. Do you want to go somewhere in particular for dinner?”

  She shrugs and her eyes squint like she’s up to no good. “How ‘bout you take me back to my place and we order in? It’s warmer there, and we can relax a bit more?”

  Smiling at her subtle attempt at getting me back to her place, I nod and unwrap my arms from around her so she can stand up. She places her hand out for me to grab, I chuckle and take it even though I don’t need the help getting up. She pulls me and for a tiny little thing she has a good grip. I dust off my arse and reach out grabbing her hand again. She smiles taking it, interlacing our fingers as we start the walk back to my Hog.

  “So when we get back to your place, what kind of food are we getting?” I ask trying to suss out what I’m in for. Is she really inviting me back for food? Because she doesn’t seem the type to just jump into bed with someone.

  She shrugs. “There’s an excellent Italian place that delivers if you’re into that?”

  “As long as you don’t mind me having garlic breath.”

  She giggles. “Well, I’ll have it too, so we can stink together.”

  “Deal,” I say as we reach my bike. She picks up my lid and places it on, and I reach out to do up the strap ready for our trip back to her place, which I’m hoping like fuck isn’t with her parents.


  After arriving at her little unit, I quickly realised she lives by herself and not with her parents. Thank God. We walked in and it was obvious we were there to get to know each other, not go straight to the bedroom, which is what I thought would happen—she doesn’t seem the type to root and boot.

  We ordered in some Italian, and we sat on the lounge eating our pasta and garlic bread while watching episodes of Season Three of Game of Thrones on Blue Ray, just to see our favourites Jon and Ygritte together. After we’d finished eating, we cuddled for a bit, and now I’m lying on the lounge with Shay in my arms watching as Ygritte shoots the three arrows of despair.

  “I hate this part. Want a coffee?” Shay asks out of nowhere as the arrows reach their target.

  Chuckling, I nod. “Yeah, me too, and sure.”

  She stands up walking from the small lounge to the kitchenette. I decide I’ll go help her, and so I leave letting the scene play out on the television.

  “So, do I smell like garlic?” I ask making her giggle.

  “I’m not sure, you’re too far away for me to tell.” She winks at me and so I step up to her wrap my arms around her waist. Her arms wrap around my neck, and I look down into her eyes. She sniffs and smiles. “Well, there’s a definite twang of something.”

  Opening my eyes, I beam. “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah, bad boy biker, mixed with this geeky, nerdy thing. It’s an odd smell, plus garlic,” she teases.

  “Right, so what does this geeky nerd bad boy biker taste like then I wonder?”

  She raises her eyebrow, leaning up on her toes and smiling. “Probably like garlic, but I’d like to find out.”

  “Well then Peach, what are you waiting for?” I lean down pressing my lips to hers.

  That spark is there again, filling me with a warmth I’m growing quite fond of. I turn her slightly leaning her against the kitchen counter and press my body against hers. She moans into my mouth as her tongue dances with mine. She’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted, even with the garlic breath. My cock begins to harden, and I try my best to reign him in, but he has a mind of his own as he stiffens against her. She giggles into my mouth and pulls her lips from mine.

  “Okay, easy tiger, let’s not get too carried away,” she says
pushing my shoulders slightly.

  I wince and take a step back shaking my head slightly at myself. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I tried to stop—”

  “It’s fine, Techie, I’m flattered actually, but… that’s not where tonight is heading, okay?”

  Smiling, I nod. I like that she isn’t easy. Every woman I’ve been with has given it up without me even asking, basically dropping their knickers when they see me. I like that Shay wants to wait. It makes her more interesting.

  “Got it, I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. That’s not what I’m about.”

  “Good, I didn’t think you were, just… wanted to be on the same page.”

  I lean in kissing her lips briefly again and lean past her flicking on the kettle. She glows as I pull back and she exhales. “Thank you.”

  “What for?”

  “Just for being you. You’re pretty amazing, and you’re not pushy like some guys.”

  Furrowing my brows at that comment, I want to ask her about it. But I figure if she wanted to elaborate, she would. “Well, I think you’re pretty amazing yourself. Now let’s have some coffee and finish watching season three so we can get onto season four, hey?”

  She nods and turns around to grab some mugs from the shelf then goes about making coffee. I let out a little chuckle to myself. She turns to face me. “Something funny?”

  “I’m just thinking about what Gadget would think about me being here.”

  She half laughs. “Why don’t you guys get along?”

  Shrugging, I exhale. “I guess it’s because we’re very similar and competitive. He always likes to one up me, which he normally does and I fucking hate it.”

  She smiles chewing on her bottom lip and leans into me wrapping her arms around my waist. “Well, you one up him on something.”


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