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Captured Boxed Set: 9 Alpha Bad-Boys Who Will Capture Your Heart

Page 9

by Opal Carew, Cathryn Fox, Eve Langlais, T. J. Michaels, Teresa Morgan, Sharon Page, Mandy Rosko, S. E. Smith, Pepper Winters

  "It’s not that."

  Feeling bolder than she ever had, and determined not to let this opportunity slip away, she grasped his hand and drew it to her chest, then placed it over her aching breast. Her nipple hardened, pushing into his palm.

  His dark eyes glowed like a blazing fire, glittering with sparks.

  In a sudden movement, she felt herself pushed back against the building. Her breath caught as his big, solid body crushed her tight to the cold brick wall.

  Oh, God, had she made a mistake? He was so big and intimidating, and right now, he looked determined and… almost feral. He pivoted his hips forward and she could feel a hard bulge against her stomach, proof that he was aroused by her. Anxiety spiked through her, and a little fear, but right alongside those feelings was a wild surge of excitement.

  He grabbed her wrists and pushed them over her head, then held them tight, his striking midnight eyes locked on hers. She could feel the erratic pounding of her blood pumping through her veins.

  She had never felt so alive.

  God, she wanted him to take her. Right here. Right now.

  The Office Slave

  by Opal Carew

  Her ultimate sexual fantasy brought to life…

  Sylvia loves to read erotica, and after her latest read, she's developed a sizzling fantasy about being forced to submit to the sexual whims of four incredibly hot business partners. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she'd have the opportunity to live out her fantasy... until her friend decides to make it happen. Now she's about to become an office slave… to four hunky men she's never even met. But faced with the reality, can she actually go through with it??


  Sylvia walked to the entrance and opened the glass door, then crossed the lobby, her high heels clicking on the marble floor. She glanced at the directory near the elevators, then walked down the hall to the end and stopped at Suite 105. A sign said to ring the bell, which she did. Becca had told her that these four men ran a software business, programming games. This office was where they developed the games. Also, Becca had told her the guys were extremely good-looking. All but one of the men used to work with Cal as strippers before they graduated from college and started this business, so she didn't doubt it.

  The door opened and she gazed up at a totally hot hunk wearing a suit, his long, black hair tied back. He had startling blue eyes that twinkled when he smiled at her.

  "Are you Sylvia?"

  She nodded.

  He pulled the door open. "Please come in."

  She stepped into the office. There was a large table in the center of an open space with a big window overlooking the city below and several doors to offices along the wall behind it. There was a hallway off to the side. The space had a lot of character, with red brick walls and a curved arch around the window.

  "I'm Mike Bairn. Come on into my office."

  She followed him across the central area to the leftmost office. One man was working in the far right office, but he didn't glance up.

  "Am I early?" she asked as she sat down in the chair across from his desk.

  "No, not at all. The others will meet us in the conference room in a few minutes."

  She nodded, starting to feel a little nervous. Would her fantasy begin in the conference room? Would they order her to take off all her clothes, then… other things. She'd been looking forward to this fantasy for over a week—ever since Becca had told her she wanted to set it up, and that it would be acted out by some of Cal's ex-stripper friends—but now that the reality was here, she had a case of nerves.

  This man Mike was extremely masculine, and sexy, and he set her hormones humming, but could she really just strip down and become his sex toy. Along his three partners, too?

  Don't freak out now. This is your fantasy!

  Mike leaned forward, his hands folded on his desk. "So Cal told us what you were looking for. As I understand it, your brother cheated us out of a sizeable amount of money and you agree to be our sex slave in return for not prosecuting him."

  Sylvia felt her cheeks heat as she nodded. In her head, especially after reading that book, it seemed extremely sexy, but laid out blatantly like that made her feel brash and… well, maybe a little slutty. And… maybe she was being… uh…brash. But both Becca and Jan had lived out their fantasies, and both were pretty wild. Why shouldn't she?

