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Derek (Hunter PI & Security #1)

Page 27

by Sharon Cummin

  “I'll get him,” I said. “I do it every day.”

  I closed the trunk, got Gabe out of his seat, and grabbed his bag. I didn't make it halfway to the house before Derek came out and took Gabe out of my arms and grabbed the bag from my shoulder.

  “Doesn't matter,” he said. “I got him.”

  “Bossy,” I said sarcastically.

  “Can I open my present?” Jenny asked, before we even made it to the door.

  “You have to ask your dad,” I answered.

  The boss made her eat lunch before he'd let her open her gift. When she tore into the paper, she let out a gasp. With wide eyes, she turned to me.

  “Will you play with me?” she asked.

  “Of course,” I answered.

  She ripped off the rest of the paper, and I smiled.

  “As soon as your dad puts it together,” I said with a smile.

  “Get your tools, Daddy,” Jenny yelled out. “Bridget got me a dollhouse. You need to hurry. We have to play before she goes home.”

  Derek closed his eyes for a second. Then I saw the smile spread across his face.

  “I'll be right back,” he said, as he stood up and walked out of the room.

  We had cake while Derek worked. When he was done, Jenny was more excited than I'd ever seen her. Jean played with Gabe and we played dolls for three hours before I finally got up to leave. She'd even gotten Derek to sit down with us for a few minutes. I was pretty sure it wouldn't be so hard for her once I was gone. That man was putty in her hands.

  Derek carried Gabe and the bag out to my car. Once Gabe was securely in his seat, Derek closed his door and opened mine.

  “Thank you for today,” he said. “You made her day. Thanks for the dollhouse too. I'll be sure to pay you back for that. I have a feeling I'm going to start thinking my name is Ken before long.”

  “Don't flatter yourself,” I said. “Ken is one nice looking man.”

  I let out a laugh, and he shook his head.

  “How you doing?” I asked.

  “Okay,” he said. “Yesterday was pretty hard.”

  “Hopefully tomorrow will be better,” I said, as I got in my car and pulled the door shut.

  Jenny waved through the front door as I pulled out onto the road. It had been a great day. Seeing her so happy filled me with my own joy. She was a great little girl.

  The next morning, I got a small smile as Derek walked through the lobby. I knew his weekend had been rougher than he admitted. Gabby was gone to a meeting for the day, so I ordered lunch for Doug. Then I thought about Derek and wanted to try and make his day a bit brighter. So I grabbed my phone and sent him a text.

  Me: Getting lunch from the deli on the corner, what would you like?

  Derek: You're eating, I like that.

  Me: Don't be a smartass. Just tell me what you want.

  Being the smartass he was, he sent me a list of five different things. At least I thought he was being a smartass. I'd seen the man stuff a sandwich into his mouth in just four bites. I didn't want to embarrass myself by thinking he was joking to find out he wasn't, so I ordered exactly what he'd said.

  I left for a minute to run down and grab our food, which I'd had them bag separately since it was going to three different desks.

  When I walked into Doug's office, I walked over to his desk and set his bag down. He looked at my hand and then up at me.

  “Who's all that for?” he asked.

  I thought about what Derek had said about Doug knowing he was at the meetings. Then I thought about Derek's words about me making Doug and Gabby happy. When he asked who I'd gotten food for, I almost told him me, even though he would have known I was full of shit. There was no way I could eat everything I'd ordered. Why he was even asking, I had no idea. I watched him closely as I answered, hoping to see something by his reaction.

  “One bag is mine, and the other is for a friend,” I said.

  “Who?” he asked.

  Really, I thought to myself.

  “It's for Derek,” I answered honestly, and there it was. What crossed his face wasn't the most friendly look.

  “Oh,” he said. “I didn't realize the two of you were friends. Be careful.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked, feeling very defensive.

  Doug's phone rang, and I looked over at it.

  “You should probably get that,” I said. “I need to get back to my desk.”

  I turned around and left his office. When I got to the elevator, I pushed the button much harder than I should have. As soon as I got to Derek's company's office, I saw Drake.

  “Bridget,” he said.

  “Where's your brother?” I asked.

  His eyes widened as he quickly pointed down the hallway.

  “Thanks,” I said, as I walked by without another word.

  “Bridget,” I heard Taylor call out, but I kept walking.

  When I came to the door with Derek's name on it, I swung it open without even knocking. I walked right to his desk, set the bag down, turned, and walked right back out. I heard him yell out my name, but I didn't stop. It didn't take long before I felt his big hand on my arm and stopped. He turned me to face him, and the look in his eyes sent a shiver through my body. I pulled out of his grip as quickly as I could.

  “What the hell was that?” he asked roughly. “I was kidding about the food. I didn't think you'd really get it. Let me give you the money.”

  “I don't need your money,” I snapped, before turning away again. “I just need to get back to my desk. I tried to do something to be nice, and it bit me in the ass.”

  “Stop,” he snapped. “What's going on?”

  I turned back toward him and stood toe to toe with him. Of course I had to look up though.

  “I don't know what the deal is with you and Doug, but you two have lost your damn minds,” I said.

