Book Read Free

Office Intrigue

Page 4

by Nicole Edwards

  “Well, I sure hope you’re right.” I stirred my drink with the skinny straw.

  “I am. You’ll do fine. Plus, I happen to know they liked you.”

  My head jerked toward her. “How do you know that?”

  “I talked to Landon.”

  Holy crap. So, she was more than merely an acquaintance if she had already spoken with him.

  “What? Did he call you and tell you about it?”

  Kristen shook her head. “Not exactly. We had…a meeting this afternoon.”

  I chuckled. “Right. For this club you’re in?”

  “Actually, yes.”

  I wasn’t sure if I should believe her. I couldn’t tell if she was just messing with me or not. I decided not to goad her into more details because, truthfully, I didn’t want to know. They had offered me the position and now it was my turn to prove myself. Kristen might’ve put in a good word, but I wanted them to keep me based on merit, not loyalty to one of their friends.

  “Fine. Whatever.” I giggled. “But they are hot. All four of them. I’m not sure how I’m going to keep from spontaneously combusting when they’re around.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll figure out how to…adapt.”



  I guess we’d soon find out.


  I WOULD ADMIT, I WAS proud of myself.

  It was 7:25 a.m. when I stepped out of the elevator the following morning. My first day on the job and I had arrived five minutes early. Not too shabby. Hopefully, that would go in the extra minutes bank and offset the day I came in five minutes late, because, let’s face it, it was bound to happen. My snooze button and I had a good thing going and I wasn’t looking to break up anytime soon.

  Not that it mattered, I realized as I glanced around the lobby.

  The lights were once again off. Since I was familiar with the place now, I headed over, hit the switch, and brought the room to life.

  With a confident air, I waltzed over to the desk, set my purse on it, then turned toward the coffeemaker. Before I could get three steps away, the elevator dinged and I peered over, plastering a huge smile on my face.

  “Ah, crap,” the man in the elevator muttered as he stepped off, swiping at his shirt and the apparent coffee stain he now had. His gaze instantly lifted as though he sensed me. A smile formed quickly and his eyes twinkled. “Good morning, doll. You must be Luciana.”

  “Luci,” I corrected, still smiling.

  This guy looked to be about my age. Certainly closer to twenty than thirty. I didn’t suspect he was an additional partner that I hadn’t met yesterday. He didn’t have the same imposing demeanor that the other men had. Plus, he was wearing a pair of khaki pants and a pink polo shirt instead of a suit.

  He wiped his hand on a napkin he was holding as he moved toward me. Pranced would probably be a better way to describe it.

  “So nice to meet you, honey.” He held out his hand. “I’m Jordan. The receptionist.”

  I shook his hand, but my smile faltered.



  He was the receptionist?

  Then who was I?

  When he released my hand, he moved to the desk and set his load down. A cup of coffee, croissant, and car keys. His blue eyes moved up to the clock on the wall.

  “Thank goodness. One minute to spare. And you already got the lights, so technically, I’m ahead of schedule.”

  I tried not to frown, but I was working really hard to figure out what was going on here.

  Jordan spun to face me, a huge grin plastered on his expressive features. His blond hair was styled perfectly. Not that sexy, mussed look that a lot of guys went for either. His was brushed to the side and he had bangs hanging over his forehead. His face was clean shaven, his eyebrows groomed better than mine, and not a single hair out of place. He was…pretty.

  “Congratulations on the new job,” he said kindly.

  “Uh…thank you?”

  “Did they show you your office?”

  “My what?” I was confused.

  “God, you’re cute. I can totally see why they hired you.” He chuckled, then took my hand. “You’re just lucky I’m gay or I’d be all up on you right now. However, my man would so not be into that, so you’re safe.”

  I laughed. Couldn’t help myself.

  “I’m loving the outfit, by the way. Very sexy yet professional. They’re going to love you.”

  I was completely overwhelmed by Jordan. He was cute, in a little-brother sort of way. Considering he wasn’t taller than me when I was wearing heels, he almost felt like he was my little brother.

  I liked him instantly.

  Plus, his smile was infectious.

  “Come on,” he said, tugging my hand. “Let’s get you situated. The bosses’ll be here any minute.”

  I snatched my purse from the desk—apparently his desk, not mine—and allowed him to drag me down the hall. My heels clicked on the tile, which sounded overly loud in the otherwise silent space.

  “This is the main conference room,” he noted as he released my hand to insert a key in the lock. It was the room I’d had my interview in. He turned it until it clicked, then pulled the key out.

  We were once again in motion, moving to more doors on the opposite side of the hall.

  “Restrooms are here; however, there are private restrooms in the back as well.” He did the same with both doors, men and women. We moved to the next door. “This is the break room.” Another lock was disengaged.

  All the locked doors explained why the elevator stopped on this floor without needing a key.

  Jordan paused momentarily so I could peek inside. The break room was as stylish as the rest of the place, with a stainless-steel refrigerator and several glass-topped tables with chairs neatly arranged around them. There was a coffeemaker and a tray full of snacks on the counter.

  The second I turned back, Jordan was once again tugging my hand.