  And when she'd become enamored of the fantasy, she'd never, ever dreamed she'd live it out. What woman did? But now that she had the opportunity, she really didn't want to walk away.

  "So, don't get me wrong, I find the whole thing wildly sexy, but…"—he shrugged—"we sound a bit mean, prosecuting your brother." At his grin and the twinkle in his eye, she knew he wasn't making fun of her, but he was teasing her.

  "Well, he did do you wrong."

  "True. But then we're distracted by a beautiful woman."

  Her cheeks burned hotter at his compliment. "Well, a woman offering sex, anyway."

  He chuckled and stood up. "Okay, I think we're ready to proceed. The others know the story and are ready to go and we all know the safe word is Tiger. The minute we step out of this office, we're into our roles. Okay?"

  "Okay." Her stomach quivered as she stood up.

  They walked to the door together, but before he opened it, he took her hand and kissed it. Tingles danced along her skin at the delicate brush of his lips.

  "Sylvia, thank you for including us in your fantasy." Then he winked and opened the door.

  She followed him to the end of the big table in the open area where he gestured for her to sit down. He tapped something on his phone, then leaned back in his chair.

  "The others will be here in a few moments." His tone was more business-like now, rather than the easy banter of before.

  The man from the other office walked to the chair next to Mike's and sat down, glancing at her speculatively. He had short cropped, sandy hair, a wide face with a square jaw, and warm, brown eyes. He wore dark blue jeans and a shirt. A moment later, two men appeared from the hallway, and Sylvia's breath caught at the side of the tall biker named Slade she'd seen entering the building earlier. Man, this fantasy was getting better by the minute. And the man by his side was the cyclist he'd spoken with at the door.

  The cyclist's short, straight hair was a little damp—he'd probably taken a shower—and he wore dress pants and a striped shirt, accentuating his narrow waist and broad shoulders. Thoughts of him naked in the shower, water sluicing over his muscular body sent a quiver through her. Her gaze shifted to Slade, still wearing his jeans and T-shirt. Clearly, he was the rebel of the bunch.

  They sat down and she glanced around the table at these four men, who used to be male strippers. They were all gorgeous and soon she'd be having hot, kinky sex with them all.

  "This is Sylvia, the woman we discussed a few days ago. She's here because of the arrangement to compensate for her brother's debt," Mike said. "Sylvia, this is Granger Smith, Neil Craig, and Slade Forrester."

  She nodded as she gazed at their serious expressions. Tension curled inside her.

  "So, she's going to be our office slave, right?" Slade said.

  "Yes, that's the arrangement," Mike answered.

  "Good, then I think we should start right off with seeing what's underneath those clothes she's wearing.

  Her gaze locked on his and his charcoal eyes glittered as a slow smile spread across his face. Heat washed through her.

  "Excellent idea." Mike said.

  # # #

  Yours to Take

  Cathryn Fox

  Revenge takes on a sexy twist when a powerhouse lawyer is stripped of her control by the handsome multi-millionaire she once took down in the courtroom.

  Copyright 2014 Cathryn Fox

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  About The Author

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  Chapter One

  "Please tell me you’re not serious?"

  Jaw slack, and hands planted on the small round table, Rebecca Andrews stared at her three best friends, hardly able to believe what they were suggesting.

  Lilliana James closed her palm over Rebecca’s hand and gave a reassuring squeeze. Even though the lights had been dimmed in their favorite New York piano bar, a place where they all convened after a challenging day in the courtroom, Rebecca didn’t miss the sympathy in her friend’s big brown eyes when she said, "Come on, Becs, you know as well as I do that you need a vacation."

  "It’s not a vacation she needs," Melanie Collins piped in, running her fingers up and down the crystal stemware in a highly suggestive manner that had Rebecca’s thoughts careening in an erotic direction. She smirked and added, "What she needs is to get laid. Plain and simple."

  "Good, God," Rebecca murmured under her breath, hoping like hell no one in the near vicinity could hear her tell-it-like-it-is friend.

