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Page 3

by Unknown

  “A place where you’ll be safe for now,” he said closing the door to the old model Ford Continental. The peeling rust and paint along the bottom of the car fell off from the vibration. He would dump the car later tonight and get a vehicle to better suit their needs; hence, a reliable car.

  Carla got out the car and leaned against the hood, her upper body bent over, her hand holding her hip. Zach watched her struggle to stand. “Does this place have running water and a tub where I can soak my hurting body?” she asked.

  “It has all the comforts of home,” he said walking up the steps to unlock the door to the cabin used by Special Forces agents working undercover. He would take her to an actual safe house as soon as he got his hands on a car that could handle the long-distance drive. For now, this would have to do; he was tired and needed an hour or two of sleep to recharge his batteries. Maybe then, he would be a little nicer to Ms. Parker.

  Zach let Carla inside the cabin. He went to the shed in the backyard to flip on the generator to get the electricity going and to turn on the water. The cabin was maintained by the FBI and not listed on any map or plat. The only way to find it would be to stumble across it by foot. That would not happen since the nearest habituated town was at least fifty miles away. This cabin was off the beaten path, buried deep in the woods and not visible from land or air. The FBI maintained several such residences of this nature across the country and around the world. These residences were so secluded presidents, and world leaders could be stashed in them in cases of emergencies.

  Zach returned to the cabin to find Carla standing in the dimly lit living room. She looked as if she’d taken the bumpy road to Hell and back. “Um, the bathroom is down the hall. It will take a minute for the water to heat and the lights to get brighter.”

  She nodded looking around. “There aren’t many windows to let in air. It’s stuffy and hot in here.”

  “There are reasons for that. Are you hungry?” He asked going to the kitchen. He opened the pantry filled with non-perishable food items and removed a box of dried pasta, jarred tomato sauce and bottles of spices.

  “A little bit. What I want to do is get a look at how bad my wound is and get it covered before it gets infected. You have some cuts and bruises that could use some attention too.”

  He hitched his chin. “I’m fine but there is stuff in the bathroom you can use. There are clothes in the closets too. It’s not a big assortment to choose from, but I’m sure you’ll find something to put on.”

  “Thanks for your help,” she said limping towards the bathroom.

  Zach ignored her comment and got a pot from under the sink filling it with water and putting it on the electric stove. He opened a side panel on the wall and turned on the surveillance cameras that kept watch over the property just in case he was followed. He knew he wasn’t followed, but it was for precaution. It was summer and that time of year when nature lovers went exploring. However, any intruders would be cut off by an electrified fence before getting close to the property.

  He washed his hands and finished preparing the food. Once it was done, he fixed himself a helping of the meatless pasta. He could use a beer to go with it but tap water would have to do until he got to a store to stock up on fresh food.

  Zach heard the bathroom door shut as he sat down at the table to eat. He picked up his fork and twirled the pasta around it and shoved it in his mouth. He chewed slowly thinking I guess I should wait for her before I eat. He shrugged his shoulders and swallowed. “Nah, she gonna be in the bathroom forever.”

  Chapter Three

  Carla stepped out of the tub taking the towel hanging on the rack to dry off. She gently rubbed around the wound on her hip. From what she could see, it was a flesh wound. The bullet had grazed her hip and opened the skin deep enough for it to bleed but not enough to require stitches. Observing the hideous mark on her body she was sure it would leave an ugly scar.

  She opened the medicine cabinet and found a tube of antiseptic cream and a box of gauze pads. Spreading the cream on the gauze, she tore off enough tape to make a bandage big enough to cover the half-dollar size wound. It was a good thing she had a tetanus shot when she took the home health aide position. But, she would keep a close eye on the wound to make sure it didn’t get infected.

