crossing of line ceremony as tradition of, 60
desertion in, 148
in first War of 1812 cruise against USS Essex, 1–8
Irving (Washington) and, 37
money/gold carried by, 71
Napoleon and, 119
Porter (David, Jr.) and, 36
U.S. Navy vs., xi, 9, 13
See also names of HMS ships
Rum, 79, 81, 84, 209–210
in Pacific (during War of 1812), 93, 149, 163
Rodgers (John) and, 146
Watkins and, 133
Wilson (of Marquesas Islands) and, 188
Napoleon and, 10, 13, 79, 108, 113, 265
Pacific Northwest and, 168
Poinsett and, 111
Rynard, James, 163
Sabine, Sergeant-Major (of St. Catherine’s Island), 81, 82
Salem Frigate Committee, 50, 51
Salem Gazette, 50
Salmagundi, 37
San Martín, José de, 244–245, 267
Sandsbury, Richard, 258
Sandwich Islands, 260
Santiago (island), 66
Scurvy, 61, 63–65
Anson’s voyage and, 90
in early months of War of 1812, 72, 79
in Pacific (during War of 1812), 88, 96, 123, 140, 143
Seringapatam (British whaling ship), 154, 155, 157, 161–162, 163, 214
in Nuku Hiva, 255, 256, 257
Sever, James, 51–53
Sexual activity, 174, 179, 183–184, 189–190, 192, 196–197
Shaw, John R., 83
Shields, James, 129, 130
Ships, of U.S. Navy and Royal Navy, xi. See also names of HMS and USS ships
Shirreff, William H., 156
Shuttleworth, John, 142, 149
Smith, John, 23
Smith, Robert, 111
Smith, William (captain of Albatross), 210
Smith, William Sidney, 103
Somers, Richard, 23
Somes, L. T., 4–5
South America
Downes in, after War of 1812, 267
in early months of War of 1812, 80
Madison (James) and, 113
Poinsett and, 110, 112–114
Royal Navy and, 71
Spain and, 111
Washington (U.S. capital) and, 110–111
whaling and, 130
See also Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Latin America; Peru
South Carolina, 39
Southard, Samuel, 275–276
Spafford, James, 99, 100, 124
after War of 1812, 274–276
Britain and, 71, 82, 104, 107, 108, 112, 165, 168
Chile and, 98, 102, 103, 105–107, 108, 243–245, 261, 272
in early months of War of 1812, 85
in Pacific (during War of 1812), 101, 117, 124
Marquesas Islands and, 180
mutiny and, 177
Napoleon and, 98, 103–105, 107, 111
Pacific Northwest and, 168
Peru and, 124, 272
Pizarro of, 90
South America and, 111, 218
U.S. and, 113
St. Catharine’s Island, 76, 79–82, 84
St. Helena Island (in South Atlantic), 15, 53, 78, 83, 84, 148
St. Nicholas (island), 66
St. Salvador, 73–77
St. Sebastian Island, 76, 79–80
Staines, Sir Thomas, 224
Stanley, Martin, 258
Stavers, William, 154–155
Sterrett, Andrew, 21–22
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 172, 185
Stewart, Charles, 21, 23
Stoddert, Benjamin, 19, 52
Strangford (Viscount), 113
Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in Constantinople, 26
Sumatra, 268
Sumter, Thomas, Jr., 75, 112, 117, 150, 243, 261
Tahiti, 261
Taiohae Bay, 185–186
Taiohae Tribe, 187–197, 258–259
Taipi, 189, 195, 199–207
Talbot, Silas, xi, 21
Tamaha (Tahitian), 182, 216
Tangiers, 23
Tattoos, 192
Thames (in Canada), Battle of the, 151
Thomas, John, 258
Thompson, Smith, 274
Three-watch vs. two-watch system, 61
Treaty at Ghent, x, 264
Treaty of Amiens, 265
Treaty of Lircay (1814), 244
Treaty of Methuen (1703), 103
Tripoli (Tripolitan navy warship), 22
Tripoli (U.S. war with), xi, 12, 21–24, 27–35, 53, 54
Tropic of Cancer (crossing of line ceremony), 59–60
Truxtun, Thomas, 19, 20, 21–22, 24, 29, 61, 175, 177–178, 273
Tucker, Thomas, 80, 164, 222, 223, 229, 260–261
Tumbes (Peru), 145
Tunisia, 23, 27
Two-watch vs. three-watch system, 61
Typee (Melville), 189
U.S. Congress, 264, 269
Civil War and, 271, 272
declaration of war, 9
funding for War of 1812 and, 252
on building of warships, 49
U.S. Navy and, 49
U.S. Constitution, x, 13
U.S. Navy
at beginning of War of 1812, 13–14
British Royal Navy vs., xi, 9, 13
history of beginnings of, 12–13, 49
importance of role of, in War of 1812, x–xi
just before War of 1812, 14–15
Madison (James) and, 9–16
