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Welcome To Corbin's Bend

Page 58

by Thianna D

  Jerry glanced in the direction of Elly's bedroom, surprised she didn't emerge once Marcus left. She'd been reluctant to accompany the doctor to her room, but hadn't tried to talk her way out of the examination. He only hoped he hadn't been too rough on her today. She'd had enough to deal with filling out all the legal paperwork Brent brought her, so she might need a little extra TLC tonight.

  Walking to her door, which was slightly ajar, he knocked. "Elly?"

  "I'm awake."

  He smiled. "May I come in?"

  "Yes, of course."

  Fully dressed, she sat on the bed with her knees drawn to her chest regarding him warily. "Is he gone?"

  "Yes. Are you all right?"

  A nod.

  "Want to talk?"

  "I'm not sure. Marcus thinks I've been terribly disrespectful to you after everything you've done for me. He believes you're being way too soft on me."

  When he stepped closer, she lowered her legs to make room for him, so he sat on the edge of the bed and faced her. "Do you agree?"

  "It's not in my best interest to agree, though I was wrong to disobey you last night. However, I think I'd rather you made love to me than give me another spanking tonight."

  "Trying to wrangle a full pardon for time already served and good behavior?"

  "No. More like hoping I can convince you to grant a temporary stay of execution. I took off my rings," she said, indicating the gold band and diamond engagement ring she'd placed in a dish on her night table. "I don't feel married anymore, so if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I'd like to start over again with you. Marcus thought it would be all right, if we were careful."

  Amazed, Jerry leaned forward and lightly pressed his lips to hers. "You asked Marcus if we could make love?"

  Her cheeks flushed a charming pink. "Well, I admitted you'd already spanked me for leaving the property yesterday as well as intimated you still intended to punish me for lifting Muffin and climbing the stairs. When he agreed with your assessment, I asked if he thought I might be fit for other, more pleasurable activities as well."

  "What was the good doctor's response to your shocking query?"

  "He said even though I rushed things last night, I didn't do any harm, so if I pay attention to the signals my body gives me, we should be all right. As long as I'm comfortable, we can continue. However, if our play or your discipline hurts me anywhere but my butt, we should probably reevaluate."

  "Ah." Unable to resist, Jerry ran a finger down her silky cheek to the small indentation below her neck left by her collarbone. "And would you like to pursue other, more pleasurable activities with me, tonight?"

  She met his gaze, and her eyes sparkled with an inner light that reminded him of freshly cut emeralds. "Yes, please."

  "I'd like that, too, but I'm concerned we may be getting involved for the wrong reasons. So, tell me why you want to be intimate with me." Though he spoke the words in a casual, objective tone, the wandering touches of his fingers whispered a different language. A language Elly responded to with breathy sighs that made Jerry's cock twitch.

  She drew in a sharp breath when his index finger traced the outer curve of her shell-like ear. "I think I've wanted you ever since the day you insisted on examining my bruised wrists. You observed things I desperately struggled to hide. My inner scars as well as the outward bruises. Even though your persistence scared me, you also made me feel—safe. With Arthur, I always had to remain on guard."

  He cupped the back of her neck and gently squeezed. "And how do I make you feel now."

  Drawing in a shaky breath, she answered. "Horny."

  Chuckling, he bent his head until their noses almost touched. "Good." He claimed her soft petal-like lips to cut off further conversation, but forced himself to keep the kiss chaste. After a moment, he drew back and murmured, "Take off your top."

  Elly gasped at the tingle his words sparked deep inside her, but didn't hesitate. Grabbing the hem, she lifted the pale-pink shirt over her head, then frowned as she recalled the ugliness of her bandaged wound along with her lack of a bra. Suddenly self-conscious, she tried to wrap her arms about her chest, but Jerry grabbed her wrists and held them.

