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Demon King Daimaou: Volume 7

Page 8

by Shoutarou Mizuki

  “A little investigation is all you’d need to show that Yoshie and Yoshihiko are the same person. Just check your own temple’s communication data. I know you can do that from where you’re sitting,” Lily said. Hidehiko shook his head. There was no need.

  “I won’t even bother. I already knew, to a certain degree.”

  “To a certain degree?”

  “I knew my daughter was doing research online.”

  “And her involvement in the plan?”

  “I knew about that as well. This is the first I’m hearing about her involving the Academy, though. If you’ve come to let me know, it means you want to make a deal. Let’s hear it.” Hidehiko’s face was expressionless. Either he’d resigned himself to the idea, or he had some other plan.

  Lily grinned.

  “I want information on the person who came up with Project Birdcage. As long as I’ve got that, we can deal with everything ourselves.”

  “You mean Codename 2V... Alright. I’ll do everything I can.”

  “I didn’t expect it to be this easy. It makes me a little suspicious that you’re plotting something.”

  “Well, you’re wrong. I never liked it... The plan, that is. That’s why I’m so willing to cooperate... Oh, look.” Hidehiko slid a mana screen towards Lily. It was a log from Yoshie’s terminal, showing that it was currently in use.

  “Someone’s using her terminal...” Lily gasped.

  “It’s not Yoshie. The access is coming from a different point. She’s being hacked,” Hidehiko said.

  “Which means... it’s 2V!” Lily’s expression changed.

  Hidehiko looked at her and nodded.

  “You’re likely correct. I’m doing this for my daughter’s sake, so you don’t need to worry about me backing out of our deal. Give me a way to contact you, and I’ll make sure you’re given constant updates. You want to go to that terminal’s location, right?”

  “...Thank you!” Lily bowed, and then was out of the room in a flash.


  Junko spent the next day continuing to level up.

  “I think I’m starting to get the hang of this, maybe.” She was back to using a katana now. Yoshihiko had gone up several levels as well, and now they were able to defeat even strong monsters by working together.

  “We could probably head to the center of the map now,” Yoshihiko said after they’d defeated several bugbears at once.

  “Is that the place where you said there’s a powerful weapon?”

  “That’s right. It will help you defeat the Demon King. It’s the strongest weapon in the game.”

  “Then won’t everybody else be after it?”

  “The monster that’s protecting it is very strong. It’s hard to defeat it if you don’t know the trick. It’s a shame that we had to split up before I got a chance to tell everyone.”

  “Knowing our students, they would’ve fought each other for it,” Junko said, and Yoshihiko laughed.

  “Hahaha. I’m not sure if it’s a sad thing that they’re bringing conflict into the game, or a good thing that people are enjoying that conflict.”

  “I was taught that a job of a warrior is to limit conflict,” Junko said, not really meaning anything by it, but Yoshihiko was extremely impressed.

  “I see. That’s something the other sects need to learn as well. It’s an opinion that should get a wider hearing. Or perhaps it’s just that you yourself have this wonderful idea.”

  “Y-You keep saying that stuff like you mean it...” Junko said jokingly, but she still turned away and blushed, smiling.

  Over the course of just two days, the two had gotten close enough to converse naturally.

  “I do mean it, though.”

  “E-Enough. Let’s focus on this weapon...” Junko said. Yoshihiko pointed in front of him.

  “To tell you the truth, we’ve already been heading there. That’s it.”

  There was a rocky mountain in front of them.

  “It’s at the top, then?” Junko looked up.

  When they approached the base, they saw what looked like a path leading up. When you got closer to the top, there were parts that were steep enough you needed to hold onto a chain to keep from falling over.

  “We’re going to get attacked walking up this thing? That will be tough,” Junko whispered, but Yoshihiko laughed and said it would be okay.

  “There’s a volcano caldera at the top. When you get there, there’s a narrow path, which you can lure the enemy into to trap them. That’s the trick.

