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Crossed: Greg & Dani (Oak Springs Book 6)

Page 11

by Lucy Rinaldi

  So I kiss him softly. The time will come when those words mean everything. When that day comes, I'll know and it will be so easy to tell him.

  He slips out of my body and lays down beside me. “That's what I call a wake-up.” I giggle, I won't lie and say I didn't want us to fuck as soon as I saw him lying there beside me because I did. “Let's take a shower, then I'm going to run out and get us some breakfast.”

  “Sex in the shower,” I mumble aloud while wagging my eyebrows.

  He laughs out loud. “You're insatiable.”

  “Only for you. Come on, big boy.” I jump out of bed and squeal when he slaps my ass hard. I rub my left ass cheek, it stings like hell! “What was that for?”

  He answers only in a low animalistic growl before jumping out of bed and chasing me into the bathroom as I let out a happy, girlish squeal.

  He grabs me around my waist and swings me around to face him, and I'm laughing like crazy as I wrap my arms around his neck. “You've changed my whole life, Dani.”

  “You've changed mine too, handsome. Now, take me to the shower and fuck me against the wall.”

  And he does just that.

  * * *

  I'm on a real high today. After our morning sex marathon – four times! – Greg went out to get lunch, we totally fucked our way through breakfast.

  We ate lunch together, fucked some more until I finally had to admit defeat. I was too sore for round seven. I don't think I could manage that many times in one day.

  Jesus, I've never been so insatiable in my life. But with Greg, I can't seem to keep my hands off of him.

  His mother called this afternoon to invite us to a family barbecue later on today. I've been to a couple in the short months Greg and I have been together. They're always fun.

  Greg informed me that this one is more for his parent's grandchildren than anyone else. Sidney throws them one every year. Bouncy castle, the pool open for them, they even bring by a horse and a pony for the kids to enjoy rides on.

  There will be lots of food and lots of laughs, that's why I said I'd go with him. His family is important to him and he wants me to be apart of that, and that means so much to me. No one has ever included me the way Greg does.

  If I'm lucky, Alejandro will be able to experience all of this with me soon. Not that I've heard anything from Daxton in a while, and I'm starting to wonder if he's on to something big and that's why he hasn't checked in. The thought warms me inside.

  I know it's probably a long shot, but I seem to have so much faith that Daxton will find my son all of a sudden.

  Not that I don't trust Daxton's word. But sometimes, doubt can creep in, especially when it's been so long since Alejandro was taken from me. But it's all going to work out, I just know it is.

  But you're still keeping things from Greg, Dani. How long do you honestly think you can have a relationship with this man without telling him the truth? It will come out eventually.

  I know this, thank you very much!

  But I know if this is it with Greg, if I'm to stay here indefinitely with the man I love, then I have to tell him everything, no matter how hard it will be.

  I know I can trust him to keep what I tell him to himself. And I know we can think of something to tell people when Alejandro comes home to me.

  But I don't want it sprung on him, I want Greg to be prepared for it in advance. I don't know how long it will take my dream of having my son home to come true, but at least if Greg knows, he'll welcome my son with open arms and not walk away from me for lying.

  Tonight, I'll tell him everything.

  Tonight, after the barbecue, I'll tell him everything and hope he understands why I kept him in the dark for so long.

  A knock at the door startles me out of thought.

  I laugh at myself.

  It will only be Greg, he must have forgotten his key. He popped over to Kory's to grab some of his things. He's going to be staying here with me for a couple days. I think we're heading in the direction of him moving in with me. He's here every night he's in town anyway. And after I tell him my story tonight, and if he still wants to stay with me, I'm going to ask him to move in.

  I open the front door with a laugh. “Did you forget your key, Mr. Harper?” My smile fades. It's not Greg on the other side of the door. “Callie.”

  “Can we talk?”

  I swallow hard and nod my head, stepping aside so she can come in. She may have been an utter cow to me of late, but she's Greg's sister and I never stoop to the levels of others, and I won't be a bitch and leave her on the doorstep.

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No, thank you.”

  She follows me to the living room. I turn to offer her a seat when I'm suddenly engulfed in her arms. I'm so startled that it takes me a moment to come out of shock and hug her back.

  “I am so sorry, Dani. I am so, so sorry for everything.”

  “It's okay.” I'm being honest. It is okay now, even though she along with everyone else hurt me, I know they were just protecting Greg, I can't stay mad at them for that.

  Callie pulls away from me and takes my hands in hers. “It's not okay, Dani. I thought I was protecting my brother, but in doing so, I turned into someone I'm not. I should have given you the chance to explain. I'm sorry I didn't.”

  “I understand why you did what you did, Callie. But it's over now. I'd like us to move forward.”

  “I'd like that too. I'd also like us to be friends again.”

  And just like that, the whole experience is behind us. And as we talk and laugh about nothing of importance, I realize that no matter what happens between me and the friends I've made in this little town, this is my home. This is where I belong. This town, these people, they are my family, the family I have always longed for.

  I no longer wonder if my son will be welcome with them because I know they'll welcome him with open arms.

  I cannot wait.

