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Page 32

by Shannon Pemrick

  Nearly crawling on my stomach, I slithered closer, and waited for both of them to be preoccupied. When the opportunity presented itself, I snatched the tool and hid in the shadows. I watched when Rylan went to use the wrench again, only to find it missing. He asked Raid about it, but Raid pointed out Rylan had it last. The two searched, and I was careful to stay out of site. As their search continued to turn up nothing, the their irritation grew until they began arguing. I bit my lip so I wouldn’t laugh and give myself away. Rylan stormed off, and Raid went back to working. I took this opportunity to sneak closer.

  Raid bent over the front of the car and worked on something in the engine bay. I grinned and snuck closer and waited several moments before reaching out and tucking the wrench through his belt loops. Raid, concentrating too hard on his work, never noticed. I slipped back into the shadows and waited for Rylan to come back.

  Minutes passed before Rylan showed back up. He looked just as irritated as when he left. I grinned and watched the show that was about to start.

  Rylan spotted the wrench in Raid’s belt loops and lost it. “Are you kidding me? You did have it, jackass!”

  Raid stopped working and looked at his brother, confused. “What are you talking about?”

  “You tucked it in your damned pants!”

  Raid reached behind him and found the tool. “Dude, I swear I didn’t put it there.”

  “Yeah, sure you didn’t. It’s just the two of us down here, stupid, how else would it have gotten tucked where it is?”

  “I’m telling you, I didn’t put it there!”

  The two argued relentlessly and I continued to bite my lip so I wouldn’t laugh. I spotted an impact gun and took it from one of their tool boxes and slipped back into the house. The two of them would definitely miss having this around, even if it wasn’t as important as the wrench. The girls were roaring with laughter when I made it upstairs. Rylan and Raid could be seen fighting in the crystal ball. I bowed for my performance.

  “That was too perfect!” Ryoko said.

  “Agreed,” Shva’sika said. “Even though it means I’ve lost out on this bet, I am thrilled to have been able to witness that. Well played, Laz.”

  “What are you going to do with that tool you took?” Genesis asked.

  “Well, since I got Raid in trouble, I thought it only fair to do the same for Rylan,” I said.

  Seda chuckled. “He did go to his room in his fit of frustration, so it works out perfectly.”

  “Yeah, he was so ticked off, he didn’t even notice us looking at you with the crystal ball,” Ryoko said.

  I grinned. “All the more perfect.”

  I left the room and headed for Rylan’s. After placing the impact gun down on his bed in plain sight, I headed back to the living room and took my place on the couch. Seda had already set up the seven shots for Shva’sika and Genesis, and the two took deep breaths before downing them all. Genesis struggled to finish them, but Shva’sika had no problems. It’s as if she has done this before.

  Raid came upstairs at this point, clearly irritated. He didn’t say anything, just stalked down the hall. When he reached Rylan’s room, he entered and I bit my lip when he swore. He stormed out and back down the stairs, impact gun in hand.

  Ryoko pointed to the crystal ball. “Show us!”

  Seda chuckled and held up her hands to the crystal ball. It pulsed with light and then revealed a moving picture of Raid entering the garage and shouting at Rylan. Seda also used her psychic abilities to allow us to hear what was going on. We all laughed as the two argued.

  When they were no longer amusing to watch, Ryoko spun the fate makers. She smiled when it landed on her and me as her victim. By the gods, seriously? “Seda!”

  “You just have bad luck.”


  “Truth or dare?” Ryoko said.

  Since she was asking, I knew I should go with truth, but my buzz had me taking a risk. “Dare.”

  She smirked. “As seductively as you can muster, go kiss Raikidan smack on the lips.”

  I contemplated this. I could drink more, or, since I knew she would bring it up again once I had more booze in me, I could get it over with. “All right.”

  Ryoko’s eyes widened with shock, as did the others. “Really?”

