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Welcome To Corbin's Bend

Page 48

by Thianna D

  After dinner, a new nurse came in and introduced herself as Debby. She wrote her name on Elly's board where they tracked her urine output, last O2 check, pulse and latest blood pressure readings when they were being monitored manually.

  Debby checked the monitor to note how Elly's blood pressure was tracking. "Looks good," she said smiling. "Okay, I'll take you off automatic check and change your bandage."

  That was Jerry's clue to leave, so he rose.

  "You don't have to go unless you want to," Elly said promptly, a trace of unease apparent in her worried gaze.

  "I was only going to step outside for a few minutes to give you a little privacy."

  "I know. But you don't have to. I mean, unless…." She let her words trail off, but he mentally finished the sentence for her. "Unless you no longer want me to stay with you."

  He resumed his seat and reached for her hand. "Thank you. I'd like to stay."

  Jerry had lots of practice changing dressings, but he watched Debby's process and examined Elly's surgical wound from across the bed with clinical interest. The surgeon had chosen an interrupted vertical mattress stitch of non-absorbable sutures to close the incision. Sutures tended to cause less interference with x-rays and MRI scans than metal staples, though suturing a wound took longer than stapling

  He favored absorbable sutures when feasible in veterinary surgery, since they didn't require a return visit for removal, which meant an easier transition for both the four-legged patient and Jerry's human clients. Though he was immune to the sight of bloody, puss-filled bandages, he was pleased to note Elly's bandage showed little of both. They'd removed her drain yesterday, and the surgical wound, situated along the lower left side of her ribcage, although still puffy and red, appeared to be healing exceptionally well. What dismayed him enough to raise his blood pressure was her still swollen, black and blue abdomen. Arthur had done a job on his wife, and Jerry wanted to do the man serious injury for causing Elly so much pain.

  He held her hand, though more for reassurance than anything else, since the bandage change didn't hurt her.

  "My scar looks gross, doesn't it?" she asked.

  "Not at all. Your incision is healing nicely," he answered, not wanting to venture into a discussion about her swollen tummy until they were alone.

  When the nurse had finished, she inquired if Elly needed anything. Elly assured the woman she didn't, so Nurse Debby left.

  "You up to continuing our previous conversation?" Jerry asked.

  Elly hesitated, then gave a brief nod, so Jerry scooted his chair closer. "Why don't you start by telling me what led up to the events of Friday morning?"

  Chapter 10

  With a glance down at her folded hands, Elly said, "I figured I was in trouble Thursday afternoon, when I came home to find the answering machine blinking."

  "He called and discovered you'd left the house without calling him first?" She gave a quick nod, so he asked, "What happened?"

  "He wasn't expected until late, so I thought it would help ease matters if I showed my submission by waiting on my knees by the door."

  A picture of Elly kneeling naked, waiting for him, flitted through Jerry's mind and he cleared his throat, certain punishing her would be the last thing he'd consider doing. Arthur was either blind or determined not to be swayed. Jerry doubted he could be so single-minded as far as Elly was concerned. "Go on."

  "He ordered me to crawl up the stairs and prepare myself for punishment."

  Beginning to doubt he'd be able to sit calmly and listen while Elly detailed all the things Arthur made her do, Jerry thought it best they skipped ahead at this point. "Then he caned you, right?

  She gave another quick nod.

  "How many times?"

  "He said twenty, but I passed out before he'd finished."

  Skip ahead, Douglas. Skip ahead. "So, he offered you some pills and carried you to bed. What happened the next morning?"

  "He'd denied me permission to participate in the Halloween decorations because I had proved to him I couldn't be reliable. I wanted to change his mind; so, I went downstairs to make him breakfast. He realized he'd been exceptionally harsh with me and was surprised to find me cooking. We talked for a bit before I mentioned I still wanted to work with the women."

  His throat tight, Jerry asked, "Did he relent?"

