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Derek (Hunter PI & Security #1)

Page 45

by Sharon Cummin

  “I want to go up and see the guys,” he said, blowing off what I'd just said. “You want to go with me, Sarah?”

  “Not funny, Derek,” Gabby snapped. “She'll stay right here.”

  It was nice to see Doug and Gabby getting along with Derek. I loved them all, so they needed to figure that shit out.

  “Come on, Woman,” he said to me. “I want you with me.”

  “We're not staying for hours,” I said. “You need to rest.”

  I hurried ahead of him and pushed the button for his floor.

  “I hear you,” he said. “I'll be hurrying home. If you're going back to work, I need to get my fill of you before you're gone all day.”

  “Seriously,” Doug snapped.

  “Really?” Derek asked with a laugh. “The guy who does his woman in his office is talking shit about me.”

  “Oh my,” Gabby yelped. “Please tell me there is not a camera in there.”

  “Gross,” Derek said, mock gagging. “No. I can't help that you are far from quiet, Gabby. I'm not the only one that knows. Every single person on your floor does.”

  “No,” Gabby gasped.

  “Derek,” Doug snapped. “Knock it off. Don't talk shit to my woman. You've never heard a damn thing.”

  “You're right, I haven't,” Derek said with a laugh before stepping in the elevator. “But I wasn't lying. She just gave it all away. Don't ever sit on anything in his office, baby.”

  “Derek,” Gabby yelled out. “I'm going to kick your ass.”

  “I'd like to see you try,” he yelled back, just before the doors closed completely.

  “You're so wrong,” I said. “I hope you know that.”

  “That shit was funny,” he said with a laugh and winced.

  “Karma,” I said.

  “Hush,” he groaned out.

  The guys were all happy to see him. They each came into his office to talk. Drake came in again and started talking about the cases they had, and I narrowed my eyes at my man.

  “I'm just talking,” he said.

  “Out,” I said to Drake. He shook his head and headed for the door. “Please close it on your way out.”

  The second his door closed, I shut the shades covering his window. Then I walked around his desk with the biggest smile on my face.

  “Bridget,” he hissed.

  “Yeah,” I said, as I turned his chair and dropped to my knees.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  I undid his belt and his jeans. Then I pulled them, along with his boxers, right to left until they'd come down just enough. When I wrapped my hand around his cock, he was staring down at me.

  “This is my office,” he said.

  “Yeah,” I replied.

  “One of them could walk through that door at any moment,” he said.

  “And,” I said, as I licked from the base of his shaft all the way to his tip.

  My tongue swirled around to collect the drip that had escaped him.

  “Fuck,” he hissed.

  “Should I stop?” I asked, as my mouth opened around him and began to take him in.

  “No,” he said sternly. “Please don't stop, baby.”

  I slowly took him into my mouth until he tapped the back of my throat. Then I sucked hard around him as I took him out and back in. His hand gripped my hair and he began guiding me over him. He moved slowly at first, but after a few minutes, he was moving me faster and faster.

  “Fuck,” he moaned.

  “Shhh,” I said from around him.

  “Suck it hard, baby,” he said.

  My hands gripped around his legs and I began taking him as deep as I could.

  “Bridget,” he said, as he pulled out of my mouth and got to his feet.

  Derek grabbed under my arms, pulled me to my feet, swung me around, and yanked my pants down. His hand gripped inside my panties and ripped them from me.

  “Need you,” he growled. “Can't wait, not one more second.”

  His hand pushed me down over his desk and held tight to the back of my neck.

  “Is this what you want?” he asked in a rough tone. “Do you want me to fuck you while your bent over my desk with your ass in the air?”

  “Hmmm,” I couldn't have gotten a word out if I'd wanted to, and I didn't want to.

  When his hand came down on my ass, I jumped.

  “Hang on, baby,” he said. “I need in.”

