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Saving Margaret (Vegas Mates Series) (#2)

Page 5

by Krystal Shannan

  “Margaret,” her dad caught her gaze, “do you have anything the girls could change into that’s less…” He looked back at the sisters.

  “Bold?” She smiled.

  The Demakis girls usually dressed like they had stepped out of a fashion magazine. They had great style, but they didn’t know how to blend in to the crowd very well.

  Margaret set her tea on the coffee table and motioned for them to follow her.


  Scott pulled out his cell. This was going to be an interesting call for sure. He dialed his parent’s number and waited as it rang several times. A soft click and then he heard his mom’s voice.

  “Scott, honey, is that you?”

  “Hi, Ma. You and dad doing okay?”

  “We are great. How was the wedding, dear?”

  “It was beautiful. Sam seems like a great girl for Chase.”

  “Oh, good. I’m so glad he found his mate and a royal to boot. Although, there are rumors circulating about Peter Demakis. They may not be royals much longer.”

  I’ll be damned. How do they always know everything before they should?

  “They are good listeners.”

  He chuckled. “I guess I don’t have to fill you in on the situation here in Vegas then.”

  “You really need to get out of there as soon as possible, son. The Council is stepping into with a heavy hand,” his dad’s voice came through the line this time. “You don’t want to be in the line of fire when they strike.”

  Is this more serious than Taylor is letting on?

  “Probably,” his bear answered solemnly.

  “Dad, the Taylor alpha asked me to call. He needs a favor.”

  “Why would he ask a bear for help? What are you still doing there? The wedding is over.” His mom’s voice rattled on. “Shouldn’t you be on your way home?”

  “Yeah, about that. I found my mate,” Scott ventured.

  “Oh, son! That’s wonderful! I can’t wait to meet her!” his mom squealed.

  “In Vegas?” His dad’s voice was anything but encouraging and a complete letdown after his mom’s obvious excitement. “I didn’t think there were any bears living out there. It’s too hot. I always thought you were a little touched to keep an apartment.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “Just calling it like I see it. So who’s the lucky lady? Do we know the family?”

  “My mate is the Taylor alpha’s daughter, Margaret.”

  “She’s a wolf.” It was his mom this time. There was a long pause. He could hear both his parent’s long slow breaths. Then his mom finally broke the awkward silence with, “Are you sure, honey?”

  “Yes, Ma. I’m very sure.”

  “Well, she must be very special. I can’t wait to meet her, son,” she added. “Listen to your father though, you need to get out of Vegas with her as quickly as you can.”

  “Thanks, I will when I can, but right now I need to send you the three Demakis girls to hide. Peter Demakis was arrested today and we need to stash them where the Council won’t find them.”

  “Is the Taylor alpha there?” his dad asked.

  Scott held out the phone to Keith. He spoke with his father for about ten minutes before thanking his dad and handing the phone back.

  “Hey, Dad, I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Of course, son. Be careful.”

  He pressed the screen to hang up the line and glanced toward the stairway. The girls were making their way down into the foyer. All three Demakis females were dressed in various styles of jeans and old band t-shirts. Nicole had her hair up in a ponytail and the twins had braided theirs back. The runway perfect makeup had been removed and replaced by a fresh and very natural look. If he hadn’t just seen them a few minutes ago, he never would have believed the transformation.

  “Much better, ladies. Scott’s family has graciously agreed to house you until we get the situation under control. We need you to stay quiet and out of sight. The last thing we need is for the Council to get a hold of you and force our hand with your father and mother,” Keith said hurriedly. He tucked the cell phone he’d been texting on in his back pocket.

  The girls nodded and whispered words of thanks.

  “Maggie, I would really appreciate you driving them to the airport. I need to check in with the pack and get some updates on where they are holding Peter,” Keith continued. Then turned to Scott. “I’m leaving Margaret in your care tonight. There will be pack patrolling outside, but you are the only one inside the house with her.”

  “Of course.”

