The Shining Sea
Page 36
247The weather in early May at these latitudes: David G. Farragut, “Some Reminiscences of Early Life,” in Crawford, ed., Naval War of 1812, 3:757; Boston Gazette, July 14, 1814; Porter, Journal, 490–92.
249Meanwhile, the redoubtable Downes: Farragut, “Some Reminiscences of Early Life,” in Crawford, ed., Naval War of 1812, 3:757–58.
250The night was dark and squally: Farragut, Life of David Glasgow Farragut, 46–48.
251The Boston Gazette spoke for most of the country: Boston Gazette, July 11, 1814.
251Although Porter and Downes were reunited: Boston Gazette, July 25, 1814.
251He later wrote, “On my arrival”: Porter wrote this in the second edition of his Journal. It is found on p. 493 of the Naval Institute Press edition.
252Although Porter and his crew were enormously grateful: Members of Essex’s Crew to Captain David Porter, July 20, 1814, in Crawford, ed., Naval War of 1812, 3:369–70.
252Given the country’s widespread appreciation of his efforts: See Daughan, 1812, 353–59, 413–17.
Chapter Twenty-Two: Lieutenant Gamble at Nuku Hiva
255“The frigate had scarcely got clear of the Marquesas”: Gamble to Crowninshield, Aug. 28, 1814, in Crawford, ed., Naval War of 1812, 3:774.
255Porter had assumed that the Taiohae: Gamble to Porter, Aug. 30, 1815, in Abel Bowen, The Naval Monument, Containing Official and Other Accounts of All the Battles Fought Between the Navies of the United States and Great Britain During the Late War; and an Account of the War with Algiers (Boston: Cummings and Hilliard, 1816), 12.
256To underscore his determination: Ibid.
257“My attempt to pursue them”: Ibid.
257The deserters made their way to Santa Christiana: Gamble to Crowninshield, Aug. 28, 1815, in Crawford, ed., Naval War of 1812, 3:776.
258Midshipman Feltus had a different view: Journal of Midshipman William W. Feltus, May 7, 1814.
258When the mutineers were moving slowly out of the bay: Porter, Journal (1822 ed.), 519.
258Two days later, Gamble and his remaining men: Gamble to Crowninshield, Aug. 28, 1815, in Crawford, ed., Naval War of 1812, 3:777.
259To make matters worse, just six cartridges remained: Gamble to Porter, in Bowen, Naval Monument, 128; Gamble to Crowninshield, Aug. 28, 1815, in Crawford, ed., Naval War of 1812, 3:777.
259“In that state,” Gamble recorded: Gamble to Crowninshield, Aug. 28, 1814, in Crawford, ed., Naval War of 1812, 3:778.
259After struggling out of Taiohae Bay: Gamble to Porter, in Bowen, Naval Monument, 128.
260On May 30, Gamble came to anchor: Gamble to Crowninshield, Aug. 28, 1814, in Crawford, ed., Naval War of 1812, 3:778.
260Hawaiians supplied Gamble with fresh meat: The mutineers in the Seringapatam, in the meantime, succeeded in reaching Australia.
260Unfortunately, on the passage to the Big Island: Hillyar to Tucker, Aug. 14, 1814, in The Navy and South America, 1807–1823, 147.
260In spite of Gamble’s protestations: Gamble to Porter, in Bowen, Naval Monument, 128.
261Tucker departed Tahiti on August 2: Porter, Journal, 539–40.
261On October 18, 1814, the Cherub left: Gamble to Crowninshield, Aug. 28, 1815, in Crawford, ed., Naval War of 1812, 3:778.
Epilogue: Four Lives After the War
264Madison overlooked Porter’s failings: James D. Richardson, A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789–1897, 10 vols. (Washington, DC: Published by Authority of Congress, 1900), 1:549.
266His close friend Isaac Hull described him: Linda Maloney, Captain from Connecticut: The Life and Naval Times of Isaac Hull (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1986), 288.
266David Porter, to his credit: Daughan, 1812, 405–11.
268“the guilty perpetrators [are] made to feel”: Quoted in Jeremiah N. Reynolds, Voyage of the United States Frigate Potomac (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1835), 528.
268After a long, but uneventful trip, Downes: David F. Long, Gold Braid and Foreign Relations (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1988), 78–80 and 253–56.
269David Farragut loved the navy every bit: Farragut, Life of David Glasgow Farragut, 52–53.
271Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles said of Farragut: Gideon Welles, The Diary of Gideon Welles, vol. I (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1911), 230.
272“one of the hardest victories of my life”: quoted in Mahan, Farragut, 288.
272James Hillyar’s subsequent career: William R. O’Byrne, Naval Biographical Dictionary (London: J. Murray, 1849), 345–46; J.K. Laughton, “James Hillyar,” in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, H.G.C. Matthew and Brian Harrison, eds. (London: Oxford, 2004), 239–40; Piers Mackesy, The War in the Mediterranean, 1803–1810 (New York: Longmans, Green, 1957), 215–17.
274“a man of far more than ordinary talents, indefatigable”: Peabody Museum, BWC Papers: Rodgers to Crowninshield, Feb. 11 and 13, 1815, quoted in Maloney, Captain from Connecticut, 264.
276“associate with those who were led by men in power to inflict an unrighteous sentence”: Quoted in Long, Nothing Too Daring, 249.
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