  He held my hip tight as he thrust into me so hard and deep that my chest slammed against his desk. My fingers gripped tight around the edges of the desk, and I held on. He pounded into me hard and deep. His grunts and my moans mixed together. I knew he had to be in pain, but I also knew he needed me just as much as I needed him. His hand came around and the second his fingers landed on my clit, I came so damn hard. He gripped my shoulder hard as he thrust forward and emptied himself into me. When I finally caught my breath, I stood up and pulled my pants up my shaking legs. I turned around to see his naked ass sitting in his chair.

  “Get your pants on,” I said in a nervous tone. “Do you think they heard us?”

  “Give me a second,” he said. “My chest feels like it's on fire. You're the one that said I need rest, yet you're the one that got down on your knees and blew me in my office.”

  “I was blowing you,” I said. “I don't recall telling you to get up and fuck me as hard as you could over your desk.”

  “Always wanted to do that shit,” he said. “Couldn't pass it up.”

  “You've always wanted to fuck someone while they were bent over your desk?” I asked.

  “I've always wanted to fuck you while you were bent over my desk,” he said, as he pointed to a camera pointed right at my desk in the lobby.

  “Derek,” I gasped. “You watched me.”

  “Every single day,” he said. “I watch the rest of the building too. It's just that you happen to be the main focal point of the building.”

  “It's a good thing I never got bored and touched myself,” I said with a laugh.

  “I wouldn't have been able to take that shit,” he said. “I would have been down there in a second.”

  “That's all I had to do,” I said. “You mean we could have skipped the whole back and forth thing? All I had to do my was touch myself, and you would have been mine. I wish I had known.”

  “Not funny,” he said. “The guys are in my office way too much for that. If they saw you, I would have kicked their asses.”

  “Come on,” I said, as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.

  I reached down and pulled his boxers and jeans up his legs. Then I did them and his belt up.

  “We need to get you home,” I said.

  When he walked out of his office, all of the guys were standing around Drake's desk.

  “Not a word from any of you,” I said.

  Derek burst into laughter right along with all of them.

  “You're all a bunch of punks,” I said, as I walked out of their office and to the elevator.

  The doors opened in the lobby, and Sarah looked up at me.

  “Whatever you do, don't get bored and touch yourself,” I said, and her eyes went wider than I'd ever seen them. “Unless you want Taylor's ass down here in seconds.”

  Her cheeks went from pink to red, and I laughed.

  “There's a camera pointed right at this desk. I just saw it,” I said. “They are everywhere, but there is definitely one right here. If you get bored, just flip them off.”

  “What are you telling her?” Derek asked, as he stepped out of the elevator. “Don't be giving away my secrets.”

  Sarah looked at Derek, and a smile covered her face.

  “You were kidding,” Sarah said.

  “Come on, Woman,” he said. “Take me home so I can rest.”

  He started for the door, and I looked back at Sarah with a smile. Then I looked up and flipped the camera off with both hands. I heard her burst into laughter, and I laughed too.

  “Quit messing aroun
d and get your ass moving,” Derek yelled back from over his shoulder.

  I shook my head and followed my man out to my car. He was a pain in my ass, but I loved him more than I ever thought I could.

  The first month went by pretty quickly, but I was growing more tired by the day. I was working full time, picking up Gabe, going over to Derek's, going home to put Gabe to bed, falling into bed, and then doing it all again. Monday nights were spent at the meetings followed by our cup of coffee. That hadn't changed. The days of the week were beginning to run together though, and I couldn't wait to have those keys in our hands.

  The lobby at work was changing a bit more each day. Gabby stayed true to her word, she'd walked in with me every single day. Each day, it got a little easier for both of us.

  The time came for Derek to go back to work. He was allowed to sit at his desk, but he couldn't drive and he couldn't look for cheaters or bad guys. That added one extra step to my day. I'd swing by and get him on the way to work. I also had to watch the man's every move. Why? Because he wasn't following orders. If that man lifted one more thing, I was going to have to beat his ass myself.

