Love's Taming (The Love's Series)

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Love's Taming (The Love's Series) Page 11

by Maryann Jordan

  Smiling, she looked over to Leon and Suzanne as they stood admiring the bouquet.

  “Yep, looks like I might need to step up my game. Shirley gets wind that your new beau gave you flowers, she’s gonna put me in the doghouse until I do the same,” Leon complained.

  Suzanne laughed, then looked wistfully at the beautiful arrangement. Sighing she admitted, “It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten flowers.”

  Leon and Annie exchanged glances. Suzanne rarely talked about her past other than her family, and she never mentioned any men in her life at all.

  Throwing his arm around Suzanne’s shoulders he commiserated. “Darlin’ girl, with your smarts and your looks, men will come sniffing around if you’d just get out there.”

  Suzanne raised her eyebrows at him and just retorted, “No thanks, Leon. Not putting myself out there for anyone. Been there, done that, and believe me the heartache is not worth it!”

  The three quickly finished the evening clean up and Annie said goodbye before locking up the clinic and setting the alarms. Taking her flowers up to her apartment, she settled in for the night. Keeping her cell phone close at hand, she was hopeful that Shane would be able to call or text. The evening hours seemed to go slowly with no contact from him. Boo, Rags, and Tiddles began circling her legs letting her know it was time to go to bed. Used to sleeping with her they expected their final treat before getting comfortable for the night.

  “Okay fine, guys. It looks like he isn’t going to be able to call tonight,” she sighed as she got off the sofa. “Let’s go to bed,” she said as she herded the cats to the back of the apartment.

  Lying in bed, she realized how quickly she missed him. The bed seemed cold and lonely without his presence. Just a few more days, she told herself. Once he gets to his mom’s house later this week, he can call. With that thought, she scooted over for the cats and fell asleep.

  * * *

  “Are you shittin’ me?”

  Shane’s growl had the others around the table glancing his way. Those who knew him best knew that he was barely containing his anger. His debriefing was now going to take all week and was not going in the direction he wanted.

  “I gave up two years of my life for this assignment, getting very little help from you all, and you are questioning how it ended? I handed you everything I had. You have enough to convict most of the traffickers in this area and significantly tightened the noose around the top man, Gerard Washington, and his right-hand man, Xavier Thomas. And you are dickin’ me around ‘cause I saved my dog’s life by goin’ to a vet that we already knew wasn’t involved. And then I was able to confirm that she wasn’t involved.”

  “Detective Douglas, we are simply questioning your decision to start a relationship with a possible witness. She has already been injured and now we have to spend taxpayer money insuring her safety until the case is over.”

  Shane looked across the table at the Internal Affairs investigator. Tailored suit. Immaculate haircut. Hell, even his fingernails look buffed.

  Shane stood putting his fists on the table and leaned forward. “You spend two years of your life on an assignment that was originally going to take only six months. You spend two years of your life with the lowest scum of the earth. You spend two years of your life away from family and friends and spend them with unclean, unwashed junkies, addicts, and the pimps that pass around women like joints at one of their parties. You spend two years doing unspeakable things just to get on the inside and high up enough for them to trust you. And you do NOT want me telling you what those things were. You spend two years of your life finally getting high up enough to see how they move the drugs in and out and in doin’ so, watch dogs being hacked up. You spend two years of your life that you cannot ever get back and then come sit at this table with me. Until you do that, I’ve got nothin’ more to say to you that isn’t in my reports.”

  With that, he turned and stalked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. The silence in the room was broken when Matt and the chief also stood as they moved to leave the room. Before reaching the door, Matt turned and spoke to the small assembly.

  “He ended it because it needed to be ended. In the process, he found somethin’ worth more than that hell he’d been livin’ in. If you can’t understand that, then you’ve been off the street too long.” Then he and the chief followed Shane out of the room.

  They walked outside to find Shane standing with his back next to the building, his head hanging down. He looked up as they approached.

