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Captured Boxed Set: 9 Alpha Bad-Boys Who Will Capture Your Heart

Page 90

by Opal Carew, Cathryn Fox, Eve Langlais, T. J. Michaels, Teresa Morgan, Sharon Page, Mandy Rosko, S. E. Smith, Pepper Winters

  "Vox will be very upset that I took your things. I had to sneak them out when he and the other two went to meet with Titus and Banu. The good thing is you are closer to the shuttle bay here. It will not be as far or as hard for you to get there tomorrow," Fred said quietly.

  Riley lowered her head so Fred couldn’t see her eyes. The incident earlier made her even more aware of the differences between her and those around her. She bit her lower lip and winced. Lip-biting was becoming a very bad habit she had picked up just since she arrived on this huge chunk of rock. If she wasn’t careful, she wouldn’t have any lips left by the time she got home.

  No, it is better for everyone if I just find my way back home with the next trader or whoever is heading that way, Riley thought with resolve. The last thing I need is some huge cat sticking his claws or teeth into me.

  "Fred, I’m really tired. Why don’t you and Bob go on back down," Riley said, looking at her little friend with big, sad eyes. "You probably still have things that need to be taken care of before tomorrow, anyway."

  Bob moved forward with a frown—at least she thought the crease between his eyes was a frown. "I will stay and guard you, Lady Riley," he insisted.

  Riley rose and tenderly touched the huge, green gelatinous figure. "No," she said with a determined shake of her head. "I will be fine here. The healer said I needed to stay the night and rest. I wouldn’t be able to sleep well if you stayed as I would be too worried about you. The room is too small for the two of us anyway. Go back to our rooms; the others may need you."

  Bob looked down at Fred, then back at Riley for a moment. "Do not go anywhere!" he said sternly. "I will get the guards to return me first thing in the morning."

  Riley gave Bob a weak smile and rose on her tiptoes to give him a light kiss. The huge green figure shook as she brushed his soft, slick cheek, and he turned a slightly deeper shade of green. Riley looked at him oddly before she turned to look at Fred, who was staring up at her intently with both sets of eyes narrowed in suspicion.

  "You are not going to try anything, are you, Riley?" Fred asked quietly as she knelt down in front of him.

  Riley ran her hands over both of his heads before leaning her forehead against his right one. "Now what makes you think I would try to do anything?" Riley teased lightly before she gave him a kiss on both sets of cheeks. "You be safe for me, Fred. I think you are one of the most wonderful mates a girl could ever have."

  Fred turned a wide assortment of colors before he finally settled on a light shade of red. A huge grin curved both sets of lips as he stared at her with more than a slight case of hero worship. He reached out and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly for just a minute before he took a hurried step back.

  "Don’t tell Vox I hugged you," he whispered anxiously. "He might decide to take a bite out of me!"

  Riley’s light peal of laughter echoed through the room. "I won’t. I promise. Besides, if he does I promised him a stick up his butt!" she added with a wink.

  "Kitty on a stick." Bob pondered for a moment before his deep, melodious laugh echoed with Riley and Fred. "Now that I would like to see."

  * * *

  Vox lay on his side staring at the empty bed across from him. His cat was clawing at him to go find their mate. He could feel its damn claws slicing through his gut as if it was having fun mincing him into tiny bits.

  Will you give me a break! He hissed at it in aggravation. I can’t think with you raking my insides like they are a scratching post.

  Want my mate, his cat replied with a low snarl. You should protect better!

  May I remind you that you were the one who got all prissy when Tor mentioned drinking Riley’s milk! Vox said defensively refusing to admit his own part in the desire to tear his chief engineer and close friend apart.

  Mmmm, milk, his cat purred, lapping its long tongue out over its sharp teeth. I bet it is warm and sweet and tasty. I would drink and drink and drink all day at our mate’s milk.

  Guall’s balls! Vox groaned out loud as he felt his own balls draw up to the point they were throbbing at the idea of lapping sweet, warm milk from Riley’s huge breasts.

