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Threat (Academy of Unpredictable Magic Book 4)

Page 1

by Sadie Moss


  Academy of Unpredictable Magic #4

  Sadie Moss

  Copyright © 2019 by Sadie Moss

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or had, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Also by Sadie Moss

  Chapter 1

  I wake up extremely warm.

  That’s a good thing, because it’s damn freezing in this big house.

  I’m at Roman’s place for winter break, and so is Maddy, and so are all the guys. It’s an old house, sprawling, a mansion almost—and while he never talks about it, the sheer size of this place gives me a pretty damn good idea that Roman’s family has money.

  But it’s fucking difficult to heat a house as old and massive as this one, which is why I’m glad to wake up warm.

  As the fog of sleep clears from my brain, I realize it’s because I’m sandwiched in between Cam and Asher. Dmitri tends to want his own space in bed, although he likes having me in it, and I sleep on top of Roman’s chest like a cat, but Asher and Cam are total cuddlebugs. They don’t even care whether they’re the little or the big spoon, since we all end up octopus-limbed anyway.

  I stir, stretching a little, shaking off the last cobwebs of sleep. It’s been awesome, having all the guys here, being with them officially. Sometimes I worry that one of them will get jealous, or that there will be a personality clash, or that we’ll just plain get sick of each other.

  But it’s been two whole weeks, and so far nothing like that has happened. Everything’s been great. I’m starting to think that maybe—just maybe—I get to have this good thing. That it could be permanent.

  I think part of what helps is the lack of strict rules about what we’re doing and how.

  Like the whole bed thing. I do technically have my own room, but I don’t always sleep there. Sometimes I do, when I just want to be by myself. I’ve always been pretty independent, and whatever feelings I might have for a guy—or, well, multiple guys—it doesn’t change the fact that I value my alone time and my space. But a lot of nights, I sleep over with one of the guys, or a couple of them. Dmitri and Roman don’t really like sharing beds, but Cam and Asher are, well… like I said.

  There’s something so intimate and trusting about sleeping with someone. Not that it’s all romantic—God no, watching someone sleep is not all it’s cracked up to be, thanks.

  But you’re so vulnerable while you’re asleep. Someone could do anything they wanted to you, whether it be draw a mustache on your face or steal your credit card. Not that I really think any of the guys would do either of those things. Not at all. But you can’t help but feel… exposed, a little.

  Yet in the weeks since we made this thing between us official, every day has felt more and more comfortable, more right. Like this is just how it’s supposed to be. Like it all makes sense.

  It makes me happy. I think I may be genuinely, completely happy for the first time since Mom died. I’m not alone in this anymore; I don’t always have to be the adult, or at least not the only adult.

  I have a support system. And it’s fucking amazing.

  As I stretch, I feel Cam stirring behind me, and I can’t help myself. He’s got a little morning wood going on, and I arch my back, grinding my ass back against him.

  Cam’s arm draped around my waist while he was sleeping, and now I feel it tighten, pressing me closer to his body. I brush my fingers over his forearm, relishing the feel of the strong muscles underneath.

  “Somebody’s in a mood,” he teases, his voice low and rumbling in my ear.

  My face is tucked underneath Asher’s chin, and I feel him stirring and pulling back so he can duck his head down to look at my face. His eyes are sparking with mischief as he slides his hands up my thighs to grip my hips, and I can feel him pressing against my hip, nice and hard as well.

  Now, this is what I classify as a good wake up call.

  “What if I am in a mood?” I tease back, grinning at Asher as Cam lets out a low, growly noise behind me. “What if I need a little help with my mood?”

  “Oh, Sin…” Cam nips my ear. “We live to help.”


  I lean forward to capture Asher’s lips with mine, and he responds instantly, sliding his tongue into my mouth with deep, exploratory strokes. Asher has this way of kissing me that makes the whole world around us seem to vanish, that renders time completely meaningless. It’s so unhurried and thorough I could drown in it, and I never want to come up for air.

  And having Cam’s lips working their way over the back of my neck, brushing the shell of my ear at the same time?

  It’s fucking incredible.

  The sensations bounce around in my body, clashing into each other and setting off little explosions of pleasure. I grind my ass back against Cam’s stiff cock and then press my hips forward to rub against Asher, alternating between the two of them as their bodies press closer to mine. Before long, we’re one big writhing mess of limbs, breaths, and soft groans.

  I don’t think Cam or Asher are attracted to each other at all, but they’re such good friends that they have no problem getting up close and personal with each other as long as I’m in the middle. I turn my head to kiss Cam, and as he leans up to reach my lips, Asher runs his tongue over the line of my jaw. Our faces are all so close together I can feel our breaths mingling between us, and I love the feeling of being completely encased by these two men.