  * * *

  “There is no way you're getting me on that thing!” No way in hell am I getting on a horse! Who brings a horse to a barbecue?

  Okay, the Harper garden is plenty big enough, and I know the horse belongs to Keller, but it's normally kept in the stables on the other end of town.

  Is there anything that man won't do to see his grandchildren smile?

  “Aww, come on, beautiful.” I laugh as he pulls me into his arms. I honestly never thought I'd feel like this. I never thought I'd ever be in a man's arms again, and never like this.

  I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling his head down so I can kiss him.

  Nothing in this world has ever felt this right before.

  I don't care who says what, this is real, I feel it in my heart. I feel it in all the dark places of my heart that I closed off from the world around me.

  Greg Harper has brought me back to life and there is nothing that can spoil this.

  I won't let it.

  All the family is here this afternoon at Greg's parents' place, every member. Even some that aren't family. I like his family and they seem to like me. I couldn't have asked for more. All that's missing is my little boy. But it won't be long until he can enjoy this with me. I have everything crossed that it will be sooner rather than later.

  “What was that for?”

  “Because, you, Greg Harper, are amazing. You don't even know what you've done to me without even trying.”

  Tucking my hair behind my ear, he asks me, “What have I done to you, beautiful?”

  I open my mouth to answer, but I'm cut off by the woman now standing beside us, looking like she wants to kill me. I've never seen her before, but she seems to know me.

  Greg's eyes follow mine to the gorgeous, slim woman beside us. “Fuck!” He hisses under his breath.

  “Do you know her?”

  “You could say that.” He looks at me, eyes panicked. “Baby, listen to me. There's something I've been keeping from you, something I should have told you as soon as we met. I didn't, I can't expla
in why now, but please trust me when I say this is not what it looks like.”

  I narrow my eyes but nod my head. I've been keeping things from him, too. I'm not angry that he kept secrets, I'm not a hypocrite. But what the hell is going on here?

  Greg pulls away from me but takes my hand as the leggy brunette wearing the tightest jeans, highest heels, and tightest top I have ever seen walks towards us. She's really quite beautiful, everything I am not.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” The venom in his voice makes me jump.

  “Is that any way to greet your wife?”

  His wife?

  His wife?

  Okay, I know I didn't tell him about Joel, but I was forced to keep my past to myself for fear of my life! What the hell is Greg's excuse for keeping this from me?

  He's married!

  I think I've gone deaf. I can sense Greg saying something but I can't hear him. The smirk on his wife's face has me feeling like I might vomit. I clutch my stomach, ripping my hand from Greg's grasp. I can't do this again. I just can't.

  I know I'm keeping things from him, but he's married and I don't have a damn clue how he kept her a secret. All those trips to Seattle on business... Oh god, he was going home to her!

  How could he do this to me?!

  How could his family do this to me?!

  Was I really just this big joke he's made me out to be?!

  “Danika, listen to me!” He tries to grab me, to force me to listen, but I won't stop, I won't listen. I turn and run. I don't care where I go but I'm not staying here for this.

  I push past his family, not stopping to listen to any of them. I won't listen to their lies. No one told me he was married, why wouldn't they tell me? Surely they would have?

  Why didn't Enzo warn me?

  Maybe Greg lied to them all and said he'd left her.

  I don't believe my friends would have kept this from me had they known, not after the way they all reacted when they thought I'd cheated on Greg. If they knew he was still with his wife, they would have told me. They wouldn't have let me fall for him. I honestly believe that.

  But why would Greg hurt me like this?

  I don't fucking know!

  This doesn't make sense right now. But right now, I'm too upset to process anything. I need some time alone. I need to figure out what to do now.

  God, I have fallen so hard for Greg and he turned out to be just like every other man I have ever been with. Not that I've been with a lot, but each man has lied to me, or cheated on me, or worse. Even the men who paid my ex-husband to sleep with me lied to me about things.

  What the hell is it about me that makes men think it's okay to treat me like this?

  I must have a massive sign on my forehead that says, Treat me like crap I'm worthless!

  Fuck my life.

  Fuck it all to hell!

  I don't have my car here, Greg drove me. Fuck it, I'll run home, it's only a mile, it won't take me long. I run and I run, tears streaming down my face, and all I can think is, “Why?”

  Why would he do this to me?

  Why didn't he tell me about his wife?

  Okay, maybe they're separated. Maybe their marriage is really over. It has to be or he wouldn't be here with me like this, I know that for sure. Plus, I know deep down there's no way Enzo would let me be with Greg if he was still with his wife. But he should have told me about her to begin with, dammit!

  But who the hell am I to talk when I've said nothing about Joel?

  I have no right to judge Greg when I'm as bad as he is for keeping secrets.

  But why would he do that, what's his reason for it?

  What could she have possibly done to make him block her out of his life like that?

  To keep it from me?

  It must have been something really bad because you don't just ignore the fact you were married, are married. I can't even think straight.

  I rush through my front door and into my bedroom where I flop down onto the bed and cry into my pillow like a damn child. I don't know what's going on, nor why Greg would lie to me, but I do know that I love him and this really fucking hurts like nothing ever has before.

