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Bound by Darkness: The Alliance Series, Book 3

Page 11

by Davies, Brenda K.

  “What do you mean, that’s not going to happen?”

  “Unless you know where you were kept, then finding the others isn’t going to happen.”

  “Those Savages knocked me out before they took me from the stronghold,” she murmured. “I don’t remember anything until I woke in that place.”

  “And I was stripped of my possessions, blindfolded, placed in a trunk, and driven around for hours before being taken to Joseph. I know as much about where they are as you do. I might be able to get back to the hall we escaped from, but I’m not taking you anywhere near those bastards again, and I doubt any of them are still there. The minute they captured those hunters, there was no saving them.”

  “But I was saved.”

  When his golden gaze swung toward her, the steeliness of it stole her breath. His arms had been warm and tender when he held her, but there was nothing tender about the ruthless man sitting beside her.

  “Because I got lucky, and so did you,” he said. “Do you want to push your luck?”

  “They’re my friends, my family…”

  Her voice trailed off as she realized those hunters were as lost to her as the city of Atlantis, but she would grieve for them later, when she was alone and had time to give in to her emotions.

  “Why did you take me from there and not one of them?” she asked.

  Killean would not answer that question.

  Simone waited, but when his lips remained compressed together, she realized he still would not reveal his reasons to her. Stubborn, annoying vampire.

  “Will those hunters all become Savages?” she asked.

  “If Joseph has his way,” Killean replied.

  Killean swung the truck into the parking lot of a small motel with an open vacancy sign. He pulled into a parking spot before the white building with pale blue shutters and put the truck in park.

  “And are you a Savage?” Simone inquired.

  Killean studied the motel before replying, “I’m more one of them than I’m not.”

  He admitted it to her, and for the first time, he admitted it to himself.

  Simone was uncertain how to react to this admission. Maybe, as a normal vampire, he wasn’t her mortal enemy, like she’d been raised to believe vampires were. But as a Savage, he was certainly a monster she was supposed to hate.

  So why didn’t she hate him? And why did she believe he was far more than the brutal exterior and callous indifference he portrayed?

  She was probably a fool for believing he wasn’t as cruel as he sometimes acted, but she couldn’t shake the instinctual feeling she was right.

  “No matter what I am, I’ll get you back to your people,” Killean assured her.

  She almost asked why, but she’d only find herself smacking into another wall of stony silence from him.

  “Do you have any special abilities?” he asked, wondering if perhaps she possessed something that could help them out of this mess.


  “Yes, abilities. The abilities Kadence and Nathan possessed as hunters were amplified when they became vampires.”

  “Oh, ah… I didn’t know they had any kind of abilities.”

  “Now you do, so what about you? Do you have any special talents?”

  “Not unless you include sewing faster than everyone in my class.” Her smile slid away when he didn’t look at all amused by her poor attempt at humor. “No,” she said more seriously. “I didn’t have any abilities as a hunter, and I don’t now.”

  So, like humans and vampires, only a select few hunters had extrasensory abilities, Killean realized.

  “What can Nathan and Kadence do?” Simone asked.

  “Kadence can see pathways and knows things. Time slows for Nathan in a way that makes it easier for him to fight. Their powers can also combine to work together.”

  “Amazing,” she breathed. “Being twins has always made them rare amongst our kind, and this makes them even more special.”

  And it did nothing to help them. “We need a room,” Killean said.

  Before Simone could reply, he opened the door and climbed out. He walked in front of the truck and around to open her door. Clasping her elbow, he helped her from the vehicle and drew her close against his side.

  Killean studied the woods behind the building and the road they’d left as he scented the air. He didn’t detect any nearby threat, but he wasn’t willing to leave her alone out here. “Come on,” he said and drew her toward the office.

  * * *

  Simone perched on the edge of the king-sized bed while Killean shoved a chair under the doorknob. The blockade wouldn’t do much against a vampire trying to break in, but at least it was something. Each of his awkward movements was entirely unlike the fluid grace vampires and hunters possessed; there was something almost pained about him, but he would never reveal what it was to her.

  Simone tore her attention away from him and back to the small, austere room. Scratches marred the surface of the rickety wood bureau across from her. A small, box television sat on top of the bureau, but it remained off. She’d watched very little TV in her life and had no interest in it now.

  The wood panel walls held two pictures of mountains with streams, but one had a bear and the other a family of deer. The brown, industrial carpet didn’t have any tears in it, and she didn’t see a single speck of dust anywhere, but the color scheme made the room feel dreary.

  This was the only bed in the room and had been the only room available. She’d stood by Killean’s side and watched as he mesmerized the clerk into giving him the keys, forgetting what they looked like, and believing they paid enough to stay here for two days.

  She’d known vampires could do such a thing, but witnessing it was something else entirely. Then it had dawned on her that she could do such a thing now too; the realization unsettled her. A couple of weeks ago, she’d been one person, and now she was someone entirely different.

  Her head bowed as she stared at her clasped hands. Who and what was she now?

