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Wicked Ugly Bad (A Kinda Fairytale)

Page 15

by Cassandra Gannon

  When she really needed a pick-me-up, she needed Jack.

  His hands callously fondled her, not for her enjoyment, but for his own. He didn’t care what she found pleasurable, which just increased her pleasure. Cinderella struggled against his hold, simply to make him grip her even tighter.

  “Do you want me to tie you, again?” Jack shoved her down and got into position, not giving a shit about foreplay. “Do you want all the men to come in here and touch you while you’re bound?”

  “Oh no, please.” She whimpered, hoping it would happen.

  Last time the men had taken her, one after another, while Jack taunted her. He’d been completely in control, allowing the unworthy creatures to soil her soft flesh for his own sick enjoyment. Telling them to do whatever they wished to her and forcing her to say thank you to each one as they finished. For hours, she’d been at their sick mercy. After it was all over, Jack had made her lick them all clean as he watched.

  She’d been so abused and sore and subjugated.

  It had been heaven.

  “Then, spread your legs wider.”

  She acquiesced to his brutal demands. Her favorite part of this game was how sick it was that her pure body was being ravished by dirty men who should never touch her. A princess wouldn’t lower herself to fight this monster, though. She’d submit and let him have his wicked way with her. What choice did a poor, mistreated girl have?

  Jack smirked and began working his erection. Sometimes he came on her naked form before he took her. Cinderella would need to wash herself for hours to remove the taint of this creature sullying her beautiful skin.

  “You’d like me to mark you like this wouldn’t you, wench?”

  “Yes, sir.” She’d loved it.

  “Too bad. It only matters what I like.” Jack leaned closer to her ear. “It’s time to do your chores.” He snarled and moved to crouch behind her. “Don’t come until I tell you and I’ll try not to hurt you… much.”

  “Yes, sir.” She was going to come at his first painful stoke. She could feel it. Disobeying him would carry a severe sentence and she couldn’t wait. “Please, make me do my chores.”

  “What’s your most important chore?”

  “Servicing you, sir. I’ll do anything you say.”

  “That’s right, you will. And I’m in the mood for something very special, wench.”

  “Oh yes…”

  A knock sounded on the bedroom door and Cinderella nearly screamed in frustration.

  No, no, no, no, no!

  Why did people want to ruin everything for her?

  Swearing out the vilest oaths she knew, Cinderella shoved Jack away and reached up on the bed to grab her pink robe. The men knew better than to bother her during chore time unless it was an emergency, so this had better be good. She yanked the door without bothering belt her robe. “What?” She glowered up at Gustav.

  “We’ve had word from the prison, your highness.” His eyes stayed on her face, not looking at her naked breasts or Jack standing there with a delicious leather whip in his hand. Unless she ordered him to, Gustav never participated in chore time. His reluctance just made her use him more. “There’s been an escape.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “An escape?”

  “Yes, you highness. Scarlett led it. She and Drusilla have broken out.”

  Because he was the closest hittable object, Cinderella hit him. “How could you let this happen?!” She shrieked. “If Letty is free, it could ruin everything!”

  “I know, majesty.” He didn’t even flinch under her blows. He was used to them. “The flying monkeys are already tracking them, but your stepsister has taken them into the Enchanted Forest.”


  “So, the trackers are afraid to go in there. The woods are filled with men from the Lollypop Guild.”

  “I don’t care if they’re filled with landmines! Get the monkeys in there to track Scarlett down! It doesn’t matter what it takes, I want her dead and I want my glass slipper! Now.”

  “Of course, majesty.” Gustav stepped back, his lip bleeding and his cheek bruised. “Prince Charming is searching for her, too.”

  “Already?” That was so typical of the asshole.

  “He’s given word that Scarlett and Drusilla are not to be harmed in the recapture efforts.”

  “God, I hate him.” Cinderella’s hands fisted, her nails digging into her palms. “All I want is my crown? Is it really so much to ask? But, that stupid simpering fool is determined to ruin everything. Tell the monkeys to do whatever it takes to stop Scarlett and retrieve my property!”

