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The Doctor's Duties

Page 8

by Cariad Hal

Chapter 18

  “Listen carefully.” He paused, waiting to broach his advice. “I want you to accept a spanking.” He watched and waited for her answer.

  She stared at him incredulously, her eyes wide. “What? Are you serious? You can’t be serious! That’s ridiculous. Since when has spanking been a treatment?”

  “In this field of medicine, since its benefits in certain cases became apparent with desirable outcomes for patient and practitioner.”

  She scoffed. “Yes, I bet. And what possible benefits are there? For the patient, that is. Pretty obvious what a slightly subversive medic would get out of it.”

  “So cynical, Thea. I would not suggest it if I did not think you or any other patient would benefit from it. From the practitioner’s point of view, the benefits are improvements in a patient’s wellbeing.”

  She shook her head. “I still don’t see it. How can inflicted pain help anybody?”

  “Many medical procedures are painful. But still beneficial. You have to agree.”

  Her turn to ignore him. “How can a spanking help anyone with a sexual problem? Pain never helps anything, at least not unnecessary pain.”

  “On the contrary. And not just sexual problems. A correctly administered spanking is a great stress reliever and allows a patient to drop her—or his—guard and recognize their vulnerability. When reconnected with their vulnerability, they can open up and rebuild their confidence. A gateway to an enhanced sexual and sensual element to their lives, whereby they can live more fully, more rounded, more freely.”

  His words charged around her brain. He always sounded so reasonable and so convincing. But spanking? That was madness.

  “Why would anyone willingly want to feel vulnerable? It doesn’t make sense,” she persisted.

  “Everybody has a degree of vulnerability within them. And most people hide it. Whereas the actual vulnerability is not the problem, hiding it is for many people. They protect themselves against revealing it, even to themselves. Denying it or suppressing it can become a real issue instead of embracing it, managing it, and using it rather as a force for freedom.”

  He gave her some time to digest what he had said, watching her intently again. “You are one such person.”

  “You hardly know me…”

  “You forget I am an expert in this field. I know what I see in patients. I also recognize that it can take time for some individuals to understand it within themselves.” He paused again. She said nothing so he continued. “I don’t expect you to reveal yourself fully, Thea. At least not at this stage. It is likely you do not even understand yourself fully yet.”

  He was right there, she thought. “And how is spanking me going to help that?” she retorted.

  “Spanking as a therapy has to be done with care and understanding by a practitioner who cares…”

  “You care about me?” she interrupted.

  “Of course. Why would I spend my time treating you if I did not care?”

  “I don’t know…” she said, confused. “Some sort of sexual perversion, some sort of sexual exercise…”

  “Well, to some degree I can agree with you, in that any sex therapy will eventually, as its conclusion, involve aspects of sex. We know that you are endowed with a large clitoris, which nature has gifted you to be used and enjoy…”

  “How? I mean, how and what are ‘aspects of sex’?”

  “It is done slowly and progressively and varies with individuals and is introduced when indicated by therapy.”

  “And who does that? Presumably it is done by or with someone?”

  He nodded. “Correct. Generally, I have specific staff who do this but, in your case, as you are a colleague, I shall conduct all aspects of your treatment. Now, as you have acknowledged you seem to have a problem which is impacting on your wellbeing, are you happy to continue on the program?”

  She tried to calm her thoughts as her mind jangled with mixed messages. “But… spanking?”

  “It is the first step,” he insisted.

  Was this for real? Why was she even thinking of accepting this? Ultimately, the only way she could do it was if she trusted him. He knew her body so well—inside and out—touching her to respond with deep, shattering sensuality that was releasing and addictive, even though she could never have him. Was it possible that he was right about spanking? Was he ever wrong?

  He was waiting for her answer. “Well, Thea, do you agree to proceed with this?”

  She looked nervously down at her hands. Then slowly she nodded. “All right. I’ll do it. But can I say if I want you to stop?” She looked up at him.

  He got up and walked over to her, taking her hand. “It will be over in minutes. Come over here… and trust me.”

