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Captured Boxed Set: 9 Alpha Bad-Boys Who Will Capture Your Heart

Page 104

by Opal Carew, Cathryn Fox, Eve Langlais, T. J. Michaels, Teresa Morgan, Sharon Page, Mandy Rosko, S. E. Smith, Pepper Winters

  "My suitcase," Riley said, taking a step forward with a worried bite to her lower lip as her eyes remained glued to the huge pink case. "It has all my worldly possessions in it."

  Vox turned and looked into Riley’s huge blue eyes and felt the familiar sense of falling into them. "It will be delivered safely to our rooms at the palace. I promise nothing will happen to it," he reassured her quietly.

  "But…" Riley dragged her eyes away from Vox’s dark, tawny eyes for a moment to glance at her suitcase before she looked back at him.

  "I promise nothing will happen to it. We must go," he replied. "We are expected, and others need to depart as well."

  "Will this thing put all my parts back in the right place?" Riley whispered under her breath, forgetting for a moment that a Sarafin warrior’s hearing could easily pick up what she was saying.

  Chuckles were covered as coughs as the warriors heard her fearful question. "Yes, my little warrior," Vox replied with an amused look in his eyes before they turned dark with desire as his eyes ran over her form again. "Everything will be exactly where it should be."

  "Including—" Riley’s throat worked up and down even as her hand went protectively to her stomach. "Including our baby?" she whispered.

  Vox’s eyes softened as he reached out and touched her cheek. "I would never allow anything to hurt either one of you, my mate. We will talk later about this ‘marriage’ you feel you must have and the jewelry that you want," he promised huskily.

  Riley’s eyes brightened until they were shining like the blessed crystals that sometimes washed up on the shores from their oceans. Vox cursed that he had been so stubborn earlier for not trying to understand how important these items were to his mate. He would definitely notify Viper this afternoon about returning with a "marriage" for his mate. If something so small put such a wondrous look in her eyes, he would never deny her anything she requested.

  Lodar clearing his throat reminding Vox he was standing in the middle of the transporter room with dozens of warriors looking at him with goofy grins on their faces. He felt a heated flush rise up into his cheeks before he turned and nodded tersely to the warrior to begin transport.

  * * *

  Two hours later, Riley realized she didn’t know what to expect when they left the Shifter. So far, the only things she had experienced were the trader’s ship, the mining asteroid, the old freighter, and the warships. She definitely didn’t expect to see a lush world of such incredible beauty that she could only imagine that this must be what heaven looked like.

  Tall, dark rose-colored peaks rose above thick forests. The tops of the massive trees were covered with shimmering mists of white. Dozens of small flying vehicles rose and sank among the tops of the temples. In the distance she could see great cliffs rising out of an ocean of royal blue. Waterfalls tumbled down the ragged cliff rocks, falling in sheets of white down the edges until it disappeared into the rocks at the water’s edge.

  Riley stood on the balcony of the palace gazing out over the alien world. She giggled as she watched a group of children, some in the shape of miniature tigers, leopards, and other cat forms, running across an open garden far below her. She gasped as a pair of strong arms circled her around the waist and pulled her back against a hard, muscled body.

  "I love the feel of you in my arms," Vox said quietly, rubbing his chin against her hair. A deep purring began vibrating his chest. "I love everything about you."

  Riley turned in his arms with a disbelieving giggle. "Including my temper and smart mouth?"

  Vox grinned down at her with warm eyes. He brushed his lips against her softer, plumper ones. "Especially your smart mouth," he whispered huskily. "You will make my men think I am turning into a kitten. I stop thinking when I am around you," he groaned as he rubbed against her letting her feel how aroused he was.

  A shuddered rippled through her before she studied his face carefully. "Did you mean it earlier?" Riley asked serious, hushed tone. "That you would talk about us getting married?"

  "I would give you anything you asked for," he admitted before capturing her lips with his.

  He meant what he said. He did lose all sense of thought when he was around her. Everything about her drove him crazy, from her scent, to the touch of her skin, to the sound of her voice when she was muttering under her breath or giving him hell. He wanted it all. Every fiery, passionate part of her.

