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New Girl: A Reverse Harem High School Bully Romance (Montlake Prep Book 1)

Page 14

by Nora Cobb

  Understandably, Phil was concerned, which I understand. Mrs. Merrett is trying to act motherly toward me, but it gets on my nerves. I’ve told her nicely to back off—of course, not in those words. I’d never be wicked to her for doing her job. After she leaves, I grab a bottle of sweet red and go to my room to shower.

  My bed smells like a meadow of fragrant lavender. I lie there just feeling relaxed when my phone vibrates on the bedside table. I check the screen and feel relief when I see Beth’s name.

  “So I hear you went to the mall without me,” I try to sound cheerful and not annoyed.

  “Anthony said that you didn’t want to go.”

  I suck my teeth. “So, he’s a liar and a dealer. Troy was beating him up in the parking deck before school. I should’ve let him.”

  “Why were they fighting?”

  “I told you about the party. Anthony sold Troy the roofies.”

  Beth sucks in air. “Fuck. Does Troy know you told Cromwell?”

  “I don’t know, but I told Anthony. Do you believe he had the nerve to ask me out to homecoming?”

  Beth’s voice drops to a low whisper. “Troy asked you?”

  “Anthony. Troy would never.”

  “Anthony asked you?” Her voice takes on a little edge and whatever she was doing in the background has stopped. “Is that why you wanted to talk to him?”

  “I didn’t want to talk to him.” Sitting up in bed, my body tenses as the conversation takes a wrong turn. “He lied to get rid of …” I stop, forgetting who I’m talking to.

  “So, he just asked you?” Beth’s tone is flippant, and I know I just landed in a pile of it. There’s no way to backtrack.

  “Yes,” I snap. “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Don’t you have enough men?”

  I’m speechless and hurt. The one friend I have at that wretched hole of a school is turning on me like I am the queen of slut. “Excuse you, what does that mean?”

  “Is that why you’re always defending him?”

  “Wait. Do you like Anthony? Does he know?”

  “God, you’re stupid,” she snaps. “No wonder your social life is like a hellhole.”

  The call ends abruptly and all my other calls to Beth go straight to voice mail.


  I check my texts. Jacob left one, and so did Lucas. Anthony sent an emoji, like that’s going to fucking help. I’m tempted to group text them all the middle finger because they’ve caused me nothing but trouble since day one. My fingers fly as I text Jacob and then Lucas, letting them know that I’m skipping the homecoming dance. My text is as sweet as I can make it sound, though I’m not feeling it.

  Jacob replies first with a K. But Lucas wants to pick me up to talk.

  I text him a bold capital NO.

  I’m not going to go to homecoming and that’s final


  Saturday afternoon is the longest day of my life. When my parents died, there was too much going on to stop and think. The entire time, I was in shock and living on the edge of my nerves. I had no time to dwell on my pain and loss because there was too much to be done. Too many changes in my life, none of which I chose. I wanted to stay in my old town and go back to my old school, but I wasn’t eighteen at the time and how would I have afforded it? But as I watch the leaves change to red from the window of my uncle’s mansion, I have plenty of time now to think and feel sorry for myself.

  This is ridiculous. It could be worse. I feel selfish. After all, my parents were the ones to die. They didn’t want it or expect it but here I am feeling sorry for myself because my uncle is forcing me to live in his mansion and be rich. Needing to do something, I grab my purse and sit in my car. The key is in the ignition. I’m ready to turn it but I can’t. I’ve thought about driving to my old neighborhood a hundred times since Friday but it’s still too soon. I’m holding back a public freak-out every day at Montlake. But returning home to our pale green house on a tree-lined street in West Lake will be an instant trigger for a meltdown. I have to fight the temptation. I sit in the car alone and cry until I shake. Drained, I get out of the car and decide to explore the mansion since I have nowhere else to go.

  The long stretch of lawn is dominated by a pool that belongs in a private gym and not in someone’s backyard. But here it is. The back of the property is shaded by trees so I can’t see the neighbors. Not that we have that many on this side of town.

  The pool is closed for the season, but the Jacuzzi isn’t. The circular Jacuzzi is elevated and a few steps away from the pool, under a gazebo-like structure. It’s slightly hidden from view and protected from the elements so it doesn’t matter that it’s October.

  My swimsuits are in the pool house and I pick my favorite one for when I sunbathe. No one’s around to see me, and more importantly no one is around to bother me. It’s not cold outside but it’s freezing if you’re in a string bikini covered with just a towel. I run across the stone patio, toss my towel on the bench, hop quickly into the heated water, and turn the jets on.

  Sinking down in the water, I stop my mind from wandering to my own unpleasant thoughts. Maybe I am fucking up at school because I miss my parents. I’m not in denial but I’ve got to try harder to thrive and not just survive. Why not distract myself with pampering just like everyone else in Montlake?

  “Natalie.” I slink down in the water as Phil calls out my name. I knew Uncle Phil was home, but he spends Saturdays catching up with his friends. I’m hoping they’re not here. Or, worse yet, heading for the Jacuzzi.