  I stood up. “Yep. Won’t be all that seductive, but I can do the latter.”

  “Just sway your hips,” Shva’sika said. “No way he’d be able to keep his eyes off you with your hips, dear.”

  I snorted and I walked to my room. Raikidan jumped when I flung the door open and looked up from the library book from his place at the foot of my bed.

  “Something wrong?” Raikidan asked. He took a closer look at me. “You okay? You look a little off.”

  “Been drinking.”

  “Right. I overheard you were playing a game that would force you to consume more alcohol. “

  I walked closer to him, exaggerating my hip movement more like Shva’sika said. “Still playing it.”

  Raikidan’s brow rose, but before he had a chance to say anything, I grabbed his face and forced him to kiss me. Raikidan locked up in shock and the girls made a mix of loud noises, displaying their enjoyment and surprise that I had gone through with this. I pulled away slowly, smiled, and then strolled out, continuing my accentuated hip movements.

  Ryoko smiled widely at me, impressed with my ability to go through with the dare, but her smile faded when she realized that was all it was. Sorry, Ryo. No matter how much you wish, it’s not like that. I sat down on the couch and reached out for my drink. I leaned back and sipped the drink as I waited. Ryoko went to open her mouth to speak, but I held up my hand. She waited and soon after, Raikidan came out of the room. I casually glanced back at him.

  “What was that about?” he asked.

  “Just me playing our game,” I said. “Got a problem with it?”

  He opened his mouth to reply, but then shut it as he struggled to have a proper response. The girls giggled. “I’m just really confused.”

  “It’s truth or dare,” Ryoko said. “And Laz chose dare and performed it well beyond our expectations.”

  Raikidan tried to come up with a response but gave up and headed back into the bedroom. The living room echoed with laughter.

  Shva’sika flicked the spinners, and the arrows chose their victims. I was chosen to ask, and Ryoko became my prey. “Truth or dare?”

  She thought for a moment and then smiled. “Why not. Dare.”

  I snickered. “Go downstairs and give Rylan and Raid a kiss right on the lips.”

  Her face reddened immediately. “I–I can’t do that.”

  “I triple-dog dare you.”

  She gasped. Ryoko may have come up with this game as a way to get at me, but I knew her too well. She couldn’t deny a triple-dog dare, and I was going to get her good. Payback is a bitch.

  Ryoko stood up, her face flushed with embarrassment, and headed for the basement. Seda activated her crystal ball and the four of us watched as Ryoko made her way through the basement and garage to where Rylan and Raid were working on their vehicle. She twirled a lock of hair as she approached the two, who were oblivious of her presence. “Hey, um, guys.”

  Rylan looked up and smiled at her. “What’s up, Ryo?”

  Raid looked at her and frowned when he noticed how nervous she was. “What’s wrong?”

  “Um, I need your help with something,” Ryoko said. The two abandoned their work and walked over to her. Ryoko chewed on her lip. “I can’t believe she’s making me do this…”

  Rylan’s brow rose. “What?”

  Ryoko slowly met their gaze and gave a weak smile. “Sorry about this.”

  She reached out for Raid first and placed her hands on both sides of his face. She pulled him c
loser and his eyes widened with shock when their lips met. I watched Rylan’s negative reaction to this, as the women around me laughed. Rylan’s reaction switched to shock when Ryoko pulled away from Raid and did the same to him.

  Ryoko pulled away and laughed nervously. “Thanks for being good sports.”

  She then turned and ran, leaving the two boys standing there, dumbfounded. I kept myself under control until Ryoko opened the door and I got a look at her red face.

  “Yeah, yeah, keep laughing,” Ryoko muttered.

  I held up a bottle of liquor and calmed myself. “Want a drink?”

  She sat down on the couch and hid her face. “I think I want to hide in my room for the rest of my life.”

  I snickered and tossed the bottle to her, which she guzzled down.

