Book Read Free


Page 51

by Shannon Pemrick

  “This is Jasmine,” Rylan introduced.

  Ryoko smiled. “Hello.”

  “And the psychic behind you?” Ergren inquired.

  “My name is Crystal,” Seda introduced. “A pleasure.”

  “Such beautiful names for beautiful ladies. Please, tell me how you found them.”

  “We didn’t find them,” Rylan corrected. “We had them made in another city.”

  “Except me,” Seda said as she ventured toward a window. “I found them.”

  Ergren continued to grin. “I see.”

  Raikidan touched me under the chin. “They make for great guards—and even better companions.”

  I grinned at him and slowly turned to walk away. “Our host isn’t very hospitable, Master. He has yet to ask you to sit down and relax.” I made my way over to a window Seda stood in front of.

  “Though Xephrya has yet to master manners,” Raikidan said. “I do apologize.”

  “No need. She is right, after all. I should have been more hospitable. Please, sit down.”

  Raikidan and Rylan moved to accept his offer, but by the sounds of it, Ryoko had stayed where she was—or close to it. I was too preoccupied with looking out the window to pay much attention. I watched as Blaze walked around the car with Raid following. Argus sat on the hood of the limousine, playing with the sunglasses on the tip of his nose, bored with his job in this assignment.

  He looked our way and gave a reserved wave, but my calculations indicated it wasn’t me he was waving at. I glanced as Seda to find her waving her fingers slowly at him. She stopped when she realized I was watching, her cheeks tinting a light shade of red. Argus looked away, but I caught the color change in his face as well. I grinned and made my way back to the main part of the living room. Cute.

  I leaned on the couch behind Raikidan and looked around. I didn’t know what they were talking about, and frankly, I didn’t care. Growing bored, I ran my hands down Raikidan’s chest and hung over him.

  Raikidan chuckled. “What is it, Xephrya?”

  “I’m bored. Are you almost done?”

  He chuckled some more. “No.”

  I pouted. “Why not? This is boring. You promised it wouldn’t be boring.”

  He touched my chin. “I know, and I’ll make it up to you when we get home.”

  I grinned as I stared into his eyes.

  Rylan cleared his throat. “I think it’s time you two cooled it.”

  I put out a fake sigh and pulled away from Raikidan, although Ryoko was more than happy to encourage the situation. “I’m bored too, Master.”

  I grinned when I noticed Rylan having a hard time swallowing and keeping himself under control. Oh, so he’s that kind of guy.

  “You’ll have to wait,” he finally managed.

  She sighed and tightened her grip on him. “But I can’t wait that long.”

  “You’ll have to at least make it to the car.”

  She sighed and pouted. “Fine.”

  I snorted as I walked around the couch. “No one wants to see you naked, Jay.”

  Rylan glared at me, and Raikidan chuckled as he pulled his arm over the top of the couch to invite me to sit next to him. I did, and then noticed Ergren looking at me funny.

  I leaned over to whisper to Raikidan. “Master, why is he looking at me like that?”

  Raikidan looked at Ergren. “That’s a good question.”

  Ergren grinned. “Impatient little assassin you are.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “How did you know I was an assassin?”

  He gestured to the two women who were now sprawled out against him. “Zena and Niccola are assassins as well. They’re handy in many ways, just like you seem to be.”

  I chose not to respond. I didn’t like what he was implying.

  Zena looked at Ergren. “Sir, you looked parched. May we get you something?”

  “Yes, please do, and something for our guests as well.”

  “Of course, sir,” the two responded.

  Ryoko looked at Rylan. “May I go help them?”

  Rylan smiled. “As long as you don’t cause trouble.”

  Ryoko giggled and followed the two women.

  “You are welcome to go with them,” Raikidan told me.

  “Thank you, Master.” I slid off the couch and followed the women into another room behind a swinging door. I could feel Ergren’s gaze follow us, making me uncomfortable. The moment the door stopped swinging, I relaxed, as did the other three.