  Matt walked straight up to him, getting in his space, and said, “Do not let those fuckers get in your head. You did what you did. You made the calls no one else wanted to make. That asshole IA dick has his hands in the pocket of the District Attorney and he just wants his job to be easier.”

  Shane looked into the eyes of his one-time partner seeing anger as well as honesty. “Thanks man. Jesus, how cocked up can something get?” Swinging his gaze over to his chief, he asked, “How long do you think this shit is going to go on? I was headin’ out of town to see my family in a couple of days and then told Annie I’d be back to take her out on an actual date this weekend.”

  The chief shook his head saying, “Don’t hold your breath waiting on them. They’re up there right now seeing which play they want to make. But you should be done soon. Just hold on, Shane. Just a little bit longer.”

  “Goddamn, this is so fucked,” he growled. Sucking in a huge breath, he pulled himself away from the wall and said, “Let’s go back in and get this over with.”

  By the end of the day, Shane’s debriefing was coming to an end while his fury had increased. He and Matt sat talking as he tried to process what had happened.

  Matt said, “You know you had no choice. It’s only for another couple of weeks.”

  Shane’s eyes cut sharply to Matt’s. “Tell that to the woman I am having to leave behind for several more weeks. Weeks, I might add, I can’t have any fuckin’ contact with her. And weeks I am supposed to be with another woman.”

  Shane’s superiors and the DEA wanted a few more weeks to tie up their case and while he wasn’t going back undercover, they wanted to make sure he did not fully integrate back into his old life immediately, possibly tipping off the top of the drug chain they were still hoping to catch. They impressed upon him the necessity of separating himself from Dr. Donavan for a few weeks for her own protection. And that was the only reason he agreed. Her protection. Her safety.

  Their DEA cover had been a woman, one that he had been involved with while they were both under and lonely. Rochelle. Fuck. She was gorgeous and it hadn’t been hard to get physical with her, but that was all it was for him. The last time he saw her it had gone badly and the idea of having to spend more time with her instead of Annie was eating at him.

  Looking at the smug expression on the IA’s face as all the details were being hammered out, he gave them his own ultimatum. “I’ve given this force eight years of my life and two of those were in hell. You’ve got two weeks. Two more weeks to tie up this shit. For two weeks, I’ll stay away. For two weeks, I’ll continue to play your game. But that’s it. Non-negotiable. Two weeks. Then my life is my own.”

  Now that it was just the two of them, Matt offered, “I’ll try to get some word to her.”

  Dread began to circle Shane’s heart; the fear of something he could not put his finger on threatened to choke him. Sucking in a deep breath, he acknowledged Matt’s offer. “Appreciate it, man. Could you just let mom know I’ll be around in a few weeks?”

  “You got it.” The two men sat quietly for a few minutes. “What’re you gonna do?”

  “I’m spending the next two weeks on the edge of hell. Can’t go back in, but if they see me in a different part of town, acting like I’ve moved on, it’ll take their eyes off of Annie.”

  “You’ve gotta be careful, man. The last thing you need is for Gerard or Xavier to see you with the doc or think you’re vice.”

  “Yeah, but now the
y’ll be willing to make a deal. They may start rollin’ on each other. I honestly don’t give a fuck. As long as the rest of the force gets what they need – and I was serious about givin’ them only two weeks – then I don’t give a fuck if I make any deals at all. I’m doin’ this to keep her safe. I just hope she understands and gives me a chance to make it up to her when it is all over.”

  “If she feels about you the way you feel about her, it’ll be fine, man.”

  Glaring into his partner’s eyes, Shane just bit out, “How much more can she take? She’s felt used since I met her and now I gotta jerk her around again? Jesus fuck, Matt.” He rubbed his hand over his face, the fatigue no longer hidden. Please sunshine, when this is over, come back to me.

  Chapter 13

  After five days of not hearing from Shane, Annie was getting worried. Trying not to show it was wearing on her and it wasn’t fooling either Leon or Suzanne. As they finished their last appointments on Friday, Leon was not giving up on trying to spread some cheer.

  “I’m telling you two, you need to go out with Shirley and me tonight. We’re meetin’ up and having a drink to celebrate the weekend. Come on…good food, good music…good company. What’s not to love?”