  “Please explain,” he said, looking totally confused.

  “I knew you had a rough weekend, so I was trying to be nice by getting you lunch. It's nice to see you thought it was a joke. Anyway, I took Doug his food, and he asked who the rest belonged to. When I said you, he told me to be careful. I have no idea why the fuck he'd warn me, but it pissed me off.”

  “You were getting Doug food?” he asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Exactly,” I said, as I shook my head some more. “Lost your minds. You know what, you were right? I'm tired of making everyone happy. I'm done.”

  That was it, I walked out of his office and went back to the safety of my own desk. As soon as five o'clock came, I was out of there. The only problem was that one of the two assholes I was trying to get away from lived in the same house as me and the other would be at the meeting I was getting ready to go to. I couldn't get away from them if I tried.

  Chapter 33


  I couldn't believe what had just happened. She'd asked if I wanted food, which I thought was a total joke. When I told her five different items, I thought she knew that. Then my office door swung open, a bag landed on my desk, and she was gone. There was nothing but attitude in that walk, or run actually. I called out and took off for her. When I offered to pay for the food I totally hadn't wanted, she snapped. Then she said something about me and Doug having something going on and some shit about us losing our minds. She was pissed, and I was completely lost. Then she said when she gave Doug his lunch, he told her to be careful when it came to me. What were the words out of my mouth? They should have been why was he warning you, or what the fuck does he care. Nope.

  “You were getting Doug food.”

  When she told me I was right, it should have felt good, but it didn't. She was pissed and hurt by what had happened.

  “I'm tired of making everyone happy. I'm done,” she'd said, and then she was gone.

  I knew better than to go after her. If I did, there would have been a scene she'd never forget, and I wasn't going to do that to her. It wasn't me she was making happy. She didn't give a shit about
that. It was Doug and Gabby she was talking about. Maybe she thought it was me too, but it wasn't. I didn't need anything from her or anyone else. I was happy just the way I was.

  The guys laughed and gave me shit as I walked back down the hallway back to my office.

  “That little thing sure has an attitude,” Drake said.

  “You going to take shit like that from a woman?” Brooks asked, trying not to laugh.

  “I didn't know she had it in her,” Walker added.

  The last thing I heard before my door slammed.

  “But they don't like each other,” Taylor said, with a laugh.

  I walked around my desk, sat down, and pulled out container after container of food.

  “How could she have thought I was serious?” I asked myself. “Did she really think I could eat all this?”

  Then it hit me, she'd walked right through that office without a single fear of any of my guys. That felt pretty good. I'd never want her to be afraid of them. Any one of them would have her back in a second.

  I grabbed a fork and started eating. There was no way I was going near her. She needed a bit of time to cool down, that I knew for sure. I sat playing the conversation, her side really, back in my mind. Doug told her to be careful with me. Why would he say that? What kind of guy did he think I was? Who the fuck was he to voice an opinion like that to her? I'd never done one damn thing to that guy. When he needed me to deal with Gabby's ex with him, I was right there. I stood in that lobby for days. Not once had I ever done anything for him to think bad of me.

  By the time I was done with one dish, I was on fire, more pissed than I could remember being in a very long time. I rounded my desk, swung my door open, and started down the hall.

  “You okay?” I heard Taylor ask, as he came flying out of his office.

  “That fucker warned her about me,” I snapped. “That's total bullshit. I've never done anything to him.”

  “You're talking about Doug?” he asked.

  “Of course I am,” I said, as I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. “I'm so pissed right now..”

  “Derek,” he snapped, when I took yet another step toward our front door. “Stop.”

  I stopped and turned back toward him.

  “What?” I barked out.

  “Think about what you're about to do,” he said. “You piss him off, you'll be looking for a new place to rent for this company, the one you've worked your ass off to build.”

  “I know that,” I shouted, feeling even more pissed than before.

  “Why do it then?” he asked.

  “Because he can't talk shit about me and get away with it. I've never done anything but help that asshole. I can't stand back while he trashes me for no good reason.”

  “Why do you care what he tells her?” Taylor asked.

  “What do you mean?” I asked. “It's bullshit.”

  “I know that,” he said. “But it's Bridget. What does it matter? It's not like she's some chick you're trying to get with.”

  “I'm not trying to get with her,” I snapped again.

  “Then one of us should,” I heard Brooks say from the background.

  “You do and you'll be looking for a fucking job,” I yelled toward the hallway, making sure his ass heard me. “She's a friend of mine, and I won't have that punk talking shit about me.”

  “Is it worth losing a client and possibly this office?” Taylor asked.

  I let out a growl, pulled open the door that would lead me into his Doug's world, and stepped out.

  “I can't believe you,” I heard Drake say from behind me.

  When I flew out of the elevator, I was on a mission. I didn't knock when I got to his office. I just barged in to find nobody. He wasn't there. I stepped back out through his doorway and looked around.

  “Hey,” I heard, as the elevator doors opened again. “You looking for Doug?”

  “Yeah,” I answered.

  “He's gone for the day,” the guy said.

  “When?” I asked.

