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Derek (Hunter PI & Security #1)

Page 43

by Sharon Cummin

  “That man loves you with every single piece of himself,” she answered. “The way he acts when it comes to you is something I've never seen. He met Jennifer in high school. His mom was awful, and he became one of us right away. He was a great kid, but he wasn't sure of his place in the world. He didn't know what he wanted to do with his future. We were his family. They were first loves, and they stayed together. He joined the military, and she stood by him. They were all each other ever knew. Does that make sense?”

  “Are you saying it was a love of convenience?” I asked, thinking about my relationship with Gabe.

  “Yes,” she answered. “They did love each other. I'm not saying they didn't. They just sort of latched on to each other, and it stuck. He knew he wanted to take care of her when they graduated, and the military was the only way he knew he could do that. She went between wherever they were at the time and where we were. Joe and I moved out here not long after Derek was moved. We figured we'd have to fly to see her, so we moved toward the heat. It was the perfect opportunity. She stayed with us a lot when he'd be gone for months at a time. He finally decided to leave so they could be together. Him being away was hard on her, and she'd finally let him know exactly how she'd felt. He loved his job, but he left for her. She found them a place by us and moved everything there before he was even back. I'm not sure he even wanted the house, but he did it for her. She'd been there for him, so he was being there for her. She was already pregnant. I could tell it wasn't easy for them when they started living together every moment. They'd never had the chance before. They'd gotten into a certain flow by the time she went into labor. Then she was gone.”

  “I'm so sorry,” I said, with tears running down my cheeks.

  “I miss her every day, but I see a lot of her in Jenny,” she said. “We sold our house and moved in with Derek right away. He was our son, and he needed us. Jenny needed us too. That man felt so much guilt for so long. He felt like she'd given her life for him, and he hadn't been able to return it. He felt bad that he hadn't been there enough. The guilt Derek carried was more than I could ever hold on my own shoulders. I have no idea how he did it. When he finally gave in and started going to the group, it helped him so much.”

  “You were the one that got him to go?” I asked.

  “I pushed a little,” she said. “He started his company, and I began to see little changes in him. He was a great dad the entire time. He just wasn't doing anything for him. When I heard he'd given someone that very same card I'd given him, I was shocked. Derek kept that stuff to himself. Once you started going, I noticed some major changes. He was getting home a little later on Mondays. Before long, I saw him smiling more than usual. He started talking more and was less broody. I could honestly see some of the stress he was always carrying leave his shoulders. It was a slow process, but I watched that guilt leave him. It was you.”

  “No,” I said. “That's not true. He was the one listening to me rattle on every Monday night. I barely ever got anything out of him. He was the one helping me.”

  “No,” she said. “You weren't the only one. He wouldn't talk to anyone about anything that had to do with Jennifer before you. You can think he was helping you, but you were helping him too. I knew every time the two of you argued too. He'd come home a bear.”

  “I'm sorry,” I said.

  “Don't be,” she said, as she shook my shoulders slightly. “He was feeling. That was so much better than what we'd had before. I could tell when he was worried about you too. When he screwed up, he knew it. I knew he had feelings for you, but he was fighting himself with everything he had. Those last two weeks, I knew it was love. That man was a mess. The big, tough guy had turned into a pile of mush when he was home. He'd sit around and sulk. It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. I know that man loves you. I honestly believe the love he has for you is so much different than the love he had for my daughter.”

  I opened my mouth to say something, but she hushed me.

  “Before you say anything, I know he loved her, but it wasn't the same, Bridget. What he has for you is so much stronger. I watched him lose her. I saw what happened to him. If he lost you, I'm not sure we'd ever get him back. I don't think he's trying to put his foot down like he's the boss. I honestly think it is totally and completely out of love and being afraid he'd lose you too. He's a smart man. He might be bossy and demanding, which is something I've never seen from him before, but he's no dummy. He knows what would happen to him if he lost you. I'm not sure he could recover, and I'm pretty sure he knows it. Please don't push him away right now. He watched a man point a gun at you yesterday. You need to remember that. I know enough about Derek to know that the thought of losing you was way too close for comfort only one day ago. You need to give him time. Please give him time. I don't know that I could deal with the Derek I'd have on my hands if you walked away again. Not to mention, I've kind of gotten a little close to you and Gabe too. You're family, and it needs to stay that way.”