  Suzanne looked torn. She never went out and Annie knew the idea did not appeal to her. And she didn’t really want to go…what if Shane called or came by.

  Leon’s eyes cut back and forth between the two of them. “You two are not backing out! I’m not suggesting you go clubbing. Let’s just do something together that doesn’t involve blood, piss, or anal glands!”

  Annie couldn’t help but laugh as Suzanne joined in.

  Leon walked over to Annie, pulling her in for a hug. “Look doc, I know you’re upset that Shane hasn’t called. You’ll have your phone with you and you can leave him a message telling him where you are.”

  “His phone is no longer taking messages. It says that it is not a working number.”

  “Oh,” was the reply that Leon and Suzanne said in unison. They shared a glance then quickly looked back at Annie.

  “I had a voicemail this week from some man, but the message kept cutting in and out so I don’t know what that was about, but it wasn’t Shane’s voice so I didn’t worry about it.”

  “All the more reason to go out with us for just a little while. I promise I will see you home safely.”

  Annie debated for just a moment before agreeing. “You’re right. I need a diversion and going out for drink together will be nice. And hanging with Shirley is always fun,” she said smiling.

  Leon had brought a change of clothes since he had planned on meeting Shirley after work and since Suzanne was about the same size as Annie, they headed upstairs to quickly get ready. Soon the three of them headed out.

  “Where are we going?” Suzanne asked.

  “There are some good bars in the Brookmont area that aren’t pricey.”

  “Brookmont?” Annie said incredulously. “That’s kind of a seedy side of town, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, well that’s why we are taking a taxi and not my car,” Leon joked. “But seriously, they have some great music. We’ll just stick together and we’ll be fine.”

  Suzanne leaned over and whispered to Annie, “I hope this isn’t a mistake!” Annie did not reply, but couldn’t help the feeling of uneasiness that crawled over her.

  The inside of the bar was crowded, but Shirley had gotten there before them and snagged a table. She greeted Leon with a kiss and then turned to Suzanne and Annie.

  “Girls, I haven’t seen ya’ll in a month of Sundays. It’s ‘bout time Leon got you two out of that clinic to have some fun.” Grabbing Annie in a hug, Shirley whispered in her ear, “It’ll be fine, doc. Just relax a little tonight and try to enjoy yourself.”

  Annie felt the sting of tears threaten, knowing that Leon had shared her situation with her and that she had support from all of them. Settling in their seats, they ordered drinks and sat back to enjoy the music.

  Leon kept an eye on the women, wanting to make sure that Suzanne was comfortable and Annie wasn’t bothered. By the time the second round of drinks were finished, Annie excused herself. “Guys, I’m heading to the ladies’ room. I’ll stop at the bar on the way back and grab more drinks. The next round is on me.”

  Getting nods from everyone, she headed down the hall. Standing at the crowded sink in the restroom, she couldn’t help but notice the woman beside her. Blond, statuesque, with plenty of tits, ass, heavy makeup, and big hair that made Annie feel dwarfish and frumpy. Skin tight pants, low-cut shirt, and cowboy boots. She was conversing with another woman waiting in line.

  “Rocky, I saw you with your man out there. Damn he’s fine. And big. Jesus, he’s big.”

  “You’re right about him. Stoney is one helluva man. Been with him a while now and there’s nothin’ small about that man at all. Not his arms, not his chest, not his legs, not his ego, and sure as hell not his dick.”

  “Your names even fit – Rocky and Stoney.”

  “Honey, that’s not the only thing that fits. His dick hits the spot every time!”

  The women laughed outrageously before the one named Rocky left.

  Stoney. There must be a lot of Stoneys. Big Stoneys. Nausea started in the pitt of her stomach rising slowly until Annie thought she would choke. It can’t be him. I couldn’t have gotten played twice.

