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Welcome To Corbin's Bend

Page 83

by Thianna D

  “Yep, it was a good idea to do it this way. The refreshments and music turned it into a sort of block party.”

  “Yeah. Thank you for all your help today with the little kids.” Of course they’d needed someone to read them the options on the form. A fact she and the other girls had completely missed. Zach and some of the other teachers had stepped in to help while still keeping the kids anonymity from their parents until the final vote count.

  “I’ll see you at home,” Zach said. “I think you might have earned a massage, after standing on your feet all day.” He bent to kiss her lips softly, nipping her bottom lip between his teeth discretely. His wiggling eyebrows were a promise of things to come.

  Her face flushed as a surge of pleasure at the thought rushed through her and settled at her clit. “I’ll see you at home,” she said huskily.

  Zach laughed and slapped her behind before gathering the girls and leaving with a smile still plastered across his face.

  “Someone’s getting lucky,” Carol said with a grin. “Your husband’s kind of cute, for a man.”

  Erin gave her a friendly shove. “He’s taken,” she said.

  Carol chuckled. “Honey, I wouldn’t have a clue what to do with him.”

  They looked around and there was no one left but the four of them. “Oh well better get to it,” Jen said, looking around at the mess.

  “Yeah let’s get this all cleaned up so we can count the votes,” Erin said. “I’m excited to see what everyone picked.”

  “Yep. It’s a shame that Charles wouldn’t let us have help with the clean-up,” Sienna said.

  “Yeah,” Carol said. “This is all great, it really is, but this is community service, you can’t have help to clean up,” she said, mimicking Charles.

  “Let’s get it over and then we can read the votes,” Erin said.

  “Well that isn’t really a surprise,” Erin said, reading Jordan’s form. “I knew she wouldn’t choose the pageant. Obviously, Avvy did.”

  “What did Jordie pick?”

  “Soccer,” Erin said.

  “Really? Yay, we’ll be glad to have her along,” Carol said. “I was hoping I’d get at least one of our kids in my team.”

  “What about Brianna, did you find her list?”

  “Yeah,” Carol said. “I did.”

  “What did she pick?” Jen asked.

  “She picked cooking class.”

  “Oh well that’s good she’ll be in my group,” Jen said.


  “What’s wrong, Carol?” Erin asked. “She chose what she wanted. That’s the point. You can’t get upset because she didn’t pick soccer.”

  “It isn’t that,” Carol said. “She’s my kid. How can I not know that she liked to cook?”

  “She may not,” Erin said. “This is about trying things. Jordan hasn’t played soccer before but she just wants to see if she likes it I guess.”

  “Yeah, don’t read too much into it,” Sienna said.

  “You really feel that way?” Carol asked.

  “Yes, I really do,” Sienna answered. “Freedom of choice.”

  “Good.” Carol grinned widely. “Because your twin boys picked the pageant.”

  Sienna’s mouth dropped open. “Seriously?” she asked. “Let me see that.” She took the note and shook her head. “Well I’ll be.”

  “Fun and games coming,” Jen said.

  It was after midnight when Erin finally crept into the house. She dropped her bag and keys on the kitchen counter and went to check her girls. Both were sound asleep. She closed each door quietly and moved a lot faster to her own room, a sudden rush of energy spurring her on.

  She felt a slight pang of disappointment when she realized that Zach would have come out to greet her if he was awake. It wasn’t like him to lead her on and leave her wanting. She turned the handle and gasped.

  “What the?” she said. Her eyes drifting from one end of the room to the other. Tiny tea candles were everywhere. A few big ones were letting out the most beautiful aroma of lavender. The bed had clean white sheets. “Oh Zach.”

  A stark naked Zach smiled. “You took so long.”

  “I know,” she answered. “Pleased to see me I see.”

  “As soon as I heard the key in the door. Come on over. You’re way too far away and you have on too many clothes.”

  Erin crossed the room in a split second, stripping her clothes off as she went.

  “I need a shower first,” she said.

  “Make it a quick one and I’ll get the champagne out of the fridge.”

  “Ooh champagne.”

  “Yep.” He slapped her bare bottom. “Go shower. I’ve waited long enough.”

  Erin stepped out of the shower and gave herself a quick towel dry. She didn’t bother with any clothes or to even wrap herself in a towel. “I’m back,” she said saucily as she stepped across the room and took the glass that Zach was offering.

  “What’s the occasion?” she asked.

  “No occasion. I just want your time and attention.”

  “Well this is the right way to go about getting it.” She giggled, sipping the delicious champagne. She looked over at the bed. I think I need to lay down,” she said. “Did you promise me a massage?”

  “I did.” He kissed her soft lips and moved on down to kiss each nipple, sucking on each one for just a second.”

  “Oh my,” she said, fanning her face.

  “Lay on your belly,” he said.