  She let out a slight snorting sound through her nose. "Of course not. However, when he accused me of neglecting my duties to him, I got a little huffy. He didn't care for my tone. Realizing my temper was plunging me into more trouble, I agreed he was right. Since I was being disrespectful, I said I'd go upstairs and collect the rest of the laundry. Except my admission wasn't good enough. He ordered me to apologize, fetch a wooden spoon and meet him in the living room. I was too sore to even consider another punishment, so I told him to go to hell and tried to walk past him. I forgot I still held Muffin."

  "She bit him?"

  Elly nodded slowly.

  "Good for her."

  "Unfortunately, it didn't end well for either of us. Muffin kept barking and nipping at him to pull his attention off me. Finally, he kicked her. Furious at him for hurting my baby, I fought back by kicking and scratching. When he backhanded me to the floor, I hit the coffee table, and Muffin attacked again. I think he was attempting to kick her, but he got me three times before he caught her with his shoe and sent her flying into the next room. She started screaming, Jerry. I've never heard her cry out like that before."

  Seeing the tears course down her cheeks, Jerry reached for her hand. "Muffin's fine now, Elly. She'll recover without any problems. Tell me what Arthur did next."

  "He yelled at me for making him lose his temper, stormed out of the house and went to work."

  "Then you carried Muffin to my clinic, right?"

  She nodded and wiped at her tears. He took the tissue from her and blotted away the salty proof of her unhappiness as he murmured reassurances.

  "You're safe now, sweetheart. I'll do everything I can to protect you. I also want you to know I think you were extremely brave to do what you did. And though I regret you didn't call me Thursday night, I am very pleased you came to me Friday morning and allowed me to take care of you."

  "I feel so guilty."

  "You shouldn't, but I suspect such platitudes are easier to say than follow sometimes."

  She met Jerry's gaze. "Dr. Pendergast said Arthur's been trying to see me here at the hospital."

  "He has."

  "Did you ask the staff to keep him away?"

  "I did. He called me Saturday night."

  Her eyes grew wide. "He did? Why didn't you tell me? What did he say? Is he angry with me?"

  "Whoa. First, the man has no right to be angry with you about anything. Got that?"

  She blinked, and then nodded.

  "Second, I didn't tell you because you've had enough to worry about. Good lord woman, you were still in the ICU Sunday morning."


  "Third, your husband is a prick, Elly. I'm sorry, but that's the nicest thing I can think to call him. Pompous ass comes second. He accused me of defaming his character and threatened to sue me."

  "Oh, God, Jerry. I'm so sorry. Maybe if I talk to him—"

  "No. And that's my final word on the subject. Now, will you agree to accompany me home when you're released from the hospital?"

  She hesitated. "I don't want Arthur to come after you."

  "Me? Let him. I can take care of myself, believe me, and I'd like nothing better than a showdown with the man. You're the one I'm worried about. Will you let me take care of you?"

  "You're sure you want me? I could mean a lot of trouble for you…."

  "Elly, I've never wanted anything more in my life. I've had a crush on you since I first set eyes on you a month ago walking that ball of fluff you call a dog."

  Elly laughed. "Muffin is not a ball of fluff. Well, that's not all she is."

  "I realize that. She's smart, and special, and loves you dearly. However,
I also think she's taken a liking to me, which should say something in my favor. Now, please say yes."

  "Yes," she replied with a faint, sad smile.

  "Thank you." Leaning forward, he lightly kissed her on the lips, which were soft and full. When he drew back, her eyes glistened as she stared at him in wonder. He entwined their fingers. "I have one last request to make, and this one may be difficult. I'll call Brent tomorrow and tell him what you told me, but after we get you home, you'll need to issue a complaint against Arthur detailing what he did."

  "Must I?"

  "'Fraid so. We intend to file legal proceedings against him for abuse."

  "But what if his kicks were an accident? Maybe he didn't mean to hurt me."

  "Maybe not. However, even if his kicks were an accident, Elly, he beat you with a cane the night before until you passed out, and that wasn't."

  "Do I have to say that, too?" Her face was a mask of misery. This would be difficult for her, but he'd be right beside her every step of the way. And Brent would help her too. In fact, he suspected the whole community would rally around her in a protective web of support.

