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Arynn's Chosen Mate: Bad Alpha Dads (Iron Wolves MC Book 8)

Page 18

by Elle Boon

  “Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to play with your—well, that was really a stupid thing to say. But the sentiment is the same. Kill the stupid woman so we can go home. My mother’s screeching in my head. You don’t want my mother to show up here.” Lula shuddered.

  Susan blasted an arc of lightning, hitting Lula in the side, knocking her out of the sky.

  Sheila watched her fall, then turned back toward her mother. “That was a big mistake. Huge, mother,” Sheila said, her voice sounded like her even in the body of a dragon.

  Sheila darted toward the falling dragon to keep her from hitting the ground and the people below. She caught Lula with her feet, hoping she didn’t do more damage. The larger dragon pulled her down, but she beat her wings, easing them to the ground. The men below moved as if sensing something large was coming toward them.

  When she landed, Lula didn’t stir, her flank had a scorch mark that had her wincing and searching through her mind on ways to heal the female dragon. “We need to get her back to her realm. How do we do that?”

  The overwhelming sense of evil pressing forward had her spinning. Her mother moved as if she was floating.

  “Sheila? Stop this—behavior, and come to me.” Her mother pointed toward her feet.

  “Ah, mother dear, I fear that’s not gonna happen. Ever. You see, I finally know the truth. I can now see the real you, inside you. By the way, you’re disgusting, fucking not only your son-in-law and all his brothers, but basically the entire town. You’re lucky the women didn’t rise up against you before now and kill you.”

  Susan tossed her head back, a cackle making Sheila’s scales shake. “You think they didn’t want to? They’re peasants, just as you were. Now look at you. With this...this power, we can rule.”

  Sheila fanned her wings making dirt and leaves kick up around the woman who’d birthed her. “Enough. As my girls say ‘shut your pie hole, old lady’,” Sheila laughed. God, it felt great being so much more powerful than her mother.

  She felt pain lash at her, coming from the pink dragon. Lula had shared a part of herself with Sheila, connecting them.

  Darkness swirled behind her mother, making her gasp. A distraction, exactly what Susan had been doing along. She was stalling, gathering power. Lula’s pain, her daughters pain, all the years of—pain had her digging deep within the dragon’s body.

  Anger had her flying toward Susan, fire rising up and out of her before she could call it back. In that moment, she realized she hadn’t allowed the full force of her flames freedom. Now, she opened her mouth, spewing the hot lava and fire at her mother. Susan raised her arms, but it was too late as the flames took hold, disintegrating the woman who’d birthed her on contact.

  She shifted, instinctively clothing herself as if she’d done it a thousand times. Through her link with Lulu, maybe she had, or it was the other female’s knowledge she’d tapped into. Either way, Sheila was grateful for the information even though her mind was a little overwhelmed.

  The fine hairs on the nape of her neck had her spinning, shifting as she did. Joseph, the older brother of the man who’d raped her stood near a fire pit. He grinned, the smile a sinister one.

  “Don’t, it’s a trap,” Arynn yelled.

  She stepped on and over men, men she knew were friends of her mother. Their deaths meaningless to her. In her mind, she saw Dan as he stared at her while she lay in the delivery room with Romie in her arms. His cocky grin and knowing smirk. He hadn’t known it was her he’d had sex with, until he and Sarah had finally slept together on their honeymoon. Her sister had admitted what she’d done. Although he’d been angry, he had forgiven her and accepted the fact she was his wife. He’d stood over her, telling her how once she was all healed up, he planned to revisit that night, maybe make it a threesome with Sarah and her. She could see Dan in Joseph, their looks almost identical. “What’s the matter, little man. You too scared to come away from the fire? You afraid you’ll get—burned?”

  Her wing whipped out, sending the flame to dancing. “You see, I’m a fire dragon. I can call the flames.” She sucked in a breath, making the fire from the pit go out as she sat outside what he thought was a protective bubble. “Do you still feel protected, Joseph?”

  With the fire gone, the circle was broken. The darkness was shrinking away, its last hold on Earth gone.

  “You can’t do that. We’re powerful.”