  He stayed in his office most of the time, and every so often, I'd look up and flip him off. Part of me wanted so badly to lift my shirt and flash my breasts his way, but I knew Drake had access to all of the footage. There was no way I wanted him seeing any part of me naked if he ever had to actually look for anything on the tapes. That would not end well for any of us.

  The second month seemed to go a little slower than the first. Derek was getting along great with Gabby and Doug. The two guys talked all the time. They were even messaging each other outside of work. Gabby seemed so happy, and we were talking all the time.

  The day had finally come, we were getting our keys. I'd asked Gabby to go to lunch with me, and she accepted. We sat in the diner on the corner and talked about the house I was buying with Derek and about the fact that she'd be able to walk around hers naked as well. I'd told her I couldn't wait to be in one house with him and the kids. There would be no more going back and forth, and I couldn't have been happier. She had the biggest smile on her face.

  “You're really okay with all of this?” I asked her.

  “I am,” she said. “I'm going to miss you so much. I plan to keep Gabe as much as you'll let me. You can just leave him if you want.”

  “That's not going to happen,” I said with a smile.

  “I figured you'd say that,” she said with a laugh. “I'm happy for you. Derek really is a great guy. He loves you so damn much. You can see it every single time he looks at you. I'm proud of you. You've done a great job of taking care of the baby and keeping it all together. I just hope that one day I can be as good of a mom as you are.”

  Her grin wasn't leaving. She was up to something, but I was honestly too tired to even think about it.

  “What are you looking forward to most?” she asked.

  “Honestly,” I said. “A nap and a few minutes to do absolutely nothing.”

  “What time are you getting the keys?” she asked.

  “Derek is getting them,” I said. “I wanted to go with him, but you know how he is. Once he gets something in his head, he doesn't stop until he gets his way. That was one argument I wasn't having, so I'm meeting him there at six.”

  “Go home,” she said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Go home and get some rest. I'll pick Gabe up and meet you at the house at six.”

  “You wouldn't mind?” I asked.

  “Not at all,” she said. “I've been waiting for months to see more than the outside of the house and pictures of the rest. I'll tell Derek you're leaving. When we get to the building, just get in your car and go.”

  “You're the best sister in the whole world,” I said. “I won't argue with you. I'm going home to do nothing.”

  “Just make sure you wake up to meet us,” she said with a laugh.

  “I will.”

  As soon as we got back, I took off. I was not about to do anything that would stop me from getting rest. When I got home, I grabbed the mail, threw theirs on the table, and took mine upstairs with me. I opened my planner and stuck the envelope with my cellphone bill inside. Then I put it back on my dresser and the threw the rest of the envelopes beside it. I got halfway to my bathroom and my feet stopped moving. I quickly turned around, walked back, grabbed my planner, and opened it back up. It was the thirtieth of the month. My eyes traveled upward to the big red circle drawn around the number five and my stomach dropped. It was the kind of drop you feel when you plummet from the highest hill on the roller coaster straight for the bottom. What the fuck, I thought? The red circle should have been colored in, but it wasn't. That was something I never missed. Why hadn't I colored it in? Because it never happened.

  “Shit!” I yelled so loud that the neighbors probably heard me, and our houses weren't even close.

  I ran down the stairs, grabbed my keys, purse, and phone, jumped in my car, and took off. When I walked back into the house, I ran back up the stairs, through my bedroom, and into my bathroom. My pants were down in seconds, and I ripped that box open, threw the papers from inside of it to the side, and grabbed out the only thing I needed. My hand was shaking so bad that I could barely hold the damn stick steady enough to get the job done. I stuck the cap on the end, set the stick down, finished my business, and then snatched it up again.

  “Come on,” I said, as if the damn thing could hear me. “Be negative. Be negative. Be negative.”

  Then it happened, the plus sign was there, brighter than the only other one I'd seen in my life. I walked into my room and fell down onto my bed as tears poured from my eyes. He was going to be pissed. He'd never forgive me. He was going to hate me. At the same time, I couldn't stop thinking about holding a little boy, looking exactly like his daddy, in my arms. Shit! Derek was almost back to normal, things were great, and we were in the middle of buying a house together. Actually, it was more like we'd already bought a house together. The faster the tears came, the more tired I was. Before I knew it, my eyes were closing.

