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Page 10

by Unknown

  “I’m not marriage material, Carla. I’ve done a lot to get what I need from people. Women outside of my circle wouldn’t understand that and would look at me as monstrous or how you see me—as an uncaring and rotten person.”

  She crossed her legs picking debris from her socks. “I did believe you were that way at first but not anymore. I don’t have the ability to read people like you do. But what I do see is you protecting yourself.”

  He glanced at her and frowned. “Why do women have to see things about us? Just accept who we are and let it be that. I’m not ashamed of who I am or what I’ve done.” Why was he explaining himself to her? He didn’t care what she thought about him.

  “Man, I’ve hit a nerve. I’m going to shut up and let you drive.”

  His voice rose to cover the music on the radio. “No, don’t shut up now. Why do you think I am protecting myself, Carla? I can’t wait to hear your theory. You’ve known me three days and have me all figured out.”

  Her voice was soft as she looked at him with caring brown eyes. “I don’t want to argue with you. I’m tired and rambling because I don’t know what is going to happen to me. Maybe I just need to talk now because once I’m dead…”

  Her silence caused him to look at her. Tears slid down her cheeks. He pulled the car over and threw it in park. “Hey, I’m not going to let that happen. Carla, you have a whole life ahead of you. You’re going to live to do whatever you want to do.” He put his hand on her thigh. “You have to trust me.”

  “I do trust you. He’ll just wait until the coast is clear and then strike again.”

  “I’ll never stop hunting Yezhov.”

  “Oh, please; don’t make me any promises. This is not an episode of a crime show with the ending tied up in a neat bow. He’ll find a way to get me. You can’t protect me for the rest of your life, Zach.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “I won’t have to because I’m gonna get him.” He looked over the rim of his sunglasses to search her eyes. He was looking for any signs of reassurance that she accepted his words as gospel. Behind the golden flecks, he saw hope peeking through.

  A muscle flicked angrily at his jaw as he watched her dab tears away from her eyes. Yezhov was in for the fight of his life. The bastard made a big mistake going after this woman. Zach was determined to end Yezhov’s reign of terror with him dead. Not behind bars for the rest of his life, but dead.

  “Okay.” Was all she said after drying her tears.

  Zach’s mind was inundated with plotting and planning as he drove the long stretch of highway back to Ohio. His cell phone buzzed. He took it from the cup holder to answer. “Talk to me Lowes. I need good news about now,” he said looking over at Carla, who had fallen asleep. The chill from the air conditioner had her shivering at one point until he covered her with a light blanket. She fell back into a deep, peaceful sleep.

  “Murphy, change of plans. Your replacement will be at Ms. Parker’s apartment tomorrow morning. You’re going to Russia in the morning.”

  He kept his voice low. “Why the hell am I going to Russia?”

  “We received a tip from our informant in Yezhov’s camp. He believes he is there regrouping. I want you to check it out. If he is there, you know what to do.”

  “Wouldn’t it make sense to have our contacts there or have the CIA do a search before flying me there on a whim? Even if he is there, I’m not going in there blind. It will take me a couple of days to infiltrate wherever Yezhov is holding up. Especially, if he is hiding out in the mountains.”

  “You’ll figure out what to do. Be at Hopkins airport to catch the redeye flight in the morning. Your reservation has been made.”

  “Lowes, I don’t like going on wild goose hunts. I’ve been camped out for three days waiting for word on Yezhov. I don’t believe he’s in Russia. The timeline is not conceivable and it doesn’t sound right to me.”

  “Shit, Murphy, are you getting caught up with that woman? You’ve never questioned me before.”

  He kept his eyes on the road. “You know I don’t do that. And I’m not questioning you, but the person feeding you the information. Something’s not right.”

  “I’m not getting that vibe and I expect you to make your flight. Yezhov will not slip under our radar again.”

  Zach kept his temper under control. His senses were keen, and he never doubted them. That’s how he stayed alive. “Hey, is Barry back on the case?”

  “No, she isn’t.”

  “Who is the agent replacing me? I wasn’t conferenced in on a briefing or anything.”

