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The Satan's Savages Series Box Set

Page 100

by K E Osborn

  I shrug and tilt my head. “I might be opening to the idea.”

  Steel jolts back in surprise, his eyes opening wide just like his mouth. “What? Really?”

  “Stop acting all shocked!”

  He raises his hands in the air and nods. “Okay, talk to me. I’m sorry I haven’t been around as much lately with Willow and Jackson, not to mention this weird shit that’s happenin’ with the club. I’ve been occupied, and let our friendship fall, but I’m here now. Tell me what’s goin’ on in that beautiful mind of yours.”

  “First of all… you’re a dick.”

  He nods. “Noted.”

  “Secondly… I think I’m falling for Shay.”

  Steel smiles brightly.

  I scoff and roll my eyes. “Oh, don’t give me that bullshit. I can fall for a girl. It’s not like I’m heartless.”

  “No, I never said that. It’s just I’ve never once heard you talk like this. She must be special.”

  “She is, brother. It’s just a shame her actual brother is a fuckwit.”

  Steel laughs. “Gadget isn’t that bad.”

  “He’s not that good either.”

  He laughs again. “So this is serious then?”

  I shrug. “I want it to be… fucking roses and picket fences, brother.”

  “Shit, you really do have it bad. When you fall, you fall hard.”

  “She’s like no one I’ve ever met. She is… literally perfect.”

  He shakes his head. “You don’t know how happy this makes me.”

  “I guess we better go talk to the Jones’s, hey?” I suggest and Steel tenses.

  “I suppose. I’m scared as fuck, to be honest. If they don’t give us Jackson, I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna do.”

  Wincing, I grip his shoulder. “Then we’ll make them. Either way, we’re leaving with the info and with Jackson today, brother.”

  He nods and exhales. “Okay, let’s ride.”


  We pull up at the Cypress Syndicate hang out and we’re met with zero hostility, which is a welcomed change. Steel and I walk up to the front door and knock lightly waiting for guns to be thrust in our faces, but the door opens and one of the gang members stands before us with a smile.

  “Savages, welcome. We’ve been expecting you. Come on in,” he says and sweeps his hand through the air in a gesture for us to enter the building.

  I glance at Steel, and his stature is as tense as mine. Sure, they may seem hospitable right now, but that can change in an instant, we all know that.

  The guy leads us through an immaculately well-maintained hallway, through to a large open space. The walls are a deep dark mahogany, and everything is rich in colour. Expensive looking. It even smells expensive, if that’s a thing? The leather lounges line the back wall with a giant mahogany desk sitting at the head of the open room. The giant red plush rug sits proudly covering the floor, and the wooden bar that takes up the length of the wall looks pristine, as the floor to ceiling window looks out over a manmade lake. This place oozes money, class, sophistication. It’s a shame the occupants don’t.

  “Wait here, I’ll go and get Randell,” the stiff states.

  We nod, and he walks out leaving us alone in the great room. I glance to Steel, and he looks at the stainless steel fridge and smiles wide wiping his finger across it leaving a giant smudge.

  He shrugs, and I laugh. “What? It’s just too clean in here, it’s freakin’ me the fuck out.”

  I shake my head as heavy footsteps alert me to the sound of more than one man heading toward us. Steel steps away from the fridge and closer to me, as Randell and four other lackeys walk into the room.

  He smiles wide at us and tilts his head. “Steel, Techie, so good to see you again.”

  “Randell, always a non-pleasure,” Steel says. I glare at him and clear my throat shaking my head slightly. He needs to keep on Randell’s good side.

  “I was expecting to see you again. I must admit, but I was sure it would be in higher numbers. I’m a little insulted it’s only the two of you. I mustn’t scare you at all?”

  Steel scoffs. “You don’t scare me, Randell, you disgust me.”

  “Now, now, play nice kiddies. I’m sure you’re here because you want something?”

  Steel stands taller and takes a deep breath, his face turns slightly pale, and I’m pretty sure he’s shaking. This means everything to him. “Jackson, do you lay claim to him?”