  We came to a set of heavy, opaque-glass doors that had the name of the firm engraved on them. Once he unlocked them, Jordan pushed one open easily.

  “Back here are the bosses’ offices.” He didn’t stop when we passed the first closed door, or the second.

  I could see farther down that there were two additional doors and I could only assume those were offices too. Instead, Jordan took a right, down a wide hallway lined with gleaming white filing cabinets that split the four rooms right down the middle. There was no door here.

  “This, doll, is your office.”

  Technically, I didn’t think it could be called an office because it didn’t have a door. However, it did have an incredible view behind the glass-topped desk. There was a tall building directly across that blocked a portion of the view; however, to the right and left of the building, I could see almost all of downtown. The space was probably the size of my entire apartment, with a few potted plants, as well as four doors that faced my new desk.

  Based on the layout on the opposite side, I could only assume those four doors led to their individual offices. Interesting layout, two exits for each room.

  “You’ve got a phone, but it won’t ring unless I direct a call to you. It works to call out, though. Just dial nine to get an outside line. And if you need me, I’m one on the speed dial.”

  Before I knew what was happening, Jordan offered a chipper wave. “See you in a bit. Gotta get back up front so the bosses don’t get mad.” He lowered his voice a little. “I had to take off yesterday morning, and I know how they are when I ask for time off.”

  I wanted to ask how they were, but I didn’t. I didn’t intend to take any time off for a little while, so it really didn’t matter.

  “You might want to get coffee started,” he said in a singsong voice, tilting his chin toward a counter similar to the one in the lobby. “They all four drink it.”

  I nodded.

  I could do that.

  “Ta-ta for now.” Jordan turned and scurried down the ha
ll without a backward glance.

  Setting my purse on my desk, I peered around, taking it all in again. It was a beautiful space. One I certainly didn’t expect in an office building. Bright, airy, very modern with high-end fixtures. That seemed to be a theme here.

  I managed to pull myself together long enough to go to the coffeemaker. Within minutes I had it brewing into the stainless-steel carafe and I had nothing else to do. I was tempted to wander around, give myself a personal tour, but decided against it. According to Jordan, the bosses would be coming in soon and I didn’t want to be caught snooping.

  Instead, I moved to the window and stared out.

  This was definitely a place I could get used to.


  “Good morning, Luci,” a deep voice sounded from behind me a short time later.

  I pivoted to see Ben walking my way, looking just as handsome as he had yesterday. Today he was sporting a light gray suit. His tie was what I would call salmon, but to some it would simply be a pinkish-orange. Whatever the color, it did nice things to his dark complexion.

  “Good morning, Ben,” I greeted cheerfully.

  “I see Jordan showed you to your office.”

  “He did.”

  I stood there, unsure what I was supposed to do. I had yet to sit down, feeling slightly uncomfortable without anyone being here.

  Ben moved to the door closest to the windows on my left. I mentally noted where his office was and tried to tie it back on the opposite side. I was wondering if that other door was their way of sneaking out or in. It seemed strange to me, but I vowed I would eventually figure it out.

  “Come in,” he said with a wave. “I’ll give you a tour of my office.”

  With a smile, I ran my hands down my skirt and followed.

  I was momentarily speechless when I stepped inside the room.

  This was no ordinary office. Not like any that I’d seen anyway. For one, it was ridiculously large, far more space than a single person should need to handle their business during the day. Or at least to me it was. It was bright and airy like the rest of the place, but it was wholly masculine at the same time. More like an upscale apartment than an office. Thick, charcoal-gray carpet covered the floor, and two long, black leather couches sat on the far side of the room, facing one another.

  Off-centered on the left side of the spacious room was an oversized gunmetal-gray desk with a charcoal glass top. It was positioned to face the windows, which overlooked the city. On the wall behind the desk, there were matching metal bookshelves, but they weren’t filled with books. They were decorated with various framed certificates and what I could only assume were glass awards. To my left was the wall of windows, along with three black leather armchairs sitting directly in front of the desk.

  It was a very nice office, and it seemed to suit Ben perfectly. At least what I knew about him anyway. Which, come to think of it, I didn’t really know much of anything at all.

  “I’m usually the first one here.” Ben shot me a smile as he set his briefcase on the floor beside his desk before removing his suit jacket and placing it on a hanger. “Mr. Parker comes in early, too, but this morning he’s meeting with a client. Won’t arrive until closer to ten.”

  I wanted to ask him why he referred to Justin as Mr. Parker, but I saved that question for a later date.

  After hanging his jacket in a small closet beside another door, Ben turned to face me and I gave him my full attention.

  His eyes perused me from head to toe, then back again. It seemed every spot on my body that his gaze touched warmed a couple of degrees. I could only hope he approved of the outfit. I’d chosen a black, white, and gray sweater with a belted, short, gray pleated skirt, paired with black tights and my favorite lace-up, high-heeled boots. The boots gave me additional height and the tights helped to accentuate my legs, making them look longer than they were.

  Based on Ben’s lengthy stare, he approved.

  When his golden gaze lifted to mine again, he smiled. “You look very nice today.”

