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Page 12

by Unknown

  “And do what if you get ambushed?”

  He lowered his brows. “Make a run for it, Carla. Remember, I’ll catch up with you, don’t come looking for me.”

  Zach moved to the door and waited for Carla to stand behind it. With the gun in his hand, he kept his finger on the trigger and unlatched the chain. Snatching the door open the gun immediately went to the middle of the man’s forehead that stood there. It took a moment to register but recognized the man as Rodney.

  “Dammit, Rodney! What the fuck are you doing here?” Zach asked as Rodney entered the apartment and closed the door.

  “Didn’t Lowes call you? I’m your replacement.”

  Zach secured his weapon and said, “No and I was expecting a female agent. How did you get on the assignment?”

  Rodney looked around the apartment and at Carla then smiled. “Lowes and I talked about that. Instead of using a female agent, we decided using me as a decoy would work better.”

  “What happened to your case? Has it wrapped up?” Zach and Rodney worked together for years in the organized crime unit. However, Rodney needed a change and went to work for the gang unit after an incident hit close to home. His brother was caught in the crossfire between two rival gangs and he vowed to get justice for his brother’s murder. It took several years, but Rodney got vengeance. The leaders of both gangs were killed in a shootout with police and FBI.

  Rodney dropped his bag on the floor. “I’m not on anything pressing. Things are slow in the gang unit, so I offered to help you out. I knew Berry wasn’t coming on board at the last minute. With you in Russia, Lowes thought I would be the best person to keep an eye on Ms. Parker.”

  “Why didn’t you call me instead of showing up at the door like you did? Rodney, you know how this works, man; we’re supposed to communicate with each other.”

  “I did call you; several times. I got no answer, so I had no choice but to knock on the door.” Rodney chuckled and slapped Zach in the chest. “Anyhow, I knew you’d answer; I know how you operate.”

  Zach rubbed the spot on his chest and frowned. He didn’t like the change in plans and not being notified in advance. Rodney may be the best choice to replace him, but Lowes’ switching up on him twice without any warning made him angry and more suspicious of his actions. He watched Carla rock back and forth biting on the tip of her fingernail. A sure sign she was also aggravated.

  “Well, is anyone going to introduce me?” Rodney asked standing between them. “I mean I should at least be on first-name basis with my current wife.”

  Rodney’s big smile didn’t fit in with the currently tense situation. Zach had a crying Carla in his arms two minutes ago attempting to give her comfort. Unlike him, Rodney would not have a problem soothing a crying woman. Although, he was a classified jackass when it came to women, they flocked to him.

  Zach released a sigh. “Carla, this is Special Agent Rodney Shell, we’ve worked together before.”

  Carla smiled at Rodney and then pulled on Zach’s arm. “Zach, can we talk in the bedroom for a minute?”

  He hunched his shoulders. “Yeah, sure.”

  Carla shut the door and glared at him. “He is going to replace you and wants to pass himself off as my husband? I don’t know if I’m comfortable with that.”

  “He was joking about the husband thing, Carla. Rodney is capable of getting the job done. I trust him with you.”

  She paced in front of the door. “Did you check your phone to see if he’d called for real?”

  Zach removed his phone from the case on his belt. “Damn, it was off.” He powered it up and waited. “Yeah, he did call,” he said showing her the phone. “You don’t have anything to worry about now, Carla. Rodney is friendlier than I am. He’ll actually talk to you and not bark orders at you. I just ask that you trust him and don’t give him a hard time.”

  She sat on the edge of the bed. “Fine, I’ll trust him. This is probably better for both of us. I mean we’ve shared too much as it is.”

  “I don’t get it,” he said flipping through his phone. He looked down at her and saw her curled brows. “Oh, I get what you meant. Hey, that’s forgotten about already,” he lied. He had to keep his attraction for her at arms-length for his sake.

  She got up from the bed and straightened the spread. “I kinda figured that. Well, I guess I’ll go make my new babysitter feel welcome.”