  Not knowing the answer to that was like plunging over a cliff, entirely terrifying yet strangely freeing. She hoped she discovered the answer before she hit bottom.

  After receiving the room key from the clerk, Killean gathered a stack of brochures from a rack beside the door in the office. Those glossy prints now sat beside her on the bed. Welcome to the Green Mountains was printed on more than a few of them, and as she flipped through the attractions, she realized they were in Vermont.

  “Would you like a shower?” Killean asked.

  Excitement shot through her before diminishing. “I don’t have any other clothes to put on.” And she didn’t see the point of showering only to throw her grubby dress back on.

  “There are bathrobes in the closet; you can wear one of those. We’ll get new clothes tomorrow.”

  The idea of wearing only a robe around him caused a blush to stain her cheeks; she’d never been so indecently dressed around a man before. However, the allure of a shower won out over her sense of modesty. Rising, she walked over to the closet, removed one of the two bathrobes within, strolled into the bathroom, and closed the door. She couldn’t wait to scrub the feel of that place off her.

  She turned the water as hot as she could stand it and undressed. Looking at her soiled underclothes made her cringe. She’d have to wear the dress again, but there was no way she could let those filthy things touch her body again.

  She tossed her underclothes into the trash and stepped beneath the pounding stream of water. She scrubbed at herself until her skin turned red and continued until it was raw. No hot water remained, yet she lingered until she couldn’t tolerate the cold anymore.

  Chapter Seventeen

  When she climbed from the shower, she felt more refreshed and cleaner, but she hadn’t succeeded in scrubbing away the memories of what the Savages did to her. With a sinking heart, she realized she would never be free of those memories, and she didn’t want to be. The hunters who remained there deserved for h
er to remember and to do what she could to stop it. What that was, she had no idea, but she wouldn’t let Joseph and those other bastards get away with destroying her kind.

  She may not have rid herself of the memories, but at least she smelled of soap instead of the rank body odor, garbage, and mildew aroma of that place. Standing before the steam-covered mirror, she worked the tangles from her hair with her fingers before wiping away the steam to inspect herself.

  Simone blinked at the image staring back at her. She hadn’t known what she expected to find in the glass, but discovering she looked the same caused her hand to tremble. She’d been through so much and she was no longer mortal, yet that was her pale skin, deep auburn hair, and though she’d been raised not to be conceited, she was aware many considered her pretty if not beautiful.

  There were minor differences, such as her cheekbones were more noticeable and she’d lost some weight, but she suspected those differences were more noticeable before she fed from Killean.

  Darn it, there was that blush again as the memory returned of his blood filling her mouth while she did things she’d never thought herself capable of doing to him. Refusing to delve into why she’d acted in such a way, she shoved the memory aside and turned away from the mirror. She picked up the robe, slid it on, and belted it around her waist.

  She was relieved to find that, with the belt tied, the thick robe was as modest as some of her dresses. Gripping the neck, she held it close together, and after opening the door, she kept one hand on the belt while she exited the bathroom. Killean sat at the foot of the bed with his elbows on his thighs. His dark brown hair stood on end as he ran his fingers through it and tugged at the strands in a way that must be painful.

  Sensing something explosive about him, Simone stopped in the doorway. “Are you okay?” she whispered.

  Killean couldn’t look at her; not after he’d spent the entire time she was in the shower fantasizing about what it would be like to join her. He’d lick every bead of water from her silken flesh before dipping his head between her thighs. Killean almost groaned when his cock stiffened at the image. He hoped she hadn’t left him any hot water. Shoving himself off the bed, he walked awkwardly toward the closet.

  “I’m fine,” he said. She edged out of the way when he approached, and her hand gripped the robe against her neck. He couldn’t stop himself from scowling at her. “I’m not going to attack you.”

  “I… I know,” she stammered. But did she?

  “I’m not going to try and see your breasts either,” he said and flicked a pointed glance at her white-knuckled grip on the robe.

  “I… I…” Simone’s voice trailed off; she had no idea how to respond to him. She should apologize, it was what she did after all, but before she could get the words out, he was speaking again.

  “Did they do something to you in there?” he demanded.

  Joseph had told Killean the hunters remained chained almost all the time and were off limits, but was that just for him? Joseph was the one who changed her, had he violated her at the same time?

  A haze of red shaded Killean’s vision at the possibility. She would never be his, but the idea of such a thing happening to her made his blood boil. No one should ever have to endure being violated, but especially not Simone, who was practically a babe in this world. He wanted to draw her into his arms and shelter her; at the same time, he itched to tear the life from something and batter it into a million pieces.

  “They did plenty to me in there,” Simone replied slowly, wary of his red eyes and the violence his tensed muscles, clenched jaw, and the throbbing vein in the center of his forehead radiated. “They chained me, they turned me into a vampire, they starved me, they—”

  “Did they rape you?” he interrupted sharply. When Simone’s heartbeat skyrocketed, he realized he’d better rein in his temper; he was scaring her.

