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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

Page 94

by K E Osborn

  Taking a deep breath, I slump even further into the booth. “It’s Shay, so I’m not sure what to do because of Gadget.”

  He nods and sighs. “Right, I can see how that could be an issue. What with you two always at loggerheads. But if this girl is truly making you feel things you never have before then that’s worth pursuing. But, be careful, don’t break her heart. That would be bad for her, and the morale of the club. So tread carefully.”

  As always Rev knows just what to say. “Thanks, Rev, I really like her. I want to make a go of it. It’s just more difficult with Gadget.”

  He grabs my shoulder and nods. “The hardest roads are always the most rewarding in the end.”

  Smiling, I nod. “Thanks.”

  He slides out of the booth and slowly walks away. It’s like he always appears right when you need him, tells you just what you need to hear, then disappears before you know it. He’s a strange creature our Rev.

  Chowhound brings over my burger and fries placing it down in front of me. “There you go, kid.”

  “Thanks, brother,” I say nodding to him as he walks off, just as Jigsaw and Switch slide into the booth.

  Switch picks up one of my fries shoving it into his mouth. “Help yourself there, Switch,” I tease, and he nods.

  “Don’t mind if I do.” He picks up another and eats it as I shake my head.

  “Burgers are the beast for the soul,” Jigsaw quips, and I look over at him with my eyebrows creased.

  “Right, I’d agree, but I have no idea what the fuck that means. Like normal when you talk big guy,” I say picking up my burger and taking a bite. A sliver of tomato sauce slides down my chin as I bite into the deliciousness.

  “To understand is the source of corruption.” Jigsaw smiles wide like he’s just said something brilliant, as Switch furrows his brows at him and I put my burger down wiping the sauce from my chin.

  “Here’s some corruption sauce for you,” I say wiping the sauce across his cheek.

  Switch chuckles as Jigsaw picks up a napkin from the holder on the table and wipes it off his face.

  “Child,” Jigsaw chides, and I laugh.

  “My God, something I can finally understand.”

  He throws the napkin at me, and I chuckle as Switch steals another fry. I slap at his hand. “Get your own lunch.”

  “Mine’s coming, but yours looks so delicious it shouldn’t be wasted.”

  I scowl at him. “Have you ever seen me leave food on my plate?”

  He chuckles. “No, but just in case, you know?” he says picking up another fry.

  I groan as he shoves it in his mouth and chews with a great big smile on his face. “So, Shay,” he murmurs through a potato stuffed mouth.

  I look at him through thin eyes. “What about her?”

  He snorts. “Please tell me you and she are getting it on, right?”

  I groan and sink into my chair. “Why is everyone worrying about this?”

  “Because basically while she was here you guys were making googlies at each other, and she’s pretty much you but with tits. Really nice tits I might add—”

  “Hey!” I berate.

  “See, you do like her,” Switch teases.

  “Just because I defend her doesn’t mean we’re together or anything. I’m just saying that she’s a great woman, and you shouldn’t be talking about her tits like that.”

  “Why? If she were a club girl, you’d be all over talking like that. Let alone rubbing your face in them, with a bit of motorboat action hey, Techie?”

  “Shut up, Switch. She is a club sister, not a club girl. She’s basically club royalty, so that’s why we can’t talk about her like that. Imagine if Stump heard you degrading her, the daughter of an Original founder.”

  His smile falters, and he sighs. “So really, that’s all it is? You’re not hooking up with her?”

  I shrug. “There’s nothing to tell.” A few sensational kisses is nothing to gossip about. He wants the down and dirty raunchy stuff, and we haven’t gotten to that. So when I say there’s nothing to tell, I’m not actually lying.

  “Well, you’re boring then,” he teases.

  “I’m completely boring,” I say picking my burger back up to finish it off. I munch it down just as Chowhound brings out two plates for Jigsaw and Switch. He places them down, and I immediately pick up a handful of Switch’s fries shoving them in my mouth.

  “Hey!” he calls out as I stand up.

