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Woven: Book One (Mystic Valley Shifters 1)

Page 6

by LC Taylor

  “Which one?” I realized my mistake as soon as the words left my mouth. “WHICH ONE? You mean there was another one…. spill Dylan NOW!”

  “Well, there’s not much to tell. Jensen kissed me at the lockers, then again at his car. He said he’d waited for me his whole life and I was the other half of his heart. His destiny or destined mate, or something…. whatever the hell that means, and then drove me home.”

  “Not much to tell? Girl, have you hit your head? EVERYONE was talking about the HOT kiss you shared with him at the lockers, and now you’re telling me there was a second one??” I could hear her smiling through the phone.

  “Ugg – can we not talk about it? I gotta think, I’m not feeling great. Carly, I want to go to sleep. This is all too much. I miss my mom, she would know what to do,” I was feeling lightheaded, and my head was throbbing.

  “Dylan, that boy likes you. It’s written all over his face, especially when he told off that bitch Megan. And then the kiss, I mean kisses – confirms I’m right,” she explained, “don’t second guess yourself. I can tell you like him, your mom and dad would want you happy. I think it is just what you need right now. You deserve happiness after everything you’ve been through.”

  She was right; my mom would smack me senseless if I screwed this up. I wish she was here; she would’ve loved Jensen.

  “All right Carly. I hear you. And you’re right; I like him – a lot. There is no denying the attraction we have. Destined mate – who says that kind of stuff? Look I’m exhausted and need to get sleep. I’ll see you in the morning – ok?”

  “Fine, but we will still talk about this, and your birthday – which I might add is this Friday,” she chuckled. “Fine. Whatever. I gotta go,” I sighed and hung up. She was right. My birthday was just three days away.

  I laid my phone on the kitchen counter and made my way upstairs. I barely made it into my room when I broke out into a sweat. I was scorching hot and suddenly drenched like I had just stepped into the shower clothed.

  “Man, it’s hot” I mumbled and moved to open my window, fresh air would help. As I opened it, dizziness racked my body. I braced myself against the window frame, resting my head against the cold glass taking deep breaths trying to ebb the dizziness. I’d never felt anything like this before, in fact, I’d never been sick – ever. Trying to make my way to the bed, I collapsed onto the floor. Shivering uncontrollably even though I was still sweating profusely and burning up.

  “Damn,” I’d left my phone downstairs on the kitchen counter, so calling someone was not a possibility. My head was splitting in two, even laying on the floor, it felt as though the room was spinning. I glanced towards my door contemplating if I should try and crawl downstairs for my phone – It sounded as though it was ringing. I pulled myself towards the door when the pain exploded like dynamite in my head. A bright flash of light blinded me, and my room went black.

  Chapter 15

  It was so dark, like being in the abyss. I felt like my entire body was on fire, with no way to douse the flames. My bones felt like they were breaking and reshaping repeatedly. A thousand tiny ants were dancing across my body, but couldn’t lift an arm to bat them away or move. The pain was unlike anything I’d ever experienced... I was trapped in a terrible nightmare that refused to set me free.

  “Dylan – Dylan! Jesus Christ, can you hear me?” I was being rolled around. “Damn it, Dylan. Open your eyes.” Jensen was in my dream, he was calling out, but I couldn’t find him, the darkness still consumed me. “Dylan, baby open your eyes. Damn it!” his warm breath brushed against my face.

  “Umm hum,” I moaned. I tried to crack them open, but my eyelids were glued shut. “Dylan, that’s it, you can do it – open them up,” aggravation ruled his tone. I assume he laid me down because it felt like I was momentarily floating – coming to rest on a bed of clouds. The faint sound of water running in the distance plagued my mind until I felt a wet towel being placed on my forehead. I blinked my eyes; it took a moment to focus on my surroundings.

  “Jensen,” I was delirious, how could he be in my room, “Jensen is that you? What – what are you doing here, what happened?” attempting to sit up, overcome with dizziness.

  “Whoa, hang on there. You gotta take it slow. Dylan, what just happened?” Jensen asked feeling my body over making sure I wasn’t hurt. “Jensen, you’re not making sense. How are you here and why are you touching me?” shrugging him off, confusion wrapped around me. One minute he was dropping me off and the next he was sitting on my bed.