  “We should kill Charming.” Jack said as Gustav hurried off to do her bidding.

  “Before I become the princess? You think I should give up everything I’ve worked so hard for?” She whirled around to face him. “You want me to stand by and let my hideous stepsister steal my perfect life?! You hate me! Is that it?”

  “I worship you, highness.” Jack stepped closer to her. “Which is why I know you deserve so much better than that ball-less prince.”

  “I do deserve more.” She agreed with miserable sniff. “After the wedding, I can be done with him. But, for now, he’s the only way I can take my rightful place as princess.”

  “Kingdoms can be gained in many ways. The Northlands was usurped just last year.” His hands found her shoulders, pushing her back to her knees. “Charming’s guards are a pack of clowns. We could seize control of the palace in moments and give you everything you want. Especially, with your friend and his magic.”

  “It wouldn’t be the same as marrying Charming and proving that I’m the rightful ruler of this pitiful kingdom, though.”

  And no one would see her in her not-so-bad wedding dress.

  “Whatever you desire, majesty.” He pressed her forward so she was on all fours and positioned himself behind her. “Just know that your loyal men are ever ready to serve you.”

  She cried out in delicious pain as he slammed into her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Scarlett Riding should never be free.

  Psychiatric case notes of Dr. Ramona Fae

  “Are you sure it’s safe to stop here for the night?” Letty ducked under the grasping branches of an ancient tree and looked up at him. “Really, really sure?”

  “I’m sure. The flying monkeys will be after us, but the forest will slow them down.” Marrok glanced back at her. “We’ll be okay for a while.”

  Very few people ever ventured into the woods. The vegetation in the Enchanted Forest moved of its own accord, attracted to any passersby. The branches would grab victims and drag them towards the gnarled trunks, presumably to eat them.

  Marrok wasn’t exactly sure about that last part, but he also wasn’t about to get close enough to test what the plants were up to. As far as he knew, no one else had survived an encounter with them. Better to just assume they were carnivorous and stay away.

  The Enchanted Forest was an unsettling place, filled with all kinds of hiding criminals, killer plants, and unknown monsters. The law never penetrated the thick woods, so Badness flourished in the gloom. It was said that just stepping foot inside of it was a death sentence for anyone Good.

  It was creepy as hell, but that was actually working in their favor. Not only did it mean no authorities were around to intercept them, but the endless canopy of leaves blocked views from above and the constant shifting of the trees helped to cover tracks on the ground. Wolves could navigate the woods much better than the monkeys could, so that cut way down on their chance of being followed.

  Marrok found he liked the dense forest surrounding them. It felt… homey.

  “We need to stop and figure out what we’re doing next.” Esmeralda agreed. She dropped her backpack onto the ground and sat down a fallen log. “I mean, where are we going?”

  “I’m going back to the Northlands to reclaim my crown.”

  She flashed Avenant a glower. “And you think it’ll just be as easy as walking up to your ex-castle and
knocking? If we show our faces in public, we’ll be arrested.”

  “So what do you suggest? That we live here in the foliage like squirrels?”

  “I suggest that we lay low and stay out of trouble until…”

  “No.” Letty cut off the witch’s words with a shake of her head. “We’re not laying low.”

  “Exactly.” Avenant made a “you see?” hand gesture. “We can’t usurp the usurper if we’re hiding.”

  “We?” Marrok echoed. “We’re not trekking to the Northlands to get your ass back on that icy throne. We have better things to do with our time.”

  Avenant looked affronted.

  “Listen!” Scarlett held up her palms to forestall the argument. “We need to stop Cinderella. That’s our only chance. She’ll be the one sending an army after us. If she’s gone, we’ll be home free. We all have to focus on exposing her as a fraud.”

  “Here we go with Cinderella, again.” Esmeralda rolled her eyes. “Did anybody ever tell you you’re kind of obsessed?”