  "You have lovely breasts, Elly. Has anyone ever told you that?" When she shook her head, he added, "Well, you do. Now, hold still." She watched in wonder as he bent his head and opened his mouth. Warm, wet heat engulfed her as he laved and sucked her nipple into blooming. She had no idea her breasts could be so responsive. Arthur had never paid much attention to them, other than to tweak and twist her nipples on occasion, which only hurt. But Jerry's gentle tugging brought a surge of hot, sweet pleasure zapping directly from the tiny, sensitive bud nestled on her breast straight to her groin. Elly pressed back against the headboard and moaned.

  With her wrists still encased in a strong, velvet grip, Elly could do little else but loose herself in sensation as Jerry switched his attention to her other breast. The sensitive prickling between her legs began to pulse with painful pleasure in time with her heartbeat. She drew her knees up and flexed her hips.

  He pulled back. "Why don't you finish getting undressed? I'll return in a moment."

  Though she would have preferred him to undress her, Elly slipped off her pants and panties, stretched out on the bed, and waited. She assumed Jerry went to get a condom, since she'd not taken her pills for over a week. They hadn't offered her much protection, but given that she didn't always remember to take them when she should, perhaps the pills weren't to blame.

  When Jerry returned fully dressed and carrying the thong, they'd left in the living room, she sat up in dismay.

  "But I thought—"

  "I know; however, I thought we'd try something different. Do you trust me?"

  She nodded, even though her gut clenched with unease.

  "Good." He laid the shoe on her stomach and stripped down to his shorts. "Move over," he ordered, and she obediently made room for him. He sat beside her, with his back propped by the headboard. "We'll do two things tonight. One, I intend to continue your promised punishment."


  "Let me finish. I'm still going to want you to say the sentence I give you, but after each set of ten, I will pleasure you until you come. You're not on any birth control are you?"

  "No, but—"

  "Didn't think so. I do have condoms, but I prefer not to use them. I know we're both clean of disease, so I don't consider STDs an issue. However, I'd rather not get you pregnant until after we're married."

  She sat straight up in bed. "What?"

  "Did you think I was after a casual relationship?"

  "No, but I wasn't planning on marriage, either. We hardly know each other. I mean, I could be certifiably insane."

  "You're not, but I do think you should make an appointment to see Traci Jackson."

  Her heart sank. He did think she was crazy. "The therapist? Why?"

  "Because, my lovely optimist, whether or not you accept the truth of your situation, you've been through a traumatic experience. I think it would help you to share some of your doubts and feelings with a professional. I plan to do the same thing."

  "Great. So, I've screwed you up, too."

  He held up his thong. "Look closely, my darling, and consider this your attitude adjustment tool. No one has screwed anyone here, yet. And the only screwing we'll be doing will be of the pleasurable sort. Understand?"

  "Yes, sir," she muttered. "But if you just proposed to me, I want to go on record as saying that was the lousiest proposal I've ever heard."

  A chuckle. No doubt her sullen tone amused him. "No, I didn't propose, I merely stated my preference regarding children and pregnancy. When I propose, I'll be sure to present my case correctly. Expensive dinner, flowers, diamond ring, etc., unless I come up with a better plan. However, I don't believe my offer of marriage will include a plastic flip-flop."

  She laughed. The man had just said he intended to marry her, but suggested she visit a therapist first, and now he want
ed to paddle her butt with his shoe, then bring her to orgasm. Perhaps she wasn't the crazy one after all.

  "I love it when you laugh. How's your stomach. Still tender?"

  "No," she admitted somewhat reluctantly. "But what if I said my butt was?"

  "After this afternoon?" When she nodded, he shook his head. "'Fraid I wouldn't believe you, sweetie, especially not after you rather cheekily informed me I didn't hurt you. So, are you ready to begin our small journey into BDSM?"

  "Is that what this is?"

  "Not exactly, but this is probably as close as you or I are going to get. So, once I'm positioned in the center of the bed, I want you to move across my lap and we'll start."

  Elly hesitated; not at all sure she was ready for this. "Can't we just—"

  "No, we can't. Okay. I'm in position, so get your butt over here, now."

  Wondering if she'd somehow created a monster, Elly crawled across Jerry's thighs and put her head on her hands. "This isn't what I wanted to do at all."