  Genesis flicked the needles and they chose her to ask, and me to answer. “Truth or dare.”

  “Dare,” I replied.

  She poured a tall glass with the expensive agave liquor. “Dare you to chug this.”

  Ryoko and Seda laughed and I shrugged. “All right. If I’m going to have a hangover tomorrow, might as well go all out.”

  I took the glass from her and drank the liquor as quickly as I could. Genesis stared with wide eyes, and Shva’sika, Seda, and Ryoko egged me on with cheering and laughter. Raikidan came out of the room to investigate all the excitement.

  I placed the glass down on the table when I finished the last drop and stretched as if there had been nothing to it. That’ll hit me in about five minutes, and then I might have a problem with this game.

  Genesis stared at me. “H–how?”

  “I got many more years of drinking on you,” I teased. “You’ll get there.” I stood up abruptly and then rocked as the liquor spread through me more. “I’ll be right back.”

  “You okay?” Shva’sika asked.

  “I gotta piss.”

  “Wow, TMI much?” Ryoko said.

  I grunted and headed for the bathroom. While in there, I overheard Raikidan asking more about the game, and then Ryoko whispering to him. What is she up to?

  When I left the bathroom, nothing appeared out of the ordinary. The girls were still clustered around the coffee table, and Raikidan had taken a position leaning on the kitchen bar on the living room side. I assumed he wanted to figure out more what this game was about.

  “All right, whose turn is it now?” I asked as I went to sit down.

  A yelp came out of my mouth and warmth rushed over my body when a strong, masculine hand smacked my ass out of nowhere. I turned around, holding my rear with my hands to protect it, to find Raikidan right behind me.

  I stared at him in shock and Ryoko burst with laughter. “Raikidan’s!”

  “That’s what you two were whispering about?” I exclaimed.

  Ryoko nodded. “Yep!”

  Raikidan chuckled and headed back toward my bedroom. “Consider it payback for going along with her dare.”

  My cheeks flushed. I took a deep breath and an idea came to me. “Fine. Two can play that game.”

  Ryoko’s laughter stopped. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Raikidan had stopped heading for my bedroom to find out the answer as well. I opened the basement door without explaining, and headed for the garage.

  “It’s killing Ryoko, but I’m not letting her know what you’re up to,” Seda messaged. “Figured I’d not ruin your fun.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  Raid and Rylan were working away on their project car, but stopped when they noticed me walking over.

  “Oh boy,” Raid said. “Do you need something from us too?”

  I laughed. “Yes, but not like Ryoko did.”

  “Well that’s a relief,” Rylan said. “What are you guys doing up there anyway?”

  “Truth or dare.” I slipped between the two and hung my arms over their shoulders. “How’s the project car coming?”

  “We might actually get her up and running one of these days,” Raid said.

  “Cool. Now, I’m wondering if you two are willing to do something for me as payback to Ryoko.”

  “If it gets on Ryoko’s bad side, then no,” Rylan said.

  “I’m intrigued,” Raid admitted. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Ryoko needs to understand if she’s going to use a game to her advantage, it can also be used against her. I want one of you, or, preferably, both of you, to go up there and grab her boobs.”

  Rylan pulled away. “No. I know better than to do that.”

  “Well I’m interested,” Raid admitted.

  “Are you kidding me?” Rylan asked.

  “Got a problem with it?” Raid challenged.

  I backed up so the two could duke it out.

  “Of course I do. Ryoko’s self-esteem is pitifully low. Touching her like that is not going to do her any good.” He looked at me. “You should know this best of all.”

  I grinned and backed away. “Or it could boost her self-esteem. I’ll let you two work this out, and I’ll tell Ryoko you both decided not to go along with my plan, just so if you do, it’ll be quite the surprise.”

  “Neither of us are going to do this,” Rylan argued.

  “Speak for yourself,” Raid said, hitting Rylan in the chest. “I’m not afraid to show her I’m interested. And I’ll make sure my hands are nice and greasy so they leave a reminder.”