  “We don’t want anything to do with the kid,” Randell says waving his hand through the air using his usual condescending gesture.

  Steel tenses beside me and I watch him like a hawk. The last thing I need is for him to become gun happy and end up getting 86’d.

  “I need legal documentation giving Willow and me custody of Jackson until he’s eighteen,” Steel demands and Randell nods.

  “Done. We’ll arrange it and have it sent to you. We know the right people, being connected in all the right places and all that jazz.”

  I have to say I’m a little shocked they’re handing Jackson over so easy, but they don’t want anything to do with him. They honestly believe he isn’t a Jones, so they don’t want him. Better for us then.

  “We also came for other business, too,” I say, and Steel assesses me as I talk. He doesn’t want what I say to stuff up the deal for Jackson.

  “Go ahead, Techie,” Randell instructs waving his hand through the air like he does.

  “Someone’s been coming after the club. Someone’s syphoning money. Someone sent a car bomb into the compound, and someone cut our power. Just wondering if you know anything about that?”

  Randel raises his eyebrows in surprise. It doesn’t look faked or put on, it is real shock. Shit!

  “Well, this is news. I’m sorry to hear this boys, but no, we know nothing of this. I would say I’ll put my feelers out to see if we can find anything out, but… that’s not going to happen. I don’t like you enough… you understand.”

  I notice Steel’s fists clench at his sides, and I decide it’s time for us to leave before Steel ruins his chances with Jackson.

  “Okay, thanks Randell. If you can send through the forms for Steel and Willow, it will be much appreciated,” I say placing my hand on Steel’s chest and pushing him back slightly so he knows it’s time for us to leave.

  He looks at me and flares his nostrils. “I need that paperwork Randell,” Steel demands.

  “Okay Mister Repeato, I heard you, you’ll get it. The kid is yours. Now get out.”

  “Gladly,” Steel sneers.

  I turn to grab and pull him with me as we walk toward the exit. Taking a deep breath, I glance at Steel, who’s breathing harshly, so harshly his chest is heaving.

  “Easy Steel, think of Jackson,” I murmur.

  He nods as we push through the door into the crisp air. Moving over to our Hogs, he seems to be calming slightly.

  “You good?” I ask and he nods.

  “They better come through with that paperwork. Flame would… she would be devastated if we lost Jackson,” he murmurs his voice cracking slightly. I know what he means to say is, he would be devastated if they lost Jackson.

  I slap his shoulder. “They don’t want him, brother. They were being truthful in there, I’m sure they’ll come through for you.”

  He nods putting on his lid and sighs. “Yeah, I just have to hope they do.”

  I jump on my Hog ready to return to the clubhouse, with the news for Gator that we still don’t know who’s behind the attacks on the club.

  That’s not going to go down well.



  Now that Shay and my relationship is out in the open, Gadget has been giving me shit about it every single day. He doesn’t let up. So I’ve been going to Shay’s to see her, rather than her coming to the club because when she’s here, he gives her shit about it too and she doesn’t need that. We’re happy and that’s what should matter, but Gadget goes out of his way to
try and split us up, like the cunt he is. But I also don’t want her at the club at the moment while there’s still the unknown threat out there. Even though nothing’s happened in the last month, I’m still funny about Shay being at the clubhouse in case something does happen.

  Shay is at Uni again, and so I’m sitting in the clubhouse with my brothers just mucking about as Switch comes in with the daily mail carrying a rather sizable rectangular box.

  “Gator, there’s a strange rectangular parcel in the mail. It’s like it was hand delivered or something,” Switch says aloud, and we all look to him as he places the box on the table in front of us.

  “Strange. We haven’t ordered anything have we, Steel?” Gator asks and Steel shakes his head.

  “Nope, this is odd. Techie, do you have somethin’ to detect whether there’s a bomb in there or anythin’?” Steel asks and I shake my head.

  “No, nothing like that. I have something that can check for electromagnetic frequencies, but that won’t help unless it’s sophisticated.”

  “Gadget?” Steel asks.