  Carla looked at her hair in the mirror. Her freshly flat-ironed hairstyle had curled into a tangled black mass of kinks. She looked for a brush or comb in the drawer. Finding a brush, she pulled her shoulder-length black hair into a ponytail braiding the ends and securing it with a rubber band. “That was $65 wasted,” she mumbled. She applied antiseptic cream to the small scratches on her face and elbows. She cleaned up her mess and put the first-aid kit away. She picked up her watch to put on her wrist and noticed it was broken. Tossing it in the garbage, she washed her underwear and laid them on the edge of the tub to dry. She shook her head wiping her hands on the towel wrapped around her body. “I might have to wear someone else’s clothes, but I’ll be damned if I wear their underwear.”

  She went to the first bedroom she came upon and opened the closet to look through the clothes. It was mostly men’s clothing and hardly anything that would fit her. The few women’s outfits hanging there were business suits and a pair of jeans that were three sizes too big for her. She sighed and closed the door. Ruffling through the dresser, she found a white tank top and a pair of black silk basketball shorts. They were still men’s clothes but at least they were comfortable. She took a shirt from the closet to use as a robe and went to the living room.

  Carla smelled the pasta, and her stomach growled. “I’m done if you want to use the bathroom. You don’t have to worry, I cleaned up my mess,” she said walking to the kitchen. He didn’t even look at her when he spoke. She found his actions to be rude and disrespectful.

  “Thanks. When you’re done eating put the food away. We might be here for a couple of days.”

  Carla rolled her eyes upward. “You might be here for a couple of days—I’m going home and back to my life tomorrow.”

  Zach got up from the table and put his plate in the sink. “You aren’t going anywhere until I say so. Get used to your new surroundings and learn to like them.”

  Not feeling hungry anymore, Carla shoved the pot in the fridge and slammed the door. She walked over to him. She didn’t realize he was so tall until she had to look up to meet his gaze. “You are one rude ass! We’ve already established we don’t care for one another, but you will not disrespect me. I’m sorry I messed up your secret undercover assignment or whatever you were doing in that bus shelter. But, you will not talk to me like I’m a non-person. I bet if I were a perky blonde, you wouldn’t be talking to me like that. You’d be bending over backwards to help me.”

  Zach didn’t flinch as she ranted. “Go to bed and get some sleep. It’s been a long day.”

  She was tired, but now she was mad. “Screw you! I’ll go to bed when I get ready,” she barked.

  He gave her a cocky grin. “That’s the second screw you’ve given me tonight. I’ll need one more to be completely satisfied.”

  Carla balled her fist at her side. If she didn’t, she’d smack the cocky smirk right off his face. She didn’t care that he was an FBI agent; to her he was a man with a bad ass attitude. She didn’t like men with bad attitudes no matter what race or how handsome they were.

  She narrowed her brows and clenched her teeth. “Then get ready, here comes your big finish—SCREW YOU!”

  His deep laugh filled the small kitchen that had wooden floors and log walls. The whole cabin was that way. It was very rustic with no thought in the decorating process or any windows to give it a country-cabin feeling. It felt more like a prison cell with room to move around.

  He stopped laughing and glared at her. “You will learn to accept that this is not a game. You need me to stay alive. It’s my duty to keep you alive. We’re not required to like each other.” He moved away from the sink. “Good night, ma’am.”

  Frustrated, Carla walked
to the front door; she needed some air. Turning the knob, the door wouldn’t open. She looked for a lock or latch; there was nothing. She was trapped. She banged on the door with her fists knowing no one would hear her. Flopping on the uncomfortable couch, she bit down on her lower lip to stop her tears. “He’s right. I’m caught in the in trap of some unknown shit.”

  Cut off from everything, for God only knows how long, Carla stared into the distance not focusing on anything. She was at the mercy of a man who didn’t respect her as a woman. How was she supposed to survive being trapped with a person like him? It would be better to let her fend for herself. If someone came after her, she had enough sense to go to the police. A tear escaped her eye and ran down her cheek. “And to think I helped his ass; what a fool I am.”

