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Page 57

by Shannon Pemrick


  Taric – Former ruler of Dalatrend, nu-human, father to Zarda, deceased

  Zarda – Ruler of Dalatrend, nu-human, son to Taric


  Rana (RAH-nah) – Nu-human experiment, assassin, trained under Eira, vendetta against Eira, deceased

  Rick – Nu-human experiment, general, deceased

  Verra – Nu-human experiment, general, vendetta against Eira and Amara, deceased

  Zo – Nu-human experiment, General, Interested in Eira



  Adina (ah-DEE-nah) – Oversees Team 7, nu-human experiment, first Dalatrend shapeshifter experiment

  Akama (ah-KAH-mah) – Oversees Team 5, nu-human experiment, first Dalatrend Seer experiment (not planned), twin to Enrée

  Eldenar – Oversees Team 4, nu-human experiment, first Dalatrend war experiment

  Elkron – Oversees Team 6, nu-human experiment, first Dalatrend elementalist experiment

  Enrée (EN-ree-ay) – Oversees Team 2, nu-human experiment, first Dalatrend Battle Psychic experiment (not planned), twin to Akama

  Genesis – Oversees Team 3, first nu-human, necromantic abilities

  Hanama (HAH-nah-mah) – Oversees Team 1, nu-human experiment, first Dalatrend anthropomorphic experiment

  Team 1

  Assassin based

  Team 2

  Recruitment based

  Dan – Nu-human experiment, former lieutenant to Eira

  Innon (EYE-nin) – Battle leader, nu-human experiment, former commander

  Team 3

  Income based, former Brute and foot soldier mostly

  Andariel – Nu-human experiment, double ear prototype, brother to Azriel, former medic, strip club owner: Midnight

  Argus – Nu-human experiment, inventor

  Aurora – Nu-human experiment, Underground computer tech

  Azriel – Nu-human experiment, double ear prototype, brother to Andariel, former medic, night club owner: Twilight

  Blaze – Nu-human experiment, ladies’ man

  Eira (AIR-uh) – Nu-human hybrid experiment, battle leader, former commander, mother to Ryder, assassin, Shaman of the Rising Sun. Alt names: Laz, Laz’shika (laz-SHEE-kah)

  Lena – Nu-human, partner to Zenmar

  Orchon (OR-con) – Nu-human, bouncer at Twilight

  Raid – Nu-human experiment, brother to Rylan, experimental shapeshifter: dog, interested in Ryoko

  Raikidan (RYE-ki-DAN) – Black and red dragon, cousin to Corliss, son to Xephrya, Guard in training

  Rylan (RYE-lan) – Nu-human experiment, brother to Raid, experimental shapeshifter: wolf, former captain, artificial mental bond with Eira, ice elementalist, interested in Ryoko

  Ryoko (Ree-OH-koh) – Half-wogron experiment, clone of Peacekeeper Ryoko, Brute, former lieutenant, best friend to Eira, interested in Rylan and Raid

  Seda (SAY-duh) – Nu-human experiment, psychic: Seer, twin to Nioush, sister to Saléna and Nyra

  Xantar (ZAN-tar) – Nu-human experiment

  Zane – Nu-human experiment, uncle to Eira, brother to Jasmine and Amara, former soldier, mechanic

  Zenmar – Nu-human experiment, crippled in a skirmish, partner to Lena

  Team 4

  Reconnaissance based

  Team 5

  Psychic based team

  Team 6

  Research and development based

  Team 7

  Reconnaissance based

  Chameleon – Nu-human experiment, molecular fusion ability, former assassin

  Doppelganger – Nu-human experiment, temporary cloning ability

  Ezhno (EZ-no) – Nu-human experiment, Underground computer tech

  Mocha – Nu-human experiment, anthropomorphic: cat

  Nioush (NEE-oosh) – Nu-human experiment, psychic: Battle Psychic, twin to Seda, brother to Saléna and Nyra

  Raynn (rain) – Nu-human experiment, battle leader, former general, clone if Peacekeeper Raynn