  “I’m not obsessed! I just know that bitch is dangerous. We have to go to my grandmother’s house and get the glass slipper. Once we have that, I can take it to the Westlands and show everyone that it doesn’t fit Cindy’s evil hoof.”

  By “everyone” Marrok could only imagine she meant “Charming.”

  Sure enough she kept talking with a disgusting amount of confidence. “When Cinderella is exposed as a lying bitch, Charming will make sure we all have pardons. I’m sure of it.”

  “The other princes and I don’t always get along.” Avenant admitted.

  Esmeralda snorted at the massive understatement. “Yeah, didn’t Charming try to kill you in a duel or something?”

  “He would never do that.” Scarlett said instantly.

  Marrok’s jaw ticked.

  “You jackasses do whatever you want.” Dow snapped. “I’m outta here.” He kept going through the trees. “I can move faster on my own, so don’t follow me.”

  “Who is that man?” Avenant demanded.

  Marrok watched Dower march off. He didn’t like the guy around Scarlett, so he was more than ready to see him go. But, it would probably be better if he just killed Dow. What if he circled back at them? There didn’t seem much of a reason for him to stage some kind of ambush, but why take a chance?

  “Don’t.” Scarlett said quietly.

  Marrok glanced at her.

  “Just let him go. He’s not worth getting blood on your hands.”

  “Red, unlike your handsome prince, I don’t mind getting blood on my hands. Good folk like your precious Charming trained me to hurt people. It’s my job.” But Marrok did as she asked and allowed Dower to disappear into the woods. At least he was gone.

  “It’s not your job anymore.” Scarlett gave him a smile and crouched down to help Benji build a pile of leaves for Drusilla’s unconscious body to lie on. “Now you’re free. We all are.” She looked around at the others. “Maybe for the first time ever, we’re free. We aren’t being told what to do, or that we aren’t Good enough, or that someone else is in charge of us. We’re finally in control of our own happily ever afters.”

  Marrok had never really considered having his own happily ever after.

  From the looks on Esmeralda and Benji’s faces, he surmised they hadn’t either.

  Even Avenant seemed perplexed by the idea. “What are you suggesting? That we not return to our old lives, even if your newest impossible plan somehow works and we’re pardoned?”

  “I’m suggesting we all have a choice. What do you want to do?” Scarlett arched a brow at him. “Do you even know?”

  Avenant developed a faraway look and fell silent.

  “Alright.” Marrok cleared his throat, feeling awkward. It was hard for Bad folk to adjust to Letty’s way of thinking. They were used to being oppressed and controlled. The world suddenly seemed huge. “Everybody get a couple hours sleep and we’ll keep moving towards Letty’s grandma’s at dawn. I’ll keep watch.” The rest of the group was dead on their feet. They needed the rest and he needed to scout the area.

  Marrok watched as they all settled down in the thick grass of the forest floor, looking lost in their own thoughts. In a weird way, he no longer found the share circle so annoying. Well, he still found them annoying, but it was more of a familiar, low-grade annoyance, now. Almost like there were his annoyances. He would’ve liked to make a fire for them, but he couldn’t risk the smoke.

  Marrok was debating the best direction to try for a stream when he saw Scarlett watching him with a concerned frown. She was the only one not preparing for bed.

  He met her eyes. “You okay, Red?”

  “You’re not leaving, are you?”

  He squinted in confusion. “Yeah, I’m going to go look for water.”

  “But… you’ll come back?”

  Realization dawned and Marrok somehow kept his temper from erupting at the insanely insulting question. Did Scarlett honestly not understand what having a True Love meant? Did she think he’d ever leave her? That he’d just abandon her in the Enchanted Forest with a useless group of still-pretty-annoying idiots and a fuck-load of enemies on her trail? Was she goddamn serious?

  She looked serious.


  Too frustrated to even answer her, he went stalking off to find a stream. He could sense one was nearby, which was why he’d picked this spot to stop and rest. But, he wouldn’t leave earshot, especially not with Dower wandering around. How could she doubt that?