  His cock was so hard he couldn’t even sit up without extreme discomfort with the way it was pressing down the inside of his thigh. There was no way he was going to make it without getting some relief. The images his cat created were enough to make him come in his own damn pants! That was something he had never even come close to imagining, much less it becoming a real possibility.

  "Vox, are you all right?" Lodar’s quiet voice sounded in the dark. "You don’t sound good."

  "I’m fine!" Vox bit out in annoyance. "I need to relieve myself."

  Vox rolled up onto his knees on his hard bed and stiffly got to his feet. This would be beyond embarrassing if his men knew he was having hot dreams of Riley on all fours, her big breasts hanging down over his face, full with the milk from his child.

  Will you fucking have mercy on me? Vox begged as he stumbled to the door and out into the silent corridor.

  Warm, sweet, yes… His cat hummed in pleasure.

  Vox cursed as he felt the first spurt of cum leaking out of his cock, wetting the front of his black pants. Turning into the wall, he quickly undid the ties on the front of his pants until he could pull his cock free. He gripped it in his right hand tightly while he leaned his forehead against his left arm, pressed against the wall. He bit down on his forearm as he stroked the hard flesh of his cock. He only had to pump it three times before his whole body tensed and his orgasm hit him like a vicious blow. His body shuddered as he spent himself all over the wall. His loud pants mocked his loss of self-control. He leaned his head against his arm and drew in a shuddering breath. He tensed, turning slightly away from the door when it opened behind him, and Tor walked out, followed by Lodar.

  "Leave me be," Vox gritted out hoarsely, not turning around.

  "I, uh, I…" Lodar began before he stopped and drew in a deep breath.

  "Oh hell," Tor muttered darkly. "You might as well kill us. Our cats are dreaming of drinking milk, and it isn’t from some damn bowl! I need to go relieve myself before I explode," he grunted out, moving rapidly down the corridor.

  "Sorry, Vox," Lodar said, slapping Vox on the shoulder. "Your mate… The image is just…" His words died out as he disappeared down the corridor as well.

  Vox groaned out loud, letting his head drop back so he could stare up at the ceiling. He could feel his cock growing hard again as he pictured what Tor and Lodar were thinking about. If it was the last damn thing he ever did in all his long lives, he was going to get his mate with cubs and he was going to enjoy the damn milk with them. The thought of Riley rounded with his cubs sent him into another climax.

  * * *

  Early the next morning, Riley was thinking very unkind thoughts about the healer when he came in to check on her. It was the first time since she had been abducted that she had been able to sleep in, and Mr. Spooky Madman decided he needed to check her arm out. He wanted to check out a little more but decided against it when Riley kicked him in the balls. She was so not in the mood to be playing doctor and patient with someone who creeped her out. When short, squat, and red leather decided he wanted to do some touchy-feely to her breasts, she had sent him to his knees.

  "Yes, sir," Riley said with a grin as the creepy old man wobbled out of the room. "Reflexes are in perfectly good working condition." She hopped down off the bed. "Now, time to do a little exploring. You never know if Dr. Dreadula might have something in here that could come in handy for when the boys decide to escape."

  Riley thoroughly searched the small room. There was a medicine cabinet that wasn’t even locked on the far wall that she decided might come in handy. She pulled it open and looked at a wide selection of small injection guns and tiny glass bottles. She tilted her head, but she couldn’t read what the vials said. She pulled all of them out and placed them in her handbag with a shrug.

  You never know when you might need
something, she thought as she continued searching.

  She sat down at the battered desk the man used and opened the top drawer. There was a strange-looking device that looked like some kind of fancy scanning wand and a laser pistol like the one the trader had been wearing when he shot her ass when she tried to run. Her eyes lit up when she saw it. Being a fully qualified bail bondsman, she was required to have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. It was true that she wasn’t much of a fighter, but she was one hell of a shot! All those years playing the first shooter games at the bar her dear Grandma Pearl worked at paid off big time at the shooting range.

