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WATCHING CORONA: From Our Dimension to Yours

Page 8

by Holly Fox Vellekoop

  Yes, I am. How about you? Corona communicated. She looked to see who’d joined her. She adjusted her tee shirt and sweat pants in readiness for an adventure and put on shoes.

  We’re doing fine. Looking forward to tonight, Flora said.

  Fancy, rubbing the itchy, wiggling warts on her arms, leaned against the footboard of the bed.

  Bob-Boy and Helper were barely visible near the dark corner of the bedroom. Thin-lipped smiles expressed their enjoyment of Corona and the time spent with her.

  Do you think you’re ready, Corona? Flora asked. Her eyeband danced and became darker, then lighter in anticipation. She tapped a sparkle which was shining through a pocket in her shift.

  Yes, I think I am, Corona said. I’ve been doing the exercises that Bob-Boy taught me and I can feel they’ve increased my mental abilities. Thank you, Bob-Boy, she communicated to his half-hidden figure. She gave him a little wave.

  Behind the curtain, he snorted in return and his eyeband glowed. She couldn’t see his smile.

  Flora felt a twinge of unease, not wanting this special one to get close to anyone except her. She thought it was not practical, considering her plans for Corona’s future.

  Corona was unable to intercept their deepest thoughts. Wondering why, the only difference she noticed in them was that Flora had something sparkly tucked into her garment.

  What’s that? Corona asked.

  Flora looked to where Corona was pointing. I forgot it was there, Flora said. I’ll show it to you when we cross over. I’m glad you’re dressed. Humans have to wear weather-appropriate clothing where we live. We have weather in our universe just like your world. The difference is we’ve learned to control it and now live within manipulated weather zones. Our government tells us which zones are best for us and where we must reside. So those of us like Fancy and myself, who like it warm but not hot, stay in our zone where we’re taking you. The climate is always temperate there, between sixty eight to seventy four of your degrees, with a slight breeze. We can wear these shifts because it’s always comfortable, she said, patting her clothing. In some of the other zones, residents must wear heavier garments. A mist rises from the ground early in the morning to moisten our plants, much like it was here when the earth was first formed. So, you should feel good.

  Do you know about that? Corona asked. About God and how we all came about?

  We have beliefs about God and creation, but the All tells us we mustn’t force it on anyone else or make others uncomfortable with religious talk. So, we aren’t permitted to talk about God with anyone - either in our duties or privately. Right now, we want to concentrate on your passing over.

  Flora didn’t want to discuss religion and ethics since neither suited her purpose. And if the All found out she was talking about religion, she’d be in big trouble.

  Corona’s blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, with small wisps of hair framing her face. Her blue eyes were glassy and bright, sparkling with an intrinsic light.

  You’ve changed so much since you were born, Flora said. She was careful not to indicate any feelings of affection. By necessity, she was directing Corona’s future to take a different course than the others, and she couldn’t distract from that direction by getting close to her. Flora wanted nothing to interfere with her own personal needs and wants.

  We must be going now, Fancy said. Make sure you don’t bring any electronics with you like a cell phone or anything else. They’re crude and don’t successfully pass over with humans. Some of them interfere with our communicating with each other, too. Most of the time, they disintegrate from the excitation modes of tension, with their remnants eventually being absorbed.

  I wasn’t planning on bringing my cell phone or anything else, Corona said. Bob-Boy already told me what could and couldn’t go with me.

  Fancy glided to the other side of Corona and together, she and Flora escorted her to the window. Don’t worry about breathing the air in In Situ. It has the same elements in the same percentages as here. After all, we exist in the same space as your world. She used her sensors to make sure Corona’s family remained deep in slumber in their room. Satisfied all was well there, she turned her attention to the teen.

  Your recent lessons were designed to assist you in understanding the connection between the knowledge for passing over and something you already know a lot about, Flora said. Was that evident?

  Corona was sure what connection Flora was looking for and had an answer. I recognized the connection between passing over and the musical scale. There’s a relationship between and amongst musical intonation and the mathematical and chemical elements necessary for the discipline. String Theory is a good example. Still veiling her thoughts from the creatures, she waited for a response from Flora to say she was right.

  Flora snorted. Good girl. That’s why we wanted that necessary genetic information in your family line. We knew when the most-gifted Hybrid was born, musical understanding would be needed to assist in passing over to our dimension. Are you ready now?

  I’m ready, Corona said. She took a deep breath.

  Watch Helper go first, Flora said.

  The male creature moved his body closer to the corner of the room. He crossed his arms over his chest, and departed through a fold in the air. It was a smooth leave-taking, disturbing nothing but a little bit of air in the process.

  Corona smiled as she always did when she witnessed their comings and goings.

  Remember to cross your arms across your chest, Bob-Boy said. It makes for a smoother passing, permits you better body balance and you will vibrate as needed. Also, do the exercise I gave you for controlling the electrical and chemical energy in your brain. It’ll assist you in changing the molecular structure of your body so you can transition through the folds, and return at will. Do you understand? His luminescent eyeband examined her for her understanding.

  Corona nodded her head.