  He broke away with a frustrated growl when he heard the pounding on the outer door to their living quarters. The insistent sound could only mean his family—namely his father—had discovered his mating. A wave of protectiveness washed through him as he stared down at his mate’s flushed face.

  Guall’s balls! He snarled silently as he reluctantly pulled back when the pounding grew more persistent. All I want is for everyone to leave me alone with my mate for a few months. Is that too much to ask for? he wondered in frustration as Riley pulled away to go answer the door.

  You and me both, his cat hissed back pacing. I want to run and chase. I want to capture my mate.

  Shut up, Vox groaned in frustration. This is difficult enough without you picturing how you want to mount her.

  Mates have sexy tails, his cat purred.

  Vox’s eyes focused on Riley’s swaying hips as she walked across the room. Those damn shoes of hers were staying on when he fucked her! He wanted her to wear them and nothing else but the jewels he would drape on her. His eyes brightened as he thought of one particular set of blue crystals he wanted her to wear.

  And they won’t be around her neck or on her fingers, he thought as an image of her huge breasts cupped in his hands formed in his mind.

  He was so lost in the images of Riley in nothing but jewels and heels it took a moment for him to realize there was an awful lot of yelling going on, and it wasn’t all coming from his father. He shook his head and hurried over to where Riley and his father were standing practically face-to-face in challenge.

  He stepped up behind Riley, wrapped his hands around her waist and tried to pull her back behind him. He grunted when she elbowed him in the stomach and barely missed driving a spiked heel into the toe of his boot. He danced to the side with a scowl and looked over Riley’s shoulder at his father who was glaring at his mate with a red face.

  "What is going on?" Vox snarled out darkly, furious with his father for upsetting his mate.

  "You will send this piece of rubbish back to whatever world you found her! She is not your mate. You are already promised," his father snarled.

  "I know you didn’t just call me a piece of rubbish, you two-bit piece of cat shit," Riley snapped back, raising a finger and shoving it into Aryeh’s chest. "I am his mate and he is mine! If you don’t like it, tough shit! I chose him. Possession is nine-tenths of the law and, baby doll, he’s all mine," she added with a menacing hiss of warning and a little shake of her head.

  * * *

  Aryeh stared in outrage and shock at the unusual female stabbing him in the chest with her sharp fingernail. He had never had anyone, even his own mate, treat him with such outright hostility before. His pleasure at finding out his oldest son had been rescued and returned was overshadowed by the threat of traitors within the palace walls and now his discovery Vox was mated to an alien female from an unknown species. As far as Aryeh was concerned, the female could join the other traitors in the dungeon.

  Two of the traitorous females had been apprehended, but the male who had been working with them had not been captured yet. There was also the concern there might be others. One of his younger sons was working to discover who else might be involved. Aryeh wanted to talk with Vox about his two former bedmates to see if he could discover what type of information they might have obtained.

  When he was informed that Vox had returned and taken his mate to his living quarters to settle in before he would be available, Aryeh had been shocked. He had not realized that Vox had stopped on Valdier to claim the Valdier princess Clarmisa who had been promised as his oldest son’s mate. His
shock changed to outrage when he discovered it was not the princess, not even a Valdier, but another whom Vox had claimed. He listened in growing fury as his advisor explained that his oldest son had mated with a delicate, unknown species that had been on the Antrox mining asteroid where Vox had been held during his captivity. Aryeh had stormed out of his office determined to find out for himself who this female was and eliminate her if necessary. He would not let the treaty be broken by a piece of female ass that had caught his oldest son’s attention.

  "You will return her or I will slit her throat," Aryeh said coldly, looking at Vox with determination. "You are promised to a Valdier princess. This…this thing is not even worthy of being a bedmate, much less your queen."

  "You arrogant son-of-a-bitch," Riley snarled back. "I’ll show you worthy."

  "Riley," Vox bit out in exasperation. "Don’t you dare!"

