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WATCHING CORONA: From Our Dimension to Yours

Page 25

by Holly Fox Vellekoop

  Sarah stiffened.

  Marva sensed Sarah’s concerns. “What I mean is that we no longer work with the others. Their memories of our contact with them have been erased. You three are the most advanced Hybrids we have and we didn’t want to continue with the others.” She kept her mind veil lowered so Corona couldn’t know that the others are now dust in the desert, near the drifting remains of the Human Camp and others from past dealings.

  Stanley relaxed. He reached and touched the chair Marva was sitting on. He leaned over to get a closer look at the back of it. He smiled.

  Corona showed interest in the explanation of how they erased the memories other Hybrids had of the In Situs. She noted the veiling Marva did and had lowered her own veil in response to being shut out. In the comfortable presence of the leader, Corona made excuses for Marva’s veiling and was beginning to feel she shouldn’t use her own anymore. Corona checked herself on that emotion, deciding to revisit it later. Her inner voice cautioned, Things are rarely what they seem.

  “Once we gain the trust of your world leaders, we’ll begin the transfer of gifts of technology from our dimension to yours. We have so much to give that humans need. When we’ve explained and demonstrated everything that’ll be helpful, we’ll introduce the Valer’s advancements. I’ve been in contact with Booker, the Valer’s current leader, and he agrees with our plan.”

  “As you can see,” Jocka said, “Our long term goal is to improve life for all parallel worlds we contact. Those near the Valers will help them. The Valers will send those improvements to us which we’ll use for ourselves and we’ll bring them to you. There are a seemingly infinite number of dimensions to connect with. The Korsa will help make each one happen.”

  Sarah was full of pride and energy for the cause. She pictured her place in history as one of the first to have genuine contact with beings who are not from this earthly space. Her family would be so proud. She thought of the good the In Situ gifts will bring to this world through their programs. Genuine progress could be made without greed, malice, or domination. She thrilled at the thought of eradicating war, disease, famine, and poverty. The world would change and she would embrace it fully. Her economic prowess would aid the cause. Sarah was flush with anticipation and felt brave enough to do almost anything the In Situs asked of her.

  Marva recognized Sarah’s intense connection to their program. She is ours.

  Stanley also was dreaming of the future. His felt assured that his studies of the brain will be enhanced by the Valer’s assistance. He wondered what great new things he’d discover with funding and help from the dimensions beyond. He would be famous. Respected. Admired. Wherever this leads me, I will go, Stanley thought.

  Marva was pleased. Another one hooked.

  Corona was unsure of where she’d fit in this futuristic plan. She’d look to Marva for direction and guidance. She felt as if the leader was her new mother. Her rising comfort level was removing any doubts she’d had. The stale, power-hungry, polarized political climate would no longer hinder mankind’s growth from one group to another. The future world looked dazzling. Freeing. Unlimited. Memories of In Situ oppression of males and their intolerance of other life forms seemed distant.

  “I’m so excited about where our relationship with In Situ will take us,” Corona said.

  Marva was thrilled. They are all ours, now.

  In a darkened corner, behind a curtain, a bright orange eyeband watched the gathering. Brother’s concerns for Corona were increasing.

  Having embraced the name Brother which Corona gave him, he felt like her friend or a part of her family. He frequently recalled how delicious it was to be hugged close to Corona and experience genuine affection. He’d do anything to keep anyone from interfering with his new relationship. His full attention was focused on the true intentions of Marva and the Valers. All of it underscored blossoming danger for his dear Corona.

  Later that evening…

  Corona was alone in her room at her computer doing research for her studies, when she heard something near the window.

  Brother rustled the curtain to get Corona’s attention. She saw his orange eyeband peeking out.

  “Brother,” Corona called to him. “We were talking about you and wondering when we’d see you again.” She pulled him close for a hug.

  Brother responded by hugging her in return.

  “Corona, I have a surprise for you but you mustn’t tell anyone. Do you promise?” His orange eyeband glowed. He fidgeted and tapped his small feet.

  “I promise. I love surprises. What is it?”