  Sheila tossed her head back and let loose a small burst of flame into the air. “Arynn, you want to finish him, or shall I?”

  “Do you know how sexy you are when you talk like that?” Arynn asked as he strode to her side.

  “Freaks. You’re all a bunch of freaks,” Joseph stammered, backing away.

  Kellen appeared behind him. “Going somewhere, little fella?”

  Before anyone could guess his intentions, Kellen ripped his head off, tossing the two halves to the side. “You two done playing? I’m ready to go home.”

  Creed stomped his foot. “No fair. I usually get to the do the head ripping off and shit. Why you take all my toys and break them?”

  Sheila looked at where Joseph’s body lay, then at Kellen in his Iron Wolf form. “I’m—speechless.”

  “It’s about time. Everyone’s always jawing and shit. Just fucking kill and get r done. That’s what I do.” He shook his hands off. “Damn, where’s a Fey when you need shit rolled? This earth stanks of death and shit.”

  “That’s what I say,” Creed agreed.

  “No, you just cried like a bitch, because I had the pleasure of ripping his head off. You want me to like, put it back on and let you pretend to do it?” Kellen asked.

  Creed nodded. “That would be awesome.”

  “Hello, need a ground roll thing.” Xan kicked a body out of his way.

  One of the men shook his head. “I’ll see what I can do. Oh, shit. Mama Dragon is pissed.”

  Sheila looked up at the sky, hearing a screech that made her scales quiver. “Who’s that?”

  “Ah, that would be Lula’s mama,” Kellen said.

  “Lula, my baby. What the ever loving? Who’s responsible for this?” A huge claw pointed at the scorch on Lula’s flank.

  Kellen pointed at a pile of ash.

  “Good,” the huge dragon said, then her head whipped back to Sheila. “Who are you? And why do you smell like my kin?” She inhaled deeply.

  If Sheila wasn’t so scared, she’d have shifted back to human and hidden behind Kellen.

  “Girl, I asked you a question.”

  “Um, your daughter cut my hand then hers and said she put a dragon in me ‘cause I needed it to fight.” Sheila cut to the chase. If the huge pink dragon was going to make barbeque of her, there really was nothing she could do about it. “Wait, where are my girls? Who’s watching them?”

  Belle waved her hand. “They’re fine. Trust me, I left them in much better shape than you all have my girl. This was dark magic, but I can fix her.” Belle clapped her hands together, rubbing them together so fast smoke formed, then she placed them over Lula’s leg.

  Lula gasped then groaned. “I had the worst dream. My mother was here, and she was yelling like a banshee,” she mumbled with her eyes closed.

  “Oh, please, do go on, sweet dragon child of mine.”

  The smaller pink dragon wiggled into a sitting position. “Hiya. Whatcha doin’ here in these parts?” Lula’s southern accent in dragon form made everyone laugh, except the huge mama dragon.

  Belle put her hands on her hips, the action odd on a huge pink dragon.

  “Fine, I had to help them. I saw what was going to happen if I didn’t. They all would’ve died, mother.”

  Kellen gasped. “You saw us die, Lula?”

  “Alright, we need to go. Wolpires, your Fey is in need of you, stat. Your babies are coming. Alpha, your boys are giving your mate fits, because their—well, because Jenna is in labor and they’re part—you. I suggest you get on home now. Laikyn can only handle so much of your children. Those two b
oys are ready to bolt, and hoowee, two more Iron Wolves like you are a scary thought. Toodles,” Belle lifted Lula into her arms like she weighed nothing, and then they were gone.

  “Wait, what about my girls?” Sheila cried.

  “Our girls,” Arynn corrected.

  Kellen rubbed his temple. “Jenna has assured me she’ll make sure they get back safely and the same age as they left. Also,” he looked around. “Well, I was going to tell the wolpires thanks, but obviously, they had places to go, babies to deliver. Ezra, my thanks for your assistance today.” Kellen pounded his right fist over his chest above his heart.

  Arynn went to the leader of the Cordell King’s soldiers. “If you ever have need of me, don’t hesitate, man. All of you helped turn the tide our way.” He waved at the ground littered with bodies of what used to be a coven.