  Moving on wooden legs, Annie maneuvered her way out of the crowded restroom and back into the bar. Pushing her way through the crowd it was hard to see since she was short, but she managed to make it to the edge of the sunken dance floor. There was the statuesque blonde. A man was standing behind her with his hands on her hips as she was grinding into his crotch. The man leaned over putting his mouth on her neck and the blonde began to laugh as she turned in his arms, pressing her impressive chest tightly against…Stoney. My Stoney.

  Annie couldn’t move. Couldn’t tear her eyes away from the scene in front of her. Couldn’t stop her heart from hurting. I am such a fool. I was never more than part of a case to him. It’s over and now we’re over. The sting of tears that she felt earlier came rushing back. Blinking rapidly to try to stop them, the bar seemed blurry for a moment. Quickly wiping them away, she looked back to the dance floor. There he stood. Immobile. Staring. Right. At. Her. With dark, black eyes.

  Whirling around quickly, she ran to the table and grabbed her purse. “I’ve got to go,” she said in a rush. “I’ve got to get out of here.”

  Her three companions jumped up without question and hustled out of the bar with her.

  “You don’t have to come,” she said, her tears now falling freely once outside the bar. Leon flagged down a taxi, and the four of them piled in. Suzanne’s arms were wrapped tightly around her.

  “Don’t be silly, doc. We’re not about to stay when you are upset,” Shirley said.

  “What happened back there?” Leon demanded. “We didn’t even stay long enough for me to see if I needed to kick someone’s ass!”

  Annie wanted to keep her secret. Admitting what she witnessed would be humiliating but she knew her friends deserved the truth.

  “I saw Shane.”

  “What?” came the exclamations from the other three.

  “He was there with another woman.”

  The silence in the taxi was broken only by the traffic that passed them by. Even the driver just looked in his rear-view mirror, knowing to keep his mouth shut.

  The silent tears slid down Annie’s cheeks as Suzanne held her close. “I’m such a fool,” she whispered on a sob.

  The three friends immediately jumped to her defense, each clambering that she was duped. Finally, Suzanne couldn’t hold it in any longer. “That rat bastard! How dare he do this to you!”

  The taxi finally pulled up to the clinic and Leon told him to wait. “Doc are you gonna be okay?” he asked with concern.

  “I’m staying with her,” Suzanne announced.

  Annie quickly hugged her friend but said, “N
o, really. I’d rather be alone.”

  Shirley chimed in, “Nothing like bein’ alone when you just need a good cry.”

  Annie nodded, glad that Shirley understood. She turned to Suzanne, “But thank you. Thank all of you. I just need to have a good cry, pitch a fit, and forget all about him.”

  Leon saw her safely in, making sure she set her alarm. “You be strong, doc. You’ll be fine,” he said softly hugging her goodbye. Nodding, she felt the tears wet his shirt before pulling away.

  * * *

  Shane stared at the woman he had fallen in love with watching him let another woman grind up on him. Jesus, fuck, NO! Before he had a chance to react, she was gone. The desire to run after her warred with the desire to distance himself to keep her safe. I just have to see if she is all right. Pushing Rochelle away from him, he tried to make his way through the crowd, but was hampered by the crush of people. Finally arriving at the doors, he saw Annie and her co-workers in a taxi pulling away from the curb.

  Standing outside the club, he hung his head for a moment then turned around quickly and pulled out his cell.

  “Matt. Did you call her?”

  “Yeah, man. I called her cell from the road after I left you. Why? What’s up?”

  “She just showed up with some friends where I’m tryin’ to be visible tonight and just got an eyeful of me with Rocky.”

  “Fuck Shane. How is she?”

  “How the hell do you think she is? Took one look, then bolted out of the door with her friends. Jesus, Matt. How much more of this shit am I expected to take?”

  “Look, I’ll go over tomorrow and talk to her. See if I can make things right. Make her understand.”

  “One more week, Matt. That’s all I’m giving.”

  “I hear they’ve got evidence against one more man up the chain.”

  “Well, they better go for it, ‘cause I’m done with this in a week.” With that, he put his phone back in his pocket and leaned up against the wall. Hearing a noise to his side, he watched as Rochelle walked out to of the bar and over to him.


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