  She did, resting her head on the soft pillow. Erin sighed as warm oil pooled between her shoulder blades before trickling down her spine. “That feels so nice,” she purred. Zach straddled her, lingering over her soft bottom while his erection rested between her crack. That was distracting, very distracting, but then his hands started to work their magic. They started at her shoulders, kneading and moulding her tight muscles until the relaxed beneath his fingers. “Hmm.”

  “You like?”

  “Hmmm,” she answered. The fingers moved lower fanning out from the deep crevice of her spine to the edges of torso. His fingers danced to the edges of her breasts, tickling her nipples for a brief second before moving to her lower back.

  “Your muscles are tight,” he said.

  Her bottom twitched, begging for his touch.

  “Open, honey,” he said, running his hands from the top of each cheek to the crease that joined her thighs.

  She bounced her bottom, trying to make him go faster. “Please Zach,” she said. “I want you inside me.”

  “I haven’t finished your massage.”

  “Yes you have.”

  Her sweet nectar drew his cock easily inside. Her soft wet flesh moulded around him, squeezing him tightly from within, while her bottom cheeks cushioned every thrust. “You feel so good,” he panted, sliding his hands beneath her to pinch her nipples.

  “Harder,” she said, pushing herself up as hard as she could with his weight on top of her.

  He climbed off her back, flipping her soon as his weight was from her body.

  “Please, Zach,” she begged. Her fingers slipped between her legs but he grabbed them, slapping them and moving them away before slapping her clit and her pussy lips. It was all it took. “I’m gonna come.”

  “Wait for me,” he said, He slammed inside her just as her body gave in. He felt her muscles twitch and pulse around him. With an almighty thrust he came inside her, filling her as she clung to him.

  “Do you want me to blow out the candles?” she asked when they’d recovered.

  “Leave them for a while. I like the view.” Her whole body was still covered with the flush she got whenever they made love and he never got tired of looking at it. The soft flickering light from the candles accentuated every curve. She was beautiful. When her breathing slowed and evened out, he reluctantly moved her over, just enough that he could get up to blow out the candles.

  The day of the gala day finally arrived and everyone in Erin’s house was excited. “Do you have
your white socks, Avvy?” Erin asked. She’d been at the site of the gala since daybreak with the others and many helpers but they’d all gone home to help get their own kids ready.

  “Yes, Mom.”

  “And your white shoes?”

  “Yes and my dress and my makeup.”

  “You won’t need much makeup, Avvy, I told you that.”

  “Not even eye-lashes?”

  “No especially not eye-lashes. This is a natural pageant. You’re only allowed to wear very light makeup.”

  “What about my hair?”

  “I’ll make your hair really nice. Avvy, I want this pageant for you children to show your personalities and your talent. It isn’t just about the way you look.”

  “I know, Mom, but I’m scared that I’ll look ugly.”

  “Why would you think that?” Erin asked. “You have a very pretty face. More than that, though, you’re a very sweet and polite girl.”

  “I don’t think sweet and polite win pageants, Mom.”

  “You just might be very surprised.”

  “Are you still going to sing for your talent?”


  “Which song?”

  “I’ll decide when I get there.”

  “Okay then. We better leave. What about you, Jordie? Do you have all your soccer things?”

  “I’m wearing them,” Jordan said. “See the cool cleats Daddy got me?”

  “I see. Very nice and they’re very colorful, too.”

  “Neat, huh?”

  “Yes they are.”

  “Are you going to see my game, Mom?”

  “I sure will.”

  “But what about my talent and my question thing,” Avvy asked.

  “I’m going to see them both,” Erin said. “So is Daddy.”

  “We need to get going or we’ll be late!” Zach said clapping his hands.

  “I’m thrilled with this so far. I hope it goes smoothly,” Erin said as they walked out to the car.

  “It’ll be great,” Zach said. “Don’t worry.”

  “What if it isn’t?”

  “Then you improvise.”

  “Yay, you’re here!” Sienna shouted.

  “Hi,” Erin said. “Don’t you two look very handsome.”

  “Yes, we do,” Sienna’s twins chorused. They were both dressed up in the cutest of suits.

  “Do you have your talent ready?”

  “Uh-huh,” Deacon said.

  “Yep,” Dean added. “Do you wanna know what it is?”

  “No! Don’t tell her!” Deacon said. “It’s a surprise.”

  “Okay, well that’s a good talent because I like surprises,” Erin said.

  Erin walked over to the make-shift stage. They’d chosen the park area outside the community center. Close enough that they had electricity but also within sight of the soccer field. The biggest nightmare for parents with regards to children’s activities is when things clash and you’re forced to choose between your kids. That wasn’t going to happen to anyone this time, because all the activities were near each other. “Come on children, it’s time to line up,” she said.

  “And now introducing Dean and Deacon to do their talent,” Jonathon said. He smiled nervously when only one of the twins came up to the stage. “Hello there,” he said. “Are we missing someone?”

  “No,” A little voice said.

  “Okay. Well you’re going to have to help me out here. Which twin are you?” Jonathon asked.


  Sienna and Toby looked on with confusion.