  The man named Ezra pounded his fist over his heart. “They all had touches of the Dark Fae. It’s our duty to protect against ones such as those. Besides—we’re all like one big happy family now.” Ezra winked, and then they were gone too.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to all this.” Sheila waved her hand around. The bodies were no longer there. She wondered when that had happened, then decided she’d rather not know.

  “Let’s go home and take a nap,” Arynn suggested.

  She didn’t think she could actually sleep, not without having her girls close, but as soon as they entered the home Arynn led her to, she fell onto the softest bed created. Her clothes were clean, somehow. Lula had pushed so much knowledge into her, that now, she just wanted to let go.

  “Rest, my stellina. I’ll watch over you.” Arynn sat next to her on the huge bed, his leather clad body too sexy for words.

  “I have so many fantasies that include you and that outfit for later,” she said around a yawn.

  He laughed. “I’ll be sure and remind you of that when you wake. Sleep now.”

  Hours later, she woke to the most heavenly smells wafting in through the open doorway. Following her nose, she found Arynn dressed in nothing but a pair of leather pants. The man was even sexier without shoes. How was that possible?

  “Like what you see?” He looked over his shoulder as he stirred the pot.

  She licked her lips. “Yes.”

  “You hungry?” He held the spoon up, blowing on it before he held it out for her.

  “Famished, actually.” She tasted what he was making, the burst of flavor had her moaning. “A man who can cook and kill. Damn, where have you been my whole life?”

  He put the spoon back on a holder by the pot, turning off the burner. “I’ve been waiting on you.” He grabbed her by the hips and sat her on the counter. “How are you feeling?”

  “Much better. Have you heard from the girls?”

  Arynn smiled. “Yep. They’re happily helping Laikyn and Kellen with the quads. You haven’t met them yet, but the alpha and his mate have two sets of twins. Girls, who are identical, and boys who are also identical. She swore she’d cut his nuts off if she got pregnant again until they were at least five, and even then, she wasn’t sure.”

  Sheila held her hand over his mouth, stopping his flow of words. “She carried four babies at once and had two sets of identical twins. That’s like a miracle or something.”

  Arynn licked her palm. “Not if you conceive when you’re on the Fey Realm.”

  “Note to self, no sex there. Have you actually seen the girls? Are they okay?” God, how did she explain that their grandmother was—dead?

  “I’ve talked to the both of them, and they had a grand adventure and can’t wait to go back. Romie knows that she’s more, but I haven’t discussed with her exactly what being Fae is. I think she’ll be wanting to be changed once she knows you’ve been. Now, are we done talking for the moment?”

  She blinked, her mind racing as he trailed his hand under her borrowed T-shirt. “Do you have something else in mind, oh kind sir?”

  He whipped the shirt over her head, tossing it behind her. “Oh yeah, I have lots of things on my mind, and none of them include talking about kids.”

  His mouth descended, taking hers in a carnal kiss that left her breathless and panting for more. Before he could rip another pair of panties, she shimmied and worked them over her hips and down one foot then the other.

  He broke away from her, breathing hard. “Very talented you are.”

  She shook her head. “I just didn’t want you damaging another pair of panties.”

  Arynn trailed his finger across her shoulder, his lips brushing along her jaw, following his fingers. “Hmm, I’d buy you more, or you could just go without, save me a lot of time.”

  She grunted, her body arching toward his seeking mouth. When his lips latched onto her nipple, she cried out. “God, that feels good.”

  “You have sensitive breasts.”

  With him, everything was sensitive.

  Sitting there naked, while his leather clad erection brushed against her mound, made her feel exposed and horny. Before Arynn, she’d thought she was sexless when it came to men. She realized she was waiting on the right man, the one who’d been there all along to claim her.

  “I’ve claimed you alright,” he murmured against her belly. “Spread your legs. I’m hungry, too.”

  Sheila whipped her head in both directions, wondering if anyone could see them.

  “Lean back on your arms, and do as I told you, stellina.”