  I didn't know what to say. I hadn't felt like family to anyone in a long time. Sure, Gabby was family, but sometimes I felt like it was her way of holding onto her brother more than it was being around me. Don't get me wrong, I loved Gabby. It was just that with Jean, it was different. Every single time I was around her, her caring attitude felt genuine. I honestly felt like she truly cared about me. If Derek wasn't home, I knew I could go over and sit with her hours and feel completely at home. I didn't, but I knew I could.

  “Thank you,” I said, as I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. “You have no idea how much that helped me.”

  “Go take care of our boy,” she said. “We need to get him home before Jenny drives me crazy asking about him. He was right, that house isn't anymore his than yours is yours. It will be nice for you two to find a place together.”

  I hugged her one more time before watching her get into her car and drive away. Then I walked slowly back into the hospital and took the elevator up to his floor.

  When I walked into his room and my eyes landed on the man sleeping soundly, I knew I couldn't walk away from him again. He saved my life. He'd put his own life on the line to keep me safe. If having a baby would scare him that much, than I'd let it go. We had Jenny and Gabe, and they were both amazing kids. We'd be a family of four, and I was okay with that.

  I walked over to his bed, sat down, and leaned back with my head next his. I took his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers. Then I closed my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

  When I heard the ding of my phone, it was dark out, so I knew hours had gone by. I got up quickly and grabbed it to turn the volume down so it wouldn't wake him up.

  Drake: Do you want me to come relieve you?

  Me: No! I'm staying right here.

  Drake: Let me know if you need anything. I'm glad you've both finally come to your senses.

  Me: Not funny, but I'm glad we have too.

  Drake: I'll be there in the morning with breakfast.

  Me: Thank you!

  I sat down on the chair next to his bed and watched him sleep. He was so quiet and vulnerable, not at all the way I was used to seeing him. He wasn't even awake, and I could tell he was in pain. His eyes opened just as a tear slid down my cheek, and I hurried to wipe it away.

  “I shouldn't have called you,” I said.

  “Come here,” he said.

  “I was just there,” I said.

  “Get your ass over here,” he said roughly.

  I walked over and sat back down next to him. Then I leaned back and rested my head on his shoulder.

  “Please don't ever say that again,” he said. “I was exactly who you should have called.”

  “I know,” I said. “It was your job. All of the guys reminded me that you're paid to protect that building.”

  “No,” he said. “It has nothing to do with that. I'm glad you called me. I wouldn't have trusted anyone else with your life. It was me that needed to be there, and you need to stop thinking anything diffe
rent than that.”

  “Does it bother you that he's dead?” I asked.

  “No,” he answered right away. “I've seen and done a lot over the years. I didn't want to kill him. It's not like that. Am I glad he's gone, yes. I'll never get the image of him pointing a gun at you out of my head. You're safe, and Gabby won't have to live in fear anymore. I didn't want to shoot him. It was a last resort, I had no other choice. Does it change the way you see me?”

  “No,” I answered honestly. “I just worry about you and can't imagine how it feels.”

  “Not good,” he said, “but I'd do again if I had to.”

  “I'm nothing like her,” I said, after a few quiet moments.

  “Who?” he asked.

  “Your wife,” I answered.

  “I don't want you to be,” he said, as he grabbed my hand and wrapped his big fingers around mine. “I love you for you. I'm nothing like Gabe. Would you want me to be?”

  “I don't know,” I said. “Your so damn bossy.”