  “I see. It’s like a cheat code,” Junko said, satisfied, and began to walk upwards.

  The path was steep, and as they approached the summit, any kind of foothold was practically non-existent. But Junko wasn’t scared of heights. She helped Yoshihiko up when he struggled, and soon they made it to the top.

  “The path around the caldera goes in a circle, and part of it is narrow. Look, it’s over there.”

  When they reached a point where they could see the whole path running around the caldera, Yoshihiko pointed at a certain spot. It was just wide enough for a single person to pass through.

  “There’s a sword inside the caldera. If you follow the path down towards it, you’ll encounter the guardian monster,” Yoshihiko explained, and Junko nodded.

  “And then you run back up the path and lure it into that narrow spot?”

  “That’s right. Run up the left side. As long as you don’t mess that up, you’re fine,” Yoshihiko assured her.

  The two of them began to walk down the caldera. Once they’d descended a few dozen meters, they reached the edge of a lake of lava.

  “I can feel the heat coming off it... How do we get inside the lava? And where’s the sword?” Junko asked as she looked at the bright-red lava beneath them. Yoshihiko gestured for her to get ready to run.

  “The lava will disappear once we defeat the guardian. Now, here it comes.”

  Just as he finished his sentence, the lava bubbled up like a fountain, was bursting beneath it. The fountain of molten rock spewed into the air, quickly becoming over ten meters tall.

  “The lava...! Something’s coming out from under it!”

  “That’s an Ifrit. It’s going to follow us.”

  Yoshihiko started to run, and Junko followed him.

  As they ran, she turned back and saw what looked like a man, over ten meters tall, inside the lava. It was walking towards them. The man looked like a black, burnt silhouette. Molten lava clung to him, and he was spitting fire with each breath.

  “Even if you know it’s a game, that’s still quite a sight...” Junko said, impressed.

  It was a flaming genie over ten meters tall. Certainly an impressive sight.

  The Ifrit slowly approached them. No, it was moving slowly, but its steps were far wider than theirs. Junko was running, but it wasn’t long at all before the Ifrit had caught up.

  “Let’s hurry,” Yoshihiko said calmly, then he moved aside so Junko could get ahead of him. They were heading upwards now, so their speed was the same as the Ifrit’s, but once they got out to the level path around the caldera they’d be able to get a small lead on it.

  Junko ran towards the path, keeping her distance from the monster. Then she made a ninety degree turn and ran more.


  “That’s not it! The other way! I said left...” Yoshihiko shouted.

  “Huh?” Junko froze. She turned around and saw that he’d fallen a little behind, and the Ifrit was already between them.

  “Oh no...!” She realized she’d forgotten which way “left” was. Junko might have looked smart, but she was actually a ditz.

  And the Ifrit was heading towards her now.

  “Uwah!” Now her only choice was to run forwards.

  “Don’t go that way. The path is too uneven for you to run. He’ll catch up with you,” Yoshihiko said, but now there was nothing else for her to do.

  “Wh-What am I supposed to do now?” Junko asked, panicking.

“I can support you from behind... but the Ifrit is programmed to only go after its target. You’ll have to fight it somehow,” Yoshihiko said, still extremely calm despite what was happening.

  “S-Somehow... right.”

  Junko turned around and leapt at the charging Ifrit, using her momentum to slash across its chest with her katana.

  “I hit it!”

  She jumped backwards, and then looked up at the Ifrit to see the effect of her attack.


  But it didn’t seem to be enough to stop the Ifrit’s advance. Its huge body, covered in lava and flames, was still heading towards her as fast as ever.

  “It’s so slow that its terrible at dodging, but it’s got a ton of hit points. And...”

  Yoshihiko started to say something — but before he could, the Ifrit spread its hands wide, stuck out its chest, and howled into the sky. Little bubbles began to appear on its chest.

  “What?” Junko didn’t know what was happening.

  “...It shoots large numbers of bullets at you. They’re very hard to dodge.”