  “Zena, Niccola, do you have any information for us?” I questioned as they looked in some cabinets for glassware.

  “Sorry, Commander, nothing useful,” Niccola replied. “I’m surprised you recognized us. We’ve done our best to change our appearances without permanent reconstruction.”

  “And you’ve done well hiding your true identities, but remember, I trained you. I’d be able to recognize you even if you’d had reconstructive surgery.”

  Niccola smiled. “Well at least someone does. It’s hard not being able to be myself now that we work for Ergren.”

  “Ergren seems like a real creep,” Ryoko commented as she grabbed a pitcher out of the fridge. “Why do you put up with him?”

  “It’s our assignment,” Zena stated. “We were to arrive here and pretend we were a gift from one of the other groups. While here, we’re supposed to grab whatever information we can and put our assassination skills to good use. Of course he’s not with Zarda like we thought, so that really screwed things up. Luckily, another group that comes here shows some signs, so we’re hoping to get more information from them soon.”

  “So you don’t mind working for him?” Ryoko asked.

  Zena chuckled. “Not at all. We get great sex when we want, with whomever we want, and all we have to do is assassinate targets Ergren wants out of the picture. Though, we have more of a say in our targets than he seems to realize.”

  Niccola grinned. “We have him wrapped around our fingers. Though, you two look to be doing well too. Especially you, Commander.”

  I snorted and accepted the two glasses Ryoko handed me. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, c’mon, Commander. You two look pretty close.”

  “It’s called acting.”

  “They’re just friends,” Ryoko helped. “Trust me, I’ve tried this route. It is what it is.”

  “Well if you don’t want him, I’ll gladly take him,” Niccola said.

  Ryoko and I looked at each other and chuckled. “Trust me, you don’t want him.”

  Niccola tilted her head. “He doesn’t seem like a bad guy.”

  “He’s not,” Ryoko corrected. “He’s great, actually. He’s just complicated and filled with secrets.”

  Zena grinned. “I like complicated.”

  I shook my head and left the kitchen with my two glasses. Raikidan grinned when he saw me, and I handed him his drink. He nodded his thanks and invited me to sit back down next him. Just as I became comfortable, I noticed Ergren staring at me.

  “Master, why does he keep staring at me?” I whispered to Raikidan.

  “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Master, I don’t like you keeping secrets from me.”

  Ergren chuckled. “So you’re sure you don’t wish to trade her for a short time?” I narrowed my eyes. I guess we’re going down that route. “My girls would be an excellent trade for you.”

  “I already told you no.” Raikidan rolled his arm over my shoulders. “There’s no replacement for her.”

  A smile crept onto my face. I knew he was playing his part, but his words made me feel good, even if they were a lie.

  Ergren looked Rylan. “The same for you, then?”

  Rylan narrowed his
eyes. “No. Now can we please get back to business?”

  “Of course, of course.” Ergren leaned back and made an attempt to place his arms around Zena and Niccola, but they weren’t there. Instead, they were on the edges of the couch, next to some of the other men of the house, keeping their distance. “Ladies?”

  Neither spoke to him. They just sipped on their drinks.

  “Zena, tell me what is bothering you.” His words sounded like an order rather than a request.

  Zena glared at him. “You planned to trade us.”

  “Not for long.” I didn’t like the fact he saw nothing wrong with what he had wanted to do. “So why don’t you come back over here.”


  He frowned and looked at Niccola. “Niccola?”

  She just stuck up her nose.

  Raikidan chuckled. “You won’t get them to listen if you don’t respect them.”

  Zena smirked. “Maybe we’ll just go with them anyway, without a trade.”

  Zena moved from her spot on the couch and sat real close to Raikidan. Niccola followed her lead and sat next to Rylan.

  Zena touched Raikidan’s chin lightly with her finger. “He’s handsome and respectful.”