  “Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?” I mock, and he purses his lips and tilts his head as I walk off. All this talk of Shay makes me want to see her. I know I’ve only been away from her for a few hours, but maybe she’ll be on a lunch break too. So I figure I’ll pop by and see if I can find her. If not, she won’t even know I was there.

  Walking out to my Hog, I get on and ride toward the gate. It opens like clockwork, and I hammer down needing to get to my Peach. I can feel that she’s already becoming an addiction. I’m not sure if I like that idea, or if it scares the shit out of me, to be honest.

  The whole ride I’m thinking of what I’m going to say to Shay when I see her.

  What will my excuse be for stalking her at school again? I have none. I just hope I don’t scare her off by being there. I hope I’m not being too forward by my actions today. Either way, I just want to see her and I hope she’s been thinking about me like I am her.

  Pulling up in the car park I jump off and walk toward the building. It’s big, and I have no idea where to start. So I walk through the giant doors and wander down the halls. Students look at me strangely as they pass me. Obviously, my cut is intimidating, but I don’t care, I’m not here for them. I’m aimlessly wandering the halls and getting absolutely nowhere when I see a bunch of girls. They’re young, must be just out of high school. They all look me up and down and smile. I know that look, they’re checking me out.


  Strutting over to them as they all giggle at my approach, I put on my killer smile and charming voice. “Good afternoon ladies. You wouldn’t happen to know where the forensic science area is would you?” I ask so nicely I want to punch myself.

  They giggle and one stands slightly taller and looks right at me. “Sure, I can take you there,” she says in a sickly sweet voice.

  Tilting my head at her attempt to charm me, I swallow hard at the awkwardness of this situation. “Thanks, but directions will be fine.”

  She pouts and nods. “Sure, just go to the end of this hall, take a left and go through the double doors, the science centre is to the left. You can’t miss it. There’s a giant galaxy mural out the front.”

  “Thanks, you have a lovely day now,” I say and turn to head down the hall.

  “You too. We’ll be here if you need us again… or get lost,” she calls out and I chuckle at her desperation.

  “Thanks,” I call back as I scurry off away from her before she jumps on me or something.

  I take the directions, and there’s no one around the science area. Not even at the reception desk. So I huff and go in search. I wander down a hall marked lecture theatres, wondering if she’s in a lecture and if I can sneak into the back and watch. Maybe I can learn something.

  I open Lecture Hall One and look inside. The hall is empty, apart from two people right at the front. I squint to see, it’s Shay and the same guy from yesterday. He’s talking to her, but her body is slumped and she looks sad, like all her usual pep and energy is gone. I can’t hear what’s being said, so I decide to walk in, I thump down the stairs abruptly toward them and the guy looks up at me as Shay opens her eyes wide taking a step back from him. I find that odd in itself, but I ignore it.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks, and I furrow my brows at the sternness in her voice.

  The guy, I think she said his name was Brandon, looks at me assessing my cut and freezes. “You know this guy, this biker?”

  “This biker will be very pissed off if you don’t get out of this room quick smart.”

; Brandon looks at Shay, she nods and like the little girl that he is, he high tails it and rushes out of the lecture room. His feet hardly hitting the stairs as he runs and bolts out of the door. I turn to Shay and reach out to grab her, but she brings her arms up and pushes me back glaring at me and flaring her nostrils.

  “Why the hell are you being such a macho dick?” She pushes me again making me take another step back. “Seriously Techie, that was uncalled for. I can fight my own battles. You don’t have to come in here being the typical biker, and get on your fucking high horse going into protecto mode. I’m not a child, I can look after myself. I don’t need you sweeping in to save the day, and thumping your chest like a big hairy ape pretending to get your cock out, swinging it around showing off how big and scary it is compared to Brandon’s. Your cut is scary enough, you don’t have to show off your testosterone too, you fucking twat!” she yells and turns running her hands through her hair as she groans out loud in frustration.

  I stand back in a stunned silence with my heart thumping in my chest. “Wow,” I murmur.