  By the time Yoshihiko had finished explaining, large numbers of lava bullets were already falling down onto Junko.

  “Uwah!” She jumped left and right to dodge them, but there were too many.

  “Come on... Why are there so many?!” she screamed.

  One of them hit her head on. She was blown backwards, only to be hit with more rocks and knocked into the ground. Only then did the rain of burning rocks stop.

  “Oh no...” Yoshihiko used his healing magic, and Junko stood up instantly, but the situation hadn’t improved.

  “Wh-What do I do?” Junko asked. Again, he answered in a calm voice.

  “I’ll keep attacking him from behind, but you’re going to have to make it through five more of those attacks before he goes down. And unless you’re at full health, you won’t survive a single hit. But I can only use my healing magic three more times.”

  “I understand. So I need to keep dodging, then.”

  “Correct. But it’s not just a matter of reflexes. The game also makes difficult too. If your stats aren’t high enough, the lava rocks will hit you anyway.”

  “So I’m doomed?” Junko asked, afraid.

  The Ifrit was reading its next volley already.

  “No... There’s one way!” Yoshihiko said. He sounded relieved, like he’d just come up with a solution.

  “What is it?” Junko asked hopefully.


  “Take off your clothes! All of them!”


  “I said take off your clothes! Strip naked!” Yoshihiko repeated.

  “Wha— Don’t you understand the situation we’re in?” Junko yelled.

  But Yoshihiko nodded, completely serious.

  “Take off your clothes. Please, do what I tell you!”

  “Do you know what you’re... gyah!”

  She couldn’t finish her sentence. Two of the lava rocks from the next volley had struck her, and she’d fallen to the ground.

  “Just get your clothes off. You can’t even be wearing underwear,” Yoshihiko said as he used his healing magic.

  “Wh-What are you talking about...” she protested as she slowly stood up. But the answer she got was, horribly enough, a sensible one.

  “Ninjas get better at dodging the less armor they’re wearing. Their stat goes up three times if they’re naked!”

  “You liar!” she yelled, but he didn’t look like he was lying.

  Yoshihiko didn’t back down.

  “I’m just telling you the most efficient way. If you’re naked, you’ll be able to dodge his attacks, and I can defeat him!”

  Yoshihiko (Yoshie) was, of course, the type to put efficiency above feelings. And in this case, she’d totally forgotten that she looked like a man to Junko. She thought Junko was just refusing to strip because she was extremely shy, and she thought it was stupid to choose defeat because you were embarrassed. And that’s why what Yoshihiko was shouting seemed so stupid to Junko.

  “Strip! There’s nothing to be embarrassed about! I’m the only one here! No, if you’re that embarrassed, just take off a little and you’ll be able to feel the difference! You’ll feel so much more free.”

  “What kind of nudist camp is this?” Junko said, but then another rock hit her in the head. “Ugh!”

  “I told you! I’ve only got one heal left!”

  “Uugh... Fine! Fine, I’ll take my clothes off! But you need to look the other way!” Junko screamed as she stood up. But her resolve was met with a complete lack of consideration for her feelings.

  “I can’t beat the Ifrit if I turn the other way!”

  “Okay, just one piece of clothing, then!” she complained, as she ripped off her shirt. She was wearing chainmail underneath.

  “It’s mostly the chainmail you need to be rid of!”

  “J-Just shut up!”

  But doing it once made it easier to do it the second time, and so Junko took off her chainmail as well. Now there was only a tight cloth wrapped around her breasts.

  “Th-This is good enough, right...? W-Wait... Huh?” Junko stammered. She’d complained, but now she really did feel more free.

  “This is...!” It wasn’t three times faster, but now she was able to dodge the falling lava rocks by concentrating. They even seemed to be falling slower now.

  “That’s good enough. But if you want to be certain, you need to be totally naked...!”

  “Shut up! I’m dodging them fine already!” Junko yelled.