  Raikidan pulled her hand away. “That won’t be happening. Xephrya wouldn’t be happy, and she may attack you.”

  “I don’t share,” I growled.

  “Tell her not to,” Ergren said. “I don’t appreciate the idea of my ladies being harmed unnecessarily.”

  “Xephrya has free will. There’s no controlling her. If she isn’t happy about something, she takes care of it herself, even if I’d prefer her not to.”

  “Free will?” Ergren laughed. “Why in Lumaraeon would you give her that?”

  Raikidan cupped my chin. “I have no need to control her. She chooses to stay with us, even though she was made.”

  I grinned. “I like it where I am.”

  Ergren folded his hands together. “Very interesting.”

  Zena pouted and went to sit next to Ergren. Niccola slowly followed her. Ergren, happy to have his toys back, began discussing things with the boys again. I tuned them out and looked around the room again. My focus kept drifting to the other men in the room. They were exceptionally quiet. None of them spoke or put an opinion into the discussion. It was even hard to hear them breathe. It was as if they were statues, or ordered to be silent and still.

  A muffled thumping noise caught my ear and I stopped looking around. It happened again, sending Ryoko and me into full alert.

  Raikidan looked at me. “What is it?”

  “Crystal?” Rylan questioned.

  “We have uninvited guests,” she stated.

  Before anyone could react, the kitchen door broke off its hinges, and soldiers stormed through the doorway. Everyone jumped to their feet as the soldiers held their guns up.

  “Everyone freeze,” a helmeted general ordered. “You’re all under arrest for conspiring against Lord Zarda.”

  “Sorry, not going to happen.” Seda forced out her arms, and the soldiers flew back.

  In the moment it took them to fly back, I had removed my shoes and sprinted their way. Zena called out to me and tossed me an assassin’s dagger. I had no idea where she had gotten it, or where the men in this house were getting the guns they now carried, but right now wasn’t the time to question it.

  The soldiers tried to get back up, but I wasn’t having it. Choosing the nearest soldier, I jumped on him and thrust my dagger into his chest. I went to go after the next soldier, but Zena took him out and Niccola took out another on my other side.

  The three of us took out a few more soldiers before someone called out behind us. “Ladies, get back here before you get hurt!”

  I looked at the other two, who nodded at me as we fell back. We barely managed to get back into the living room before a group of men opened fire on the kitchen. I looked around for everyone, noticing that Ryoko was gone and Seda was standing in the doorway of the front door.

  “Watch it!” someone yelled.

  I didn’t need to turn around to find out what they were yelling about. Small black objects rolled past me out of the kitchen and filled the room with smoke. Smoke bombs! The smoke was thick and dark, more so than normal smoke bombs, clogging my senses. I choked on the smoke and stumbled. This isn’t good…

  Someone seized my arm and chuckled. “You’re coming with me. The large-chested wench is out of my reach, so I’ll just have to settle with only having you.”

  “Fight it! Don’t let him handle you like this.”

  Ergren. Instinct kicked into gear, making me struggle against his grip without a second thought. “No way in hell.”

  “You don’t have much of a choice. Unlike you, I’m not affected by this smoke in the same way you are. I know because Zena and Niccola are the same way. Of course, I’ve already had them moved somewhere safe. Now you’ll join them, and you’re too weak to fight me.”

  “Keep fighting!”

  I tried to struggle, but he was right. “No…” I used the strength I had left to struggle against him as he dragged me off somewhere. “Let go…”

  Ergren chuckled. “There’s no way I’m passing up the opportunity to add another to my—”

  Ergren’s grip was pulled off my arm suddenly, and it sounded like he fell to the floor. “I told you, you can’t have her!”

  “Raikidan?” I whispered.

  His strong arms wrapped around me and held me up in my weakened state. “Lry ul suvy.”

  My eyes widened. Did he just—He did not just speak in his tongue!