  “I’m the SAC in charge, Murphy. I don’t have to run every detail past you; I do it as a courtesy and not a requirement. But, if you have a problem with that, I’ll take you off the case altogether.”

  He frowned, squinting his eyes at the phone. “I don’t have a problem with anything, but apparently your harsh reaction indicates something is going on with you.”

  “It is. I’m tired of losing to this bastard. I want him. I want Tyrone and Phillip too. But what are my chances of getting them if you’re cozying up to their cousin.”

  “Lowes, I’m ending this call while I still have a job. I’ll contact you tomorrow.” He hung up the phone and tossed it in the cup holder. He was pissed on top of his suspicions rising. It didn’t make any sense to send him to Russia when there were people in place to do a reconnaissance mission if needed.

  chapter eleven

  “Carla, wake up.”

  She felt the hand shaking her on the shoulder and knocked it away. She wasn’t ready to get up. She was finally enjoying the sleep that had eluded her the last few days.

  “Carla, you gotta wake up. You’re home.”

  She opened her eyes slowly recognizing the familiar buildings and the screeching voices of the neighborhood kids playing outside. Carla sat up and rolled down the window. The noise level and the aroma of neighbors cooking out meant she was home. “Man, it seems like I’ve been away from home for weeks instead of a few days.”

  “Look, I want you to stay close to me. Normally, I would have you stay put until I did a perimeter check, but there are too many people around for me to leave you alone.”

  Carla unhooked her seatbelt and folded the blanket lying across her lap. She didn’t know how it got there. “I recognize everyone outside. The people in this neighborhood watch out for each other, Zach. You’ll be the oddball around here.”

  “No doubt, since this is a predominately black neighborhood. There are only twelve families on this block that are not African American.”

  She yawned. “I forgot who I was talking to. How will I get in my apartment without keys?”

  He raised his brows. “Who needs keys?”

  “Yeah, what was I thinking? I hear a hot shower calling my name. And I can finally put something on these dang bug bites,” she said scratching at her arms and legs.

  Zach turned off the car not saying a word.

  They got out of the car and Zack unloaded the backpacks. Carla looked around and smiled. “It’s good to be home.”

  “Just be natural and don’t reveal to anybody where you were or who I am.”

  She slung the lighter backpack over her shoulder and glared at him. “How am I supposed to explain you? My best friend lives next door to me. We hang out all the time.”

  “You won’t have to. I’ll stay out of the way. Besides, I’ll be gone before you get up in the morning.”

  “What?” she asked surprised as they took the four flights of stairs to her apartment.

  Zach picked the lock and stepped inside the apartment to look around. Carla stood at the door impatiently waiting for him to search each room. She only had four and from where she stood nothing appeared out of place. The apartment was neat, the same way she’d left it that dreadful morning.

  “Finally, you’re back!” A high-pitched squeal of excitement came out of the blue.

  The excited voice came from behind Carla and she jumped around. “Tonya!” She dropped the back
pack and hugged her long-time friend. It felt good to hug a familiar person.

  “Girl, where have you been? I’ve been calling your phone and then it was cut off. I was worried about you,” Tonya said hugging Carla tight.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call but something came up when I was visiting Mom and Paula. Do you believe I lost my phone at the airport and had to have it turned off? I have to wait for a new phone to be delivered.”

  Tonya looked her over and frowned. “What the heck came up? You look a hot mess, girl. Look at that head of yours.” She pulled at the tight ringlets covering Carla’s head.

  Carla moved Tonya’s hand away. “I got caught in the rain. But, I like your new do.” Tonya’s new auburn hair color had long swirls of curls that fell past her shoulders and down her back. She was a professional hairstylist and changed the length, color and style of her hair often. She tried to get Carla to add extensions to her hair, but she refused. Her hair wasn’t flowing or naturally straight, but when she had it done professionally, it looked nice and she was happy not having to fuss with the extra care.

  “Get changed and we’ll run down to the shop. I can’t have you looking like Buckwheat.”