  When I opened them again, I grabbed my phone, the one that had landed on my bed earlier in my rush to get to the bathroom, and looked at the time. It was almost six.

  “Fuck!” I yelled out. “What is wrong with me?”

  I ran to the bathroom, quickly brushed my teeth, grabbed the rest of the things scattered on my bed, and ran down the stairs and out to my car. When I looked down at my hand, I noticed the stick mixed in with everything else. How gross, right? I wasn't thinking straight. I hurried over to the house. I had to talk to him before Gabby showed up with Gabe. He was going to hate me, but he needed to know. I needed to tell him and then get the hell out of there before anyone else showed up. Derek didn't want kids with me, he'd told me that, and I'd told him I was fine with it. I couldn't even begin to imagine what he was going to think about me after he found out.

  I pulled into the driveway that was supposed to belong to our new home. His truck was there, and I'd never been so happy and scared at the same time. He was alone. I needed to hurry. With the stick in my hand, I hurried out of the car and up the perfect porch steps. My hand stopped just before I grabbed the knob on the door. What was going to happen, I wondered? Would he think I did it on purpose? Would he tell me to go? Would he still want me? Would he hate me? Tears began to slide down my already red cheeks. I couldn't lose him. I couldn't be without him. I tried to dry the tears. Then I took a breath as deep as I could, I grabbed the knob, I swung the door open, and I stepped into the house. That was when I saw him. His back was to me, and I completely lost it.

  The tears came faster than ever and deep sobs began coming from my chest. I was going to lose him, I knew I was. Never in my life had I ever felt as lost as I did in that moment.

  Chapter 51


  Everything was ready. It was going to be perfect. Gabby had gotten her out of the office, and I'd taken off to get the keys and get it al
l set up. Everyone else was meeting us at the house. By the time they walked through the door, we were going to be engaged. She was going to be mine, and I knew I would always fight for us and never let her go. We were going to be a family, and nothing was going to stand in the way. Nothing was going to ruin what I had planned.

  I'd gotten to the house and moved around quickly. The candles were lit. Rose petals filled the walkway from the entryway into the living room. The square box was deep in the pocket of my jeans. I could hear soft music playing. I wasn't normally romantic with Bridget. The woman did shit to my head. Each time she was even close to me, I felt so protective of her. The bossy and rough side I'd never had before seemed to find its way to the surface every single time she was there. I loved her, and she needed to know it. When she walked in that door, I wanted her to know that I'd never ever let her down, that I'd always be there, that she was so damn loved, and that we were in it together, forever.

  As each second ticked by, my mind messed with me. While I new exactly what I wanted, I was also freaking out inside. Our relationship had never been normal, not one thing about it had. The way we'd met, the meetings, the sex, and the moment I told her I loved her, it was all far from normal. We'd known each other for a long while, but I'd only put my heart out there two months before. I stood with my back to the door, looking at the sight in front of me, and I started to wonder if I was doing the right thing.

  While I knew where my head was, was hers in the same place? Was she ready for more than just living together? Was she ready to take that next step? Everything had been so crazy before. Would she want to relax and take it one day at a time, or was she ready to commit? What if it scared her? Would she run? Shit! Would she say no? Maybe it wasn't the right time. I looked around one last time and decided against the whole thing. Just as I went to take a step forward to clean everything up, the front door opened behind me, and I froze.

  The second I heard a sob, I turned around to face her, and my heart broke. I'd gotten my answer. She was going to run. I made the wrong decision. Fuck! She couldn't go. I couldn't lose her. That was when it hit me. I needed her more than I'd ever needed anyone in my life. The thought of her not being in it had me struggling to breathe. Get your shit together, I thought. You have to fix this. Tell her you'll wait. Don't let her go. You'll never make it if she walks out that door.


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