  Rylan stared at his brother with livid eyes. I grinned and started to walk away. If Rylan knew what was best for him, and his chances with Ryoko, he’d go through with it. As odd as it was, Raid was right. Grabbing her would show some indication of interest in her.

  “Oh, by the way,” I called back, “she is still on the fence between you two. This choice will push her closer to one of you.”

  The two continued to squabble and I made my way up the stairs, though the alcohol I’d been consuming was finally starting to kick in, making it a bit difficult. When I reached the living room, the others looked at me expectantly, but I shook my head. “Ryoko has all the luck. They refused to play.”

  Ryoko sighed with relief. “Good. Now we can go back to our game.”

  I took my place on the couch and began drinking again. No reason not to at this point. As I did, I noticed Raikidan still hadn’t left the room and I caught him watching me.

  “Since he’s never seen you drink so much, he’s concerned about your wellbeing,” Seda messaged.

  “That’s sweet of him.”

  She chuckled. “I like it when you drink. That was cute of you to say.”

  “Don’t get used to it. I’ll be back to my normal self tomorrow.”

  Genesis’ turn was next, and Shva’sika managed to get a dare out of her and made her down five shots. I noticed how tipsy she was getting and did my best not to laugh. She was holding out better than I expected, but she was still a lightweight compared to Ryoko and me.

  The basement door opened and Raid entered the living room, cleaning his hands on a dirty rag. Though, I could tell he was only pretending. This should be good.

  “You guys sound like you’re having fun up here,” Raid said.

  Ryoko looked back and smiled. “Sure are. What about you? Done working on that piece of junk?”

  “She won’t be a piece of junk when Rylan and I are done with her,” Raid said.

  She turned away. “Yeah, yeah.”

  “I should grab the bathroom sink before Rylan gets up here. But first…” He walked up behind Ryoko. “Laz, I’m accepting your dare.”

  Ryoko’s eyes widened, her face reddened, and she squealed when he reached around her and grabbed her breasts with his greasy hands, leaving large handprints behind when he pulled away. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing as he walked away with the biggest shit-eating
grin on his face. Ryoko had the biggest shocked look I’ve ever seen on her, and it intensified my sick enjoyment. I could tell she wasn’t sure if she should be mortified, embarrassed, or accepting of what had just happened.

  “I can’t… believe… you had him do that!” Ryoko finally said.

  I continued to laugh. “That was so much better than I expected!”

  Shva’sika giggled. “Were the greasy handprints your idea too?”

  “The what?” Ryoko shrieked as she looked down at herself.

  I shook my head. “Nope. That’s all him.”

  Ryoko’s face reddened more. “You’re lying.”

  I grinned. “Nope. He accepted the bet downstairs and told me he was going to make sure his hands were nice and greasy so they’d leave a reminder.”

  She looked down at her lap to hide her face, but her ears twitched, giving her away. He had just won more of her favor. “And Rylan?”

  “He refused. Said it wasn’t right to do, no matter what you had done to me.”

  “Sounds like him.”

  I heard the disappointment in her voice. She disguised it well, but not enough. Rylan’s such an idiot.

  The basement door opened just then and Rylan entered the room, his hands tucked in a rag, though it was obvious he wasn’t sure if he should clean them or not. “My brother go through with your little dare?”

  I giggled. “Oh yeah.”

  Rylan looked at Ryoko and noticed her twitching ears. His eyes widened a little, surprised to see she actually liked what happened on some level. Raid came out of the bathroom and looked our way. Ryoko lifted her head a little to look at him. He grinned and her face flushed and her ears twitched a few more times. She looked down at her lap and he chuckled before heading down the hall. Rylan glowered at the thought of his brother getting a leg up on him. But instead of changing his mind, he headed for the bathroom to wash up. Of course, not even that can get him to change his mind. His loss.


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