  From behind the curtain, a lovely, young woman stepped forward. She stood in front of Corona and smiled.

  Corona was at first puzzled then recognized the woman as her mother Grace. She squealed with delight and rushed to her.

  Mother and daughter hugged tightly, crying tears of joy. They pulled away and looked at one another. Corona and Grace hugged again, saying how much they loved and missed each other.

  “I knew you weren’t dead. I just knew it,” Corona said. “I’d always believed we’d be together someday. And here you are.” She shrieked with happiness. “And your voice. It sounds just like the ‘inner voice’ which sometimes speaks to me.

  “That was me, Corona. I did what I could to help you. They didn’t know I could sometimes send you messages through the communication track of thoughts.”

  Mother and daughter clung to each other.

  “As soon as Brother realized what a kind and caring young woman you are,” Grace said, “he and his companions rescued me from one of the hidden cell pods. They’ve taken very good care of me and I owe them my life. If it hadn’t been for them, I’d have been exterminated with everyone else.”

  “In Situs were hoping to find your mother so they could kill her,” Brother said to Corona. “Just as they did her parents. I couldn’t let that happen to her, or to you.”

  Grace was saddened at the mention of her mom and dad, Linda and John, and how they’d lost their lives. She still loved them so much.

  At the mention of Linda and John, from a corner in the ceiling, a delicate fog swirled downward toward Corona and her mother.

  Grace and Corona stared wide-eyed at the mist. Neither of them were sure of what, if anything, they should do.

  The haze hovered over Grace and Corona’s heads for a few moments before lowering closer to them. It halved into two human outlines, each with their arms outspread, surrounding the mother and daughter. Bathed in a bright and comforting light, pure love emanated outward from the ethereal spirits to Grace and her daughter.

  Grace immediately recognized who the visitors were, and her eyes opened wide. “Mother and Daddy,” she cried out. She reached for them both as they transformed into their distinct human forms.

  “Gramma and Grampa,” Corona screamed.

  Grace, her parents, and Corona shared a luminous embrace of love and affection, the energy radiance of which, filled the room. They held each other tightly, sharing the joy of a family united.

  “We love you both, our Grace and our Corona,” Linda said.

  “We thought of you often and missed you,” John said. “Although we want to stay, we’re unable to remain here much longer.”

  “We came to let you know we’ll be watching over you always.” Linda said. “Our love will reach you wherever you are.”

  As the four embraced, John and Linda slowly dissolved into swirling mists. They wafted and entwined, each around the other and became one.

  The glowing spiritual entity that was once John and Linda, billowed away from Corona and Grace and drifted gently to a corner of the ceiling. Its departure was one of a dazzling burst of light.

  The remainder of Corona’s and Grace’s visit was everything a mother-child reunion should be. They hugged and smiled and shared their life stories.

  The time arrived when Brother and Grace had to return to their shared community.

  Brother parted with promises that when the timing was r
ight they’d return Grace to her birth world to stay. “We’ll work it out so your mother can live here again. It’ll be a shock for people at first until they get used to it,” Brother said.

  Corona accepted for now, she’d have to keep this wonderful secret from everyone. She envisioned the near future with Irma, Hale, Corona and Grace, together as a family, radiantly loved by Linda and John.

  Corona thanked Brother for taking care of her mother. She pulled him close and kissed his cheek.

  The misshapen being cried a tear for the first kiss he ever received. He bent over and covered his face with his twisted hands, his shoulders shaking with emotion.

  Once he was back in his dimension’s community, Brother contemplated the changes that Grace’s affection made to his life. Within his own veiled mind, Brother made a fervent vow to Corona - I’ll see to it, no harm comes to you, Corona. Marva’s unaware that Wheeler created many more misshapen beings like me and our kind have multiplied. We’re the united rejected with exceptional gifts of our own, who’ll monitor your well-being and future as it unfolds. Marva is also unaware of one other thing, the spirit-world dimension which is watching over us all.

  We shall see it goes well with your future, my Corona.

  The All will learn what your Brother and the others who love you, can do.




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