  Riley pulled the bottom draw open and discovered a slim disk. She pulled it out and slid it into the slot on the desk for viewing video. It was a video of some sort. Her eyes widened when she saw Vox. They narrowed into deadly slits when she saw two nude women walking up to him and beginning to undress him. With a hiss, she quickly ejected the disk. She stood up and raised her arm to throw the damn thing against the wall but had second thoughts when she thought of where else she would like to shove it.

  Right down his arrogant, lying, deceitful throat and I hope he chokes on it as it goes down, Riley thought viciously.

  The video silenced the little voice that kept saying maybe she should go with him. Maybe she would be the heroine in this movie and not the supporting character that got knocked off. Maybe there was a happily ever after out there for her in the shape of a big sexy cat.

  Maybe, my ass, Riley thought bitterly. The only thing out there for you, girlfriend, is heartache if you begin to think things might be different here than back home. Guys are the same wherever the hell you go. They only want one thing, and it isn’t a ring on my finger but one through my nose.

  Riley slid the disk into the zippered pocket of her purse. Maybe they had intergalactic email, or better yet, Intergalatictube. She would post the damn thing on it and let him be the star of his own porn movie. One thing was for sure, she didn’t want any part of his…

  "Don’t even go there, Riley St. Claire! You will not think of his stupid you-know-what!" she muttered under her breath as she worked herself up into a fine fury. "It is time for them to get their asses off this rock so I can find me my own spaceship heading back home."

  Riley slammed the drawer shut and walked over to her bright pink suitcase. She tucked the strap of her oversized purse over one shoulder, grabbed the handle of her rolling suitcase with the other, and firmly gripped the pistol she had found in her right hand. It was time to liberate the prisoners of this stupid mine! Riley raised her hand, tossed the massive wave of blond curls over her shoulder, and marched out the door, laser pistol blazing at anything that moved.

  * * *

  Vox cursed as he worked beside not just Tor, Lodar, Bob, and Fred, but alongside Titus and the others as well. They had been rounded up earlier than usual and marched to a different part of the mine than they had worked in before. Vox had known something was wrong immediately. First, the guards had refused to let Bob go back up to be with Riley. Second, they had been rounded up not only early but not given the normal tools for work. Finally, he knew they were going to be terminated when he saw the others already waiting for him and his men. All their carefully laid plans were worthless in the face of the twenty Antrox guards surrounding them. The only thing that gave them half a chance was the fact their collars were deactivated.

  Vox dropped the large rock he had picked up when he saw Antrox 157 walking toward the group. He flexed his shoulders as rage poured through him. He was going to kill every one of the damn insects on this asteroid, and then he was going to kill him a Valdier royal. Vox’s eyes narrowed on the smug expression of the normally passive face of the Antrox.

  "Where is my mate?" Vox growled out menacingly.

  157 raised his hand to stop the guards who took a step toward Vox with their stunning rods raised. 157 looked Vox up and down with a look of pure enjoyment. He was looking forward to explaining exactly what would happen to the Sarafin king’s mate.

  "She is in the process of being acclimated to her new position. She is an unusual species, and I was fortunate enough to acquire a large sum of credits for her. She will not be quite so demanding in her new position, but I am sure she will be in quite a lot of demand," 157 said, actually snorting at his own joke.

  "What have you done with her?" Vox demanded tensely.

  He would rip the Antrox apart, limb by limb, if one curly, blond hair on Riley’s head had been touched. He would slowly gut the slimy bastard and listen as he begged for his miserable life. Then he would shove the credits the creature loved so much down his throat and watch him choke to death on them.

  "She has been sold to a trader who supplies for the pleasure houses on the Grigillian Spaceport. It was decided if she could handle three huge Sarafin warriors and those two, she could handle even more. The trader has assured me she will bring prime credits," 157 added gleefully, his eyes glowing with greed at the idea of the number of credits he would shortly be receiving.

  Lodar and Tor reached out and grabbed Vox by the arms when he roared out in rage. "You’ll never live to see those credits, you miserable insect. I am going to rip off your fucking head and shove it up your ass," Vox snarled, fighting as Titus, Banu, and the others moved to help restrain him.