  “Well, hello, Dean. What talent are you going to do for us today?” Dean said nothing but he looked to the side steps and his brother walked on stage. “Well, we seem to have found your other half. Hello, Deacon. I’m happy that you joined us.”

  “I’m not Deacon,” he said with a grin.

  “Hang on, one of you must be Deacon. I thought you said you were Dean.”

  “I am Dean.” The first little boy giggled.

  “I think you’re playing with me,” Jonathon said.

  “Nope,” they chorused.

  “You’re not?”

  “Nope, we’re doing our talent. Mommy said to do the thing we do best. And the thing we do best is trick people!” One of the Deans burst out laughing and his brother joined him, as did the rest of the crowd.

  “Well, I think you did your talent very well,” Jonathon said. “Give them a round of applause!”

  The crowd erupted and the boys took a bow, and another bow and eventually Sienna and Toby had to come up on stage and get them.

  “Go, Jordie! Go!” Erin jumped up and down as she watched her daughter run the length of the field, dodging this way and that until she kicked the ball into the net. This must have been a great thing because the crowd cheered and Zach tossed the sideline flag thing he was carrying in the air.

  “Is that it?” she called to Zach.

  “Yes, honey, they won!”


  “She did great,” Zach said.

  “She sure did,” Erin said. “You know I was wrong. I never saw her that excited in a pageant. Never.”

  “Different strokes,” Zach said. “Come on, They’re about to the judge the pageant. Let’s hope Avvy wins something.”

  “I could have cried for her when she forgot the words to her song,” Erin said. “I really think she lost her nerve because of her lack of makeup.”

  “Avvy’s nine. She shouldn’t know what it’s like to wear makeup.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  When they got to the stage there was no sign of Avvy. “Where’s Avvy?” Erin mouthed to Jonathon as he was about to read out the winners.

  He shrugged. “She dropped out,” he mouthed back.

  Erin looked at Zach horrified. “She’s probably crying somewhere on her


  “Don’t panic, we’ll find her,” he said.

  Erin heard her name being called. She looked around and saw Carol and Crystal waving wildly from over near the cooking table. “Avvy!” she mouthed.

  Carol pointed to the row of tables where the kids were displaying the cake decorating efforts.

  “She’s there with Brianna!” Erin shouted. She ran and Zach followed her. She squealed when Lilo stood beside Avvy and Brianna with a trophy.

  “First prize for the tallest most colorful cake goes to Avvy and Brianna, who joined their cakes together and covered them completely with M&M’s,” he said. The girls were giggling as Lelo passed the trophy.

  Erin’s eyes were full of tears when Avvy came over to them all smiles.

  The little girl’s face fell when she saw her mother’s tears. “Are you disappointed that I changed my mind?”

  “No, Avvy, no. I’m just happy to see you so happy,” Erin said. “Why did you change your mind, though?”

  “Being in a pageant wasn’t as much fun as I remembered it. Bri and I had a lot more fun decorating our cakes.”

  “Well that’s great!” Zach said.

  “It sure is, honey, now I’ll have a helper in the kitchen.”

  “Sometimes,” Avvy said. “I have to go do something now. Is that ok?”

  “Of course,” Zach said.

  “Can I please see Erin, Sienna, Carol and Jen on the stage?” Jonathon called out over the microphone.

  The four girls walked over to the stage and up the steps on either side.

  “These girls have worked tirelessly to bring everybody together for today’s events,” Jonathon said. “These kids are all very grateful and they’d like to say thank you.”

  He stepped back and the stage filled with all the kids from the town. They strode on to the stage in a seemingly unending stream until the stage was full. Jonathon turned on the music player and the children started whistling. When they started singing with a Jamaican accent the girls started laughing, then crying and finally they sang along, swaying with the kids.

  “Here’s a little song I wrote, you might want to si
ng it note for note. Don’t Worry, Be Happy.”

  The End

  Constance Masters

  I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother and an author. I guess my love of writing began when I was in school. It was the subject I loved most.

  I didn’t write while my oldest children were small because I was busy raising them. Also, there was in Internet then… there weren’t many computers at all and those that -were there were not much more than glorified typewriters. The Internet and high-tech computers make life so much easier and although I still have a couple of children at home, I have much more time to write.

  Visit her website here:

  Visit her blog here:

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Constance Masters and Blushing Books!

  A Hot Aussie Christmas

  The Grass Could Be Greener

  Double Trouble

  An Unexpected Husband

  Becky’s Last Chance

  Constance Masters

  I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother and an author. I guess my love of writing began when I was in school. It was the subject I loved most.

  I didn’t write while my oldest children were small because I was busy raising them. Also, there was in Internet then… there weren’t many computers at all and those that -were there were not much more than glorified typewriters. The Internet and high-tech computers make life so much easier and although I still have a couple of children at home, I have much more time to write.

  Visit her website here:

  Visit her blog here:

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Constance Masters and Blushing Books!

  A Lie Unraveled


  An Unexpected Wife

  Saving Summer

  The Grass Could Be Greener


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