  “Wow? Wow! That’s all you’ve got to say? I’m pissed off at you Techie, and all you’ve fucking got to say to me is motherfucking wow?”

  I can’t stop the ear-to-ear smile that forms on my lips. “Wow… that was so fucking… hot,” I can’t stop myself before it slips out, and her hard face softens and her body slumps as she takes a deep breath and a slight smile crosses her lips. She chuckles slightly while shaking her head. I risk taking a step toward her and move my hand out to take hers. She doesn’t fight me, and I interlace our fingers. “Wanna tell me what that was about? What Brandon was saying to you?”

  She huffs and steps closer to me cuddling into my chest. “No, it’s nothing. Plus, I have another class to get to.”

  My senses tell me that something is off with Brandon, she’s hiding something from me, but I’m not going to push her just yet, but maybe ease her into the right direction.

  “Can you blow it off, I really want to make it up to you?” I waggle my eyebrows at her, and she giggles looking down at her watch.

  “You know what, I think I’ve had just about enough for one day. Can you take me home?”

  “Your wish is my command, Peach.”


  The ride back to Shay’s was quick. I wanted to get her back home and into a comfortable environment. I hated that Brandon had made her snappy and that I enhanced her agitated mood. I just hope that she opens up to me about him sooner or later.

  We walk into her unit, and I expect her to lead me straight to the lounge again, but as I close the door she turns in my arms and plants her lips straight to mine. I smile against her as that familiar spark tingles through my body, and I wrap my arms around her waist. She walks backward, I assume we’re headed for the lounge, but she changes course and leads up toward her bedroom. My heart starts to race, and I can’t help it as my mind begins to wonder to indecent thoughts. But I don’t want to rush her, and if she wants to just lay on the bed and cuddle, then that’s what we’ll do. But the thought of being balls deep inside of her is so appealing that my cock is having a really hard time not rising to the occasion.

  We enter her bedroom, still locked in a passionate kiss as she moves us over to the bed. I am surprised at how this is turning out. If she wants to take this slow, she sure has a strange way of showing it.

  She pulls back from me as we reach the edge of the bed, and she looks up into my eyes. “Techie, I don’t want to wait. I trust you, and I need to feel you.”

  Raising my eyebrow, I breathe out a puff of air. I’ve never heard her say anything sexier. “Are you sure? We can’t take it back once it’s done. I don’t wanna rush into anything and fuck this up with you.”

  She smiles and runs her fingers along my cheek. “I don’t think anything could fuck this up.”

  She moves her hands down to my cut and slides it over my shoulders. It falls to the floor with a thud. I gulp as my palms coat in a fine mist of sweat, and my heart pounds ferociously in my chest. I’ve never been nervous about fucking someone. But with Shay, I want this to be perfect. I want to please her every way I know how, and I need her to scream my name as she cums multiple times.

  Taking a steadying breath, my hands come to her tight black tank top, and I pull it up over her head. She waves her head from side to side as it moves through her hair, and it’s like something from my dreams as she stands in front of me in a bright purple bra and black leather pants. She really is everything I’ve ever fantasized about. She grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it over my head, and throws it on the floor next to her top. Both our chests are heaving from the tension in the room.

  That surge is there again, that undeniable magnetism that pulls us together and makes everything disappear around us. The only thing I see is Shay as my hands move to her button and zip. And as I undo them, she steps out of her flats and runs her hands up my chest. The feeling of her slender fingers warming against my skin litters my chest with goosebumps that travel all the way down my arms. She affects me like no other woman ever has. And I love it.

  She wriggles from side to side as I slide her tight pants over her arse and down her legs. I lean in and kiss her flat stomach as I bend down. She runs her hand through my hair while she steps out of her pants, and I toss them to sit with the rest of our clothes.

  Standing back up I see her in matching purple underwear, and I can’t control my cock now. He’s ready and raring to go, so much so that I move my hand to my crotch and rearrange him for ease. She smiles and moves in undoing my belt, and makes quick work taking off my jeans leaving me in just my boxer briefs, as I step out of my jeans and boots at the same time.