  She blinked her eyes to clear the tears. Exhaustion was getting the best of her. Dragging her body off the couch she went to the bedroom. Opening the door, she saw him lying on the bed. Figures he’d take this room. She started to close the door but gave him a long look over. He looked so different now than in the bus shelter. Shirtless and wearing only his boxers, he lay on the bed sleeping. His arms were crossed over his torso that appeared well-muscled and moved up and down in beat with his shallow breathing. His legs were long and his thighs muscular.

  Carla didn’t move closer to him. He was a Fed and probably a light sleeper. He would detect her presence in the room if she got to close to him. She shook her head watching him sleep. She couldn’t recall the color of his eyes, but his hair was a soft sandy brown and cut short. He was good-looking with a hint of scruff covering his jaws. Too bad you’re such a prick. Otherwise, you’d be one handsome dude. She closed the door and found the other bedroom. Of course, it was smaller, hot and didn’t have a window. She took off the shirt and lay on the bed. With no windows to open to circulate any air, she doubted she would get any sleep in the sweatbox. She turned on her side and closed her eyes hoping that wouldn’t be the case.


  Zach yawned and scratched his head. It was hot and impossible to sleep. He turned on the light in the bathroom; it released a dull yellow glow. He figured the generator must be on the brink, or he didn’t power it up enough. He would have to take a look. They wouldn’t be able to stay in the cabin without using the air conditioners. He would check on it after using the bathroom. He noticed the underwear on the tub. He picked up the bra and dangled it between his fingers. The lacy blue material was slightly damp. He lifted his brow surprised how small the cups were. He hadn’t really looked at her other than her face.

  He put the bra back and picked up the matching panties. Spreading them open, they too were small. “Damn, how little is this woman?” He asked himself putting them back on the edge of the tub the way he’d found them. She already didn’t like him. He didn’t need her to think he was perverted too. Adjusting himself in his boxers, he flushed the toilet and washed his hands.

  He went back to the bedroom and put on his jeans and shoes and took his gun off the table. He didn’t expect to run into any trouble in the backyard, but there were wild animals roaming in the woods. He had to be prepared to defend himself.

  Walking down the hall he heard moaning coming from her bedroom. He grinned and quickly banished the thought from his mind. He doubted she was doing that. Zach shook his head and kept walking. He needed a vacation badly. The last time he’d been with a woman was too far from his memory to recall. For once he missed the feel of creamy, delicate flesh wiggling under him and running his finger through long flaxen colored hair as he stared into deep blue eyes and nibbled on rosy red lips as he pumped away inside her. He hardened as he imagined the scent women emitted when aroused. Yep, he needed a vacation to release a backlog of sexually deprived activity. However, one wouldn’t be coming until Leonid Yezhov was apprehended. As soon as the case closed, the first pretty blonde he picked up in a bar would be in for the ride of her life.

  Zach located the problem with the generator and fixed it. The lights and two air conditioners should work properly now. He closed the camouflaged shed doors and secured the lock. The heavy rain from Cleveland had found its way to Pennsylvania as he darted back to the house. In the kitchen, he heard the fridge hum louder. He switched on the air conditioner and felt the cool air spew from the vents. The lights had also brightened.

  Taking paper towels from the counter, Zach dried off his chest and arms and tossed the paper towel in the trash. He heard one of his cell phones ringing. It had to be the government issued phone because his regular phone wouldn’t get a signal out in the middle of the boondocks.

  “This is Murphy,” he answered.

  “Where have you been? I’ve been calling you for over an hour?”

  “It’s been a rough night and I fell asleep for a few hours. Do you have any information for me regarding what happened tonight? Lowes, how did Carla Parker end up at the bus shelter and where the hell was my backup?”

  “I’m working on getting answers to that, Murphy. Anyhow we lost track of Yezhov. You’re going to have to stay put for a few days until we a get a lead on him again.”

  Zach tapped his head with a balled fist. “How could you lose him? Time hasn’t elapsed enough for him to flee too far from Ohio. He has to be in the area. Yezhov will not leave Cleveland until Carla gives him what he wants or we catch him.”