  “Not funny,” he snapped.

  “Say it again,” I said.

  “Not funny,” he said, and I knew if I looked up at him, he'd have a grin on his face.

  “Not that,” I said.

  He grabbed my chin and looked into my eyes.

  “I love you for you,” he said.

  I moved up so I could kiss him, and when my mouth landed on his, I didn't want to stop.

  “You ready to be with me every day?” he asked. “Once you say yes, you can't take it back.”

  “I'm one hundred percent ready to be stuck with you every single day,” I answered.

  “Stuck,” he said with a growl. “You're just talking shit because you know I can barely move in this bed.”

  “Maybe,” I said.

  “You better think long and hard about that. I won't be like this forever.”

  “Oh,” I said,” I'm thinking long and hard alright.”

  “Don't do that shit to me unless you want to be riding my cock when a nurse or doctor walk in. I might be in pain, but that doesn't make me want to be inside of you any less.”

  I wrapped my arm around him. For a second, I thought about brushing my hand over his cock, but I knew him enough to know that he meant what he said, and the doctors and nurses came by way too often for that.

  “I can't wait to take care of you,” he said.

  “Neither can I,” I said with a laugh.

  “Seriously,” he hissed through clenched teeth.

  “You owe me for my breakfast and for Gabby's too,” I said. “Don't think I didn't notice that you bailed and left me to pay.”

  He let out a laugh and winced.

  “Cut it out,” I said.

  “Stop making me laugh,” he said.

  I closed my eyes and could hear his heart beating against my hand.

  “Bridget,” he said.

  “Hmmm,” was my reply.

  “About what I said earlier,” he began, but I cut him off. There was no way I wanted to cause him any more stress.

  “It's okay,” I said. “I get it. We have two perfect kids already, and I'm good with that. I love you, Derek.”

  “You wanted more kids, didn't you?” he asked.

  “I did,” I answered, “but I'll be fine. As long as I have you, I'm happy.”

  Was I really fine? I wasn't sure, but I knew eventually I would be. My man put his life on the line for me, and I loved him with every single bit of my heart. If not having another baby would put his mind at ease, then I would give him that. My man, I thought with a smile on my face. He was my man, and I knew I was going to make damn sure he always wanted to be.

  Chapter 49


  By Friday, I knew Bridget had to get home to Gabe. Believe me, I didn't want to let her out of my arms, but she had to get home to him. He hadn't seen her in three days, and while the staff at the hospital was good about allowing adults into my room, my daughter was the only child they would let in. That shit needed fixed. Gabe needed to be my son. I might have only said “I love you” two days before, but it was forever. There was no point in putting off what was definitely going to happen. I was going to marry my girl, so why wait?

  Drake showed up after work, and between the two of us, we'd been able to convince her to go home until Gabe was at least in bed. I missed her ass the second she walked out the door, but I didn't call her back. He needed to see his mom, and that was so much more important than me wanting her there with me.

  She'd come and gone all weekend, and I could tell she was extremely exhausted from all of the running. When Monday came, she dropped Gabe off and came to see me. Drake came by after work, and we sent her home for the night. He promised her that he wouldn't leave my side until she came back in the morning.

  Hours had gone by since she'd left. We were talking about the cases the company had already been working, plus the calls we'd gotten over the weekend, when there was a light knock on the door. I knew it wasn't Bridget, she would never have knocked, and she wasn't due to come back until morning. Jean had taken Jenny home earlier as well. As for the guys, those fuckers never knocked. Drake got up, walked over, and pulled the door open to find Stephanie on the other side. When she came over, I saw tears in her eyes.

  “Taylor told us what happened,” she said, as she leaned down to hug me.

  Her arms were wrapped around my neck when I saw movement at the door out of the corner of my eye. My woman was standing there, with her arms folded over her chest, her shoulders pulled back, and an unhappy look in her eyes. When I smiled, she narrowed her eyes at me.