  Nyra – Nu-human experiment, psychic: Battle Psychic, twin to Saléna, sister to Seda and Nioush

  Ryder – Nu-human experiment, son to Eira and Rylan

  Saléna (sah-LEY-nah) – Nu-human experiment, psychic: Seer, twin to Nyra, sister to Seda and Nioush

  Talon – Nu-human experiment, bone spike ability


  Arnia (ARE-nee-ah) – Nu-human experiment, twin to Jaybird, metal elementalist, former mole, interested in Ven’lar

  Jaybird – Nu-human experiment, twin to Arnia, air elementalist, former mole


  North Tribe

  Fe’teline (fey-TELL-een) – Nu-human – Shaman of the Rising Sun

  Ven’lar (ven-LAR) – Nu-human, Shaman of the Cleansing Spirit, interested in Arnia

  South Tribe

  Ir’esh (EAR-esh) – Chief, elf, father to Tla’lli, Shaman of the Fractured Crystal

  Ne’kall (nay-CALL) – Elf, son to Del’karo, father of four, Shaman of the Rising Sun

  Tla’lli (teh-LAH-lee) – Elf, daughter to Ir’esh, Shaman of the Whispering Winds, interested in Talon

  East Tribe

  Nela – Nu-human, lightning shaman, Shaman of the Dancing Lights

  Se’lata (say-LAH-tah) – Elf, spice merchant, Shaman of the Fractured Crystal

  West Tribe

  Alena – Elf, wife to Del’karo, mother figure to Eira, mother of Ne’kall and twelve other children, Shaman of the Cleansing Spirit

  Daren – Human, Valene’s adopted father, inn keeper, former partner to Valessa

  Del’karo (del-CAR-oh) – Elf, mentor and father figure to Eira, husband to Alena, father of Ne’kall and twelve other children, Shaman of the Rising Sun

  Ken’ichi (ken-EE-chee) – Nu-human, friend to Eira, Guard and Shaman of the Cleansing Spirit

  Maka’shi (mah-KAH-shee) – Leader, half-elf, Shaman of the Frozen Waste, widow

  Me’kunar (may-COON-are) – Elf, scholar

  Mel’ka (mel-KAH) – Elf, elder, storyteller, Shaman of the Fractured Crystal

  Shva’sika (sh-VAH-see-KAH) – Elf, sister to Xye, mentor and adopted family to Eira, Shaman of the Dancing Lights. Alt names: Elarinya (ell-are-IN-yah), Danika

  Valene (Vah-LEEN) – Human, daughter to Valessa, Eira’s and Daren’s adopted daughter, Shaman of the Fractured Crystal

  Valessa – Human, mother to Valene, former partner to Daren, Shaman of the Fractured Crystal, deceased

  Xye (zeye) – Half-elf, brother to Shva’sika, attempted to court Eira, Shaman of the Cleansing Spirit, deceased


  Corliss – Green and black dragon, cousin to Raikidan

  Xephrya (zef-RYE-ah) – Red dragon, mother to Raikidan and Ebon, deceased

  Velsara Wilds Clan

  Anahak (an-ah-HAWK) – Black dragon, mate to Xaneth, father to Rimu and six other offspring

  Rimu – Black and red dragon, son to Anahak and Xaneth

  Xaneth (zan-ETH) – Red dragon, mate to Anahak, mother to Rimu and six other offspring

  Zaith – Clan leader, red dragon


  Anila (ah-NEE-lah) – Goddess of air

  Arcadia (are-KAY-dee-ah) – Goddess of spirits, daughter to Solund and Lunaria, sister to Phyre