  “I just got home and I’m beat. Maybe tomorrow,” Carla said looking over her shoulder for Zach.

  Tonya smiled and hugged Carla again. “I know you mock the things I believe in, Carla, but I sensed you’d come home today.”

  Carla’s head was crushed against Tonya’s shoulder. Her long hair pressed against her mouth, Carla mumbled, “You did?”

  “Yes, and the timing couldn’t be more perfect.” Tonya released her and leaned against the doorjamb. “I met this guy at the bar last night and he wants to take me to Racino tonight. He called me before I left work this afternoon and guess what?”

  Carla felt a groan coming on. “What?”

  “He asked if I had a girlfriend that might be interested in meeting his successful friend.”

  Carla’s shoulders slumped. “Oh no! I am not doing another blind date with a friend of a friend of yours. That last guy had three fingers. Every time he pointed at something it was as if he was giving it the finger.”

  Tonya chuckled. “He couldn’t help that his fingers were gone plus he got paid for losing those fingers. Come on, Carla—it’s Racino on a Friday night. I hear it’s a lot of fun. Plus, they went to college together so I know he’s legit and has all his limbs.”

  Walking into her apartment, Carla forgot that Zach was inside. She turned around to go back in the hall, but Tonya was on her heels. “Not tonight, Tonya; I’m drained. I just want to take a long shower and sleep in my bed.”

  “Is he the reason you’re exhausted?” Tonya asked tapping a long fingernail against her lip.

  Cringing, Carla knew that meant Zach was standing behind her. How would she explain him to Tonya? Think fast, girl. What will she believe? Hmm, better yet, don’t say anything and let him come up with something. “Umm, this is…”

  Zach extended his hand past Carla’s shoulder and to Tonya before she could speak. “I’m Zach.”

  “Well hello, Zach,” Tonya answered in her flirty voice as she took Zach’s hand.

  Pangs of jealousy twisted in Carla’s stomach. Tonya was her best friend and also very attractive. Her hair might not be all real, but everything else about her was. She had a sculpted body of a model and was a lot taller. She was 5’7” with sexy dark brown eyes to match her coffee colored skin. There was never a day that Tonya was not well-groomed. Makeup, hair, nails, toes all had to be in place and match whatever hot fashion was trending at the moment.

  Tonya was also never without a man on her arm either. She dated them all, White, Black, Asian. It didn’t matter to her as long as they were established in their careers. And if they wore a uniform, it had to be one that called for the peoples respect.

  Still holding onto Zach’s hand Tonya cut her eyes at Carla. “So, how did you two meet?”

  “Um…” Why am I freaking tongue-tied Carla scolded herself?

  “We met at the airport,” Zach said. “Carla missed her flight in Florida and I helped her out.”

  Carla looked at Zach and smiled. He was covering the basics for her since she couldn’t come up with a credible lie that Tonya would believe. The first lie from her mouth would’ve been he’s a boyfriend, but Tonya wouldn’t believe it. She had given Tonya hell for dating outside her race one too many times.

  “How long will you be in Cleveland? I’d love to show you around town if you aren’t from here.” Tonya asked Zach.

  Carla was shoved aside since she was blocking Tonya’s path at getting closer to Zach. She tumbled on the sofa and frowned. “Excuse me for being in the way.” She folded her arms together and pouted as she watched the exchange between the two. She paid close attention to Zach’s reaction to Tonya. She waited to see if he showed an ounce of interest and if her flirting could penetrate his hard shell.

  As Tonya commented on his tattoos, her finger traced down his muscular arm. Carla’s blood pressure rose and pounded in her ears. Why was she jealous of her best friend flirting with Zach? She couldn’t stand the man. But for the last three days, he’d been her protector. And then they’d share an intimate night together. The night she would never be able to get out of her mind.

  Her pulse quickened when Tonya lifted her skirt to show off the tattoo on her upper thigh. Carla didn’t have any tattoos or piercing other than those in her ears. They had something in common, but Zach didn’t belong with Tonya. Not saying he belonged with her, but she wouldn’t be able to stand seeing them together if they did hit it off. It would kill her knowing Tonya was getting the pleasure that Zach had given her.