  Keith nodded, hugged Margaret, and left.

  Scott glanced at Margaret, who was fidgeting nervously in the doorway between the foyer and the kitchen. She’d been avoiding him all day long and looked mildly anxious about being alone with him for the rest of the night.

  “It’s time to figure out why our mate is so jumpy.”

  I agree.

  “I’ll see you guys later. Oh and Scott, she says she’s going to work tomorrow. So good luck with that.”

  “Maggie Michaels,” Margaret hissed.

  Maggie shrugged and ushered the three Demakis girls out the door.

  He waited for her to look up at him. When she finally did, he was surprised by the determination in her eyes.


  “My boss has been calling me all day today. I’m not losing my job because some damn Council creep wants to watch me sleep.”

  “Margaret.” He walked toward her and she took a step backward. Damn. “This is much more serious than your job.”

  Right then her tough-girl façade shattered.

  “I need to go to work. I’m going crazy staying cooped up in this house worrying about something that might not even happen. You can come with me. I just…I need to go.”

  Her eyes watered and a single tear ran down her cheek, slicing through his resolve as it fell.

  “We will figure this out together. I promise, Margaret.” He walked forward, pulling her into his arms before she could retreat again. To his relief, she snuggled closer into his embrace, instead of pushing him away.

  “Thank you for coming,” she murmured into his chest.

  He released her and cupped her face in his hands. “You are the most important thing in my life. I knew the moment I saw you at the wedding. I’ve never been more certain of anything.”

  “I feel the connection, too.” She sniffed a little. “I’m just scared.”

  “Of me?” Please say no. Please say no.

  “No, of leaving the pack. Of leaving my life behind.”

  “We will figure it out one step at a time, but right now I need to kiss you.”

  Her eyes widened and the scent of her arousal hit him hard, making him want to strip her right there on the living room floor. He leaned down and pressed his mouth over hers, reveling in the softness of her lips and her sweet taste. She tensed at first, but soon relaxed into the kiss and opened for his pleasure. Their tongues danced and he dropped one hand from her face and slid it down her side, pulling her closer by the waist until her body melded against his.

  Fire lit from deep within his soul. The bond flared between them and grew. She didn’t hold back and he could literally feel the exchange of power. The mate bond wouldn’t be permanent until they marked each other, but even now the strength of the pull was unbelievable. Her wolf was strong, just like her human personality, which he found sexy as hell. He’d never be happy with a simpering mate who always did what she was told. He kissed along her jaw line and down her creamy neck to her collarbone.

  Just one bite and she would be his. Just one.

  He nipped at her shoulder and she moaned. The sound was exquisite and his balls ached in response. He growled, lifting her from the floor as he claimed her mouth again. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he glanced around the room quickly to get his bearings. The stairs to her bedroom were just to his left.

  His lips settled on hers again and another growl rumbled deep in his chest. He
took a few steps toward the staircase, but stopped short and pressed her to the wall in the foyer. Her breasts were firm against his chest and her body flexed to adjust to his every move, melding into his form. She arched her back, another moan sliding from her aroused body. Her scent was driving him wild. His hands slipped beneath the hem of her shirt and he tore it away from her body as though it were mere tissue paper, dropping it to the floor at his feet.

  With renewed fervor his kissed the heaving tops of her breasts and began searching for the latch to release them from their silky enclosures. Her lips trailed along his neck and he shuddered in pleasure from the tiny nips of her teeth.

  Bite me…gods, just bite me, please.

  The bra clasp snapped open and a loud knock sounded at the front door. She tensed at the intrusion and he huffed a snort of disgust. She attempted to slip from his arms, but he held her in place easily with one hand.

  “Stay put,” he growled, tossing her bra over his shoulder.

  “But, Scott, the door—”

  He stomped to the front door, holding her tightly to his chest. Her hair covered most of her naked back, but it would be quite obvious to the intruder he’d made a mistake by knocking.