  “About five minutes ago,” he replied. “Said he had a meeting. I know he has a meeting out of town tomorrow and Wednesday too. You might want to call him if it's important.”

  “Thanks,” I said, as I walked through the doors he was holding open for me.

  I stormed back into my office to find the guys going through the food Bridget had brought.

  “You told her you wanted all of this,” Drake said.

  “It was a joke. Take what you want. I don't feel like eating.”

  “Really?” Taylor asked. “I can't remember the last time something took your appetite.”

  “Screw you,” I said, as I pointed toward my door. “Get out of my office.”

  “Doug wasn't there,” Drake said.

  “Nope,” I replied.

  “That's probably a good thing,” he added.

  “His ass will be back Thursday,” I said. “I'll get him then.”

  “Derek,” Drake said in warning.

  “Don't bother,” I said. “I won't have him talking shit about me.”

  Bridget left at five, and I left right after. I wasn't sure she was going to show up to the meeting, but I was hoping she would. We needed to talk.

  I was sitting in my usual spot. When I heard her come in, I felt the damn tension dripping from her. She sat down but never turned to me. Then I heard her.

  “I don't get it,” she whispered. “He said he didn't know we were friends. If he knew you were here too, he didn't say anything.”

  “He does know I'm here,” I said, without looking at her.

  “It just doesn't make sense,” she said. “If he knows you're here, why not say something? I don't know. Why tell me to be careful?”

  “I'm pissed about that,” I said calmly. “We will be discussing that when his ass gets back Thursday.”

  “What?” she asked in a nervous tone, as she spun toward me in her chair. “What do you mean discuss it?”

  “Don't worry about it,” I said.

  “Do not tell me that,” she hissed.

  “I've never done anything to him,” I said, as I looked over at her. “I will not have him trashing me. He had no reason at all to tell you to be careful of me. I don't like that shit, Bridget. I'm not a bad guy. A little fucked up maybe, but I'm not someone to be warned against.”

  The meeting started before she could say anything else. As soon as it was over, she was on her feet and looking down at me.

  “Coffee?” she asked.

  “That's up to you,” I answered. “I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything.”

  “That's bullshit and you know it,” she said. “I can't tell you how pissed I was when he said that. I'll meet you down there. Hurry your ass up.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her and she smiled.

  “Move your ass,” I said, as I motioned for her to walk ahead of me.

  When she shook her ass, it took all I had not to laugh. It was the first bit of relief I'd felt since she'd stormed into my office with that huge bag of food. I pulled my hand back, and let it go. When I heard the smack, she jumped and grabbed her ass.

  “Fucker,” she hissed, but she didn't stop.

  “Hurry your ass up,” I said, as I headed toward my truck.

  She got into her car as fast as she could and took off. I let out a laugh and shook my head. Then I got into my truck and went after her.

  “You know I don't care, right?” she asked, as soon as I sat down.

  “Do you?” I asked.

  “No,” she said. “I've been around you long enough to know better. You're big, demanding, and cocky, but you're also so many other things. I'm not afraid of you.”

  I watched something wash over her features. I don't know how to explain it other than realization. Something happened for her when those words came out of her mouth. Her whole body relaxed. I actually saw it. It was the strangest thing.

  “You shouldn't be,” I said. “I'd never hurt you. I'm not that kind of guy. I also ca
n't let him get away with saying what he did, Bridget.”

  “Derek,” she said.

  “Don't bother,” I said. “It won't help. Seeing you come through my door like you did was something I can't deal with. You were upset and hurt. I don't like that shit. He shouldn't have made you feel that way.”

  She sat there looking at me. I was looking down at my cup, but I could feel her eyes on me.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Why what?”

  “Why does it matter?” she asked.

  “I don't know,” I answered honestly. “It just does.”

  “Derek,” she said my name again.

  “Stop,” I said. “I've already told you, I will be talking to him.”

  She shook her head.

  “You're so damn stubborn,” she said. “I've never met anyone like you.”

  “I'm not stubborn,” I said. “I just won't have someone making my friend feel that way.”

  I stressed the word friend. She'd said it earlier while she was in my office, so I knew it was safe.

  “Okay,” she said. “Have your pissing match. I won't try and stop you.”

  Her comment should have pissed me off, but it didn't. I knew damn well she was running away from the friend comment as fast as she could, and that was fine by me.

  When I got home, I checked for her text. She was home, so I could relax. I don't know what it was, but I had to know she was safe. I would have done that with any of my friends.

  The two days that followed seemed to drag like you wouldn't believe. I'd been working with the police department again, and even that wasn't keeping my mind off of her and talking to Doug. I hadn't slept in three nights. Every time I'd close my eyes, I'd see her standing there, in my office, looking like she was either going to lose her shit or burst into tears. Each time I saw it, I wanted to take those feelings away so she could be happy. I needed to get the damn conversation over with and move on so I could get back to my normal self and so I could get some sleep.

  I shot Doug and email that I needed to talk to him. His schedule would probably be pretty full since he'd been gone for two days, and I wanted to walk into that office when we had a few minutes to sort things out. When I finally got a text at noon telling me he was available, I headed for his office.


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