  “I… uh…” Simone grappled to fit more pieces of her memory into place as she contemplated Killean’s question. She recalled Joseph forcing his blood on her and the agony of the change afterward. And when it was over, she’d woken to find herself chained with the others, but he hadn’t done anything else to her. “No, he didn’t.”

  “Did anyone molest you in any way?”

  “Other than what I’ve already stated?”


  Looking at him, she decided it was probably best to keep from him the time she tried to escape and the Savages who caught her fondled her breasts. She had no fear he would hurt her, but he looked ready to go on a rampage, and she had no idea what he would do to anyone he encountered.

  “No. They mostly left me alone.” It wasn’t entirely a lie, she’d said mostly. “Even when they took me to the bathroom, they would chain me in there and leave me alone.”

  Killean’s shoulders relaxed as some of his bloodlust eased. “Good. While you’re with me, you will never have to fear that I will try to rape you.” He’d already assured her of this, but it seemed she hadn’t believed him.

  “I didn’t think you would,” she admitted.

  He glanced pointedly at her hand on her throat again.

  “I’ve… I’ve never…” She despised this blush she couldn’t control. “It’s not because I think you’ll do something!” she blurted. “I’ve never been so scantily dressed around a man before.”

  “I assure you, Simone, you are more than properly covered. All I can see is your feet and your face; you don’t have to worry about exposing too much around me.”

  “Ah, yeah,” she muttered.

  “I’m going to leave the door to the bathroom cracked. If you hear anything unusual, scream, and I’ll be out here in an instant,” he told her.

  “I will,” Simone promised.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Killean didn’t fall asleep until after the sun rose and the risk of Savages being out lessened. Before lying down, he’d considered calling Ronan but decided to hold off. He may not have a lot to tell Ronan that could help in their fight against Joseph, but he had to share the info he did have. However, he wasn’t ready to face the disappointment and distrust he knew he would receive, and deserved, from his mentor and friend yet.

  Beside him, Simone had lain rigidly at the very edge of the bed. The covers were tucked up to her chin and only her face was exposed like she was a turtle. She’d remained that way until sleep claimed her an hour before sunrise. Then she’d relaxed enough for a hand to emerge over the covers.

  After she slept, he’d rolled over from staring at the ceiling to watch her. Her face relaxed in sleep, and her soft breaths exhaled over her luscious lips. He found himself thinking less about Joseph finding them and more about what it would be like to run his hands over her enticing curves. He fell asleep with those happy imaginings in mind.

  When he woke later in the day, he discovered his arm draped protectively around Simone’s waist and her back tucked against his chest. Her thick hair tickled his nose and lips as he inhaled the hotel shampoo and eucalyptus aroma she emitted. Somehow, his hand had slid beneath her robe to cup her breast, and her puckered nipple burned his palm.

  He’d never been so hard in his life, and her ass rubbing against his dick did not help. And then, the enticing scent of her blood hit him, and saliva filled his mouth. He longed to sink his fangs into her while he parted her thighs and buried himself inside her.

  She’s a hunter. But that reminder didn’t dim his lust. However, he’d promised her he wouldn’t do anything inappropriate with her, and he meant it. The lowest forms of life were the ones who took advantage of those weaker than them. He was about to pull his hand away when Simone shifted, so her breast filled his palm.

  It was then he realized she was awake. Killean froze as he waited for her to tell him to get away, but she didn’t speak as her breath came a little faster. Killean rubbed her nipple and relished the sensation of it hardening beneath his touch. Larger than his hand, her breast spilled over his palm while he caressed her.

  When Simone first wok
e to find his hand on her breast, she hadn’t known what to do, but she’d felt no apprehension. She’d only experienced a sense of rightness in his arms. She didn’t understand the feeling, but instead of pulling away from him, she’d remained where she was as she listened to his breathing while he slept.

  Then he’d awoken, and she’d barely contained her excitement when instead of pulling away, he continued to hold her. Her head spun as Killean’s touch seared her flesh. She shouldn’t allow this; she was meant to be a hunter bride. It was the role she’d been born and trained for, and hunter brides were only supposed to know the touch of their husbands. But how many hunters would take a vampire as their bride?

  Not many. Probably not any.

  And how many of them could set her on fire the way Killean did? Most of the time, she wasn’t sure she liked this man. He was angry, distant, and sometimes cruel, but something about him called to her in a way no other had. Her attraction to him had been strong and surprising as a hunter, but now it was almost consuming.

  Did vampires feel things more acutely than mortals, or was this something else entirely?

  She found herself not caring about the answer as the next stroke of his thumb electrified her body. That awful aching was back between her thighs, and she found herself squirming against the rigid evidence of his arousal pressing against her butt.

  When his hand slid from one breast to the other, Simone instinctively arched into his touch. Not only was the ache growing, but wetness spread between her legs when he leaned closer and his warm breath tickled her skin.

  Killean slid his tongue over her ear before drawing it between his teeth and nipping it. “You are a walking temptation.” Rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he tugged on it, and she moaned in response. “Do you like this, Simone?”

  Embarrassment clogged her throat at his titillating words; she had no idea how to respond to him.

  “Or do you like this more?”


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