  Yoshihiko, however, shook his head.

  “But when the Ifrit gets low on HP, it’ll fire off more rocks in all directions!”

  And soon he was proven right. The Ifrit’s body was getting smaller, but that was because he was shooting even more burning lava rocks off his body. The sky seemed to be filled with falling, flaming rocks.

  “You dummy!” Junko sobbed as she put her hand on her skirt.

  And then...

  The Ifrit was defeated.

  But it was only possible because Junko was willing to strip naked and cover herself with her hands.

  “Ngh... How embarrassing...”

  Yoshihiko walked up and handed her her clothes.

  “I’m sorry. I know that must have been embarrassing, but you did great...”

  “You dummy! Don’t you have any delicacy at all?” Junko yelled as she snatched the clothes from his hand.

  Yoshihiko froze in surprise at her reaction.

  “I-I’m sorry. I know I’m not the most sensitive person. Um... will you forgive me? I guess I took the game a little too seriously.” Yoshihiko’s response was so earnest and heartfelt that Junko decided she had to give up.

  —There’s no point in being mad. That’s just who he is.

  “N-Next time... Think about how the other person feels more.”

  Yoshihiko looked the other way as Junko got dressed.

  “I’m really sorry. This is the same as when I got the school caught up in this mess,” Yoshihiko said, still turning away.

  “I get it. Don’t let it bother you too much,” Junko said when she was finished dressing, but Yoshihiko shook his head.

  “I’m just talking to myself, mostly. I started my VPS research because I thought direct communication with other people was important, but I realize that I still don’t know how other people feel about things, and it frustrates me. No, maybe the real reason I started this research is because I don’t understand. Maybe I was looking for somebody who would really understand me, and whom I would really understand.” Yoshihiko turned around and smiled at Junko.

  “Some day I’ll be someone you can accept. When that happens, I hope you’ll like me.”

  “What...?” Junko froze and turned red.

  —Did he just ask me out? Maybe...

  “Wh-What are you saying?”

  Yoshihiko shook his head sadly, when he saw her confusion.

  “No, I guess I’ve still got a l
ong ways to go.”

  “Th-That’s not true... No, wait. What am I saying? That’s not what I meant. Just, um... well...” Junko started to stammer and fidget.

  But Yoshihiko ignored her and began to walk off. Junko didn’t know what to do.

  —It would be weird to ask what he meant now. No, maybe I should just forget it ever happened.

  Yoshihiko pointed forward, towards the path leading down into the caldera. The lake of magma at the bottom had receded, revealing black rock beneath.

  “The magma disappeared when the Ifrit vanished,” Yoshihiko explained, and then told her to take a look at the center.

  “The sword...”

  At the very center of the caldera was a sword embedded in the ground.

  “Let’s go.” Yoshihiko started to walk down.

  Junko followed him, but after a moment she stopped.

  “Wait. I sense a presence.”

  “A presence?” Yoshihiko turned around. Junko nodded.

  “The presence of a person. Maybe a student followed us.”

  “Excellent. Once we got the sword, I was planning on heading towards the Demon Ki—”

  But he didn’t get to finish his sentence. Someone appeared above them on the path.

  The first thing they heard was the sound of crunching gravel, and something being dragged. And then they saw a short girl.

  “Who is that? I don’t recognize them. They’re not from our class.” Junko readied herself for battle.

  The short girl tensed up in response as well. There was something very strange, very unbalanced, about the girl. She herself looked normal, but even though she was only 120cm at most, she was carrying a 180cm sword on her back. And her hair was woven into a ponytail so long that it almost touched the ground. There seemed to be something unusual about it too.

  But her face, and her body, both looked just fine. If anything, they were too perfect. Her face had a doll-like beauty, and it was easy to imagine her graceful limbs moving with incredible ability.

  “None may enter the sealed ground,” the girl said. Her voice sounded young. But the tone was loud and haughty, like a much older speaker. This was unbalanced too.


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