  "Don’t even try to deny it," Melanie challenged playfully, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

  As their conversation headed south—literally—Rebecca fished her olive out of the martini glass and gestured the bartender for another, having decided then and there that this was the perfect occasion to overturn her two two-drink rule. Hell, who could blame her for wanting to consume copious amounts of alcohol after discovering her well-meaning friends wanted to send her to some sort of sex club on a private island off the coast of Nova Scotia?

  She chewed on her olive as her glance went to the tickets on the table—one for a resort called Freedom, the other for the private charter that was scheduled to fly her there first thing tomorrow. Groaning, she took in the other patrons seated around them, many of whom were colleagues, their identities masked by the lounge’s dark lighting and intimate seating. She leaned forward, desperate to keep this embarrassing conversation private, and arched an accusing brow. "How long have you three been scheming this up, anyway?"

  "Just a few weeks now," Melanie answered.

  Rebecca did the mental math, her thoughts rewinding to three weeks ago, then shook her head, suddenly understanding what this was really all about. "Look, Jon didn’t break up with me. I broke up with him." When her rebuttal was met with silence, she desperately searched for an alliance in the group. Her glance met Sophie’s and she cast her a pleading look.

  But Sophie simply shrugged and said, "Just like you broke up with Justin, Matthew, Phillip…"

  "And we know, we know," Melanie said, rolling her eyes. "You just weren’t compatible."

  Rebecca held her hands up, palms out. "Okay, fine. I get it. You’re saying I’m too picky." She frowned, and added, "It’s just that…well, we weren’t…they weren’t," she paused, unable to put in to words what she truly felt. How could she explain what was missing from those relationships, when she couldn’t identify it herself?

  She took a moment to consider the men from her past. Not only were they successful, kind and generous, they were also deeply considerate lovers. A woman in her right mind would jump at the chance to date any one of those men. She sighed inwardly. Okay, perhaps the problem really did lie with her, and she was the one who wasn’t in her right mind. But she just couldn’t seem to find a man that suited her.

  If only she could figure out what it was that was lacking…

  Oddly enough her thoughts drifted back to last year’s trial against Montgomery Charters, specifically to Quinn Montgomery, owner of the airline, and one of the world’s youngest, self-made millionaires. Rebecca always prided herself on being calm, cool and collected, inside the courtroom and out, but there was just something about that man’s steely command that threw her off her game. Whenever she met those intense black eyes from across the table, eyes that looked like they could see into the depth of her soul, something always compelled her to shy away. She wasn’t sure what it was about the powerful tycoon that had her reacting in such a peculiar way, she only knew that he had the ability to rattle her hard-earned control, and because of it, she needed to keep her distance.

  The bartender stepped up to the table with fresh drinks, and as his presence pulled her thoughts back to the conversation at hand, Rebecca shook her head, wondering why she was thinking of the powerful and enigmatic Quinn Montgomery after all this time.

  Perhaps it was the fact that her friends had booked her flight through his airline…or perhaps it was something else entirely. Either way, he was a man she never wanted to come up against again, because the next time she wasn’t so sure she could keep her composure.

  "It’s just a weekend away to relax, let you hair down." Melanie waved a dismissive hand like what they were suggesting was nothing more than an innocent day at the spa. Except what they wanted her to do had sex, sin and seduction written all over it. "Maybe at Freedom you’ll learn to relax and stop trying to be in control of everything all the time."

  Rebecca squared her shoulders and tucked a long, loose strand of hair back into the bun piled at the top of her head. "Hey, I don’t always have to be in control of everything."

  Her rebuttal was met with laughter. Okay, so maybe it was true, but it wasn’t her fault. She’d come from nothing and had to work hard to get where she was, and it wasn’t easy to loosen up and let go. Controlling every aspect of her life was how she got to where she was today.

  And where is that, some inner voice asked, only to answer with, alone every night, with nothing but a battery-operated friend to keep you warm.

  Sophie squeezed her hand and Rebecca looked up to meet a pair of big blue eyes full of genuine concern. "You’ve been so uptight that we just thought you could use a bit of time to yourself."