  She moves in so our bodies are flush, and feeling her skin against mine takes my breath away as I lean down and press my lips to hers. My hand runs through her hair as my other reaches around her back and unclips her bra like the skill master that I am. I get it first go too. She giggles into my mouth and drops her arms so the bra can fall from her shoulders freeing her tits. I can’t wait to feel them. Sure I’ve felt them through her clothes, but not skin on skin and I’ve been dying for this moment. My hand slides up her ribs, and I glide my palm over her mound. My cock twitches and hardens even more at the pert suppleness beneath them. My fingers massage her tenderly, as I groan into her mouth enjoying the feel of her finally against my hand. My fingers move to her nipple and I roll it, then tug as it grows erect against my touch, while she moans in satisfaction into my mouth.

  Her hands run up and down my back gently stroking my skin, setting me on fire as my free hand moves down between her legs. She parts them slightly for me to gain better access, and I love that she’s so warm down there for me. My palm pushes against her pussy, and she murmurs into my mouth in delight, as she pushes her pussy into my hand. Smiling as my tongue moves with hers, my nerves are firing off in every direction at the satisfaction of touching her in so many ways. My hand tweaking her nipple, my tongue caressing hers, and my fingers slowly pulling the top of her knickers down. My finger slips inside and straight down toward her clit. She’s already wet for me, and I like that I’ve made her that way. Our kissing deepens as I press on her clit, and her body jolts as she moans and her fingernails grip into my shoulder blades.

  Smiling against her lips, I rotate a couple of times and her breathing rushes as she melts against my hands. Sliding my fingers down, I ease it inside of her slick pussy and push it up deep until she groans out into my mouth. I slowly pull back and then slide in again starting a gentle rhythm. Her hips begin to rock against my hand, as she pants through her nose dramatically.

  She’s working up quite quickly, and I’m enjoying how tight and warm she feels around my finger. So I move in another one to help push her along. Her nails dig further into my back, and the feeling of her losing her control with me is awesome. Her kissing is becoming more relaxed, so I know she’s focusing more on the pleasure I’m giving her. She rocks back and forth on my hand,
and my cock is aching so badly I can’t wait to be inside of her. I’m so glad that’s where this is heading, because if we get this far and I don’t get to experience her warmth around my cock today I might self-implode.

  I stroke her inner wall as her body shakes and covers with sweat. My fingers tweak her nipple harder bringing her to the edge. She moans loudly as her body shudders, tenses, and she clenches her eyes shut tightly as she grips her nails into my back so hard that it may draw blood. She gasps, and her every muscle tightens, as I push up deep inside her hitting just the right spot, then she explodes around my fingers. With a loud moan into my mouth, all her muscles relax and she sags against my hands while she gasps for breath. My cock twitches knowing I’ve done my job, and she breaks away from my lips pulling back looking at me with hooded eyes and smiles up through her lashes.

  “Wow,” she murmurs, and I lean in kissing the tip of her nose.

  I tweak her nipple hard, and she jolts with a slight moan as I pull my fingers from inside her. She swallows hard as I move my hands down to grab either side of her knickers and pull them down to her ankles showing me her perfect pussy. I look at her deliciously naked in front of me and shake my head slightly.

  “What?” she asks her voice raises slightly.

  “You’re beautiful. And I mean stunning, in every way.”

  She smiles shyly and takes a deep breath. “Well, don’t keep me in suspense. You’ve seen all of me, now let me see all of you.”

  I grab my briefs, pulling them down freeing my aching cock. She stares at my sizable length and raises her eyebrow.

  “What?” I ask, and she giggles shaking her head.

  “No, it’s just… you’re beautiful. And I mean stunning, in every way,” she repeats what I’ve said about her.

  Laughing, I pull her to me shaking my head and run my hand through her hair grabbing some locks forcefully, but not so tightly it’d be painful. She gasps and a slight smile creeps on her face. Leaning down I press my lips to hers and slam my body against hers completely, so she knows just how much she affects me. My cock pushes into her stomach, and she whimpers as my tongue assaults hers.


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