  “Dylan, you were unconscious on the floor, covered in sweat and burning up,” he explained, “I tried calling you around 6, and a dozen more times after. And after several hours of still no answer, obviously, I freaked out. You promised to talk to me tonight, so I came over to see what was wrong. I had a bad feeling,” anxiety pulsating from his pores.

  “Wait, hours…what time is it?” I was delirious. “It’s around 1 in the morning. I came over, and you didn’t answer the door. Ah…. don’t be mad ok?” nothing made sense. “Mad? Why would I be mad? Wait… how were you able to get in my house? I don’t remember leaving the door unlocked...”

  Jensen looked down at the floor and shifted uncomfortably on his feet, “Um…. well, when you didn’t answer your phone or the door – I sort of forced my way in. Don’t worry; I’ll fix it. I had to get in and make sure you were ok. I was crazy with worry.”

  “Jensen…. I remember you dropping me off, I think I talked to Carly – and then I felt weird. I remember little after that,” my entire body was aching, “I had a strange dream, my body felt like it was breaking in two.

  ” I rubbed my hands down my arms, feeling a chill spread through my veins. “Dylan, you’re still burning up. I think you need a doctor,” he looked worried as he watched me. “No, I don’t need a doctor. My whole flipping body hurts. Maybe it’s just the flu,” I tried sitting up again.

  “Whoa, wait a second. Dylan lay back down. If you won’t go to a doctor, please let me call my mom, something's wrong with you. You’re so pale, you just don’t look right.” Jensen placed his hand on my forehead and then smoothed my hair back.

  “Jensen, I don’t think…” blackness consumed me again before I could tell him not to worry. The headache was blinding, and the pain in my body was just too much to take. I succumbed to the abyss once more, drifting off. The muffled sound of him calling my name in the distance, but I couldn’t respond, I felt like I was underwater. I stopped resisting the pull and gave in, this time my body stopped twisting, and the pain became a dull afterthought. Whatever was happening, I couldn’t fight it anymore; I just needed to sleep.

  Chapter 16

  The room was still covered in darkness when I was finally able to crack my eyes open. I was laying in my bed – uncertain of how I got there. I blinked my eyes several times, trying to make sense of what I was seeing in the darkness. Sitting in a chair next to my bed was Cassandra, I groaned as I tried to sit up.

  “Dylan,” Cassandra reassured me as she stood up and moved to sit on the edge of my bed. I sat up, pulling the covers around my body. I reached for the light, but Mrs. Wright beat me to it. “Mrs. Wright?” I looked around my room confused. “Dylan, sweetheart you’ve been unconscious… since Tuesday. You fainted, and I’ve been taking turns with Jensen, Kai, and Tessa – we’ve been watching over you. Do you remember what happened?” she felt my forehead and handed me a glass of water, “here drink this.”

  I took the glass from her and sipped; I vaguely remembered the blinding pain in my head, then nothing but blackness. Instinctively I reached up and felt my head, it no longer throbbed. My body, once feeling as though my bones were breaking and shifting, felt normal.

  “Kind of,” I mumbled, “Wait – you said I was out since Tuesday, what’s today?”

  “Look, you had a high fever and blacked out. We have been caring for you while monitoring your breathing,” she sighed, “It’s around eleven pm…. Friday.”

  “FRIDAY? Oh.
My. God! I’ve been unconscious for three days… Jesus, I should call Carly – she must be freaking out!” I swung my legs over the side of the bed and tried to stand, “Shit, I gotta go to the bathroom.”

  “Wait,” Cassandra grabbed my elbow, “don’t worry about Carly, Tessa called her and told her you were sick with the flu. She came by to see you when you were unconscious, but Tessa wouldn’t let her up to see you until we knew what was wrong. We promised to call her when you were better.”

  I was hit with a wave of dizziness, “Ugg – why am I dizzy?” I didn’t understand what was going on. “If this is what the flu feels like, it SUCKS – I’ve never been sick before in my life!”