  “You’ll get along with him. He’ll act silly at times but when it comes down to the wire, you’ll be glad to have him.”

  She took his arm and pulled on him until he bent down to her. The light kiss she pressed on his cheek sent a sizzling hot streak down his spine. Taking a ragged breath, he stepped away from her to meet her gaze. The heat in her smoldering brown eyes caused his heart and stomach to do unusual flips.

  Carla held his hand and gave it a squeeze. “Thanks for everything, Zach. I know this doesn’t mean much coming from me but be careful in Russia.”

  “I’m always careful.” He watched her gaze drift away with a hint of a rueful smile. The twitching in his jaw wouldn’t stop when he commanded it. The urge to wrap her in his arms messed with his head. Women weren’t allowed to get in his head and confuse him. Women served one purpose, and after that deed was done, he had no use for them.

  She left the bedroom and he closed his eyes. A flash of them in bed together crossed his vision. Beads of sweat broke across his forehead. He couldn’t wait to get on the plane and get her out of his head. She was a distraction he didn’t need right now.

  Chapter thirteen

  Carla prepared a small container of food and stored it in a brown paper bag inside the fridge. She left the two agents in the living room while she cleaned the kitchen after fixing Agent Shell a plate. She could hear them talking. Agent Shell was asking Zach questions about her; his answers were simple and short. He didn’t say anything about her having a big mouth or being stubborn, which surprised her. He did praise her as a strong woman who could hold her own in a fight.

  She wiped down the countertops to end the eavesdropping on their conversation. Then she thought why shouldn’t she listen? She should know their strategy since it did apply to her. Agent Shell had been in her company all of two hours and knew nothing about her, where Zach had three days to get to know some of her fears and strengths. She would have to start over with Agent Shell by answering the same questions recounting the same steps. She sighed rinsing out the sponge. “I’ll try my best to contain my anger and smart mouth with him. I don’t want to have two federal agents hating me.”

  Carla leaned against the sink to stop the sudden throbbing in her groin. Zach would be leaving and it bothered her. How could a man she disliked so much have such a profound effect on her after one sexual encounter? Then she frowned, getting angry at how he dismissed what they’d done. It was no use in getting angry about it; she should embrace it as he had. She should forget it ever happened and move on. Carla bit her bottom lip. “Damn, I can’t forget the best sex I ever had.”

  She jumped as Agent Shell entered the kitchen carrying a plate. His deep voice filled the small space. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  She took the plate from him and put it in the sink. “It doesn’t take much to make me jump these days.”

  “Hopefully that will be over soon. We never stop until we get our man. I’m sure Zach told you that.”

  She nodded. “He’s a man of very few words but he did say that.”

  “He’s a deep kind of guy and people mistake him for being rude. He really isn’t a bad person once you get to know him.”

  Carla eyed the good-looking toffee-toned FBI agent that had a soulful swagger. She determined he was in his early forties. He had a head full of rich black hair, but no gray, in great physical shape and had a smile that could melt ice and was very infectious. He made her want to smile. She wondered how he worked with Zach with their conflicting personalities. “How does one get to know an impenetrable person like Agent Murphy?”

chuckled. “You don’t.”

  “How do you work with him? He’s so standoffish.”

  Rodney chuckled. “When we have a job to do, and we do it. How we feel about each other personally doesn’t matter. We just have to trust each other.”

  “That makes sense,” she said looking over his tall imposing body as he rested against the edge of the counter.

  His large hand rested on the edge of the sink. The gold band around his finger caught the light casting off a shiny glow. Married. Not surprising to her since he was attractive and had an exciting job. African American men such as him were in high demand. The first mention of his career and women undoubtedly flocked to his feet; and not just black women.

  Agent Shell’s marital status suited her just fine. There would be no danger of them doing what she regretted doing with Agent Murphy.

  Regret my ass.

  If she regretted it, why was it always on her mind to do it again? When she looked at him why did she visualize him in all his glory? Every detail of his body she could recall from memory. From the fine hair that covered his legs to the date tattooed across his chest down to the muffled grunts he made when aroused. And why, when he was holding her, trying to offer comfort, did she wish he would crush his soft but firm lips against hers with a searing kiss? Why. Why. Why.