  Thwack. She winced, but admittedly, it still didn't hurt. She suspected Jerry's bare hand would pack a much more powerful wallop.

  "Penitents aren't permitted to speak without permission, so the only things you're allowed to say from this point on are 'yes, sir' along with the sentence I give you. Anything else will earn you extra punishment. Understand?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Good. Okay, this next set will be for the way you lied to me about your bruised arm. Since you insisted the injury was 'nothing,' I want you to say, 'I will be honest about my injuries.' Repeat the sentence for me, please."

  Less than pleased with the direction the evening was taking, Elly muttered, "I will be honest about my injuries."

  "Good girl. Though a little more sincerity would be appreciated, it's not required. We said this one would cost you twenty, so we'll break the session into two parts. Now part your legs a bit more." With a sigh, she separated her thighs so her feet were spread about a yard apart. "Perfect. I'll count. One."

  The thong fell, but Elly barely registered the swat. Jerry was being extra gentle with her. "I will be honest about my injuries."

  "Good. Lying to me when you're hurt does not allow me to take proper care of you. Two."

  A tiny sting and a small twinge of guilt. "I will be honest about my injuries."

  "Nicely said. I think you're starting to get the idea. Lying indicates a lack of trust, and the lie itself is hurtful. Three."

  Elly gasped at the realization. She'd hurt Jerry when she'd meant to spare him. "I'm sorry, Jerry. I will be honest about my injuries."

  Jerry paused to give her a gentle rub to remove away the sting, but her bottom wasn't what pained her right now. "Easy, sweetie. We're in no hurry, so take a few breaths and relax."

  Elly gasped again, and forced her muscles to loosen; unaware she'd been so tense.

  "That's my girl. Much better. Four."

  "I didn't mean to hurt you. Honest. I thought I was making things better, not worse."

  "I realize your intentions weren't purposeful, Elly, but lying never improves a situation, and it's one of my cardinal rules. I won't lie to you, so I expect you always to be honest with me. Understand?"

  "Yes, sir. Except I just broke your other rule about speaking without permission—twice."

  "True. I should add swats for such blatant disobedience, but if I do, you won't tell me what you're thinking, and I think openness is more important than following rules. So, no extra punishment for attempting to alleviate guilt. Now repeat your words."

  She did as he asked, and with every downward stroke he reminded her why he considered lying to be destructive. His method worked so well, each subsequent swat left her more abject than the previous one; until he reassured her once the punishment was over, the slate would be clean between them. Even so, the slight pain in her backside wasn't what caused her tears to flow. Her heart ached when she realized how gentle and kind he'd been to her, and how awful she'd been to him in return. By the tenth stroke, she was sobbing again.

  "Shh, sweetie. Those first ten are over, done with and forgotten. Now, let's see what I can do about changing your sobs into gasps of pleasure." Turning her so she sat on his lap, he pressed his lips to hers while his fingers slipped between her legs.

  Her hips jerked as his rough finger pad began teasing tender, sensitive flesh.

  With a gasp, Elly leaned against the rock hard shoulder supporting her as she clutched the firmly muscled arm stretched across her hip. Their tongues entwined, she panted into his mouth as her fingers found and wrapped around warm, freckled skin sprinkled with soft curling hairs, and her knees parted and lifted in wanton invitation. His touch remained light, as though seeking to coax her into a passionate frenzy. Elly didn't need coaxing, she wanted to be taken, not courted, yet pleasure sparked inside her as she jerked again, desperate for more than his fingers, but eagerly accepting what he offered.

  Their lips fused and her torso stretched, striving toward the ever-elusive pinnacle of fulfillment she desired so badly her entire body trembled with need. Want, desire, lust, need and love all struggled for dominance as her lover increased the pressure he applied ever so slightly. Then two fingers slid between her slick folds as his thumb continued to tease the tiny aching nub that wept for release.

  Pumping her hips in rhythm with his strokes, she dug her nails into his arm and moaned into his mouth. He slid his fingers into her warm wetness and continued to stroke. "I need you," she murmured against his lips.