  “Dylan, there’s a lot to talk about. Go to the bathroom first. I’ll call everyone and let them know you’re awake. Kai will bring some food; you must be hungry by now. That’s probably contributing to your dizziness,” she said. I hadn’t thought about food until she mentioned something. Hence my stomachs obnoxious sound effects, the food was a great idea. “Ok, food would be great, thank you,” I smiled.

  I made my way to the bathroom and shocked by my reflection as I stood in front of the mirror. “What the hell….” I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. It was me, but instead of looking like death warmed over, my hair and eyes appeared brighter. I should have been pale and washed out, but instead, I had a pink glow to my cheeks.

  “What the hell …” I touched my face to ensure I was awake and not dreaming. I hurried up and used the bathroom, then brushed my teeth. I splashed water on my face before opening the door. Jensen was sitting on my bed wringing his hands, worry etched on his face. “Hey,” glimpsing up at me, his frown transformed into a grin. “Hey. Thanks for... um, well you know,” looking at the floor lost for words. “Dylan, I am just glad you’re awake,” his relief washed over me.

  “Dylan,” Cassandra interrupted, “We need to talk with you about what happened.”

  “I have the flu and fainted, that’s what happened….” I caught the glance she and Jensen shared. Their somber expressions, without a doubt telling me something different. My chest tightened, and my breathing hitched, “Wait, what’s wrong with me? Why did you look at each other like that?”

  “Dylan, can you tell me about your parents?” Cassandra paused waiting for my response. “What do my parents have to do with me having the flu? Am I dying and they forgot to tell me?” I half joked glancing between them. “No, no – of course not,” Cassandra sighed “Mom, maybe now isn’t the time” Jensen shot her a glance.

  “How’s it not the time?” frustration threatening to bubble out of me. “Sit down Dylan. This may take a while” Cassandra patted the bed next to her. “Ok…” I drew the word out as moved to the spot next to her.

  “Dylan, did your parents ever tell you about this place, anything about growing up here? I mean did they talk about their family or the history that surrounds them, or us?” She asked.

  “You say us like you’re all part of a cult?”

  My emotions swirled somewhere between worry and confusion. Jensen sensed me tense up and moved to sit next to me. As soon as our hands made contact, an electric tingle ripped through my body. His touch ignited emotions inside me, his concern and the love he felt for me invaded my senses.

  I looked up at his face, his eyes letting me know I belonged to him. I could tell by his body language and the tenderness in his eyes, that he felt it too. “What was that? Why does that keep happening?” I asked breathlessly jerking my hand from his, “Jensen, what just happened between us. I know you felt that, don’t lie this time.”

  Leaning into me, he placed a kiss on my head, “That’s what it feels like when two souls are made for each other,” his eyes twinkled when he spoke. “Dylan, our soul knows when it finds the one it was meant to be with, and mine knows you belong to us. You’re my destined mate.”

  “FOUND. YOUR. WHAT?” looking into his eyes, I searched for an answer. “My Mate” he growled through clenched teeth like he was feeling my panic as I leaned away from him. Without thinking, I reached out and grabbed his hand, his body relaxed from my touch.

  “Jensen, slow down son, you’re overwhelming her.” Cassandra could see the distress and confusion etched on my face.

  “Wait, what is he talking about?” with a confused expression I stared at Cassandra. “Look, Dylan, I’m not sure why you weren’t told about your family’s history. Perhaps they intended to tell you before your transformation. I can assume their death prevented that from happening. Either way, what I am about to say will sound crazy. You must promise to listen with an open mind. Ok?” She gawped at me waiting for me to answer. “Yeah, an open mind. Got it. What does ‘my transformation’ mean?” This was sounding nuts, what is she talking about?

  Chapter 17

  “Dylan, you’re from a different kind of family. I wish I’d known you didn’t know, and the first day when we met, I should have told you….” she took a breath “I knew your mom and dad before they died. We grew up together, and our families oversaw our pack when the elders stepped down. Your dad was my husband’s beta, his second in command if you will. My husband was the pack's alpha, the leader.”

  “Alpha? Beta? Pack? Wait….” rubbing my brow, I squeezed my eyes closed in thought, “isn’t that an animal thing? Like wolves or something.?”

  “Yes. Just like that, Dylan, we’re Wolfen Shifters.”

  “Wolfen? Wait, like a Werewolf….” I rubbed my eyes more. Was this woman delusional?