  Phil comes running toward me like a happy puppy. My eyes widen when I look past him and instantly see why he’s so happy. Old money is in the house. A smirking Jacob follows my uncle outside. He’s got that shit-eating grin on his face as he sits on the bench on the edge of the Jacuzzi.

  Jacob smiles. “That looks fun.”

  “Oh absolutely,” yelps Phil, “I just had this installed last winter. I have extra shorts in the pool house.”

  Jacob couldn’t wipe that wicked smile off his face even if his coach demanded it. “Sure thing, Mr. Page.” He sounds way too cheerful. “It relaxes my muscles after practice.”

  Phil pats Jacob on the back. “It must be hard work playing ball on the number-one team in the state.”

  “Yeah, but it’s good fun. Plus it got me that scholarship.”

  “A scholarship!” I shriek, sitting up. “Why do you need a scholarship?”

  “Natalie, scholarships are given on merit,” Phil replies solemnly before turning back to Jacob. “I’m trying to get Natalie interested in college. She’s applied to a few but not much else. Maybe you could have a word with her?”

  “I will, sir. A good education is important. I’ll talk to her.”

  The pompous asshole. I turn my head and roll my eyes.

  “Good man.” Uncle Phil pats Jacob’s shoulder again and walks back into the house.

  Jacob watches Phil leave, and then smiles at me with the dirtiest smirk on his face. He’s up to something because no one looks like that when they’re innocent. He tosses his varsity jacket off onto a patio chair. Then he starts pulling off his shirt. Gradually, it dawns on me what he is doing.

  “You better be wearing shorts under there.”

  He smiles. “Don’t worry. I got boxers on.” He loosens his belt in a slow-motion striptease as his hips pulse to a silent beat.

  “No!” I shriek. “There are swim shorts in the pool house.”

  Leaning on the bench, he peers down into the water, and I cover my chest. “Pretty sure I still have more clothes on than you.”

  He pulls off his shirt, and I gulp when I see the six-pack.

  Fuck that, it’s a twelve-pack.

  I’m fidgeting as I study Jacob’s bare muscles up close for the first time.

  “You like what you see?” He winks as he flexes his muscles.

  There’s no point in hiding the fact that I like what I see, so I woman up. “Cheap trick, Fleming.”

’s pecs are hard curves and his stacked arms descend from broad shoulders. He’s muscular, but it’s not too much, though it’s enough to make me drool. He smiles as he pulls off his jeans and I pretend not to look. He has black sports briefs on, and when they’re wet they won’t hide anything.

  He stares at my body below the moving water. My bikini is very red and very small. His gaze traces the little ties that are holding the brief bottoms on my hips. Slowly, his gaze trails along my flat tummy to my breasts covered beneath tiny triangles that barely conceal my nipples, which are poking against the thin fabric annoyingly.

  He lifts his eyes and smiles. “I see you’re wearing the school colors.”

  “Why are you here?” I snap, covering my chest with my folded arms.

  “You can’t blow me off in a text.” Jacob climbs in and sits beside me on the ledge. “You have to tell me in person.”

  Sighing, I say, “I’m not okay with going. Okay?”

  He can’t stop looking at my body, and I doubt if he’s even paying attention. “Why don’t you sit on my lap?” he suggests.

  “What? Jesus Christ. You’re in your underwear.” I scoot away. “And my uncle’s around.”

  “Not hearing a no.” He smirks. “Your uncle’s eating out of the palm of my hand. He’s got drool going down the side of his mouth. He won’t mind if you want to sit in my lap.”

  “I am not touching you.” But it’s hard to be convincing when I’m staring at his hard chest.

  Jacob stretches his arms back along the edge of the Jacuzzi. “So, Nat. Why aren’t you going?”

  He’s not going to let homecoming go that easily. “I gave my reasons in my text.”

  Jacob scoffs. “No one’s going to pick on you if you’re with me.”

  “And you’re so certain that I’d go with you,” I protest. “I don’t have to go with you.”

  He laughs as if I’m insane and talking shit. “What the fuck does that mean?” he asks.

  “I have other choices.” I lift my chin in the air. “Maybe you should try wooing me if you want me to go out with you.”

  “What the fuck?” he howls, making the water sway against the sides. “Woo? You learn that word in English class?”

  “Listen, caveman.” I narrow my eyes. “You have to impress me.”

  “I’ll impress you,” he smiles, flashing his teeth like a wolf.

  Jacob tugs at the waistband of his briefs. My eyes go so wide I can feel the strain on my eyelids. I want to look away, but my head won’t turn. I must look. Jacob edges closer, and my body is ignoring my mind as it pleads hopelessly for common sense. My hormones rage as I see the top of his sculpted V start to show.

  Finally, my mouth works. “Stop,” I say.

  Jacob laughs. “I could woo you right here, right now.”

  I squirm away. “No, my uncle would have a fit.”

  “You know,” his voice is smooth, “I bet your uncle would make out with me if I asked.”