  "Possibly. Depends on what the lawyers advise. But we'll start with the events of Friday and go from there. Don't worry, Elly. We won't let anything happen to you."

  Jerry spent most of the evening reassuring Elly and decided to spend the night with her again. Brent had brought a change of underwear and clothes for him as well as some personal items, though the hospital provided a small care kit for patients and family members.

  He thought Elly slept better knowing he was nearby. At least he liked to think so, even if she never said anything. She certainly uttered no objection when he announced he was staying the night. In fact, since she'd made the decision to stay with him, she seemed more agreeable to everything he said.

  Having seen Elly's flashes of temper, Jerry suspected her docility would be short-lived. He'd take things slowly at first, though he expected it wouldn't be long before Elly earned time over his knee. However, the lady wouldn't be getting any spankings until all her bruises were gone and she was declared fit to do as she pleased. Until then, he wasn't opposed to ordering non-corporal punishments, like panties-down corner time, even if she had to do it lying in bed, or enforcing an early lights-out, no reading bedtime, or even restricting her playtime with Muffin. He suspected lifting Muffin would probably be the first rule Elly broke. Though the poodle barely tipped the scale at six pounds, she weighed four more pounds than Elly would be allowed to lift for at least a week once she got out of the hospital. And his knowledge of the lady and her dog suggested neither of them were going to be happy about the restriction. But he'd cross that muddy slope when they came to it.

  He waited until 8 AM to call Brent.

  "Morning," Brent said, his tone solemn.

  "Good morning," Jerry corrected. "Elly's agreed to file a complaint and press charges."

  Brent let out a loud sigh, radiating relief. "She told you what happened?"

  "Every ugly bit of it." He glanced at Elly who was swirling her spoon in a bowl of mushy oatmeal.

  "How's she doing?"

  "Better than I expected. Want to talk to her?" Elly gaped at him in surprise and shook her head.

  "How does she feel about talking to me?"

  "Uncertain, but it might be good practice." Elly vehemently shook her head now, and Jerry smiled at her. Brent was a friend. If she couldn't talk to him, she'd suffer a panic attack when it came time to talk to the lawyers.

  "Okay, but don't force her, Jerry. We should ease into this in a way that is least upsetting for her."

  "Right." Jerry handed his cell phone to Elly. "Go on, sweetie. He's on our side and he wants to make sure you're okay."

  With a show of extreme reluctance, she accepted the device and put it to her ear. "Hello?"

  She listened for a moment, then said, "Thank you, Brent." Her eyes shone with tears. "I know, but…" She paused, as if uncertain how to phrase her thoughts. "It's not easy for me. He's my husband." She listened again, not saying anything for a few minutes.

  "Yes, I understand." She glanced over at Jerry, so he smiled encouragingly at her. "He spent the night here with me." She grinned. "I'm sure he will, and thank you. Bye." Reaching out, she returned the phone to Jerry.

  "I'm back."

  "She's scared, Jerry. I can hear it in her voice. I tried to reassure her we would make this as easy as possible for her, but I wouldn't be surprised if she changes her mind about filing a complaint."

  "She won't."

  "Possibly not, but if she does, you mustn't see it as a reflection against you. You've been wonderful with her, and she clearly trusts you; however, she married Arthur, so she retains an allegiance to him that's going to be difficult for her to dissolve. He will view her actions as betrayal and attempt to guilt her into returning to him."

  "I'd like to prevent that from happening at all costs."

  "I know you would. We'll do our best. I'll speak with the lawyers and do what I can to get things started. They've had some experience in this matter, so I'll let them discuss the issue with Arthur. Any word yet when Elly will be released?"

  "No, but our conversation last evening didn't help her blood pressure any, so I suspect they'll want to keep her another day. She's being monitored every couple of hours now. Makes for a short night."

  "I can imagine it does. Okay, I'll phone you later if anything significant develops."

  "Thanks." The moment he ended the call, his cell buzzed again. He checked the display and grimaced. Arthur.

  Jerry rose to his feet. "I need to step into the corridor to take this one, sweetie. I'll be right outside, so call out if you want anything, okay?"