  Cam’s hand is on my left breast, which is pressed up against Asher’s chest. There isn’t a lot of room to maneuver, but the blond man behind me manages to capture my nipple between two fingers, sending an electric jolt through me. I gasp into his mouth, and he chuckles, repeating the action until my ass is bumping harder against his groin, demanding relief for the feelings he’s stoking inside me.

  We’re both breathless when our kiss finally breaks, and Asher tilts my head back toward him, pulling me into his arms as Cam releases me for a second. I feel him scoot away across the mattress and am vaguely aware of the sound of a drawer opening, but I’m falling down the bottomless well of Asher’s kiss again, so I can’t focus on it.

  When Cam comes back, he throws the covers off, exposing all three of our bodies to the slightly chilly air in the room. I suck in a breath at the temperature change—it was nice and warm with three bodies gyrating under the heavy
comforter—and goose bumps break out over my skin. Cam’s large hand strokes down my arm, warming me up as he settles behind mine again.

  “Don’t worry, Sin. We’ll keep you plenty warm. Maybe even help you work up a sweat,” he murmurs in my ear, a smile in his voice.

  Oh, I have no damn doubt they will.

  And even though I miss the cozy little nest we had under the blankets, now that the covers are gone we have room to move around without getting tangled up in the sheets—plus, I get to enjoy the view.

  I’m wearing flannel pajama bottoms and a tank top, but both of the guys slept without a shirt on. Cam’s got a pair of long sleep-pants on, and Asher’s just wearing shorts. And even though I can’t wait to get those offending articles of clothing out of my way, what’s on display already is nothing to scoff at.

  Cam’s a little bigger than Asher, with broad shoulders like a linebacker and a lean waist. His hair is golden blond, and it perfectly complements his sky-blue eyes, which are always open and earnest. He’s got an enthusiasm for life that practically beams out through his pores, and it’s hard not to automatically grin when you look at him. He just draws that reaction out of most people.

  Asher is leaner than Cam but still ripped. He’s got more of a swimmer’s build than a football player’s, with moss-green eyes that seem to see everything. His Unpredictable power is reading minds, but he’s so empathetic that most of the time I feel like he can read me with no magical assistance at all.

  Like right now.

  He and Cam have both risen to kneel beside me, and Asher’s hands seem to anticipate what I want before I even know I want it. His fingertips skate up under the hem of my tank top, brushing gently against the undersides of my breasts while Cam hooks his fingers into the waistband of my pajama bottoms and tugs.

  I arch off the bed, both to help Cam pull my pants over my hips and to urge Asher’s hands a little higher. A grin tilts his full lips as he gives me what I want, cupping my breasts in both hands, squeezing and massaging them while Cam tosses my pajama bottoms and panties to the floor. The cold air meets my wet pussy, and I squirm on the bed, already so revved up it’s impossible to stay still.

  Asher keeps worshipping my breasts with his hands even as Cam peels my tank top up and over my head. Now I can suddenly see what Asher’s doing instead of just feeling it, and the sight pulls a whimper from my throat. He grins, dipping his head to lick my nipple with the flat of his tongue, and I clutch the sides of his head, threading my fingers through his dark brown hair.

  Cam sits back on his heels for a second, watching me writhe under Asher, and I can see his cock jutting out inside his sleep-pants. He slides one hand under the waistband, and my mouth drops open as I zero in on the outline of his fist pumping up and down as he jerks himself off inside the loose-fitting pants.

  I want to see more though. I want to see everything.

  As Asher moves his talented mouth to my other breast, sliding one hand slowly down my stomach, I reach toward Cam, making an inarticulate noise that may or may not sound like “gimme”.

  Whether or not that’s actually the word that comes out, he picks up on my meaning, and a panty-melting grin spreads across his face. Keeping one hand wrapped around his cock, he uses the other to work his pants down, letting me see the smooth motion of his fist as he jacks himself off.

  God, that’s so fucking good. Why is it so hot to watch him touch himself like that?

  As I’m pondering that question, the hand Asher sent south arrives at its destination, and when he slips two fingers inside me, I suddenly can’t remember what I was thinking about at all. The noise that falls from my lips is louder this time, and my hips roll against Asher’s fingers, inviting him deeper, pressing my clit against the heel of his hand.

  Still working his cock in slow, steady strokes, Cam leans down and kisses me, and oh, holy fucking fuck. The combination of Asher’s fingers and mouth and Cam’s kiss push me over the cliff of an orgasm I didn’t even see coming, and I free fall into perfect pleasure, crying out into Cam’s mouth as my body shudders and jerks. Neither of them stops, but as the waves of pleasure crest and then break, they slow their movements, giving me a chance to recover.

  Cam’s kisses become little pecks to my lips before he pulls back to grin down at me.

  “I definitely don’t feel cold anymore,” I breathe, my voice a little shaky.