  How could he do something so risky? It was one thing for him to be protective, and to act possessive for this assignment, but for him to speak like that… Why am I so angry? It’s not like the guy knows what Draconic sounds like. He probably didn’t even recognize them as words.

  Raikidan picked me up and cradled me. I stayed quiet as he carried me out of the house and into the running limousine. Raikidan set me down, and Ryoko handed me the oxygen mask she was using. Rylan and Seda jumped into the car and looked around in panic.

  “Hit the gas, guys!” Rylan ordered.

  Argus slammed on the accelerator. Seda rolled down and window and threw psychic energy behind us. Things crashed about on the street and people shouted, but no gunfire followed. She rolled up the window. “That’ll stop them. They won’t follow us anymore.”

  We all sighed with relief. I handed the mask to Ryoko so she could use it again, and I coughed violently. The coughing irritated my throat some more, and I did my best not to use my voice. I knew any talking would only aggravate my condition. Ryoko handed me the oxygen mask and I sucked in as much fresh air as I could, hoping the ride home would end quickly.

  I held my throat as I coughed. By the time we had gotten home, Ryoko had started to feel better, but I wasn’t so lucky since I had inhaled more smoke than she had. My throat had gotten worse, even though I hadn’t spoken a word since the attack. Shva’sika had been unable to help me with her healing ability, and with no modern medicine downstairs that would relieve any of this pain, she left my room. I coughed more and curled up. At this rate, I wasn’t going to be able to sleep, and that wouldn’t help my condition.

  Raikidan sat down on my bed and I looked at him. “Can you help me?”

  He hesitated. “My healing fire may be able to help… but I’m not comfortable trying to use it on your throat. I don’t want to do something wrong, and seriously hurt you.”

  I smiled at his thoughtfulness, and then had an idea. I coughed some more before speaking. “Do you think you can create some healing fire near me, and I take control of it to eat? I don’t know if me controlling it will change the properties”—I coughed some more—“and change it back to regular fire, but it’s worth a shot. Reg
ular fire would help me too, especially with how powerful your flame it, so either way is a win for me.”

  “That’s right… you can eat fire…” he murmured to himself. “Uh, do you think you’re strong enough to harness my flame? Even a small one will be pretty strong.” I nodded. “All right, let’s give this a shot then.”

  I sat up as he took a deep breath and then exhaled out a small flame. I reached up and beckoned the flame to bend to my will. The flame’s strength proved a bit difficult for me, and I worried Raikidan may be right about me not being strong enough in my condition, but my will proved stronger than his flame, and it came to me.

  When I held it in my hand, while difficult to maintain, I inspected the flame instead of eating it right away. The red flames flickered and occasionally turned white, showing its power, even in such a tiny form, but that wasn’t what caught my eye. There was an unusual glow around it, almost whitish-green, like the aura you’d see with a healing shaman. This had to be the look of healing fire when examined so close. That meant the transfer of wills didn’t affect the properties, indicating the property was locked in the fire itself and not the will of the user.

  The flame flickered wildly and I shoved it into my mouth. Not used to seeing others do this, Raikidan flinched, but smiled when I looked at him, signaling he was handling it better than most. I sucked in a deep breath as the flame did its magic, and then coughed violently. Raikidan grabbed my shoulders in a panic, but relaxed when he realized the flame wasn’t killing me.

  He sighed when my coughing fit subsided. “This is really nerve-racking, you know that?”

  I flopped down on my back as strength came back to me in strong waves. “I think it’s amazing.”

  “I suppose he’s not so bad…” the voice said, rather uncharacteristically. “But don’t trust him. Could be a trap.”

  Raikidan lay on his side next to me. “Seriously?”

  “Your flame is just amazing,” I said, relaxing, almost dreamily. “Its strength is like nothing I’ve embraced before. And it works so fast. I feel so much better already. It tastes pretty good, too.”

  “It tastes good?” He laughed. “You really are something else.” He reached over and brushed my bangs out of my face. “How are you feeling?”


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