  He struggled to hold her back from attacking his father. He knew it was an impossible battle when he felt the soft fur of her cat ripple over her arms where he held her. He growled deeply, trying to get her cat under control, but it was too late. Before he could stop her, she had shifted and knocked his father back through the door of their living quarters into the outside corridor, pinning him on his back as she snapped at him in warning.

  Aryeh’s eyes widened in disbelief as he stared up at the very pissed off white tiger sitting on his chest. The female was hissing and snarling in warning, but it was the look in her bright blue eyes that held his attention. She looked like she wanted to cry even as she snapped at him in warning.

  "Aryeh, I believe our new daughter is not happy with you," his wife chuckled from behind him. "I like her. I don’t believe I have ever seen anyone put you on your back before."

  "She put me on the floor twice," Vox said with a grin to his mother. "She is very resourceful."

  "She is listening to you talk about her," Riley said suddenly, sitting on Aryeh’s chest with her arms folded. "And don’t even think about growling at me again. I am in no mood to deal with your royal-assness!" she snapped at Aryeh with a frown. "Besides, you’ve totally made me mess up my hair! I swear, between you and Vox you both should have been neutered when you were babies."

  Rosario chuckled as she moved forward and held out her hand to Riley. "Hello, daughter. Welcome to Sarafin."

  Riley grinned, reached out her right hand and placed it in the slender palm that was offered. "Hi, I’m Riley St. Claire from Denver, Colorado. It’s a pleasure to meet you," she replied with a dimpled grin.

  A dry cough suddenly lifted Riley up a few inches. "Do you think you could get off me now?" Aryeh asked drily.

  "Do you think you can be more polite?" Riley asked with a grin at Vox’s dad. "You know, I think Vox takes after you more than his mom."

  Aryeh grimaced and shook his head in disbelief. His gaze moved to his oldest son who was staring at the female sitting on him like he was a couch, as if she was the most precious thing in his world. His eyebrows rose when he realized that she was the most important thing when he caught her scent. He smelled—a cub!

  "She is breeding!" Aryeh hissed out in surprise.

  Vox reached down and quickly pulled Riley into the protective circle of his arms. "Yes, I have given her my cub. She is my mate and our new queen. You will treat her with respect and not threaten to harm her," he growled out to his father. "I don’t want you scaring her."

  Riley looked down at the huge bear of a man lying stunned on the floor. She gasped and moved closer to Vox when Aryeh flipped up, landing on his feet silently in front of her. Eyeing him warily, she watched as his nose flared again as he drew in a deep breath.

  "Her species shifts like ours?" he asked curiously.

  "No, my cat gave her part of our essences," Vox replied quietly. "We are one."

  Rosario and Aryeh’s shocked gasps filled the air. "Vox," his mother started to say, looking worriedly at her oldest son.

  "It is done," Vox replied in a deep voice. "She is mine."

  Riley looked back and forth between the shocked, pale faces of Vox’s parents and the deep seriousness on Vox’s face with growing alarm. "What? What is wrong?" she asked in a shaky voice. "What has he done that he shouldn’t have?"

  Rosario smiled gently at Riley before taking a step closer to their living quarters. "He did exactly what he should have done, daughter. Come, let us have some refreshments, and I will explain it to you since my son appears to have left out a great deal of your new world."

  Riley bit her lip and looked back and forth between Vox and his mother. "Am I going to want to kick his butt after you are done?" she asked suspiciously.

  "Oh, most assuredly," Rosario laughed as she stepped through the open door. "I have no doubt."

  Chapter 21

  Riley grinned as much as she could in her shifted form as she raced across the meadow with Vox in hot pursuit. She had been on Sarafin for over two months now, and she was loving it! Her first meeting with Vox’s parents might have started out shaky, but now she could do no wrong and Vox couldn’t seem to do anything right—at least as far as his family was concerned. They expected him to cater to her every whim whether she had a whim or not.

  If she didn’t know better, she would think his brothers were having fun making them up just so they could see their older brother running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Not a pleasant analogy but truthful all the same. He had come in yesterday morning soaked to the skin and covered in sand from scouring the beaches for little blue stones the color of her eyes. When she had asked why he had done it, he said Pallu, his youngest brother by several years, swore she had mentioned she wanted some.