  “Thank you.” I had the overwhelming urge to put my hands behind my back and thrust out my chest to show that I did have boobs. They weren’t big by any stretch of the imagination, but I thought they could be considered perky.

  Not that I would. Thrust out my chest, that was.

  This was my job.

  Ben was my boss.

  And that would’ve been inappropriate.

  “Ben? You here already?”

  I turned as Landon stepped into the room, his eyes zeroing in on me instantly.

  “Good mornin’, Luci.”

  Have I mentioned that I loved his twang? Well, I did. It was sexy in that save-a-horse-ride-a-cowboy sort of way.

  “Good morning, Landon,” I greeted.

  His smile was warm when he met my eyes. “You can tell us apart?”

  I nodded. “But probably not if you weren’t wearing the glasses.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  As the two men stood there, I felt the need to ask a pressing question. “So, um, who will I be working for?”

  I glanced between Landon and Ben.

  Ben was the one to answer. “We’ll be sharing you.”

  The way he said that sent a ribbon of warmth curling low in my belly. I seriously doubted he meant it in a sexual way, but could you imagine? Being shared by the four hotties? Yum.

  Apparently, the session with my vibrator last night hadn’t taken the edge off.

  “Okay, then,” I said in agreement. “I shall be shared.” I smiled.

  I noticed a look that passed between Ben and Landon, but neither man said anything else on that subject.

  “Come on, I’ll show you my office,” Landon said before looking at Ben. “I’d like to talk to you when you get a minute.”

  Ben nodded. “Sure. Come see me when you’re finished with Luci.”

  There was a sexy smirk that curled the corner of Landon’s succulent mouth, but I pretended not to notice. Okay, clarification: my body didn’t pretend, but my brain did.

  I followed Landon past my desk, to the first door on the opposite side of the hallway that led to my space. I took him in from head to toe and briefly wondered if it was casual Friday. In an effort not to check out Landon’s superior ass, which happened to be hugged by a pair of distressed jeans today, I peered around the room the instant I stepped inside.

  Landon’s office was more along the rustic lines and slightly smaller than Ben’s. It didn’t have any windows in the space, so that could’ve easily made it feel smaller. There was a huge raw wood desk in the center of the room with matching bookshelves behind it. Unlike Ben’s, there were books on Landon’s shelves. Lots of books, all by various authors.

  “Are these people you represent?” I asked, waving my hand toward the shelves at the back of the room.

  I had done my homework after I got home from the bar last night. As tired as I was, my brain wouldn’t shut down and thanks to Kristen’s vague responses to all of my questions, my curiosity had been piqued. Wanting to know as much as possible about the company I would be working for, I’d pulled up the website and studied the information detailed on all four of my bosses.

  “They are.” Landon shifted, leaning one hip on his desk.

  I continued to take it all in, noting the two brown leather sofas near the wall on the right, the three matching chairs in front of the desk. Swiveling my head to the other side of the room, I noticed another sofa, this one facing a large flat-panel television mounted on the wall. Looked as though Landon spent a lot of time in his office.

  Realizing I hadn’t said anything for at least a couple of minutes, I turned back to Landon. “Is there anything I can get you? A cup of coffee?” I motioned toward my office space. “I made some.”

  “That would be great. Thank you.”

  “How do you take it?” I thought I deserved credit for thinking that far ahead.


  Well, that was easy.

sp; With a quick smile, I made my way back to the coffeemaker, pausing momentarily. I glanced over at Ben’s office, noticing the door was still open. Figuring I should offer him some as well, I headed over and peeked inside. “Can I get you a cup of coffee, sir?”

  “That would be great, Luci.”

  I proceeded to ask him how he took it, willed myself to remember the details as I nodded, before returning to do my first of what I hoped to be many tasks for these men.


  THE MORNING FLEW BY, WHICH surprised me since I walked in here with absolutely nothing to do. That quickly changed once I delivered coffee to Ben and Landon. Both men then proceeded to give me instructions on what they needed.

  After he gave me a brief overview of their computer system, Ben had me calling two companies who’d been entertaining the notion of hiring the firm. It was merely a follow-up to let them know Mr. Snowden looked forward to working with them.

  Turned out, Ben represented mostly tech companies within the state, Justin’s accounts consisted of new product developers all over the nation and he traveled a lot, and Landon and Langston focused solely on the publishing industry, which involved mostly telecommunication and video conferencing since their clients were all over the world.

  I also learned that though they appeared to be a four-man operation, they did have a significant number of people who worked for them, ranging from people who managed the accounts to those who managed the people.

  It didn’t take long to realize that they were a diverse group and their clients were, as well. My first lesson came when it became apparent that I had to handle the phone calls differently. When Landon asked me to follow up with two of his authors, nailing down their publishing schedule and getting details on an upcoming signing, I found that I was talking to their account managers, who were employed by the firm. When contacting Ben’s clients, I was dealing mostly with marketing managers within that specific company directly.

  The phone on my desk rang and I grabbed the receiver, putting an extra note of cheer in my greeting.

  “Hey, doll,” Jordan replied. “Would you like to go downstairs and grab a bite with me? There’s a fantastic sandwich shop in the main lobby.”


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