  “Yes, but Werewolf is something the movies made up, we shift our forms anytime we want and not only during a full moon. We’re just as much human as a wolf.” Gaping at her, I found myself edging closer to Jensen. Her earnest expression told me she was telling the truth.

  “And I believe you’ve just gone through your first shift. It’s not uncommon for Wolfen to remain unconscious when their bodies change the first time.” She observed me, waiting for my response. “Are you saying I am a Wolfen…that…that I can turn into a wolf?” She looked into my eyes, “Yes.” It didn’t matter; I couldn’t find my voice to speak. Baffled I sat there.

  “Dylan, say something.” I twisted looking at Jensen, an immediate need to be close urged me into his lap. Jensen opened his arms as I crawled to him, pulling me firmly against his chest.

  “Wait, I can’t think like this” I pushed him back shaking my head. “So… you’re saying that my parents were Wolfen? How come I never saw them change? Why would they hide that from me?” I searched my memories, trying to recall seeing my parents turn into wolf – coming up empty.

  “And why in the hell do I have to be so close to you? Every time I move away from you, I feel this tug to go back. Like we're connected by some invisible thread,” trying to understand the constant need to be close to him, I looked from Jensen to Cassandra. “Because Dylan,” Jensen smiled, “You’re my mate.”

  “Yeah you said already, but what does that even mean?” I put my head in my hands and flopped on my back. “Dylan, this is a lot to take in at one time, maybe we should slow down. Give you time to digest what I just told you.”

  “I don’t care. Tell me what’s going on. Please,” I begged her. “Okay,” she took a breath, “what Jensen is saying, for lack of better words, is that you’re his soul mate and he is yours.”

  “WHAT,” I sucked in a breath. “Your mate Dylan – soul mate. But for Wolfen it is different. We all have one perfect complement and our souls recognizes them before our brains do. You can’t fight it, and you probably won’t want to,” she paused, grinning as she looked at me and then Jensen, “it’d be painful to resist your destined mate,”

  “So, let me get this straight,” I stood, “You’re saying, if it weren’t for this destined mate crap, Jensen wouldn’t have given me the time of day?” my heart deflating with every beat. It was the damn destined mate thing that had him interested in me... Why else would someone like Jensen fall for someone like me?

  “Dylan, you listen to me... The destined mate t
hing tells me you’re my soul mate. It doesn’t tell me to love you; I fell for you regardless of that…PLUS I fell in love with you before you changed,” he said, grabbing my hand placing a kiss on my knuckles.

  “How can you know,” I mumbled to him, looking down at my feet avoiding eye contact with him. He grabbed my chin forcing me to look in his eyes. “Dylan, I knew the night I found you on the trail, you were meant for me. Destined mate or not.” I couldn’t take my eyes off his.

  “I’ll be back; I need to see where Kai and Tessa went…. They’ll want to talk to you,” she left leaving us alone.

  Chapter 18

  “Jensen….” His lips covered mine before I could get out any more words. His tongue flicked across my bottom lip and into my mouth, his tongue moving against mine, fighting to prove the depth of his love. The fire nearly igniting me in flames, as a pulsing throb, deep down in my center, rocked my whole being. I pulled him tighter, our bodies melding into one. His desire evident as I thrust my hips into his hardened ridge, crying to be freed from his jeans. He pulled at my hair, moving from my lips to kiss the hollow of my neck.

  “Wow…” breathless I rested my forehead against his. Being with him felt natural, it made me feel safe. I leaned back and looked in his eyes, “God, why do I want you so much? I need you like I need air,” kissing him as if to prove my point.

  “Dylan I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you. I knew you were mine; I have for a while. Look, I know this is a lot to take in. I’m not going anywhere – I want you,” he pressed himself into me sending pulses through my core, “We’re all here to help you understand. Once things are explained, I plan to show you how much I want you... No, need you – I…. I love you, Dylan.”

  “But…. before anything happens between us, you should understand how everything works for Wolfen. You need to be sure what it means to be my mate. I need you to want me because YOU want me, not because destiny says you must. Tessa will be here soon, maybe she’ll explain everything better,” his fear of rejection was shown in his eyes, beneath that was his need for me to love him.


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