  “No?” His smile widens. “I was gonna say—you look super hot.”

  I swat at his shoulder playfully, and he laughs as he drops onto his side on the bed next to me. Asher gives my nipple one last swipe with his tongue then looks up at both of us, sliding his fingers out of my swollen core. His pupils are dilated, making his deep green eyes look darker than usual, and the expression on his face makes my stomach clench.

  “Um…” I wrinkle my nose at him. “I can’t help but notice you’re still wearing pants. You’re way behind.”

  “Cam’s still got pants on,” he notes, sitting back on his heels and gazing down at me with a soft smile.

  Oh. He’s right. Cam only pushed them down far enough to free his cock—I’ll be honest, after that happened, I kinda stopped paying attention to the pants themselves. They were not priority number one, as they say.

  I shoot the burly blond man a narrow-eyed look. “Well, now, this just seems totally unfair. I’m the only one who’s naked?”

  He grins, and his pants are gone so fast I’d almost swear he has a disintegration ability instead of teleportation and magic absorption powers. When I look back at Asher, his shorts are gone too, and yeah, this is way better. They’re gorgeous men under any circumstances, but they’re hot as hell naked. The only things we all have left on are our magic repressing cuffs.

  Asher settles back to the bed on my other side, and I find myself sandwiched between their bodies again, lying on my back between them. Cam grabs the condom he pulled from the drawer earlier, tearing it open and rolling it on. Then he leans up on his elbow and kisses me deeply before urging me onto my side facing his friend. I follow his nudge willingly, not quite sure where this is going yet, but one hundred percent positive I’m on board.

  “Can you reach him, Sin?” he whispers in my ear. “Can you reach his cock?”

  Oh, God.

  A shiver races down my spine from Cam’s words alone, and I slide my hand down, wrapping it around Asher’s thick length. His eyelids droop, and his body seems to tense and relax at the same time. I glide my fist up and down a few times, but I need more lubrication, so I bring it back up and lick my palm before grabbing him again.

  He makes a satisfied noise, thrusting his hips lightly against my strokes, and I hear Cam take a sharp breath behind me. The blond man’s hand snakes around my waist, sliding down my stomach to play with my clit, and I arch my back, asking and offering in one gesture.

  That’s all the invitation Cam needs.

  I feel his broad head nudge at my entrance, and then his hips shift forward and he fills me completely. I let out a low moan, the rhythm of my hand breaking as my mind flies into a million pieces. All three of us are breathing heavily as Cam reaches down to hook my upper leg over his, spreading me open so he can get even deeper—and baring me completely to Asher.

  Asher’s dark green gaze flicks down, and the hungry look on his face nearly makes me come on the spot.

  “Fuck, Elle,” he breathes, thrusting harder into my grip. “You’re incredible. That’s so damn hot.”

  I release him for a second to wet my hand again, and when I wrap my fingers around him, Cam begins to slide in and out of me.

  His lips brush the shell of my ear, planting little kisses on the sensitive skin as he whispers, “What I do to you, you do to Asher, okay? We’ll see which one of us lasts longer.”

  I almost roll my eyes, because only Cam could find a way to turn a hot morning three-way into some kind of competition—but then he starts thrusting faster as his fingers find their way to my clit, and my eyes roll back in my head for an entirely d
ifferent reason.

  My hand on Asher’s cock picks up the pace too, and the dark-haired man before me lets out a rough groan. Okay, maybe this was actually a brilliant idea, Cam.

  I watch Asher, and Asher watches me, and every time Cam changes the rhythm of his thrusts, I change the movement of my hand.



  With a swirl of his hips at the end.

  Slow and deep.

  His fingers keep pulsing around my clit too, but every time I get close to coming, he changes the pattern again, keeping me just on the edge but not—quite—there.

  I take out my frustrated arousal on Asher’s cock, which he seems to have no complaints about. He finally tears his gaze away from the sight of Cam filling me and palms the back of my head, pulling me forward a little so he can kiss the hell out of me.

  Cam must like my body’s reaction to that, because his teasing control snaps, and he finally stops torturing all of us. My ass bounces against his pelvis as he thrusts in a hard, fast rhythm, circling his slippery fingers over my clit with an energy to match.

  I’m cursing into Asher’s mouth, stroking my hand over his thick length, kissing him hard, and clutching at his shoulder like I need an anchor.

  “Shit. Elle, I can’t—I—”

  Asher tears his lips away from mine, his expression almost pained as his cock thickens and pulses in my grip.

  “Oh, thank fuck,” Cam groans from behind me, slamming into me one last time and grinding his hips against my ass. At the same moment, ropes of cum spill from Asher’s cock, coating my stomach and hand, and the feel of both men losing control pushes me over the edge. My pussy clenches around Cam, and I do my best not to squeeze the life out of Asher as another orgasm rockets through me.


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