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Say You'll Be Mine

Page 11

by Megs Pritchard

  “My men are still in position and advised there has been no movement from inside.”

  “When we get there, we’ll assess the situation, and decide the best course of action. We are not rushing into this, you hear me, Jared?” Jared grunted, and Chester continued, “We need to remember that even though Jacques’ father is older, he’s still a vampire and will be quick and strong. Don’t forget that.”

  When they got there, the three trucks parked up and everyone got out, walking over to Deputy Roberts who was waiting for their arrival.

  “Update,” Silas demanded as he approached.

  “No change, Sheriff. Still no movement from inside. No one in or out.”

  “Right, let’s see our positions.”

  They gathered around the map and Miguel could see that Silas had trained his people well. The positions they were in covered the entire house.

  As they continued to discuss the situation, Miguel reached out to Jacques.

  We’re here. How’s everything in there?

  Sat at the kitchen table, drinking coffee.

  Miguel raised his eyebrows, glancing over at Jared. Drinking coffee?

  Yes. Sacha suggested it.

  Miguel mouthed “coffee” to Jared and Jared shrugged his shoulders lifting his hands up. “Was the best thing I could come up with. Sacha isn’t a fighter.”

  Miguel nodded. It looks like Jared suggested it.

  It was a great idea. Father’s now sat here lording it over us. He has Sacha serving him. Would you believe he’s actually telling me what his plans are for the future? He’s going to get his mansion back, his family back, and most importantly, his blood slaves. He doesn’t understand why we can’t keep them. He believes, as vampires, we should be able to do whatever we want, whenever we want, regardless of the human laws. Unbelievable. And to think I’m related to him.

  Not long now, Jacques. We’re outside, assessing the situation. As soon as we are ready, I’ll alert you.

  Okay. Let me know when, and I’ll find a reason to get Sacha out of the room.

  Don’t do anything that will endanger yourself.

  I won’t. Get ready and come save us.

  “How’s Sacha doing?” He asked Jared.

  “It took a lot of talking, but I think I’ve managed to calm him down now. That was why I suggested making some coffee to try keeping him busy and take his mind off what is happening.”

  “I just want to run in there and save them.”

  “So do I. And right after that I want to beat the shit out of Jacques’ father. How the fuck did he get out of council prisons? Or should the question be, who let him out?”

  Miguel grunted in agreement. “Yeah, I thought that to. Don’t worry, I’m sure between us, we can make him sing.”

  Jared gave a nasty grin.” Oh, I’ll make him sing all right. He put his hands on my mate. He’ll pay for that.”

  Jared went back over to the others and Miguel followed. It took around ten minutes to formulate a plan and split up into teams. When they got in place, Miguel told Jacques what was happening.

  Outside, ready to go. Get Sacha out of the room.

  He is trying to leave now. There was a pause, and then Jacques added, Right, he’s out.

  “Jacques just said Sacha’s out of the room.”

  “Right, let’s go.” Chester, crouched low, quickly jogged over to the side of the building, Miguel and Jared following.

  They moved into position outside the back door and waited for the signal. Chester nodded and stood. He stepped back and kicked the door in, and as soon as it burst open, Jared and Miguel charged into the room.

  Jacques and his father sat at the table. Jacques didn’t react at all, but his father stood up, shock and outrage on his face.

  “How dare-” he started.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Jared shouted and punched him in the face.

  Chester grabbed Jared. “Let’s not hurt the nice vampire. Etienne, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t give a fuck what his name is. He put his hands on my mate and I’m going to make him pay.”

  Miguel squatted next to Jacques, who sighed heavily. “Well, that was pretty anti-climatic.”

  Grinning, Miguel said, “Would you prefer me to come charging in, shooting bullets everywhere?”

  “It would have been nice. Oh well, the cunt doesn’t deserve it and why waste good bullets on him. He’s that rancid—the bullets would try to avoid hitting him, anyway.”

  Miguel caught a cartoon picture of bullets trying to stop, their faces screwed up in horror, and chuckled. “You’re right.”

  “Of course I am. I’ve lived with him for years and he sold me, remember?”

  “How could I forget?”

  Jacques stood up and walked over to Etienne who glared at him. Grabbing him by the shirt, he picked Etienne up and threw him across the room, all fifteen feet of it. Etienne hit the wall and slid down, landing in a heap on the floor.

  Jacques walked over and helped Etienne to his feet. Smiling, he kicked him in the balls. Etienne screamed and dropped to the floor where Jacques spat on him.

  Squatting next to him, Jacques said, “That’s for selling me.” He grabbed Etienne by his hair and smashed his head into the floor. “Oh, that’s for selling me too.”