officer corps of, xi
reduction of, 21
See also names of USS ships
USS Adams, 47–48
USS Alliance, 50
USS Amphitheatre, 21
USS Argus, 23
USS Beagle, 275
USS Charlton, 155
USS Charon, 260, 261
USS Chesapeake, 22, 37–38, 158
USS Congress, 51–53, 54
USS Constellation, 21–22, 158, 175, 177–178, 273–274
USS Constitution (Old Ironsides), 14, 15, 167
assigned to Bainbridge (William), 15
Essex compared to, 51
in early months of War of 1812, 55, 69, 73, 76, 77–78, 79
in Quasi-War, 19–20, 21
in war with Tripoli, 23
USS Dolphin, 268
USS Eliza, 18
USS Enterprise, 21–22, 23, 35–36
USS Epervier, 266
USS Essex, 106–110, 113–117, 149–152, 166–170
after capture in Pacific, 235, 237, 239–240, 243, 247–248, 251, 252, 262, 263–264, 272–273
armaments of, 47–49, 85
as most famous voyage of War of 1812, xi–xii
assigned to Bainbridge (William), 15–16
at beginning of voyage to Pacific, 83–103
at beginning of War of 1812, 40–45, 55–68, 69–85
at Washington Navy Yard, 54
background of, 49–52
Bainbridge as skipper of, 26
capture of, in battle with British ships, 215–233
end for, 243
first cruise of, during War of 1812, 1–8, 15
first mission of, 51–52
HMS Alert and, 164
in Galapagos Islands, 128, 131–132, 134–143, 153–157, 161–164
in route to Peru, 120–125, 145–146
in route to/in Marquesas Islands, 172, 174, 178, 181–214
USS Experiment, 20, 21
USS Falmouth, 268
USS Friendship, 268
USS George Washington, 26
USS Guerierre, 267
USS Hartford, 271
USS Hornet, 15, 55, 69, 73, 76, 78, 82, 84, 167
USS Hunter, 78
USS Independence, 269
USS Java, 267
USS Macedonian, 267
USS Merrimack, 50
USS Montezuma, 25
USS Nautil
us, 23
USS New York, 22, 41, 54
USS Norfolk, 25–26
USS Pennsylvania Packet, 187
USS Philadelphia, 23, 24, 27–36, 49, 77, 118
USS Potomac, 267–268
USS President, 41, 51, 252
USS Raleigh, 17
USS Retaliation, 25–26
USS Shark, 270
USS Spark, 266
USS Spitfire, 266
USS Syren, 23
USS Tennessee, 272
USS Topaz, 96
USS Torch, 266
USS United States, 41, 51
USS Vixen, 23, 24, 27, 28
USS Washington, 269–270
USS Wasp, 42–43, 241–242
Valparaiso (Chile), 114, 167, 214, 261, 264
after War of 1812, 268–269
Downes and, 149–150, 152, 164
Porter (David, Jr.) in, 101–103, 106–110, 113–119, 215–233, 235–243
whaling and, 122, 130
Van Buren, Martin, 268, 277
Vancouver, George, 168
Venereal disease, 197
Vespucci, Amerigo, 72, 74, 96
Volcano, 143
Volontier (French ship), 25
Von Humbolt, Alexander, 105
Walker (U.S. whaling ship), 120–121, 122
War of 1812, importance of/issues that precipitated, 10
Warrington, Lewis, 275
Washington, George, 12–13, 29
during American Revolution, 263
during war with Tripoli, 23
Lear (Tobias) as private secretary to, 34
Sever (James) and, 51
Truxtun and, 19
U.S. Navy and, 49
Washington Navy Yard, 47, 54
Waters, John S., 115
Waters, Joseph, 50, 52
Watkins, Patrick, 133
Weaponry. See Armaments
Weir, Obadiah, 141–142, 143, 149
Welles, Gideon, 271
Wellesley, Sir Arthur, 107
Wellington, Duke of, 71, 107
West, Captain (of Walker), 120, 122
West Indian Squadron, 274–275
Whale fishery, 81–82
Whaling/whaling ships, 117, 122–123, 124
American, 130, 169–170
Britain and, 119–125, 129–133, 136–138, 140–144, 147–149, 153–155, 162, 168, 169–170
Galapagos Islands and, 128, 135–143
in South America, 144
Porter (David, Jr.) and, 250–251
See also names of individual whaling ships
White, Robert, 212, 257–258
Whitehall, 44, 166
Wilkinson, James, 40
Wilkinson, Philip, 176
Williams, Hugh, 178
Wilmer, James P., 4, 6, 8, 124, 137, 141, 233, 236
Wilson (of Marquesas Islands), 188, 258
Wilson, James, 124, 137, 147, 155, 156
Winship, Nathaniel, 260
Witter, John, 256
Women, of Polynesia/Marquesas
Islands, 172, 173, 178–179, 181–184, 189–193, 196–197
Woodbury, Levi, 269
Worth, Benjamin, 117, 122
Worth, William, 258, 259
Yeo, Sir James, 44, 45, 72, 73
Zambrano, Mateo del, 106
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