  She nodded. "Is it the clinic? Do you have to leave?"

  Lying wasn't permitted for him either. "No. It's personal, and nothing for you to worry about. Finish your oatmeal."

  He stepped outside the room. "This is Dr. Douglas."

  "Douglas. Let me speak to my wife."

  "Ah, Mr. Benson. How nice of you to call."

  "Can the shit, and let me speak with Eleanor."

  "Can you say, 'fat chance'?"

  "I'm coming down there, now."

  "Fine. I'll notify the police. They'll be happier than kids on a picnic to slam some iron jewelry on your wrists, I'm sure."

  "For what reason?"

  "Abusing your wife for starters. Elly told me what you did and Brent is reaching out to Corbin's Bend lawyers as we speak. No doubt you'll be getting a call or a visitor within a few hours, if not minutes."

  "Put me through to my wife." The demand was firm and non-negotiable.

  "You can huff and puff all you want, Benson, but I'm not letting you speak to Elly. Now be a good little bully and go away."

  "Eleanor understands everything I did was for her own good, so your attempt to sway her into speaking against me will backfire, Douglas, and I'll make sure both you and your veterinary practice suffer for it." Arthur Benson disconnected the call.

  Trying to collect his patience and bring down his skyrocketing blood pressure, Jerry took several deep breaths and plastered a smile on his lips before he returned to Elly.

  "Finish your breakfast like a good girl?"

  Her hands folded tightly in her lap, Elly scowled at him. Now what?

  "That was Arthur, wasn't it? He's going to cause trouble, isn't he?"

  Jerry resumed his seat. "I can handle Arthur, Elly. He's not your concern."

  "I married the man, Jerry. I know how determined he is." She unclenched her fingers. "This was a mistake. I shouldn't have said anything."

  Leaning forward, he gently touched her arm. "Look at me, Elly." She shook her head and stared at her untouched breakfast, so he sat back and waited. He couldn't force her, and wouldn't even if he could. She had to want this for herself. Not him. A few seconds passed before she risked a glance in his direction. He met her gaze, but said nothing.

  "I'm sorry."

  Not sure
what she was apologizing for, he maintained his silence.

  "Are you angry with me?" she asked finally.

  "No. Why? Should I be?"

  She gave a quick nod. "I'm being difficult and argumentative."

  "No. You're having second thoughts because you're scared, and that's natural. But going back to Arthur won't solve a thing, and you know it."

  Another nod from her filled Jerry with a sense of relief. They weren't free of doubt's clinging vines, but if he could get her to see backtracking wouldn't be helpful, he was one-step closer to getting her to admit leaving her husband was the right decision.

  She hesitated, then in a small voice asked, "Would you hold me?"

  He shifted her rolling table to the side and moved in beside her to draw her close. "I can't think of anything else I'd rather do right now."

  "I'm sorry," she whispered against his chest. "I know I'm being a coward."

  With his arms wrapping her in a secure hug, he ran his hands up and down her slender back. "No, Elly. You're being human. That's normal, not cowardly. I love holding you. I could do it all day long and never get tired of it. However, I realize you're beset with conflicting emotions, and I'm not going to take advantage of your vulnerability. If you want me to pull away, I will, but it won't be by my choice or anyone else's request. Only yours. Do you understand what I'm saying?" She nodded against his chest, so he continued to soothe her as best he could, hoping she also understood the words he so badly wanted to say, but didn't, out of consideration for her.

  Elly knew it was wrong for her to seek the protection of Jerry's arms, but she needed him to hold and reassure her. She wanted the security he offered, and yet struggled with guilt over taking advantage of him. What did she have to offer in return? Only a slightly used, allegedly abused, and marginally neurotic woman. A prime example of damaged goods. What's worse, a part of her suspected entering into a relationship with another domestic disciplinarian would be a mistake. The mere thought of participating in a DD lifestyle again made her skin crawl and her breathing speed up, and yet Jerry's protective instincts combined with his no-nonsense attitude and firm authority was what attracted her most to him. He possessed a quiet strength that commanded her respect, rather than enforced it.


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