  “Murphy, calm down and listen. We have ATF and FBI agents looking for him and won’t stop until we find him. We can depend on the ATF guys to share information with us. But, I have a gut feeling they want to be the heroes and bring him down.”

  “We can’t play this game with them, Lowes. I have a civilian that doesn’t have a damn thing to do with this case and is now asking questions. She’s also been hurt and can sue the hell out of the FBI. I would be dead if she didn’t step up, Lowes. As much as I hate to admit this, she saved my ass tonight and doesn’t realize it.”

  “Look, I know we let you down tonight, Murphy. I’ll get the group together to work on another plan. In the meantime, be as charming to Ms. Parker as best as you can. I know you don’t possess that trait but do what you can to keep her from getting antsy.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Has there been any word on the whereabouts of Tyrone and Phillip?”

  “No word yet on those two. We believe they split up and left the country. It will take us a little longer to get a location on them. Oh, but you can let Ms. Parker know that her mother and sister are safe. Just don’t let her know the role she plays in this operation. Yezhov is smart; he’ll try to get at her again the minute he learns she isn’t in our custody.”

  “This is unfair to her. She should know why she is involved. She thinks I’m the target and doesn’t have a clue I was sent to keep an eye on her.”

  “Are you going to tell her the two cousins that she has a strong relationship with are deeply involved in Yezhov’s gun and money smuggling operation? That Yezhov knows all about her because these men use the storage space she rents for them to stash his illegal weapons and drugs? He’s a fucking cold-blooded killer, Murphy. As long as he is on the loose, let her think she’s an innocent bystander, and you’re keeping her safe because of that.”

  “I love my job, but I hate the damn politics behind it. I’ll do what I can.”

  “I feel the same sometimes too, but at least we’re on the right side of the law. I feel for her because she isn’t aware of what those guys are doing and how they’ve gotten her caught up in their shit.”

  “Right. Lowes, work quickly on this. She and I aren’t exactly getting along. If we stay cooped up together too long, one of us will die—trust me.” He hung up the phone and lay on the bed to try to sleep.

  The next morning Zach went to the living room and saw Carla sitting out on the couch with her knees drawn up to her chest, and her head bowed between her folded arms. “Morning,” he mumbled as he passed her. Her head lifted, and it appeared as she hadn’t slept a wink. “What are you doing out here so early?”

  She rolled her sho
ulders and leaned against the back of the couch and answered, “That bedroom is a sweatbox. It feels a little cooler out here.”

  “I turned on the air conditioner last night. Your room should cool off in a bit if you leave the door open; you should be able to get some sleep.”

  “I’m fine where I am, thanks.”

  He went to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. “Suit yourself.” He noticed the clean plate and glass still on the table. “You didn’t eat anything last night?”


  “What are you planning to do—starve yourself? We’re going to be here a couple of days, so eat and find a way to deal with this. Going on a hunger strike is not going to speed the process along.”

  “I’m not on a hunger strike. I’m just not hungry.” She got off the couch and walked over to the small window.

  Zach got a closer look at her. She was wearing his clothes, and they swallowed her. The white tank shirt was bright against her medium-toned brown skin. Her dark brown eyes along with the facial expressions she made, showed the pain she was in. She had one dimple in her cheek that appeared and disappeared when she spoke. She also was a lot shorter than he thought. The loose-fitting clothes didn’t reveal her shape, but her arms and legs were lean. He hadn’t noticed that about her before. He put her height at about 5’3” and probably weighed a whopping 120 pounds if that much. Carla Parker was a little person with an enormous mouth.

  She stood on her tiptoes to see out the oval window. He could hear her sighing as the rain pounded against the ground outside. He also got a glimpse of the bandage covering the wound on her hip. It still bothered him that she was grazed by a bullet and not sure which gun it came from. The lab would determine which gun once the ballistic tests were done. He recovered all the shell casings from the bus shelter to hold as evidence.

  He cut his eyes away from her to finish making the coffee. He would have to leave her alone for a while to get groceries to stock the fridge. They couldn’t survive on just dried food; he craved protein in the form of a thick beefy steak.


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