  “Marrok.” Letty chased after him, apparently still convinced he was making a run for it. “Wait!” She hurried through the creepy trees and Marrok reluctantly slowed down to let her catch up to him. “Let’s talk about this.”

  “Does it seem like I want to talk, right now?”

  “You can’t go.” She insisted. “Just take a second and think about…”

  “I have been with you every step of this plan.” He interrupted. “Every one.”

  “You’ve been amazing. I couldn’t have pulled this off without you. But, the plan’s not over yet. We still have a long way to go, but if you give me a little more time…”

  Marrok cut her off, again. “How little?” He demanded, spinning around to face her. “How long do you think all this will last?”

  She swallowed. “Maybe… two days?” It came out sounding like a question.

  “Until that damn wedding.” He translated, getting even angrier. “Until I help you break-up Cinderella and Charming, so you can have him. After that, I can just go, huh?”

  “I can fix everything once I get to him and show him the slipper.” She said desperately. “Just stay with me until then.”

  He pressed the palms of his hands into his eye sockets and let out a humorless laugh. “Christ, if I could, I would walk away, right now. I really would.”

  Or at least, that’s what he wanted to tell himself.

  She planned on going back to that stupid prince! Why the fuck should he stick around to see that? The woman had total faith in Charming, who’d let her rot in prison, but she didn’t trust Marrok, who’d just helped her escape!

  It was his own fault he was so angry and discouraged. As a whole, Baddies tended to be untrusting, solitary creatures, but he was getting so… attached to Scarlett. Goddamn it, why couldn’t she be attached to him back? Did he need to steal her a fucking castle? He could do that, but it would take a couple of weeks and she didn’t even want to give him that much time.

  What would he do if she never wanted him?

  Why should she want him?

  Letty stared at him, looking wounded. “Whatever I’ve done to hurt your feelings, I’m sorry.”

  “You didn’t hurt my feelings.” He muttered, even though she had. “That’s not what this is about.”

  “Please stay with me.” Scarlett pulled out the big guns. “I need you.”

  Marrok winced. Had anyone ever said that to him before? He didn’t think so. Wolves would chew on poisoned
apples before they admitted they needed anyone else, so very few people threw those words around the halls of villainy. He liked hearing them, though. God knew, he needed Scarlett so much it was gutting him, so she might as well reciprocate.

  “Just hang on with me for a little while longer.” She pressed. “Please.”

  Marrok sighed, exasperated that he was so damn attached to someone who was so damn difficult. He wasn’t going anywhere, though, so why were they even arguing about it? “Alright.”

  “Alright? You’ll stay?”

  “Well, it’s either that or leaving my True Love to die in the forest. Does that seem more in character for The Big Bad Wolf?”

  “No.” She blinked at his tone. “Of course not. God, that’s why you’re mad! I’m sorry. You’re right. It’s hard for me to adjust to…” She glanced away. “It’s just hard for me, because I know I’m not who you would’ve picked for your True Love, if you had a choice. That’s all.”

  Marrok couldn’t argue with that. All his life, he’d had an image in his mind of his True Love and she was not this bossy, crazy, too clever, too Good, believer in happy endings.

  “No, you’re not who I would’ve chosen.” His mouth curved when she shot him a scowl. She didn’t appreciate that easy agreement. “But, I would’ve chosen wrong.” He’d been a fucking idiot to have ever doubted fate’s reasons for giving him this woman. No one else would ever suit him. “You’re the right choice. You’re the only choice. I would never want another.”

  She watched him appraisingly. “Really?”


  A pause. “Why?”

  Jesus, not with all the “whys,” again. “Letty…”

  She cut him off. “Just tell me the truth.” She said in a solemn tone. “Why me? Is it just the True Love bond?”


  “Why then?”

  For the first time, Marrok realized she was taking him seriously. Very few people ever took him seriously. He wanted to say the right words, but he had no idea what she needed to hear. Why did she always ask for explanations for things that just were? His pulse increased, suddenly afraid that he was going to screw this up. That she’d refuse to believe him.


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