  He shakes his head. “No, nothing.”

  “Right, then hold on to your cock’s boys,” Steel instructs pulling out Wesley his steel knife and slicing into the tape before anyone can say anything.

  “Shit Steel!” Gator chides as he slices open one side.

  We all take a step back as he cuts open the other side and then takes a deep breath. “Here we go,” he says while lifting the lid. I tense waiting for something to happen, nothing does, except for a stunned gasp from Steel. I look at him to see his face turn pale white, and maybe even a tinge of green as his breathing becomes shallow and quick. I lean forward looking into the box to see a tea cup pig that looks an awful lot like Petunia, dead with an apple in its mouth. It has a dagger in its side with a note attached.

  “Shit, fuck, shit,” Steel murmurs.

  “Fucking hell,” I whisper as Steel pulls out his phone dialling quickly. He puts it on speaker phone as he pants trying to get his breath.

  “Pick up, pick up, pick up,” he whispers as it rings.

  “Hey babe,” Flame answers cheerfully.

  “Flame is Petunia with you?” he asks quickly, not even saying hello. His voice trying to keep at a calm non-panicked level.

  “Yeah, she’s just playing with Jackson. Why?”

  We all slump our bodies and even sigh a breath of relief. “No reason just hadn’t seen her this mornin’. Great, just keep her with you all day today, okay? Gotta go, talk later.”

  “You okay? You sound rattled?”

  “Yeah baby, just got work to do. Talk to you later.”

  “‘Kay, love you.”

  “You too.” He hangs up the phone and takes a deep breath as I wrap my arm around his shoulders for support.

  “She’s okay, Steel,” I murmur, and he nods as we all look back to the not so all right pig in front of us.

  I lean in grabbing the dagger from the pig’s side and pull it out. Then I reach for the bloodstained note. Licking my lips, I begin to read it aloud.

  “‘Aldinga Savages, we thought it was time to warn you about the snake in your midst. His time will come…’ that’s all it says,” I read out, and everyone looks around wondering what the hell it means.

  “What the fuck does this mean?” Steel asks.

  Gator shakes his head rubbing his chin as he frowns starting to pace the room.

  “I can try to see if I can locate where the parcel came from,” Gadget says.

  Gator nods without saying anything and walks off. He’s obviously stewing. Gator prides himself on having a healthy club, one without trouble or drama. Now that shit like this is happening beyond his control, he will be seething.

  I turn to Steel to see the colour slowly returning to his face. “You okay?” I ask as everyone starts to disperse.

  He lets out a harsh breath of air and shakes his head. “That scared me, Techie. I mean I know she’s just a pig, but she’s a part of my family and it’d kill Flame. I’d hate to see her upset, you know?”

  I squeeze his shoulder as he shakes his head slightly trying to calm down. “Hey Gator’s gone off to calm down, you need to have a moment too. This shit was real. Go to Flame, act cool, but see your woman and your pig. Know they’re okay, and it will put your mind at ease, yeah?” I suggest, and he nods.

  “Yeah, thanks Techie. You okay to get the boys to clean that shit up?”

  I nod and slap his shoulder. “Leave it to me. Go… be with your family,” I say, and he half-smiles and walks off down toward the crèche.

  Turning back toward the box and the pig, I spot Crash and gain his attention. He comes over and I look down at the box. “Okay, this needs to go. But we might need it for future evidence or whatever, so it needs a freezer. It needs to be away from the women and children, got me?”

  He nods and picks up the box. “Auto shop back room?” he asks, and I nod. That’ll do. It has a big chiller in there. No women or kids ever go in there. It’s perfect.

  I figure this is obviously a threat, not just to the club but to our families. Whoever this is knows that Petunia means something to Steel, and therefore it was a threat to his family. To me, it’s a threat to all our families, which extends to our loved ones, which means Shay. So I walk outside to find a moment of time to message her. I need to know she’s okay.

  Picking up my phone to call her. She picks up almost instantly.

  “Hey, I’m just walking to my next class, what’s up?