  Magick rippled across his vocal cords and he roared angrily as he swung open the door. “What the hell do you want?”

  A man and a woman stood on the porch holding a casserole dish. More pack.

  Freak’n wolves are everywhere!

  His bear laughed in the back of his mind and scolded him for being so unfriendly.

  The male’s face reddened, but the woman merely shrugged and held out the casserole dish.

  “I suppose now isn’t a good time to visit,” she said and winked. The corners of her mouth turned upward with a smirk.

  Margaret turned her head to peer outside.

  “Hi, Aunt Breena and Uncle Nathan.”

  “Hi, darling. I know you had a long day of emptying the fridge for the family, so I made you a little mac and cheese casserole.”

  Margaret’s aunt held out the large white bowl again and Scott took it from her with the hand that wasn’t splayed across her niece’s ass.

  “I’m sure you will be hungry later,” she added, giving him a once over and a grin.

  “Thanks Aunt Breena,” Margaret answered, squeezing her legs around his waist.

  “Oh, thank you,” he muttered, “Good night.”

  He stepped back and slammed the door in their face. They weren’t coming in this house if he had any say in it at all. Her house had been full of wolves from sun up to sun down and now they were trying to invade again. No!

  Laughter carried from outside on the porch. His mate pushed away from him and slithered out of his arms.

  “What was that?” she asked.

  He glared at her, standing there looking utterly divine—pert breasts, nipples pink and erect. A rosy flush blanketed her face and her brown eyes sparked with energy. Damn those wolves for ruining a perfect moment!

  “What was that?” He roared, his voice slowly changing back to a more human sound. “Your family is everywhere! All the time!”

  “It’s a pack! You overgrown ogre! What gives you the right to be mean to my family? Aunt Breena was just being nice.”

  Guilt washed over him like having a bucket of ice dumped on his head.

  “I’m sorry, Margaret. I just…” He ran his hands over his face and through his hair. “I wanted to spend some time with you…alone.” His teeth grated against each other and pain shot through his jaw.

  Her stern look softened. “I know, but this is how life is in a pack. They are always around and always have their nose in everyone’s business. We are very close-knit family. Of course, it’s going to try your nerves, but they are always there for me whenever I need them.”

  She brushed back a dark curl of hair from his forehead. Her fingertips just barely grazed him, but the light caress sent sparks across his skin.

  “They didn’t get to come to the meeting earlier today because they were volunteering at the homeless shelter,” she continued, “like they do every Sunday. I’m sure they were probably just stopping by to be sure there wasn’t something I needed.”

  He leaned back against the wall. Once again he’d managed to make himself look like an ass to her family. Embarrassed to even look at her, he stared at his feet. This evening was not progressing how he had envisioned only moments earlier.

  A giggle made him look up at her. She reached out and took the bowl of mac and cheese.


  “It was kind of hot, how you yelled at them for interrupting us. Plus, I’ll never forget how red my uncle’s face turned.”

  A sigh of relief slipped from his chest and he allowed his lips to curve into a small smile. Perhaps he hadn’t completely fucked this up.

  “I will warn you though,” she said, and grabbed a noodle from the top of the bowl. “Mmm, this is so good. I love Aunt Breena’s mac and cheese.” He followed her into the kitchen. “I want you to be prepared.”

  He slid into a barstool at the counter, mesmerized by her swaying breasts. She flitted about grabbing a couple of bowls and some glasses from various cabinets.

  “For what?” he said, managing to form a coherent thought. He’d been in the army for decades. Prepared was his middle name.

  She disappeared around the corner and came back wearing a skimpy purple tank top.

  “Hey, I was enjoying the view.”

  “So was the rest of the neighborhood, I’m sure,” she answered, pointing to the open blinds.

  He huffed and she grinned.

  “I love that little snort you make when you’re frustrated…anyway…you are the fresh meat on the block so to speak. So this incident with Uncle Nathan and Aunt Breena will be circulated quickly. Since you’re going to be family quite soon, according to my father, you will be subjected to the most common form of Taylor family torture.”