  Chapter 19

  He led her over to a leathered stool that looked like a small gym horse-bench, as high as her hips.

  “Lean over the stool, Thea, and drop your knickers.”

  She hesitated. “Surely you… don’t do it on… bare flesh?”

  “Of course. Now bend over. You need to obey my instructions immediately, Thea.”

  She could hear the edginess of insistence in his voice. Slowly she turned to the stool and leaned over.

  “Knickers down.”

  Reaching behind her, she hooked her thumbs into her knickers, pushed them down over her bottom, and wriggled them down to her knees.

  “Tip forward a bit more so your hips are comfortable and high. That’s great.”

  Her arms dangled down to the floor and blood was running to her head. Her feet were on tiptoe, pushing her bottom up high. She felt him push her short slip up over her hips, exposing her rounded cheeks.

  “All right?”

  “I’m scared.” Her voice was muffled with her hair over her face.

  “Don’t be. You’ll be fine. I’m going to check your bottom first and take your temperature.”

  She groaned. “Not again. You’ve already done it many times. Why?”

  “Primarily, it gets you used to being observed, and penetrated at a simple level, so you will eventually feel more comfortable with exposing your body. Now relax.”

  His hands pulled her cheeks apart. She could feel the exposure of her anus, feel his eyes looking, his fingers probing her rim. The stimulation of her rim made her catch her breath. He smeared cold gel on her hole and slickly slipped in the thermometer. Again he tweaked it in and out, making her flinch.

  “Easy, Thea.” More twisting, then he slid it out and wiped her anus. “Good, as usual. Now, let’s do that spanking.”

  Before she had time to think anymore, his hand swung down and slapped her hard on her stretched bottom. She screamed and arched backwards. Immediately, he was in front of her, crouching down, his face close to hers. He held her chin in his hand, pushing her hair back from her face.

  “Look at me. Listen to me,” he said earnestly. “Find a place in your head where you know you can see this through. Feel your vulnerability and let it happen. There is no shame in feeling vulnerable. You gain by recognizing it and letting it happen. Don’t resist.”

  He released her chin, went behind her, and slapped her hard again. And again. It was so hard. So harsh. All she could do was to try to accept it for what it was. She felt vulnerable. But it was his hand spanking her and she wanted his hand in contact with her body in any way, even this way.

  Each sharp blow viciously stung her skin and deepened the fiery soreness on her bottom. Her body shook with every blow as she slammed into the hard leather below her, tugging the taut flesh around her clit and, through the intense pain, she began to feel mounting pleasure in her pussy from the darting spasms from her clit. She did not know how to absorb the feeling of pain and increasing, deep, sexual pleasure.

  With the next blow she screamed with the unbearable pain and confusion. “Please! Please! I can’t… I can’t!” she pleaded.

  She struggled to free herself but his hand held her firmly on the stool.

  “A little more, Thea. A little more
,” he urged. “Release yourself to it.”

  Then the sensual pleasure flooded through her, driven by every painful slap. The fire and heat in her body were burning her mind and she wanted more. She wanted to stretch open her bottom to feel his hand slap her puckered hole and tender, swollen lips. Her body arched to push up her bottom and to stretch open her crack. He seemed to know and pulled apart her cheeks to expose her hole. The next blow punished her rim, shooting pain through her genitals, so deeply she screamed again. Her body began to shudder uncontrollably and wetness squirted from between her legs as she surrendered.

  The relentless swinging slaps stopped and she sank down in relief, drained. She was exhausted, empty, and breathless. It was over and she had done it. He wiped the wetness from her bottom and her genitals and his strong arms helped her up, kicking off her knickers that had slipped down to her ankles and wrapping her in a blanket. He led her over to an armchair near the blazing fire. He was breathing heavily from the spanking and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “You did well.” He poured her a drink of wine. “A drink?”

  This was madness. A spanking and a drink of wine? Trembling, she took the drink. “You’ve just beaten me. Why am I accepting this?” Her voice was shaky.

  He smiled. “Enjoy the wine. You have taken a big step forward.”