  Genesis – Goddess of life, partner to Zoltan

  Gina – Goddess of health and healing

  Halcyon (hall-SEE-on) – Goddess of the sea

  Imera (eye-MEER-ah) – Goddess of literature and knowledge

  Jin – Goddess of refined earth

  Kendaria – Goddess of water

  Koseba (koh-SAY-bah) – God of shapeshifting

  Le’carro (ley-CAR-oh) – God of lightning

  Lunaria – Goddess of the moon, partner to Solund, mother to Phyre and Arcadia

  Nazir (nah-ZEER) – God of death and corruption

  Phyre (fire) – God of fire, son to Solund and Lunaria, brother to Arcadia

  Raisu (RAY-sue) – God of dreams

  Rashta (RAH-sh-tah) – Goddess of judgement and rebirth, currently missing

  Rasmus – God of love and fertility, partner to Savada

  Satria (sah-TREE-ah) – Goddess of war

  Savada (sah-VAH-dah) – Goddess of sex and seduction, partner to Rasmus

  Sela – Goddess of psychics, sister of Tyro

  Solstice – Goddess of ice and winter

  Solund – God of the sun, partner to Lunaria, father to Phyre and Arcadia

  Tarin – God of nature, partner to Valena

  Tyro (TIE-roh) – God of psychics, brother of Sela

  Valena – Goddess of earth, partner to Tarin

  Zoltan – God of life, partner to Genesis


  Alyra (all-EYE-rah) – Nu-human experiment, former soldier, partner to Lakon, mother to Eyri, musician

  Devon – Nu-human experiment, former assassin, musician

  Eyri (EYE-ree) – Nu-human, Lakon and Alyra’s daughter, musician

  Lakon (LAY-con) – Nu-human experiment, former assassin, partner to Alyra, father to Eyri, musician

  Rosa (ROH-sah) – Succubus, mated to Zaedrix

  Voice – Mysterious voice that speaks to Eira inside her head. Malevolent

  Zaedrix (ZAY-driks) – Incubus, mated to Rosa


  Amara (ah-MAR-ah) – Nu-human experiment, general, mother to Eira, grandmother to Ryder, sister to Jasmine and Zane, water elementalist, deceased

  Anir (ah-NEER) – Black dragon, claims to know Eira, deceased

  Jade – Nu-human experiment, former soldier under Amara, deceased

  Jasmine – Nu-human experiment, aunt to Eira, sister to Amara and Zane, geneticist, deceased

  Lazei (LAH-zay) – Human, ancient swordsman, protector of the Eternal Library, deceased but active by use of spiritual crystal

  Tannek – Nu-human experiment, former soldier under Amara, deceased

  Zeek – Nu-human, Brute, former soldier under Amara, deceased


  Assar – dwarf, deceased

  Pyralis (PIE-ral-iss) – Red dragon, former Velsara Wild Clan leader, deceased

  Raynn (rain) – Human, deceased

  Reiki (Ray-KEY) – Green dragon, deceased

  Ryoko (Ree-OH-koh) – Half-wogron, Shaman of the Fractured Crystal, deceased

  Varro – Elf, healer, deceased


  Lyra (LIE-ruh) – Matron, Nu-human

  Myra (MEER-uh) – Nu-human, attached to Raid

  Orphans (Elara (el-ARE-ah), Jakcel (JACK-sell), Elsa, Levi, Panga, Nari, Kelcen (Kell-SEN), Alson, Ellie)




  Elvish is an eloquent language, light on the tongue with an airy sound. Even the usual consonants of common don’t hold the same harshness in Elvish. Many elves and other humanoids raised with Elvish as their mother tongue carry this light speech over in their common.

  While not the easiest language to learn, Elvish is a favorite among the linguistically gifted. Those who seek to learn this language seek out elves before any other race and are taught by full immersion. Some elves will provide a few words for the humanoid to start with but it’s not common to do so. The elves believe this technique is the best way to learn and creates a better understanding of the language for everyday use.

  Written Elvish is just as elegant as spoken, usually written in script by native speakers. Non-natives tend to forgo the script, which is accepted by native speakers, though the handwriting is still expected to be neat, and flourished on important documents. Sloppy writing is considered an insult.