  It didn’t matter why anymore. She was under the supervision of a new FBI agent and the gold symbol that claimed him to another woman prevented anything from happening between them. There would be no regrets with Agent Shell.

  Carla cleared her head. “Did he tell you our first meeting was volatile? I accused him of being prejudice because of the way he treated me. It didn’t dawn on me until the third day I was locked in that cabin with him that he’s just an intolerant person that doesn’t like anyone.”

  Rodney frowned and held up his hand. “Whoa, back off him a little; you’re going kinda hard on my partner. Granted he doesn’t have smooth edges but he’s not an evil man either. Zach doesn’t reveal a lot about himself to anyone, and that’s due to his training. Also, the stuff he’s seen and done has hardened him over the years, but not to the point where he hates everybody he meets.”

  “I’ll give you that since he saved my life. He also purchased a radio for me to listen to while I was jailed in that damn cabin. But would it kill him to smile once in a while? I feel for any woman who ends up with him. Peeling away those steel layers are gonna be tough for her.”

  “That won’t happen with Zach. He is not the type of man that will have a woman holding a hot meal for him at home. Nope, his need for a woman is very clear, and she understands that.”

  “Oh,” she said softly. “Her body is used as a vessel to please him only. Typical bullshit for a man like him; screw her and leave her.”

  Rodney shook his head. “Damn, that was mean. I have to say, Ms. Parker, you aren’t exactly coming across as too friendly to me right now. We’re here to protect you not to be criticized on how we conduct our personal lives. I apologize if you’ve encountered any unprofessional treatment while in his care. You have the right to report him if that’s the case.”

  Carla stood stiffly with her hip against the counter and her hands clenched together in front of her. Her beef with Zach went deeper than she was willing to admit. “He didn’t do anything unprofessional. I’m frustrated that I can’t walk out my door and enjoy my life right.”

  “All understandable, Ms. Parker. However, this won’t last forever.”

  Carla curled her lip and snarled. Her temper tantrum was uncalled for. However, she couldn’t pull back her claws and stop herself. “Like I told Agent Murphy earlier; that’s easy for you to say. Because once I’m dead, you two will move on to the next case.”

  Unlike Zach, Agent Shell didn’t let her words affect him. He winked and pushed his sexy lips into a smile and said, “We can’t predict the future, only each day as it is given to us. Why don’t you get some sleep? You look tired.”

  Carla was exhausted, and Agent Shell had read her mind. She planned to call it a night once she was done cleaning the kitchen. “I’ll get you and Agent Murphy some pillows and blankets. You’ll have to toss a coin to see who’ll get the comfy sofa or the back-breaking chair.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll work it out. Plus, Murphy doesn’t sleep, he catnaps.”

  Hmm she thought. Maybe that’s the reason he wasn’t in bed with me the morning after.

  Zach entered the kitchen. The two muscular men with very broad shoulders made the kitchen cramped and floor space valuable. Zach’s eyes traveled over her and Agent Shell before he settled on her again.

  Agent Shell cracked a joke, “It’s too close for comfort in here for me. Ms. Parker, where is the bathroom?”

  She pointed down the hall, and he left leaving her alone with Zach. Zach ran his callused hand across his face several times before he hitched his chin. “I came in for coffee, not to be nosy.”

  Carla’s body blocked him from the coffee maker. She slid a few inches down the counter to give him access to it. “Be my guest.” She drummed her fingers on the countertop watching him. Zach ran his tongue along the rim of the cup lapping the coffee before it overflowed. A sensation shot through Carla as she inhaled a deep breath.

  He looked up at her. “What?”

  Caught like a mouse in a trap, she pretended to stifle a yawn. “Sorry, I cut off my yawn. Um, I don’t know what time you’re leaving in the morning, but I packed you some food. It’s in the fridge in a brown bag.”