  Carla rolled her eyes wanting to smack herself upside the head. What was she thinking? Zach didn’t believe in relationships. His job would not allow him to have one. Carla released the tight breath in her chest knowing nothing would come of him and Tonya. He’d be gone in the morning and the agent replacing him was a woman and definitely not Tonya’s type.

  Bouncing her crossed leg, she listened to the conversation that she was not a participant in. Only Tonya was talking; Zach listened with the same stone face he always wore. The man was born without the ability to smile unless it was by command. She grinned inwardly knowing Zach would not make Tonya’s list of men to date once she got past his handsomeness and muscular body. She enjoyed parading the handsome men she dated in front of other people and watching them stew with jealousy. Zach was not the man for that. He was not a people person and very unlikely a party animal.

  Zach stepped away from Tonya. She had invaded his personal space, and Carla smiled that he had rejected her advances. No man ever denied Tonya.

  He walked over to the sofa and sat down leaving a gaping space between him and Carla. “I’m not from Cleveland and I’m leaving tomorrow morning.”

  Tonya tossed her head back causing the cascading flow of curls to sway across her bare back. She looked luscious in the short denim halter top and a matching short denim skirt. She parted her full lips seductively running her tongue across them. “Well, that leaves tonight. The nightlife in Cleveland is quite impressive. I’d be honored if you’d join me for dinner.”

  Carla rolled her eyes. She and Tonya never competed for the attention of the same man; she would lose hands down. However, the way Tonya was throwing herself at Zach was aggravating enough to make her forget they were best friends. “I thought you had a date tonight, Tonya?” Carla reminded her.

  “Oh, I can get out of that if Zach wants to go out tonight,” Tonya replied.

  Zach casually placed his arm around the back of the sofa and said, “Thanks for the offer, but I’d like to spend my only night in Cleveland with Carla. You understand don’t you?”

  Tonya lifted a perfectly arched brow. “Sure, I understand.” Tonya winked at Carla and smiled. “You kids have fun and don’t worry about me hearing anything. Seems I will be out all night after all.”

  Tonya turned around swayin
g full sexy hips as she walked to the door. The spiked heels she wore emphasized her long shapely legs. From the corner of her eye, Carla saw Zach watching Tonya. Sighing, she’d give anything to have a shapely body, but she was an athlete. Her body was lean and muscular rather than stacked and curvy. She didn’t understand how Tonya kept such a beautiful figure; she didn’t exercise anything but her mouth.

  Carla rubbed her hands down the front of her shorts. “That was Tonya. She’s a big flirt, but harmless.”

  Zach hitched his chin. “She’s forward and very aggressive. She should watch herself; the wrong man will take advantage of that.”

  “Please…men melt in the palm of her hand. I’m surprised you’re still intact,” she said joking. “Didn’t you find her attractive?”

  He leaned back on the couch and crossed a leg over his knee. “Pretty face, nice body but zero tolerance.”

  “Zero tolerance for what?” Carla asked confused.

  “I wouldn’t have the tolerance to deal with her. She is high-maintenance and requires too much work. I would get tired of working hard to please her and bail.”

  Carla hung her head and mumbled. “I don’t know, one night with you might change her ways.”


  “Nothing.” She got off the sofa. “Make yourself comfortable. I’m going to take a shower and then fix us some dinner. How does that sound?”

  “Don’t go through any trouble for me.”

  “It’s no trouble; I have to eat.”

  “Carla, are you upset that your friend flirted with me?”

  She scrunched up her nose. “What? That’s crazy. If you want to pursue Tonya go ahead; I don’t care.”

  “I don’t want to pursue her. But you do care and you would be upset if I had I accepted her invitation.”

  “Your ego is getting ahead of you. Granted, I don’t have Tonya’s perfect body or her seductive feminine ways, but I got the job done for you last night. Face it, Zach, you got your chance to see what it’s like to be with a black woman and your curiosity has been fed. At least for now it has.”


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