  "No, you will be dead," 157 said with a smug smile. "That is where my other credits will come from. If it was not that I am a businessman, I would have offered to kill you for free. But, I am a businessman first. Your lives have been terminated per the Valdier royal Raffvin Reykill."

  Vox felt the change sweep over him as the others tried to get him to calm down. He watched even as his vision began to change as Antrox 157 lifted a long slender palm for the device that would kill them all. The Antrox was so focused on pressing the button on the device in his hand that he did not pay attention to the ripple of fur running up and over Vox’s arms, chest, and shoulders. He didn’t notice Vox’s face as his teeth began to elongate and his facial features shifted and transformed into that of the power cat that he was. It was only when 157 glanced up with a look that changed from triumph to horror in one heartbeat to the next as he pressed the button and nothing happened that he realized all was not as it should be.

  157 pushed back, grabbing the guards around him and shoving them in front of him even as he screamed for them to use the stunning rods to hold the males back. It was too late. Vox was already clamping down on the skull of one guard while Tor, Lodar, Titus, and Banu did the same. Adur spun around, grabbing one of the long stunning rods and began using it just as Cross shifted into his dragon form and blew a long stream of condensed blue flames at the retreating figure of 157 and several of his guards.

  Vox spit out the remains of another guard just as the alarms began blaring. He quickly shifted back into his two-legged form, turning in a confused circle for a moment as the red lights swirled around him. Loud shouts, followed by screams, could be heard in the distance.

  "What in Guall’s balls is going on?" he snarled out, turning to look at Titus and Banu.

  "That is the emergency release system. It deactivates all the systems, including the collars," Titus said in shock. "Do you think our people found us?"

  "Or perhaps the Valdier lords?" Cross said hopefully.

  "Hello. Can everyone hear me? Hel-lo! Vox, Tor, Lodar?" Riley’s husky voice came over the sound system. "Damn it! How do you turn the alarms off? The damn things are giving me a headache. Oh no, you don’t, you nasty little insect!"

  Vox jerked when he heard the loud sound of a laser pistol firing. "Riley?" he whispered hoarsely before his voice faded again in shock.

  "Take that, you son of a bitch! Who’s your momma now, asshole?" Riley crowed into the mic. "Fred, Bob honey, if you can hear me, I have all the doors open. I have to tell you, you’d better hurry. Those spaceship thingies are really flying out of here fast. I don’t know if there are going to be any left if you don’t get your asses up here now. Uh-oh, I don’t think thos
e two know how to drive one. Oops, nope. They didn’t."

  Tor shuddered as the loud sound of screeching could be heard followed by an explosion. "She must be in the control room. Let’s get out of here!"

  Vox didn’t wait for his second in command to repeat himself. He turned and took off as fast as he could. He could hear Fred encouraging Bob to hurry. The little Tiliquan could keep up with them, but the Gelatian were not known for their speed. Vox yelled out a tense order for Banu and Cross to stay with Bob. The two warriors nodded, falling back to cover the large male who was struggling to follow them.

  "Go," Bob groaned out. "Go, I will remain here."

  "We have our orders, my friend," Cross laughed as he swung around to watch as a group of Antrox tried to escape several former prisoners who were not in the mood to let them go. "Besides, something tells me if you are not on board the spaceship there is no way that we will get the female on board it."

  Bob thought of Riley’s beautiful sad eyes last night and knew she didn’t plan on being on the same ship that they were on. His huge body shuddered as determination swept through him. She was a remarkable female! She had chosen him even though she didn’t have to. She had befriended him and cared for him when even the females of his own species wouldn’t have thought twice about casting him aside for a stronger male. And she had set not just him and her other mates free but every prisoner on the mining asteroid. If she could fight for what she wanted, could he do any less for her?

  "I have a mate to get out of here," Bob mumbled out, picking up speed ever so slightly.

  The sound of an automated voice suddenly sounded around them. "Self-destruct has been activated. Countdown is set for ten-point-two-nine and counting. Evacuation of all personnel is recommended immediately."


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