  I’ll go before you and wait on the other side, Bob-Boy said. Flora and Fancy will follow.

  Fancy glided to the bed and stuffed something under the bedding to make it look as if there was a body under the covers. Before she closed the closet door, she looked up to the shelf where the grandparents’ boat items had been stored. She quickly communicated to Corona. Where’s the camera the man and woman had on the boat?

  Uncle Hale took it today. We’re going to get the pictures developed, Corona said.

  Flora and Fancy exchanged concerned looks.

  Not good, Flora thought.

  Corona wondered why Flora looked concerned, but was too excited about crossing over to think further about it.

  We’ll discuss that when we return, Fancy said.

  Corona wished she could read their thoughts right now. She strained but nothing came.

  Time to go so you can prove yourself, Flora said. If there are any problems, I have a device to assist you. Remember to continue communicating to us through your mind’s thought track You’ll understand us there as you do here.

  I will. I’m ready, Corona said. She crossed her arms over her chest, turned away from the beings, exercised her cerebral capabilities, and walked her changed body through the fold which opened from this world into the In Situ dimension.

  Corona could feel the accompanying waves of acoustic vibrations cascading around and through her atomistic being. It felt luxurious.

  Delighted with the result, Flora and Fancy followed their Hybrid.

  Corona’s eyes had closed during the passing. She opened them and said, Where am I? to her companions. She stared at what she believed to be a domicile.

  Flora, Fancy and the two males stood nearby, smiling at the girl’s success in passing over. They felt like it was their success, too. Their eyeband colors deepened, reflecting satisfaction.

  You always wanted to visit my house, Flora said. This is it. As it happens, your property and my home occupy the same space. That’s one of the reasons this house was chosen by our leaders to be my house. Because it shares the same space
as your family. I’m easily able to move back and forth between your home, which was also your mother’s home, to mine. So many of our human Hybrids relocate throughout the years so we have to encourage them, in our special way, to stay put on the property where we’re interacting with them. It’s also good they have no pets because of the issues they’d have with us and we with them. She stopped short of telling Corona how disgusting pets were.

  This is amazing, Corona said. I feel tingly with warming sensations all through my body. But it’s a good tingling. She reached down and patted her legs and then her arms. She looked questioningly at the others.

  That’s typical, Fancy said. I still feel that way sometimes. It’ll subside. Part of what you’re experiencing is from the acid materials that accumulate from excessive energy production. It’s natural so there’s no need to concern yourself about it. When oxygen becomes more available to your cells, the high levels will revert back to their origin. It’s a lot like what happens when someone strenuously exercises and their active muscles hurt. Only for you, it’s on an even higher vibrational lever and it’s body-wide at the cellular level, so it feels good.

  I’m starting to feel normal already, Corona said. Wow, look at this place. She turned about to view Flora’s home.

  The interior of the circular home in which they were standing was cozily lit through the walls of the windowless structure.

  Corona walked toward the smooth, softly lit wall surface and asked her companions, May I touch this? It was inviting to run her hands across it

  Sure. It’s harmless, Flora communicated. In your world, power plants of all kinds supply electricity to your homes and factories. Here, all power is derived from this. She touched a space near the front doorway and a door panel swung out. On a shelf below the clear energy panel was a prism on a pedestal. Flora extracted the chunky object and held it out for Corona to take.

  The light in the dwelling faded.

  Corona reached over and took the gleaming, heavy item from Flora. She turned it over and over in her palm, enjoying the beauty of the glassy stone then placed it back on its stand. Slowly, the lighting revived.

  That powers our home, Flora said. One of those will provide the needed energy depending on the stone. This size stone is able to power my home for longer than I’ll require. After I’m gone, the next occupant will have it. Years from now, it’ll still be useful.

  Corona plucked the object from its setting and pulled it close to look through it. Rainbow hues reflected and refracted within until the light in the room faded. She thought it beautiful.

  Flora took it from Corona and placed it back on its pedestal inside the open box and closed the door. The room lit up again.

  We don’t want to lose our power, Flora said. You call that a diamond in your world and cut and polish it for jewelry to make yourselves look good. I’ve seen it on human fingers and all over their bodies. She snorted at what she perceived as their ignorance. We’ve learned to tap the energy the diamond possesses from having high temperatures and pressure over eons. We put it to work for us. We especially like the ones formed from repeated asteroid strikes. The larger the stone or the higher the stone count in the diamond, the greater the area it will power and the longer it’ll work. Blue fluorescent diamonds are energy inferior so we don’t use them.

  It’d make such a tremendous difference in human lives if we could do that in our world, Corona said. Wars are fought over energy. Politics hinge on it. People suffer for it. You must know all that from having watched us.

  Yes, we’re aware of that, Fancy said. Wars, politics and suffering are in all dimensions we know of. We’ve observed your space fora long time. I sometimes felt sorry for the humans’ weaknesses. They obsessed about feeling as if someone or something was watching them to the point it caused them to act in a peculiar manner. When we saw someone deteriorating, we’d suspend our monitoring of them. They were useless by then. That’s one of the reasons we initiated the Hybrid Program which begat you. We wanted subjects with the mental stamina to stay the course.