  He nodded and took another sip of coffee. “So did you drill Shell about me?”

  The melancholy she felt inside didn’t allow her a snappy comeback. “You have superpowers, Zach; I’m sure you heard our conversation.”

  “Every single word including how I use women to relieve my sexual tension. Did you include yourself in that?”

  An awkward ache balled in her stomach as he stared at her with different eyes. He appeared hurt. It was no wonder he excelled at his job; his outside demeanor was frightening, but inwardly he did have emotions. They were just buried deep.

  She lowered her eyes to the floor and spotted a plump black ant crawling toward the refrigerator. He must have seen it too because his big boot squashed it before it reached its destination.

  He wiped the remains of the ant off the floor with a paper towel and tossed it in the trash. Carla swallowed and shook her head. “I don’t think we should talk about that with Agent Shell here.”

  “Maybe we should have talked about it long before now. From what I gathered from your rant with Shell is that you’re pissed we didn’t cuddle afterward. I should have made you feel better and not used, Carla. I’m sorry I didn’t.”

  Whatever was between then was volatile and electrifying and it scared her. Was he really sorry or being facetious? She had to back off and not get into a confrontation with him. If Agent Shell came into the kitchen, he’d be sure to see the tension and ask questions. She rubbed the fatigue in her eyes. “I’m going to bed. Have a safe trip, Agent Murphy.”

  Zach gave her a curt nod along with a smug look. “You stay safe, Ms. Parker.”

  Carla rushed to her room closing the door. She stripped off her clothes throwing them in the closet. She threw on the short nightshirt that hung on the hook behind the door. The garment barely covered the top of her thighs and was perfect for sleeping in on a warm summer night.

  Angry at Zach, she ripped the bedspread off the bed and yanked back the sheet. She turned off the light and flopped on the bed lying on her back to stare at the ceiling. Shoot! She pounded a balled fist into the mattress. “I forgot to give them the pillows and blankets. Tough, they’ll have to make do without.”

  Tossing and turning from the pools of sweat snaking around her neck, Carla sat up. It was too hot in the bedroom to sleep. The apartment was not equipped with central air and the windows were closed tight. The only fan she had was in the living room. She fanned her face with her hand. The air in the bedroom was stagnant.

  I can’t take this! Carla got on her knees and cracked the window open over her bed. She was on the fourth floor and it was impossible for anyone to scale the back of the apartment building without a cherry-picker ladder.

  She let the breeze, albeit warm, bathe her face. “Ah, fresh air.” Looking out over the parking lot she wondered if Yezhov’s goons were lurking around and how much were they getting paid to end her life? They didn’t know her or cared what her plans for the future were.

  Carla’s eyes misted over listening to the kids who were out past curfew enjoying summer break. Their giggles cut through the silence and carried their voices over from surrounding streets. She glanced at the moon. It was bright and full and clear enough that the lunar highlands were easily visible. It was Friday night and if she wasn’t under lock and key, she and Tonya would be out living it up.

  At this hour, Tino’s would be packed, and she would be sipping on a piña colada or some other fruity drink while watching Tonya work her charm on every man in the room. Both would be dressed to impress, but Tonya always stole the show. It didn’t bother her that Tonya was popular with the men. As her sidekick, she got in on the perks but didn’t have to fight off the belligerence of men since she was often lost in Tonya’s shadow.

  Carla shoved away from the window and settled back in bed. Tears slid to the side of her face as she silently cursed Ty and Phil for destroying her life. She should’ve been suspicious when they asked her to rent the storage space. They were both driving expensive cars and throwing money around like it grew on trees. They should’ve been able to rent a facility on their own. It was clear now why they hadn’t. Her name was on the contract, and theirs wasn’t on it anywhere. If the Feds found what was stored there, she’d be facing jail, and they would walk away, knowing she had nothing to do with their illegal activity.

  A choking pressure built up in her throat, she wished she had answers why her cousins dumped such a criminal act on her. She would never think to do anything like that to them or anyone. Especially if it meant someone could lose their life.


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