  The authority in his tone had her doing as he said. Her legs moving, making room for him. He pulled a chair from the table around and sat. “Damn, dessert before dinner. I’m a lucky man.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Arynn licked and sucked, taking his fill of the sweet cream spilling from his mate. Her cries fueled him, making him hunger for more. Her fingers pulled at his hair, but he kept licking at her clit. Kept thrusting in and out of her pussy with three fingers. As her juices coated his hand, he trailed one digit to her back entrance and pressed inside to one knuckle, setting off another orgasm.

  “Oh god, fuck me, please, Arynn.”

  “With pleasure.” He stood, his hands going to his pants. Her hands got there first, fumbling with the button. “Let me, baby.” He was so hard, if she opened the zipper too fast, he wasn’t sure if she’d injure him or not.

  She laughed. “I’d kiss it and make it better.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “You reading my mind?”

  “Turnabout is fair play,” she teased.

  “You like to live dangerously.” He ran the head of his cock through her wetness, up and down her slit and back again, teasing them both.

  “I like to play with fire.”

  “Keep it up and we’re both going to burn, baby.” He shoved into her, groaning at the tightness as her pussy flexed and released on him. “Shit, you’re so tight. Hold still. Don’t move.”

  She wrapped her legs around him, her ankles locking at his back. “I’m glad you like to play with fire, seems I got a lot of that in me now,” she gasped when he pulled out only to power back in.

  Arynn wanted to take his time with her, wanted to show her how much he loved her and how scared he’d been watching her battle, yet his body had other ideas. Her moans, and sighs of delight, spurred him on while he set up a fast, hard rhythm that took them both to the edge quickly. “Love you, stellina. Never letting you go.”

  Her answer was a squeeze and release of her inner muscles, making his eyes roll back in his head. “Son of a bitch, baby, I’m going to come.” He reached between them, his finger finding her clit already swollen and needy.

  “I am too, right there. Don’t stop. Faster. Yes, Arynn,” she wailed as her juices eased his movements even more. Arynn let go, his wolf wanting to stake their claim again. He bent his head, licked their claiming mark, making her shudder, and then he sank his teeth in at the same time he felt the tingles racing from his balls to the tip of his cock.

  He continued to pump in and out of Sheila, drawing mini aftershocks of pleasure that
she shared through their link with him. Goddess, if this was how all the mated males felt with their mates, it was no wonder they were always fucking. No, making love. No matter how raw, or dirty he and Sheila’s sex would get, it would always be love making. He fisted his hand in her hair, making her look him in the eye. “I’m glad I found you. Glad you accepted me for who I am. One day, when we’re old and grey, maybe by then I’ll be worthy of you. Until then, I’ll work my ass off to be the best mate and father I can be.”

  Sheila placed her fingers over his lips. “You’re already the best everything to me and our girls, and God willing future children.”

  He nipped her fingers. “The Goddess has blessed us with so much. If she gives us more, I’ll be ecstatic, but if all I’ll ever have is you, Romie, and Rebel, I’ll still be the luckiest son-of-a-bitch on Earth.”

  Arynn squinted. “Looks like our alone time is about to be interrupted.” He gently pulled out of her.

  Sheila yelped. “What are you saying?”

  Kellen just gave me a heads-up. Seems he tried about fifteen minutes ago, but we were, busy,” he chuckled.

  “Oh no, I need to shower. I look like. We look like. They’ll know what we just did, and on the kitchen counter no less. Do you know how unsanitary that is?”

  Arynn laughed and swatted her ass. “Calm down, woman. We can now, through the power of the Goddess, cleanse ourselves with a thought. Follow my lead.” He reached into her mind through their bond, showing her how to think about being clean and clothed. “Now, about the unsanitary. Woman, there’s nothing unsanitary about my cock in your pussy.” He retrieved a container of Clorox wipes. “And, there’s nothing a little wiping down of the counters that won’t make everything right as rain.”

  By the time he finished cleaning the counter and making sure everything was in order, the sound of Kellen’s XV could be heard. “Come on, let’s go greet our girls.”

  Sheila took his hand, and together, they waited on the porch for Romie and Rebel. Kellen barely had the vehicle in park when the two back doors flew open, allowing two girls, one with black hair like him and one with blonde like Sheila, to barrel toward them.


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