  Below are phrases used in the series:

  Éan ag eitilt – Flying bird

  Go dtí go gcomhlíonfaimid arís – Until we meet again

  Nuair a ardaíonn an ghrian arís – When the sun rises once more


  Draconic is a guttural language made up most of grunts and growls with the occasional tongue flick, exhales, or teeth clatter. It’s difficult for a non-dragon to learn, as the formation of these words are foreign to most humanoids. Some sounds are impossible for non-dragons to create so other sounds are substituted as an alternative. Even dragons taking a humanoid form must make these changes. Rarely is a humanoid able to perfect the speech, even when raised among dragons.

  Those attempting to learn are always taught single words before attempting sentence structures. Draconic sentence structure is similar to Common, but with a possessive edge due to the mindset of dragons. There are no contracted words in Draconic, as such, dragons who don’t speak common often, tend to use the same sentence structures of their mother tongue when they do speak common.

  It’s not common for dragons to write in the current age but there is a basic written form of the language that was used more extensively in the past. This written form is comprised of glyphs easily created with dragon claws and easy to decipher for most dragons no matter the cleanliness of the script. Non-dragons find this writing easier to learn than the spoken language and most of the time will stop learning after they’ve master it.

  Below are words Raikidan has taught Eira in the series:

  Aio – You

  Aion – Your

  Aionl – Yours

  Ayl – Yes

  Cyyg – Keep

  Diik – Food

  Duny – Fire

  Din – For

  Dnis – From

  Dnuyvk – Friend

  Ev – An

  Evk – And

  Finna – Worry

  Frem – What

  Fryzg – Whelp

  Fulkis – Wisdom

  Fuzz – Will

  Gzyely – Please

  Id – Of

  Ion – Our

  Iv – On

  Ki – Do

  Knewiv – Dragon

  Lgunum – Spirit

  Lisymruvw – Something

  Lmnyvwmr – Strength

  Lry – She

  Lynyvuma – Serenity

  Lyy – See

  Mi – To

  Mii – Too

  Mioxr – Touch

  Mrevc – Thank

  Mruvc – Think

  Mryny – There

  Ol – Us

  Pnyemry – Breathe

  Py – Be

  Rel – Has

  Rety – Have

  Rl – He

  Rosev – Human

  Rovwyn – Hunger

  Rul – His

  Rus – Him

  Ryn – Her

  Ryzzi – Hello

  Sa – My

  Suvy – Mine

  Sy – Me

  U – I

  Ud – If

  Ul – Is

  Um – It

  Vi – No

  Vim – Not

  Vyyk – Need

  Wiikpay – Goodbye

  Wym – Get

  Xivvexmyk – Connected

  Yem – Eat

  Ytyv – Even

  Ziaeza – Loyalty

  Zity – Love

  Zoxca – Lucky

  Zudy – Life

nbsp; Zulmyv – Listen

  Zutyl – Lives

  Below are phrases translated to Eira in the series:

  Ion cuvk – Our kind

  Lazmira, sa xruzk – Lazmira, my child

  Zity, gyexy, lgunum, ziaeza, lynyvuma, lmnyvwmr, fulkis – Love, peace, spirit, loyalty, serenity, strength, wisdom

  Lost Languages

  Thought the history of Lumaraeon, language has developed and died, but some have left a more notable impact on the races. These forgotten languages hold important information lost during the millennia of turmoil making them important topics for scholars.

  Old Tongue

  Old Tongue, also known as God speech, is the most ancient form of speech that was replaced by the various languages of Lumaraeon, ultimately dying out among the mortal races. Much of the language was lost during the War of End and with no one but the gods around to remember, the language was thought dead. Until a large find of books in the Eternal Library turned up after a new entryway was found, eight hundred years ago.

  Scholars have done their best to decipher the old language and have since found new discovery sites all over Lumaraeon to help with their research. But while the tongue is researched, it is not know if the translations are quite right, and no one has thought to ask the gods, not even Imera, the goddess of literature and knowledge.

  Below are words used in the series:

  Mukarna – Makers

  Continue on for a preview of the third book in the Experimental Heart series:




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