  “Now, now, Jacques.” Chester pulled him away. “We really do need to talk to him.”

  “Yes, Etienne. Where are my brother and sister?”

  Etienne didn’t answer but curled up into a ball on the floor. “Pussy,” Jared muttered, kicking him in the ribs.

  “Jared.” Chester exclaimed.

  “What?” Jared threw his arms up in the air. “My foot slipped.”

  Chester gave him a mock glare, then chuckled. “I guess it did. How is Sacha?”

  “He’s being seen by the paramedics. I’m going to him now, but you know, my foot slipped on the way.”

  “Just keep your foot to yourself, yeah?”

  “Sure thing, Chester.” As he turned, Jared kicked Etienne again. “Oops.”

  Chester pointed to the door. “Jared. Go now.”

  Jared grinned and walked out of the kitchen. Miguel watched him through the window and saw him hug Sacha when he reached him.

  “So, what now?” Jacques asked from behind.

  “First, we get that piece of shit out of here, clean up, and then have a bath together.”

  Jacques’ arms wrapped around his waist from behind and Miguel leaned back into him. “I like that plan.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jacques lay on top of Miguel in the bath, eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the water and the relaxing presence of his mate. Of course, it had taken longer to get here than he would have liked, but here they were at last.

  Everyone had wanted to ask questions and have statements taken. Once Etienne had been removed, with another kick from Jared on the way, the crime scene people had turned up and did their thing while he answered question after question after question.

  Finally, after what felt like hours, he could relax here with his mate. He knew Sacha and Jared were in their room. Both he and Miguel had heard the sounds earlier and had smiled. That would be them soon, but first Jacques needed to enjoy the tranquility of this moment, with his mate.

  Seeing the gun pointed at Sacha’s head had scared the shit out of him, but when Sacha had offered coffee and Etienne had accepted, Jacques knew they’d be okay.

  Etienne was all bark and no bite. In fact, Jacques had been surprised he’d hit Sacha. That showed how desperate he was.

  Miguel’s hand wandered down his chest and abs and caressed his dick. Smiling, Jacques asked, “You want something?”

  “You,” Miguel whispered in his ear.

  Jacques turned in the bath, ignoring the water that splashed over the side. He reached behind Miguel, grabbing a bottle of body wash and passing it to Miguel.

  Leaning forward, he kissed Miguel deep and dirty. Pulling back, he muttered, “I want to be on top. I want you to
fuck me.”

  Miguel’s eyebrows shot up. “Really? I can wait until you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready and I won’t have them take this away from me. I love having sex.”

  “We can wait a little longer.”

  “No, Miguel. I want this with you. Help make all those bad memories go away. Replace them with you.” He whispered the last words against his lips.

  They kissed and caressed each other, enjoying the closeness. Miguel’s hands ran up and down Jacques back, grabbing his ass and pulling the cheeks apart.

  Jacques moaned deeply, enjoying the feeling of Miguel’s hands on his body, and struggled not to demand that Miguel fuck him then and there. But Miguel knew. The connection they shared told Miguel what Jacques wanted.

  His fingers ran up and down over Jacques hole, teasing him with what he wanted.

  “In me.”

  The tip of one finger tapped his hole then pushed in. Jacques gasped at the slight penetration, a shiver working through his body. He’d missed this. A man touching him, a man knowing what he wanted and Jacques letting him take it.

  “I’ll always take care of your needs,” Miguel muttered, kissing along his neck. “Always.”

  “Fuck me, Miguel. Don’t make me wait.”

  Miguel’s finger disappeared, and Jacques moaned in protest. That moan changed when two fingers pushed in and he groaned harshly.

  “Yes, like that.”

  Miguel worked his fingers in and out of Jacques hole until Jacques told him to stop. When he pulled them free, Jacques grabbed Miguel’s dick at the base and moved over it. He lowered until he felt the head on his hole and, biting his lip, he slowly sat down, not stopping until he was fully seated.

  He dropped his head forward, wincing at the brief pain he felt. Miguel’s hands rubbed his sides.


  Lifting his head, Jacques smiled. “I’m good.”

  He slid up and then eased back down, letting his body adjust to Miguel. Miguel wasn’t long, but he was thick, and it felt good to be stretched wide.

  He moved a few times until he finally found that spot. He cried out when Miguel’s dick rubbed his prostate and made sure to hit that spot every time.

  He wanted to go slow, but the way Miguel felt had Jacques moving faster. Soon, the water was splashing over the sides and both of them were groaning. It felt amazing to have Miguel fuck him, to finally feel comfortable enough to give that part of himself to his mate.

  Miguel’s hands gripped his sides and Jacques could feel his orgasm approaching. He leaned down and traced the thick vein in Miguel’s neck with his fangs.