  Nothing of what Joel did hurt as much as this, and trust me, Joel did some terrible things to me. But I didn't love Joel like this, I have never loved anyone like this.

  What will I do if Greg goes back to his wife?

  I've already been terrified of him leaving to go back to Seattle for good. Every day we spend together is precious to me. Precious because it could be our last for a good while.

  But this, this is something completely different. This is his wife we're talking about. The woman he chose to spend the rest of his life with. The woman he wanted to bear his children. The woman he would grow old with.

  What the hell happened to change all of that?

  Maybe it wasn't even her. Maybe it was something Greg did, something she couldn't forgive him for until now. God, I don't know what's worse!

  Love stinks, Dani. It stinks and it hurts and that's just the way it is. You know love isn't for you, but you had to go believing a man all over again. All those promises he made. I bet you feel stupid now, don't you?

  Only a lot.

  But still, in my heart, I can't believe Greg did this to be malicious.

  Therefore, I don't believe Greg did anything wrong. I don't – won't believe that he wants her back.

  The look on his face when he saw her wasn't the look of a man who'd been caught out, it was the look of a man frustrated that his ex-wife would turn up to a family day and ruin the mood.

  Whatever she did to him to make him leave, to make him stay here for months and pretend like she'd never existed, can't have been good.

  She's the reason Callie and Paige got so upset when they thought I'd cheated on Greg, his wife hurt him.

  Maybe she cheated on him?

  I know now she's the reason everyone keeps hinting that Greg had been hurt so badly by a previous relationship.

  Greg loves me, I know he does. He may never have said the words, but I see it when he looks at me with those blue eyes of his.

  Whatever his reason for not telling me that he was married, I have to give him the benefit of the doubt, just as I hope he will me when I tell him my story.

  Greg is worth fighting for, and I will not lose him to a woman who obviously hurt him.

  All my life I've rolled over when someone hurt me, took what's mine, I won't do that this time. I'm strong, Greg is mine, he'll stay mine!


  “What the hell do you think you're doing turning up at my parent's house?! I told you I never wanted to see you again!”

  “Yeah, well. I'm your wife, Greg. I miss you.”

  “You're my ex-wife, Maya, and I don't miss you.”

  I don't know what this bitch is doing here, but I want her gone. There is nothing for her here, and I don't have time to talk to her right now. Dani took off without letting me explain things. I know I should have told her before now about Maya, but things were going so good between us that I didn't want to spoil it. I didn't want to... Ugh!

  I have no fucking excuses as to why I didn't tell Dani, I should have. Hell, it would have been common decency to tell her. My brother told me enough that something like this would happen and bite me on the ass. I should have listened to him.

  What difference would it have made if I told Dani about Maya?

  She wouldn't have run away from me today if she'd been made aware of the crazy bitch in front of me. I should have told Dani about Dean and the hurt it caused me when Maya tore my heart out and took him from me.

  Why on this earth would that girl ever believe that I trust her now?

  It's not that I didn't want to tell her, it just hurt too much to think about. Not Maya, Dean. It still fucking hurts to think about. I wasn't ready to talk about it.

  “Why, because you've got a new tart to play with?”

  “Don't you dare!” I yell so loudly I know everyone here is star
ing at me. They can stare. This... Woman with the too tight clothing is not going to make out like I ruined our marriage. Hell fucking no! “You're the one who ruined us with your lies and your cheating. I've moved on. I've put you and our marriage behind me, that's where it's gonna stay. You have nothing to say to me that means anything, so turn your skinny ass around and get lost!”

  “Just like that, huh? You'd trade me in for a fat frump? Are you crazy?”

  I'm done. I am so done.

  I hold my hands up, biting my tongue. I don't want to say too much in front of my family, especially not the kids. This bitch isn't worth it.

  I walk away from her, ignoring her calls for me to come back and sort things out.

  There's nothing to sort out. She ruined us after three and a half years of marriage. She was the one who lied her ass off about everything, and for what?!

  “Don't walk away from me, Greg Harper!” I keep walking. “Stop or I'll shoot!”

  Did she really just say what I think she said?

  The smell of fear and shock is all around me, my father is already yelling for Maya to put the gun down, kids are crying, and I haven't even turned to face her yet.

  As I do, proudly, I might add, we lock eyes. She's not going to shoot me, thing probably isn't even loaded, it's just a scare tactic. I've seen enough of them to know she's bluffing.

  Trust me, the woman is unhinged.

  Wish I'd have known that before I married her. But she's not a killer.

  I keep my eyes on her, no one else. Maya is temperamental, if I look away, she'll attack. Trust me, it's happened before.

  “Put the gun down, Maya, there are children present. You really want to scare them like this?”

  “I don't give a fuck about your stupid family! I just wanted to talk to you, Greg. I wanted to fix things.”

  I take small steps closer.

  The women around me are rushing the kids into the house to safety. My mother, I think from what I can see, is the only woman still out here. My brother, brothers-in-law, father, Enzo, Chase, Jesse, couple others, all still out here. I wish my mother would go inside, but she's never been one to let fear get in the way of things.


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