  There’s so much I want to know, Corona answered. Like, how did I come to being born and what happened to my grandparents and my mother? I sense the answers are here. I want to know all that, but first I want to know if I will be able to teach our world how to do this? Corona said, waving her arms about the room. Like how to retrieve energy from diamonds. All of this would benefit us immensely. The quality of life for even the poorest would be improved.

  The time will come when you’re more mature, you and other Hybrids will have learned enough to teach all humans how to do this, Flora said. She was finding Corona’s kind nature a bit tiresome. Which brings us to the real reason why we visited you. Sit down, Corona. She motioned to one of the small seats in the room.

  Corona looked to where she was told to sit and hesitated for, like all the furniture in the large room, the chair was nearly invisible. It looked more like a translucent bit of air and she was unsure of what to do with it.

  It’s okay, Fancy said, sensing her concern. Watch me. She glided to a nearby chair bit, sat down and nestled deep in an unfolding, comfortable pocket which molded itself to fit her physique. When Fancy changed position, the chair did, too. She patted the sides to open up more space.

  Corona’s face lit up. She plopped down onto her chair and moved about as the furniture conformed itself to her shape. She felt the soft, dense material beneath her which she was sure defied known atomistic laws. What is this made of? And where are the chair legs? she asked, kneading the cushiony air as if it were dough. She bent down to look through her legs and peek under the chair.

  “We’ve simply transformed the atomistic structure and balance it on an energy field,” Flora said.

  Corona was disappointed she couldn’t immediately transfer these items to her dimension. Her insatiable ‘need to know’ and ‘desire to help’ wanted action now. She wondered why the In Situs couldn’t just change everything immediately. She was also disappointed that, in this dimension, she couldn’t always read the beings’ minds. Her ability to do so seemed to falter, coming and going, although she didn’t know why.

  More pressing things must happen first before we provide your dimension with our advances, Flora said. Uncertain about all of Corona’s gifts, she tried to guard and compartmentalize her thoughts so as not to reveal information which would betray their In Situ cause. This constant need was draining her energy.

  Flora glided to her own chair and sat down. She and the chair, as if on a puff of air and without any aid from its occupant, moved closer to Corona and Fancy. Flora stared deep into the girl’s eyes, measuring the importance of the human.

  Despite the differences in the way we look and live, from us to you, our beings and dimension are more similar to your world and others than you might imagine, Flora said. We have a government called the All, and a leader who makes our decisions.

  Corona started to ask something, but Flora put her hand out to silence her. You have a brilliant, inquisitive mind, Corona. Let me finish what I have to say before you communicate again. This material is what your corporate world would call ‘housekeeping,’ the providing of clear, concise data which must be gotten out of the way before any real work begins.

  I’m sorry, Corona said, chastising herself for not being more disciplined.

  Now, Flora said. When our team completed our examinations of your mother, she was close to being the ultimate Hybrid we were looking for. We wanted to continue working that DNA strain with the hope of eventually having one such as you with gifts and the capability of entering and reentering dimensions, without the aid of a tool. We know dimensions have other shared spaces they cannot enter. However, there could be many more occupying the same space than we even know. We can enter your world, but not the ones closer to you than to us, but we hope to work it all out so we can pass over to wherever we wish to go. Oh yes, the spot from where you enter and leave on either side of the fold is very important, Corona. You must always have o
ne of us with you. Don’t do this on your own. Ever. It could be very dangerous for you.

  We chose this specific location because my home is relatively safe. I live in an area where, while there is disagreement over issues, there’s no ongoing war. Our team is in harmony as to the mission of our work with your kind, but that isn’t true of all who occupy In Situ. Even within our neighborhood, In Situs like us, believe differently. They don’t want us meddling in the worlds of other beings who share our space or are near our boundaries. They fear we’ll bring a disaster upon ourselves. Even though we’ve benefited from those who occupy dimensions close to ours, some don’t want to pass that on to you and yours. They’re selfish and troublemakers. They don’t believe our program will eventually assist all of us. The importance of my telling you this is that some of the In Situs have become more militant. They’re hiring other groups to strengthen their protest. They’ve vowed to kill Hybrids passing from your space to ours. They’re also against the more advanced beings from our other close dimensions coming here. They want the Hybrid program stopped. Your safety is very important to us, which is the primary reason we don’t want you to ever pass over without one of us.

  I understand, and I promise not to pass over without one of you present, Corona said. Her veiled thoughts included the clause, Unless I think I need to.

  Specifically, Flora clarified. Don’t pass over to here unless Fancy or myself bring you. The folds we pass through conform to all laws of physics as we know them. And because of that, if you pass over into the wrong space, you could have serious problems with the beings who inhabit it. You may not be able to return home or get back here. You could end up somewhere in between dimensions or beyond.

  Corona’s attention was caught by a shiny air sparkle that floated gently above her.

  She pointed at it.

  Flora said, Oh yeah, that reminds me. She pulled an identical sparkle from her pocket and tossed it into the air where it settled above her head. We’ll talk about that later.


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