  “Stop it,” I squeal.

  But Jacob’s right. Uncle Phil went to Montlake’s back-to-school night, and spent the entire night schmoozing shamelessly. My uncle welcomed me into his home with open arms, but he really likes having me around now that he can mingle with the Montlake parents. It’s a fair trade, and I feel less of a burden, which reminds me.

  “What did he say when you brought me home that night?” I ask.

  Jacob’s eyes twinkle as his hand strokes my shoulder lightly. This isn’t going to be the truth. “I told him that some naughty children spiked the punch. And I drove you straight home.” Jacob grins. “He thanked me as we put you to bed.”

  Pissed, I splash Jacob with a wave of water, and he laughs as the water drips off his hair. He dunks his head into the water and rises slowly. The look he gives me sends a chill through me. He’s toying with me the way a lion toys with its dinner before it goes in for the first bite. I shiver even though the water is steaming.

  Jacob slides back toward me, and I feel his breath on my lips.

  “You wouldn’t mind if I kissed you again.” He states it plainly. I’ll never get used to the way he demands everything.

  I press my hand against his hard chest. I want to push him away but my little finger strokes the curve of his hard pec. I bite my lip as my body tingles.

  “I wouldn’t mind,” I whisper.

  This time, we tilt our heads at the correct angle, and our mouths meet smoothly. I feel a flutter in my stomach as Jacob threads his hands into my damp hair. Pushing back firmly, my hands rest on his wet skin and stroke the hard muscle underneath.

  “You’re coming to that dance.” His hard look brooks no argument.

  “Isn’t the kiss enough?” I whisper.

  “For now, it is.” He shakes his head. “But I want more.”



  Her uncle’s eyes pop when he opens the door. Phillip Page may have plenty of cash, but I have wealth. I smirk as he gapes at me.

  “Is Natalie home?”

  Natalie appears wrapped in a robe and her hair’s damp. I can see the curves of her hips underneath the thick fabric. Ignoring her uncle, I step inside and approach her.

  “Swimming in October? Indoor pool?”

  “Jacuzzi,” she replies

  Phillip makes quick excuses to leave us alone. He’ll be thrilled if his niece hooks up with me. But it’s all up to her.

  I hand her a bouquet of white roses mixed with fragrant pink lilies. Jacob pulled that teddy-bear stunt, so I have to up my game.

  “I was told you wanted to be wooed.” Jacob texted me after he left. To gloat. I never told Jacob how much I’ve done with Natalie. I don’t kiss and tell. But I did learn something of use. Natalie is determined to skip the homecoming dance, but I want her there.

  Natalie blushes and puts the bouquet to her nose. She inhales the scent, closing her eyes. The flowers look plain next to her pretty face. It makes me hesitate, but I can’t.

  “Put on some clothes. We’ll go for a ride.”

  Natalie hesitates, placing the flowers down as if they weigh too much.

  “Not now.” She looks away.

  I nod. “I’ll pick you up in the morning then.”

  She faces me again. “No,” she stammers.

  Maybe Jacob is having more of an impact on her than I thought. I don’t see how a dumb jock like him could attract a smart girl like Natalie. Frowning, I had hoped she would be more discerning. It’s time to work the charm.

  “How am I going to seduce you if I spend no time with you?” I ask.

  Natalie looks around to make sure that her uncle has left the room. She fidgets with the tie on her robe, making sure she’s covered.

  “What about Arielle? Isn’t she going to homecoming with you?”

  “Arielle is mad at me, because I stuck up for you.”

  Natalie flushes. “But I doubt she’ll be happy to see me with you.”

  Of course Arielle is the problem. I pull Natalie into my arms and kiss her gently until her body relaxes in my arms. At first, when she resisted, I wondered if she was thinking about Jacob, or worse, Anthony. She likes Anthony, but that won’t go anywhere. He’s a loser friend and will always be one. And Jacob, he’ll demand too much. I’ll be the one to win this prize.

  Pulling back, her eyelashes flutter open as she looks up at me. She is a beauty, not hard like the other girls. I laugh to myself when Cora calls Natalie a slut. Cora’s not above using her oral skills to pass a class. We all know that’s how she gets out of gym class. Natalie is inexperienced and I want to be the first. I want the challenge of winning her purity.

  “I’ll pick you up around eight.” I press her hand to my lips.

  “Okay,” she says with a sigh.


  Arielle, Cora, and Lexi apologize before practice. Well, it isn’t exactly an apology. They say that they’re sorry that I’ve been having such a hard time adjusting to Montlake. And in the future, they’ll try to help me transi
tion more smoothly. No mention that they’re the major pains in my ass. The squad has been putting in extra hours before the big homecoming game. And during practice, I get a taste of what life would’ve been like if they had accepted me from the start. It’s strange hearing every girl call me by my name and smile as if we’re besties forever.

  Arielle can be so pretty when she’s acting sweet. I feel a pinch of jealousy as she does a perfect handstand into a backflip, ending with a sultry pose. She smiles now because she’s my new best friend.


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