  “Doesn’t feel like it.” She leaned her head against the high wing of the leather chair and pulled her knees up.

  “You need a good night’s sleep.” The fire crackled and he bent down to throw more logs onto the flames and sat down on the floor beside her. “Warm enough?”

  She nodded. “So tired. You didn’t put anything in this wine, did you?”

  With a laugh, he shook his head. “No. You’ll sleep well enough tonight.”

  “You seem very sure about that.”

  “One of the joys of a good spanking.”

  “How do you know? Have you ever been spanked?”

  “Ah, well…”

  “I didn’t think so. You just do the spanking, of course.”

  “Drop it, Thea. There is nothing to be gained by going there.”

  “Maybe not for you…”

  He got to his feet and held out his hand. “Come on. Drink up. You need to sleep.”

  “Who says?”

  “Me. I’m the doctor, remember?”

  “Oh, yes. The savior of my sex life.” Her voice was slurred. Must be the wine. She was beginning to ramble.

  “Come on,” he urged again.

  Languorously, she uncurled herself from the chair, pulling the blanket around her to keep out the chill. His arm went around her shoulders and he led her out of the room. The staircase seemed like a mountain to climb and she leaned against him as his strong arms propelled her up to the top to the pretty room she had undressed in earlier. He pulled back the bedcovers and guided her to lie down. It was soft and welcoming, and she curled up in its comfort, almost asleep at first touch. But his hands were on her bottom and she moaned at the intrusion. She needed to sleep.

  “Relax, Thea. Just checking you are not too sore. No, it looks good. Open your legs for me.”

  “What?” Did he say…?

  “Open your legs,” he commanded.

  Too tired to challenge him, she widened her legs, allowing him to see her genitals full-on again. Through the befuddlement of impending sleep, she felt his fingers probing the lips of her sex, pushing back her hood, checking her clitoris. Then the sudden full penetration of his hand inside her, feeling her fundament. Her breath caught and she heard a guttural choke in her throat. It sounded primordial and wild. She felt the animal response deep inside her as her body absorbed the invasion and the shock. She was wet.

  “Release it all.” His quiet, rich voice drifted through the haze she was wrapped in, his fingers deeply massaging her depths. She began to long for him to treat her clit but he did not go there. She began to whimper. Her body was not her own. Another sensation and she squirted all over his hand. The release was animal and heavenly.

  “Good girl,” he praised, reaching for a towel to stem the flow. “Let it come. Let it all come. You are safe here.”

  The flow subsided. He removed his hand gently from her sex, wiped between her legs again, and covered her up with the soft bedcovers. “Sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  With a fleeting thought that surely there was more to come, she fell asleep before he reached the door.

  Chapter 20

  She was luscious. The desire to serve her as a man was hard to suppress. Spanking her had begun to reveal her vulnerability and may have started to break down her rigid control. That was what a good spanking should do. But the firm tremble and reddening of her bottom cheeks with each blow had been a delight. There was a fountain of sensuality within her, needing release and he knew he could help her.

  Slow steps. If he could resist. She had taken the spanking well and accepted the examinations, but she was driven by her need for a car and a home. She was trading her body’s responses for material gain, tolerating his probing. He needed to move her on to enjoy sexual gratification for itself, outside of medical examination or tolerating it to reach an end point. Tomorrow he would move it on a step, see how much she would give, see if he could get her to the tipping point of sexual pleasure. It was time for the sensual woman to emerge from the practical medic and the dutiful patient exposing her body for medical examination. Right now he needed to shower to dampen his own urges.

  He stripped off his shirt and threw it on the bed. Trousers followed. His cock was fully erect, straining, and he had to ease his pants over its engorgement. The urgency in his scrotum and swollen manhood was building beyond the power of a cold shower. Instead, he crawled onto the bed, grabbing his cock and balls and with his practiced hands, rhythmically worked his shaft up and down. Building the pleasure, taking it higher, his body strained and tightened, his head arched back as he held off, enjoying the denial of the final release.