  “What?” He narrowed his gaze.

  “Teasing,” she answered with a smile.

  He snorted. “I can handle teasing, it’s the smothering sensation they induce that’s driving me up the wall…wait…family? You said I would be part of your family. Are you accepting me as your mate…completely?”

  Margaret nodded slowly. He stood from his chair and snatched her up from behind the counter. She squealed.

  “Wait, I’m hungry. Aunt Breena’s mac and cheese is calling to me.” A gurgling sound from her stomach echoed and he laughed, allowing her to slowly slide to the ground from his arms.

  “Well, I can’t have my mate starving, now can I?”

  She laughed, snatched a bowl off the counter and slipped around him, disappearing through the doorway to her living room.

  He took the other bowl and followed her. The sound of a basketball game echoed from the room and he smiled. He couldn’t be so lucky. She had accepted him as her mate and she wanted to watch sports on the television. What more could a guy ask for?

  He chuckled, slid onto the couch next to her, and put his feet up on the coffee table alongside hers. Maybe this evening was turning around after all.

  One bite later the doorbell rang.

  Fucking hell!

  She hopped up. “I’m sure it’s my cousins. Dad left them guarding the house.”

  “But,” he started.

  It was no use. She’d already hurried to the door and opened it. The scent of male werewolf flooded the house and his hackles stood on end until he heard her carefree giggle.

  “What’s up, Scott,” the young wolf, introduced earlier that day as Allan strolled into the living room. He was followed by another.

  He huffed and turned back to the game.

  Allan laughed and fell into a chair. “This is Kyle,” he offered, pointing to the second wolf. Kyle nodded and sunk into another chair across the room.

  “Boys if you are hungry, Kyle, your mom dropped off some mac and cheese,” she said.

  Both young men jumped up immediately and hurried to
the kitchen.

  She slipped back into her seat on the couch and cuddled next to him. Her scent calmed his strung-out nerves. Her soft curves teased him and the light citrus scent wafting from her hair threatened to drown out all logical thoughts.

  I wonder what they would do if I pulled her shirt off again? Do you think they would leave?

  “Them? Aren’t you forgetting her? Don’t you dare,” his bear snarled.

  She turned her head and he glanced over to meet her gaze. Her brown eyes swirled with golden sparks and her pupils dilated with desire for just a moment before she turned back to the basketball game.

  At least he wasn’t the only one feeling the pull.


  “Are you sure you need to be here?” Scott glanced around the crowded lobby of the Mirage. This was not ideal. There were too many variables.

  He had assured her father, mother, and a passel of cousins that he would be with her the whole day, but everything about her being at work with the Council sneaking around town had him on edge. They still were no closer to figuring out who had been outside her window, either.

  Last night had been miserable. The cousins had slept on the floor in the living room and he’d slept on her couch.

  Frustrated was the name of his mood today.

  “I’m fine. Everything has been fine all day.” She patted his arm and smiled up at him before walking away.

  His irritation all but melted away at the sight of that smile. Almost.

  She had a job to do. He could relate, but the overwhelming desire to throw her over his shoulder and hop a plane home sounded like a perfectly good tactical move right about now. He was a soldier. He just needed something to fight. Not knowing who or where the enemy could strike was the worst position to be in. Better to be holed up in familiar surroundings and fight on your own turf.

  Fine! Everything is not fine.

  He held in a growl and stared at the crowd milling around the casino floor. His military eye had scouted all possible exits and entrances when they’d first arrived. Cameras watched every inch of this place, but he wouldn’t have access to them if something happened to her.

  What really threw him off today was how many different breeds of shifter mingled together in this casino. It really would be difficult to track a particular wolf in this city. Throughout the afternoon and evening, he’d caught the scent of several lions, a few wolves, and a several breeds he’d never personally encountered before. On top of that, a group of vampires and a witch were sitting together in the front of the center restaurant.


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