  “Stephanie,” she said. “It's so great of you to visit.”

  I felt Stephanie's arms go stiff before letting go of my neck. She stood and turned to Bridget.

  “You should have called. Everyone is worried,” Stephanie said.

  “He's going to be fine,” Bridget said. “I'm assuming Taylor told you. Where is he? Is everyone else coming?”

  “I'm not sure,” Stephanie answered. “When I heard, I came right away.”

  “I bet you did,” Bridget said, and I had to bite my lip so hard to stop myself from laughing. “He scared the shit out of us, but he's going to be as good as new in no time. We'll be back at the meetings as soon as he's feeling strong enough.”

  Bridget walked over to my bed, moved in front of Stephanie, and sat down next to me.

  “Have a seat, Stephanie,” Bridget said, before looking over at Drake. “I'm here for the night if you want to go.”

  “You're supposed to be,” I began, but she cut me off quickly.

  “Right where I should be,” she whispered. “Would you like me to go?”

  “Not a chance,” I answered honestly.

  Drake had the biggest smile on his face when he got up.

  “I'll be back tomorrow right after work,” he said.

  “I can come and stay for part of the day,” Stephanie said.

  “That's okay,” Bridget replied. “I've got nothing else to do.”

  My hand was on the bed, and I reached over and pinched her. When she yelped and smacked my hand, I laughed.

  “I can't believe someone shot you,” Stephanie said. “What happened?”

  “He was doing his job,” Bridget answered roughly. Then she leaned over and wrapped her arm around me. “I'm really glad he did.”

  I felt that shit in my chest. It was the first time she hadn't blamed herself.

  “Why's that?” Stephanie asked.

  “Because he saved her life,” Taylor blurted out, as he walked into the room. “The fucker had a gun pointed right at her.”

  “Oh no,” Stephanie gasped, as her hand flew up and over her mouth. “I can't believe that.”

  She leaned forward, and her hand landed on my leg. I felt Bridget's grip on me tighten.

  “Yep,” Taylor said. “I'm kind of glad it happened.”

  “How could you be glad he got shot?” Stephanie snapped out, and her hold on me tightened.

“Those two have been playing with each other for months,” he said. “Him being shot knocked the stubborn right out of them. They finally used the L word.”

  Stephanie's eyes had gone even wider than they already were, and she sat silent.

  “Who are you looking for?” I heard a nurse ask from the hallway.

  “Derek,” came a reply.

  Bridget got up and walked toward the door, and the guy that liked her from the meeting walked in.

  “Bridget,” he said, as he hurried to her and wrapped his arms around her. “Are you okay?”

  “Why wouldn't she be?” I asked defensively.

  “Taylor told us that a guy had a gun pointed at her,” he answered.

  “I didn't stay long enough to hear that,” Stephanie said.

  “The fucker shot me,” Derek snapped.

  “I know,” the guy said. “You seem to be doing well.”

  Then he turned his attention right back to my woman.

  “I can't imagine how that felt, Bridget,” he said. “You must have been so scared.”

  She walked toward my bed and smiled down at me before turning her attention back to him.

  “I was more scared than I have ever been in my life,” she said.

  “What can I do to help?” he asked.

  If I could have gotten out of that bed, I would have let him know that she didn't need anything from him. I knew I was seeing red when I reached up, grabbed the back loop on her jeans, and pulled her down against me. It hurt when she landed, but that was a price I was willing to pay.

  “I've got it covered,” I snapped, feeling like a jealous kid in high school or a damn dog ready to mark its territory. “I turned the asshole's attention to me and got Bridget out of there safely.”

  “Your company does the buildings security, right?” the guy asked.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “How was it that you didn't know he was there in the first place?” the guy asked, and I heard Taylor make a snort sound.

  I moved to push myself up, but Bridget reached over and pushed me back.

  “You thought that shit was funny when Stephanie walked in,” she whispered. “Settle your ass down.”


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