  Images sprang to his mind of Thea’s bottom, Thea’s plump breasts offering up dark nipples, large and ripe for sucking. Memories of the scent of her pussy, hot and sweet, her swollen lips ready to enfold his cock, oiling his shaft. As he dreamed of shunting his cock deep inside her sex and bottom and filling his mouth with her breasts, rolling her nipples over his tongue, nature took over and tortured his body, loins, and mind. His body spasmed and spurted copious semen violently over his hands. He growled loudly as he rode out his orgasm without Thea in his arms, caressing his genitals, coaxing out his fluid. He rocked as the final drops oozed out, then relaxed down, panting, exhausted with the effort of the pleasure and the absence of her.

  When the blood had stopped pumping into his brain and genitals, he reluctantly rolled off the bed and half staggered to the bathroom. That was some orgasmic high, he thought. How much better would it be slipping in and out of her? His cock gave a jolt as his thoughts began to wander again. He groaned and stepped into the shower, turning the dial to cold. His body could not take another mind-blowing orgasm like that. The clinic had to be run and patients expected his expertise. He had to sleep and it would take all his efforts to keep her out of his head until tomorrow.

  Chapter 21

  He was right. She had slept the sleep of the gods and stretched dreamily. Memories of the day before and where she was began filtering through her sleepiness. Reaching around, she rubbed her bottom. Still sore. She remembered the gut-wrenching pain of the spanking as his hand had swung down on her bare bottom, and the draining exhaustion when the so-called treatment ended. She could barely believe now that she had agreed to it—and, shamefully, that a small part of her had reveled in her submission.

  How could anyone enjoy being spanked? Who was she? Did she know who she was anymore? She had let a man spank her. The crazy situation she had seemed to drift into continued. No job, no home. What a mess, for a car and apartment. And maybe a job at the end of this? How shallow she had become. And how much longer would it go on for? He was a
medic to the end. Her body was a place for him to explore and plunder at a medical level. She was only of intellectual interest to him.

  Where was he, anyway? She got up and opened the door, listening. There were no sounds and she sensed there was no one in the house. Had he gone to the clinic? No early morning examination, then. She could not decide if she was glad about that or not. She would not miss the thermometer being pushed into her hole again. But maybe his hands on her bottom easing her cheeks apart, fingering her rim…? Her stomach fluttered at the thought.

  Giving herself a little shake, back in control, she went to shower. There was nothing to do and her beautiful car was sitting on the driveway so she would treat herself to some shopping. Feeling excited at the prospect of a day on her own with no demands, she almost skipped into the kitchen after dressing, to grab some breakfast. The phone rang and the answering machine clicked in.

  “Thea, I’m sorry I had to leave early this morning. I need you at the clinic by ten a.m. Have breakfast but please ensure you empty your bowels before coming here, or book in for an enema.”

  What? Her good spirits crashed. What sort of a person tells you to ‘empty your bowels’? This was horrendous. She wanted to go shopping.

  “And before you object, as I am sure you will, or think of refusing to attend, may I remind you this is a duty covered by our new arrangement. I will see you later.”

  She groaned. What now? She was fed up with being examined, which she was sure was his intention. “I thought he was going to ‘improve’ my sex life,” she muttered. “How is this going to help?”

  She had no appetite but forced herself to eat as instructed. Even that was wearing a bit thin, being told to eat. Had he forgotten she was an educated, modern woman? A professional like himself? His ego and charisma walked over everything. He could do with a good look at himself and be not so filled with his own self-importance. She sighed. No one could blame him, she supposed. After all, he was at the top of his profession and his patients idolized him. There was no one to challenge him and he gave them what they wanted. And what they wanted she was getting—nakedness, penetration, probing, orgasmic fulfilment, admittedly only in a medical sense—by the hands of the super handsome, powerful, and rich doctor. For free. They paid thousands but she was getting it for free. A few days ago she had not thought she needed his kind of treatment. But if he could put her back in touch with her sensuality, she should be grateful. She had not fully realized how far removed from herself she had become.


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