  “Hey Peach, just ringing to make sure you’re okay. We had another incident at the club, so I just want to make sure you’re fine—”

  “Oh my God, is anyone hurt? Are you hurt?”

  “Everyone’s fine, no one was hurt or anything, just a threat letter was sent. Nothing too scary,” I ease her nerves.

  “Oh wow, that’s horrible. Well, I have one more class then I’m free. Can I see you, or are you too tied up with the club?”

  I smile. “I will always make time to see you, babe.”

  She sighs. “Great, I really need some cuddles.”

  “Are you having a bad day?”

  “No,” she defends a little too quickly. “Just really need to see you.”

  “Okay, well message me when you’re done, and I’ll come pick you up.”

  “Sure, thanks. I should be about an hour or so. I can’t wait to see you, Techie.”

  “Me too, babe, me too.”

  She hangs up the phone and an eerie sensation washes over me. I feel like there’s something she isn’t telling me, but I figure I’ll see her in an hour so she can tell me then.


  After Techie’s call, I walk toward the last lecture of the day. I know Brandon will be there, and I really hope he isn’t in one of his moods today. It’s starting to really wear me down. He’s been ramping up his advances in the last month, and I’m worried he’s going to fail me if I don’t give in to him soon. I just know Techie would kill him if he knew. He’s practically already threatened it. He thought telling Brandon off that time would help. If anything it made him more determined to prove he has the upper hand with me. He knows I’ll do anything to pass this course. It means everything to me, but he holds all the cards and I can’t fail. I don’t want to cave into him, and I certainly don’t want to cheat on Techie, especially against my will.

  Walking to the lecture hall, I open the door expecting to see it brimming with my classmates, but instead, it’s empty. Furrowing my brows, I open my diary and look to check the date and time, and sure enough I have it in there as now. So I wander down the front of the room wondering if there’s a note on the lectern. There isn’t. I turn to walk out when I see Brandon standing behind me watching me from the shadows. I can’t help but jump slightly when I see him, and then swallow hard as he walks over toward me.

  Looking around the lecture hall, I plead for anyone to walk in, but it’s dead calm, unlike my racing heart. “Where is everyone?” I ask.

; “Class was moved by an hour, didn’t you get the email? I sent it to everyone?”

  I huff and turn to walk out feeling overly annoyed, but his cold calloused hand grabs my arm harshly pulling me back to face him. I gasp out in shock as I furrow my brows at his behaviour.

  “Shay, if you want to keep up your top marks you’re going to have to submit to me sooner or later.”

  Shaking my head, my heart races so fast I want to scream. “I have a boyfriend, does that mean nothing to you?”

  He scoffs. “The biker? He doesn’t deserve you!”

  “And you do?” I half laugh.

  He tilts his head. “We’d be great together.”

  Raising my eyebrow, I shake my head slightly. “No, we wouldn’t Brandon.”

  “Well, if you don’t give yourself to me then I’m going to fail you.”

  My eyes widen and I gasp. “This is blackmail, I could have you fired!”

  He laughs. “My father is well respected in this place, I’m safe no matter what. You will be the one to look like a fool, Shay. You know in this day and age it’s not what you know but who.”

  My eyes flood with hot salty water as I shake my head, and Brandon leans in closer toward me. I clench my lips together and close my eyes tightly trying to fight the urge to vomit. His hot breath assaults my face as his mouth collides against mine. I whimper and try to pull back as his slobbery mouth takes advantage of my weakness. His hand comes up and gropes my breast, and I can’t help the sob that escapes my mouth as I pull back suddenly pushing him off me. He smiles wide as the tears fall down my face freely, and I bring the back of my hand up wiping his saliva from my face.

  “You taste just like I’d imagined… no, even better.”

  I slump my body and start to really sob, he frowns and tilts his head. “Oh c’mon, am I really that bad?”

  I scoff and turn continuing to wipe my face.

  I feel dirty.

  I feel used.

  I feel cheap.

  And worst of all even though I didn’t retaliate at all, I let another man put his lips on me, so I think that classes as me cheating on Techie.


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