  "I'm here, Elly. Right beside you."

  "But I want you inside me."

  "No. Not, yet. Be patient. This will be good, I promise."

  Aching and wanting more, Elly remained poised on the brink of her climax when Jerry's fingernail scraped her clit. The culmination of that slight pleasure/pain to her throbbing pleasure point brought her scaling over the top. Abandoning all control, she gyrated against his fingers and whimpered into his kiss until stars burst before her eyes and she screamed into his mouth.

  Chapter 20

  Realizing her bones had melted into mush, Elly sighed in perfect satisfaction as her breathing slowly calmed. "Oh, my, God. If BDSM is anything like that at all, I now understand why so many people enjoy it."

  He pressed a kiss to her temple. "Liked that, did you?"

  She blinked and stared at him while his impressive erection nudged her hip. "But what about you?"

  "We have time, besides I'm thoroughly captivated with taking care of you right now. How do you feel?"

  "A little breathless, tingly, and totally relaxed." Lifting her head, she kissed him. "Thank you."

  He smiled. "You're welcome."

  Entwining their fingers, she brought his hand to her mouth and pressed her lips to the inside of his wrist. "I've fallen in love with you, Jerry Douglas. Does my confession scare you?"

  "No, sweetie. Not one bit. I've been in love with you for several weeks now."

  "You have?"

  He nodded. "I wanted to rush in like a white knight and sweep you away. I even considered the crime of kidnapping you, if you wouldn't agree to stay with me, except Brent wasn't too partial to the idea."

  Laughing, she stared in open wonder at the man who held and desired her. "You told Brent you loved me?"

  "No, but only because I think he knew it before I did."

  "So, what do we do now? Arthur won't give up. He'll fight the divorce."

  "Once he realizes you have a whole community behind you, he'll back down. Begrudgingly, perhaps, but we can be a formidable force when we gather together for a good cause."

  "Speaking of good causes," she murmured recalling the women who'd visited her. "I still want to help out at the community center."

  "Great. I'll let Bethany know."

  Her suspicions aroused, Elly examined his expression for duplicity. "How did you know Bethany was one of the women who visited me?"

  He shrugged. "You must have told me."

  After considering the possibility, El
ly shook her head. "No. I never mentioned who came to my door; I merely told you some women dropped by to ask for my help.

  His brow wrinkling, Jerry appeared thoughtful for a moment before he met her gaze again. "Bethany often oversees social events in the community center. I must have assumed she was the one who contacted you, if you didn't tell me yourself."

  Relieved by his confirmation the women had reached out to her on their own rather than due to any urging on Jerry's part, Elly relaxed. "Oh. Good. Then you're sure you don't mind?"

  "I'm sure. Why would I mind?"

  "Arthur wouldn't allow it. He said my first duty was to him, and I was already failing in that respect."

  Jerry placed a light kiss on her hair. "Arthur is an idiot, Elly. I'd love it if you wanted to participate more in the community. Whatever activities give you joy, make me happy, too."

  "What if I wanted to work again? Would you be happy if I found gainful employment?"

  "Happy? No. Do I think it's a good idea? Possibly. But not for a while, yet. First, let's concentrate on getting you well again, and that includes seeing Traci. If after six months you still want to work, we'll talk about it some more, but not until then. Okay?"

  She nodded. "Okay, I guess."

  "Elly, sometimes I don't think you realize your own limitations. You still want to scale mountains or at least climb staircases when those activities can cause damage to your healing body. I want to help you, not control you. I don't micromanage. You're an intelligent, spirited, beautiful woman possessed with the capacity to do wondrous things, and I have no desire to hinder you from doing any of them. However…."

  "Here it comes."

  He tapped her nose. "Stop it. However, until you stop trying to be Wonder Woman, or insisting you're invincible, I will put a cap on your activities. To protect you, not restrict you. Understand the difference?"

  "Must I like it?"

  "No, I suppose not. But I'll still expect you to obey me."

  "Hmm. Maybe we need to discuss these rules of yours."

  "We will, but not tonight."


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