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Her Secret Cowboy

Page 19

by Debra Holt

  She took a step closer, placing her glass beside his on the table. “I don’t think anyone has ever given me a better compliment. That I make Braxton feel like home to you. I can understand that feeling. I fought very hard to ignore the feelings you brought alive in me. And all I did was make myself feel even more miserable.” Deep breath. “In spite of being too stubborn for my own good sometimes. In spite of being afraid to make the same mistake in trusting the wrong man again… in spite of pushing you away, all I wanted to do was the opposite. You are a good, kind, decent man. The man a woman could search for all her life and some might never find. And you’re also a tough, often crazy, cowboy. But despite and because of all those things… I can stand here and say that I happen to love you right back.”

  “And that makes you so happy that you have tears in those beautiful eyes of yours?” He had moved closer and his palm reached to gently cradle the side of her face, a thumb catching an errant tear.

  Rissa didn’t trust her voice in that moment, so all she did was nod. It was enough. His lips claimed hers in a heart-stopping, earth-shattering kiss. Arms entwined bodies and the earth moved. There was a beginning. Who knew where the middle would lead them? But the end was nowhere in sight. Nothing in the past mattered any longer. They had both come so far, through so many obstacles, and yet they had found each other. Just as it seemed it was their destiny to do. No more pretenses. They were making their own vow for the future.

  When next Dev gazed down into her eyes, they were both smiling with an awareness that nothing and yet everything had changed. They had a blank slate upon which to build their dreams into realities…together.

  “So this is what it feels like. I often envied my brothers and what they had found with their wives. I doubted that would ever be the case for me. But then, along came you.”

  “Guess this means you’re going to be staying in Braxton for a while?”

  Her teasing question brought a full-blown laugh from the man. It was a sound she would never tire of hearing.

  “I think my traveling days are far behind me. There is something to be said for front porches and sunsets with the woman of my heart beside me. I heard people say that home is wherever your heart is. If that’s the case, and as you’re my heart, that makes this my home… for good.”


  Snowflakes, some the size of quarters, were falling steadily, coating anything that stood still long enough. The ground and tall trees were coated, and nightfall only made the twinkle of multicolored lights stand out brighter against the backdrop of white. Inside, the fire crackled in the huge fireplace and, somewhere in the background, soft sounds of Christmas music played. The massive Douglas fir tree, trimmed in reds and golds and topped with a single star, stood in the center of the alcove in front of the large living room window.

  The sweeping staircase had potted poinsettia plants adorning each step. Wreaths and garlands trimmed doors and entryways throughout the house. The Braxton Ranch’s main house had never welcomed guests in a more festive way. Christmas had been celebrated days before. It was New Year’s Eve and Dev’s birthday. And it was the day Rissa and Dev had chosen for their wedding day.

  “This old house has never looked better. You and Dee have really made it into a home to be proud of. Thanks again for letting Rissa and me get married here.” Dev spoke the heartfelt words as he shrugged into the black jacket that Chance held for him.

  The three men were in the den just off the great room, where Josie had instructed them they were not to venture from until time for the ceremony. And they were grateful for the reprieve to be out of the line of fire going on in other rooms.

  “This home was yours and Chance’s long before it was ours. I think it’s meant to remain the heart of Braxton Ranch. It’s where you all began… for the most part. And happy times, like this today, are what it needs,” Rio responded from his stance beside the door.

  The door opened and an emerald-gowned Josie came rustling into the room. She had a corsage box in hand. It held three boutonnieres. A sprig of holly with red berries for the two best men and another with a red rosebud added for the groom. She stepped to each brother and pinned the flowers to their lapels and then surveyed them before nodding approval. “I’m happy to see that you all are dressed and ready. We will begin on time and that’s good.”

  “And my bride?” Dev spoke up, standing still for his turn. “How is she?”

  Josie grinned. “Not shaking as much as you seem to be. Take a deep breath. Chance and Rio can both tell you that it will be over before you know it and it is a painless process.”

  “Just don’t lock your knees, or you’ll pass out right in the middle of the vows,” Rio added.

  “And if your hands get sweaty, be sure to hold on tight to the ring as you put it on her finger… you wouldn’t want to drop it and then have to go hunt it under the pews.” That came from Chance.

  “And forget what I said…do not listen to either of these cowboys,” Josie spoke up. She gave each her special look usually reserved for wayward children. “None of those things will happen. Just look into Rissa’s eyes and hold tight to her hand. No one else in the room will even register in your brain. Just the two of you… that’s all that matters on this day.” And moisture began to form, and she batted it away from her lashes as best she could. “I always knew that one day, you and I would be standing at a wedding like this… and I knew there would be great happiness for us both. Without you, I never would have found my Chance. And now you have come home, the man I always knew you to be… and you have found your great love with Rissa. The circle is completed. Just as it should be.” She reached up and they shared a strong hug. It was a special moment. Then she stepped back and laughed. “Now, I have to go fix my makeup for the umpteenth time tonight.” She stopped her exit long enough to plant a quick kiss on her Chance’s cheek.