  Just as his orgasm began, he bit Miguel. As his blood flowed, Miguel cried out, his body bowing with the intensity of his orgasm. Miguel’s orgasm rolled through him and their bond, shooting Jacques higher.

  Extracting his teeth, Jacques licked the wound, closing it, and he rested his forehead on Miguel’s. They lay like that for several minutes until Miguel said, “Maybe we should clean up while we’re in the bath, and get to bed.”

  “Hmm. Will you crawl there?”

  Miguel’s sharp intake of breath and the arousal flowing through their connection had Jacques smiling. Seemed like Miguel liked that idea.

  “Yes, I will.”

  “Let’s dry off so we can get dirty again.”

  Miguel smiled and leaned up for a kiss Jacques’s gladly gave him. His mate, his savior.



  Miguel laughed as he watched Silas arguing with Ale. Troy sat next to Miguel, shaking his head as he watched them.

  “He really needs to let it go.”

  “How long have you two been mated now?

  Troy grinned. “Almost a year now.”

  “And everything’s good now?”


  Miguel smiled at him. He looked good. The weight he’d lost had come back, and he looked healthy and happy with a glow to his skin. They fit, just like him and Jacques did.

  “How’s college?”

  “Passed all my exams. I’m going back next week but I’ll be coming home every weekend.”

  “Did Ale tell you he offered me some land?”

  Troy raised an eyebrow at him. “Who do you think gave him that idea? Jacques loves it there, and the land is close to Sacha and Jared’s place.”

  “You?” Miguel sat up and stared incredulously at Troy. He’d certainly grown up over the last few months.

  “Yeah, me. I understand the need he has to have a place where he feels safe.”

  Miguel closed his eyes. Of course, Troy would understand. “Troy-”

  “No, don’t. It’s over with and I have everything I’ve always wanted. And anyway, I need someone close to my age. It gets really boring when you lot start talking about your time in the service.” Troy stood and looked down at him. “Best go and save my mate.”

  Miguel watched him walk over and throw an arm over both Silas and Ale’s shoulders, and within seconds, they were laughing.

  Jacques walked up to him and Miguel spread his legs so he could stand in between them. “Hey, you.”

  Jacques bent down and kissed him deeply. “Hey.”

  “Love you.”

  “I know. I can feel it. I can always feel your love for me.”

  “I’ll always love you, Jacques. You’ll never know how happy you make me feel.”

  “Nowhere near as much as you make me feel.”

  “When can we leave?”

  “Whenever you want, Miguel.”

  They have a bathroom. Sacha and Jared use it frequently.

  Jacques gave him a saucy look. Do they? Let’s go.

  Miguel stood up and pulled Jacques behind him until they reached the bathroom. Miguel went to open the door when he heard a loud moan come from inside.

  “It’s in use,” Chester said. “Go home if you want to fuck. This house already sees far too much with those two.”

  Miguel grinned at Jacques who started laughing. Hugging him close, Miguel joined in.

  He finally had his mate and he couldn’t be happier. The wait had been worth it.

  The End

  Thank You

  Thanks for reading Say You’ll Be Mine and joining Jacques on his path to recovery. Miguel was so patient and caring and I was as happy as everyone else when they finally mated. You’ll be reading more about them in the upcoming books.

  I’d be grateful if you could leave a short review on Amazon. Your support really does make a difference and I read all the reviews personally so I can get your feedback and make this book even better.

  Book six is being edited and book seven is written.

  I can’t wait for you all to read these books!

  Thanks again for your support and if you want more information or sneak peeks, join my Facebook group and sign up for my newsletter.



  About the Author

  Megs Pritchard lives in England and is a mother to two small boys. When she isn’t working or being mummy, she is busy writing about complex characters that know the harsh realities of life but want a HEA.

  A lover of M/M and M/F romances she believes everyone deserves to be happy, healthy and loved.

  Growing up in a military family, Megs has travelled Europe and has a great deal of respect and gratitude for all the men and women who have and who still serve. Her dream job was to be a Bomb Disposal Expert and even had her own ‘kit’ when she was younger.

  She is currently working on two MM series: Rescue Inc., and Falling in Love and MF series, Evolution.

  Books by Megs Pritchard

  Valentine’s Surprise - Standalone Novella

  Growing Pains - Standalone Novella

  Crossing Desires Series:



  Terrible Twos - Standalone Novel

  Second Chances S

  Take A Chance

  New Beginnings

  The Bonds Within

  Breaking Free

  Rescue Inc Series

  Mate of Mine

  Forever Mine

  Mine to Protect

  Mine to Keep

  Say You’ll Be Mine

  Contact Information

  You can learn more about Megs’ writing at:




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