  Melanie bobbed her head. "And you never know, while you’re away maybe you’ll figure out what it is you’re looking for in a man."

  "At a sex resort?"

  "It’s not a sex resort," Lilliana reassured her. "It’s just a place where single people go to meet others."

  Slipping into lawyer mode, Rebecca challenged, "But when you say others, you mean the opposite sex right? So in my book that’s a sex resort." Rebecca picked up the ticket and turned it over in her hand, but as she thought about it, really, really thought about what her friend’s were offering her, her body began warming in the most intimate places. She wet her suddenly dry lips, her nipples tightening as she envisioned the salacious activities that undoubtedly took place on the exclusive island.

  A strange garbled noise caught in her throat and she shook her head to clear it. God, she must be crazy—and the jury was still out on that—because for a moment there she actually found herself considering their ludicrous offer.

  Rebecca squinted to read the fine print. "Is this place even legal?"

  "Of course it is, and you leave first thing in the morning." Melanie snatched the ticket and shoved it into Rebecca’s purse; her way of saying the topic was no longer up for debate.

  Rebecca stiffened. "I don’t think—"

  "Which is why we’re doing the thinking for you," Lillian countered.

  "If you’re not at the airport by nine sharp, I’ll personally drag you from your bed and take you there." Melanie finished her drink, and grinned. "And don’t come back until you’ve had at least a dozen orgasms."

  "And we don’t want to hear a peep from you until Monday morning, when we’ll meet you at the office to hear all the juicy details," Lilliana said. "If you call before then, we won’t answer."

  "That’s right," Sophie added, pointing to Rebecca’s purse. "You’ve just been gifted with a ticked to Freedom. So go. Be free."

  * * *

  Quinn Montgomery took one look at the flight manifest and felt his cock swell with an excitement he hadn’t felt in a long time. As the Dom in him stirred to life, he carefully set the paper on his desk and took two measured steps to his office window. He adjusted his tie and blinked against the bright morning rays glistening on the wings of the Cessna i
dling quietly on the tarmac below. He turned his attention to his ground crew, who were performing maintenance checks before today’s scheduled flights, but his thoughts were too preoccupied with the names on his manifest, one name in particular, to follow their progress.

  Rebecca Andrews.

  Now what were the odds that the lawyer who’d cost his company hundreds of thousands of dollars had booked a charter on one of his crafts? A charter to a hedonistic resort, nonetheless.

  His mind raced back to last year’s trial, and to the lawsuit Ms. Andrews’ client never should have won. How it was his company’s fault that Ms. Andrews’ client had booked a package though a shady travel agent, only to find herself alone and stranded on Nantucket Island during one of the year’s worst storm was beyond him. Yet in the end, his company had to go good for the damages, as well as the mental stress and loss of wages that the woman had allegedly suffered.

  Quinn’s mouth twitched and he scrubbed his hand over his chin as he rolled back and forth on the balls of his feet. While the money was only a drop in the bucket for his company, the tricks the lawyer had used to get what she wanted from him, left him wanting to use a few tricks of his own—to get what he wanted from her.

  Oh yeah, watching her from the hot seat during his trial, watching that sharp tongue of hers in action, had him wanting to find other ways to put that smart mouth of hers to work. Heat prowled through his body as he thought about how Ms. Andrews kept her control close, kept her body poised and her head held high. But during the proceeding, every time her glance had landed on him and she lowered her gaze in a submissive move, he knew she was in denial. Damned if he didn’t want to be the one to open her eyes and her body, and put her in touch with her deeper needs.

  Even though they’d never crossed paths since the trial, she’d consumed his thoughts for well over a year now. He’d spent many nights thinking about the ways he’d like to strip her bare and give her ass a good hard paddling for wrongfully stealing money from his company. But the truth was, what he wanted had little to do with revenge, and more to do with showing the woman who dressed in prim and proper business suits that real control came in the form of surrender.


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