  His other three brothers had sent him on different scavenger hunts as well, laughing in delight when he returned, at times bruised and bloody from his journeys. He was about to leave on another hunt that morning when Riley begged him to take her instead to the ancient walled city where she heard Fred and Bob were visiting. They had come from the Curizan home world to visit and sell some of their wares.

  He had guided her to a strange-looking device that looked like an oversized jet ski. After he helped her climb on, he told her to wrap her arms tightly around him before he powered it on, and they slowly rose up into the air. Her excited laugh drew chuckles from the surrounding guards who would follow them. Soon, they were gliding through the thick forests.

  It had taken them a couple of hours to cover the distance between the two cities. Vox explained they could have made it sooner, but he wanted to show her a little of his world. Riley had grinned in delight as he glided through the thick forests, past thundering waterfalls, and over vast fields of flowers and farmland. Before she realized it, they were landing in a small meadow on the outskirts of the huge walled city.

  "We will leave the gliders here. The city is often crowded with visitors from other worlds, and I thought you might like to stretch your legs after the long ride," Vox said quietly as he helped her off the sleek machine.

  Riley groaned as she rubbed her palms down along the back of her thighs. "Thank you. I think my butt has fallen asleep," she replied with a grin.

  "Shift and we can run for a bit," Vox chuckled.

  Riley didn’t need to be told twice. She called to her cat, teasing it that she thought she saw a mouse. Within seconds, her cat stood stretching in front of Vox. With a playful swish of her tail, she took off running in delight across through the high grass. Vox quickly shifted and followed her while the four guards with them secured the gliders.

  A half hour later, the loud roar of Vox’s leopard behind her called out to her to slow as they neared the outskirts of the city where Bob and Fred were currently visiting with Titus and Banu. Riley had learned that this ‘zone’ was under the protection of the two brothers. She was excited about seeing them as well but not as much as she was about seeing Bob and Fred. She owed Bob an apology for being mean to him the last time she saw him.

  "Riley, shift," Vox called out from behind her.

stumbled as she shifted in mid-stride. She was getting better at it but she was still a little clumsy. She turned and smiled brightly at Vox as he strode toward her. He still took her breath away just watching him. She had a feeling it would always be like that. She glanced down at the glimmering ring on her finger. After she had explained what a "marriage" was and the symbol of a ring, Vox had disappeared for a short period only to return with a bouquet of flowers—roots, dirt, and all—and a handful of rings. He had knelt down in front of her and asked her to "marriage" him. Her eyes softened when she remembered his intense stare as he waited for her reply. They had made love right there on the floor of the living room, rings, flowers, and dirt scattered around them unseen. Later, she had picked out a simple ring that had swirling bands of color that changed as it caught the light. It was set in platinum if she wasn’t mistaken and took her breath away. It fit her perfectly, and she couldn’t help but gaze at it every chance she got.

  Vox had not been finished with her though. He said that Viper was on his way back with Tina and her Grandma Pearl. She had been so excited about the prospect of seeing them she missed the underlining sound of strain in his voice as he told her.

  "He said he is still picking salt out of his ass," Vox had said in amusement. "You were not joking when you said your Grandma Pearl would fill his ass full of it. Viper discovered salt pellets will penetrate our fur. He also said your sister is excited about seeing you. They will be here for our marriage ceremony."

  He did not tell Riley what Viper had really said about Tina. He was not sure Riley would appreciate some of the more colorful words, much less the threats, Viper had been shouting when he had talked to him last. Opinionated, stubborn, vicious, hard-headed were just a few of them, and those were the nicer ones. He also did not tell her how close she had come to losing her little sister. The information Riley had about her former boss and his father proved to be more dangerous than his mate realized. He had sent copies of the information to Viper so it could be turned over to the proper authorities on Earth. After listening to what happened when that information was shared, he shuddered to think about what would have happened to his mate if the trader had not kidnapped her. He had no doubt she would have perished. Viper had been in an uncontrollable rage as he related what had happened and how he had to take matters into his own hands, otherwise Riley would have lost both Tina and her Grandma Pearl.


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