  Rio chased away the remnants of the emotion-charged moments from the room with his next observation. “You know, you really pulled a fast one, Dev. Pretty shrewd move. You managed to get your bride to choose your wedding day to coincide with your birthday. And your real motive is not lost on your brothers here. By doing so, you’ll never forget your wedding anniversary and will avoid that particular doghouse.”

  There was a beat of a second, and then the three of them burst out laughing. Wasn’t that what brothers could be counted on for? To find the hidden silver lining?

  A few minutes later, Chance opened the door. “That music is our cue. No turning back now.”

  “No way.” Dev had a date to keep.


  Rissa and Dev had been on the same page for most of their ideas on how they wanted their wedding day to go. And family and friends worked to make it perfect for them. The brothers took their places in front of the fireplace, along with the preacher. Given Dee’s pregnancy status, Rissa was concerned about her walking down the stairs in a long gown. So, she had Dee and Josie and little Emmy enter through the archway and down the aisle formed by the six dozen invited guests, mostly their ranch families and a few close town friends. After their honeymoon, there would be a bigger reception where the town would be invited. But they both wanted their vows to be in front of a smaller group.

  Rissa made her entrance down the staircase and smiles crossed a few people’s faces as they noted she did it with her usual Rissa style. Gypsy walked ahead of her, with a gold glitter collar on after having spent the day being pampered and coifed at the pet salon. Her tail was waving like a proud flag. Rissa came next in a white satin gown with full skirt, a strapless bodice, and a huge scarlet sequined bow around her waist and tie at the back with streamers down the length of the small train. Her hair was in an elegant chignon at the back of her head and sprigs of lily of the valley along with a special larger lily adorned it. Paisley had done it again with all the flowers for the day.

  When her gaze met Dev’s, Rissa was locked into it as a lighthouse beacon would a small vessel on a vast sea. His gaze held their present and
their future and a love for a lifetime. His vows were strong and sure and his hold on her hands was her harbor. They began the rest of their lives with a kiss that brought cheers from the assembled group and knowing looks between Chance and Rio.

  Dancing and food and laughter filled the next few hours. Once the guests had departed, the three couples stood in front of the huge tree, for one final toast before Dev and Rissa left for their chartered flight to warmer climates.

  Chance handed out glasses of champagne. “I’m not one for speeches. Although Rio did a pretty fair job of it at the cake cutting tonight. But this isn’t a time to say goodbye. It’s more like saying hello to a new beginning for all of us. Dev and I didn’t have the perfect family life growing up, as we all know, but it had its good moments and we built on those and have used them as foundations for the life we each wanted as adults. Rio had much the same experiences. We were blessed in finding the right life companions in our wives who forgive us daily and love us mightily. We stand on land that was here long before us and, God willing, will be here long after us and our children’s children. And that’s what we are beginning here. We, our wives, and our children will become the next generation. We’ll have our own traditions, celebrations, happy days and some sorrow along the way… which is what life is all about. But we’ll get through it all together… blood brothers always.” Chance lifted his glass and the others did the same.

  “To our future and our family.”

  The End


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  The Blood Brothers series

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  Book 2: Homeward Bound, Cowboy

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  Book 3: Her Secret Cowboy

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  More books by Debra Holt

  The Texas Lawmen series

  This series features three of the sexiest lawmen ever to wear a badge. Two of them wear the silver star of the elite Texas Rangers. One is a United States Federal Marshal. Besides having the law in common, they are good friends with their friendships having been forged over the years. They keep their bonds of friendship and have each other’s backs whenever needed. Dedicated to duty and their badges, their private lives are solitary ones until the day each of them meets their match in the opposite sex.

  Book 1: Beware the Ranger

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  Book 2: The Lawman’s Apache Moon

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  Book 3: Along Came a Ranger

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  Book 4: The Sheriff’s Christmas Angels

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  About the Author

  Born and raised in the Lone Star state of Texas, Debra grew up among horses, cowboys, wide open spaces, and real Texas Rangers. Pride in her state and ancestry knows no bounds and it is these heroes and heroines she loves to write about the most. She also draws upon a variety of life experiences including working with abused children, caring for baby animals at a major zoo, and planning high-end weddings (ah, romance!).

  Debra’s real pride and joys, however, are her son, an aspiring film actor, and a daughter with aspirations to join the Federal Bureau of Investigation (more story ideas!). When she isn’t busy writing about tall Texans and feisty heroines, she can be found cheering on her Texas Tech Red Raiders, or heading off on another cruise adventure. She read her first romance, Janet Dailey’s Fiesta San Antonio, over thirty years ago and became hooked on the genre. Writing contemporary western romance is both her passion and dream come true, and she hopes her books will bring smiles…and sighs…to all who believe in happily-ever-after’s.

  Visit her website at and join her newsletter. Follow her on Twitter @DebraHoltBooks and Facebook here!


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